Where does your character live?




Quinsisdos (The Magic MA Scrapper) - Galaxy City (formerly Steel Canyon)

Eientei (Warshade) - Rests nearby sources of energy

Distant Eye & Spectral Mirror (Mutants) - Rented safehouse in King's Row

Not thought much about my other characters, although one doesn't sleep.



Beet lives in a hidden bunker somewhere in the Terra Volta area.

Efranof doesn't officially live anywhere, but he has places to hide out in temporarily around Paragon and the Rogue Isles. Otherwise, he spends his time with friends or fighting villains.

Darvek and Spruk live about a mile off the coast of Sharkhead in their own 'mansion' on a secluded rock which on the outside looks like an overgrown shack with no signs of life.

Underthrow lives on Talos Island in an apartment. Storm Foot lives at the Steel Canyon University.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



All damz characters are born/live in atlas park. This is due to their personal nature in that they like to interact with random people in a social network while also helping out new heroes on their own destiny path.
Also because boomtown was suprisingly full

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



The only ones I know for sure:

Sonic Girl (Milly Temblin), lives in a small apartment block in Kings Row.

Mind Mantis doesn’t have a home so rests in the SG base on one of the sofas.

Miss Atom (Amber George), as a supermodel, aspiring actress and vocalist on the international number one tune "Love Beyond Love" desires both the best money can buy and easy access to transport links out of the city so she can get to those Hollywood A list parties, so it’s a penthouse apartment in Founder’s for her.



Not really thought about it for most of my toons

Coin is the only one with a definite home, he lives in Founders Falls, overlooking the top of the bay in an apartment he used to share with his ex before she became an evil back stabbing harpie

I think Silver Racer probably lives in FF as well, they both work at the University there, so it would make sense. Probably somewhere near the shopss

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Liberty Girl was evicted and now has a room in Unity Tower in Skyway City.

Columbia has moved back in to her big waterfront house in Founders Falls.

Bambi Delight got her old apartment back in Port Oakes but spends so much time in Paragon City these days she often stays in a fleapit motel in Kings Row.

Firearm lives in Kings Row with his sister.

Gingersnap moved to Croatoa, but when she loses control of the power to her demon half, apparently she likes to hang out in a big subterranean palace hewn from the rock by the Circle of Thorns. They're all dead now - she must have got the idea from Khorak...

Doctor Bindweed is rumoured to have taken over a partially drowned Arachnos laboratory complex in Faultline, but they say he still keeps a treehouse in Eden for the weekends.



A space station with LASERS!

[/ QUOTE ]




for the majority of my [u][b]characters[b][u]

this will do



Iron Inferno lives in his lab for him to perform upgrades on himself and recharge his life support systems. The more machine he becomes, the less actual 'sleep' he requires. I've never really thought about where his lab would be though.

Ghost Wraith currently lives in the abandoned sewer complex that makes up his lair, since being resurrected he can't sleep so he spends his time in there training.

Fenrir Blade lives in an apartment in Steel Canyon, his landlord isn't too pleased with the 'decorating' Fenrir has done with training dummies and umpteen swords.



Zortel (Zorielle Rolando), Xortel (Tessa Rolando), Fusebox (Hannah Rolando) and Jessica Kade live on an island in the South Pacific.

Storm Sapphire (Michael Preston) lives in an appartment in Steel Canyon, with Tiger Dark.

Juan Ross, Isaac Anderson and Sophie Reynalds live with Minako Nishzumi in an appartment at Steel Canyon.

Number Nine (Nene MacAllister) lives in the appartment block owned by Crimson Archer (Jay Reynolds) with her partner, Dee Dee Diablo.

Madame Midknight (Jane Darc) lives with her boyfriend Dark Stone (Jared Scott) in an appartment in Galaxy City.

Cauter (Lance Silverstone) lives in Atlas Park in one of the skyscrapers.

Cindersnap (Ryan Andrews) has his own appartment between Skyway and Atlas.

Alraune (Dinah Ewers) lives in a flat in Port Oakes, and on her visits to Paragon stays in a Hotel Geneva room on Talos Island.

Jan Boa (Jamelia Anbu) lives in an appartment above the EuroMart in Port Oakes, above her offices. She currently resides with her husband Eco System.

Loreseeker Yaris (Evan Yaris) has a place in St. Martial. It's mostly filled with books and magical experiments.

Arrow Azure (Shay Bennet) lives in a villa in Founders Falls.

Umbral Pulsar has a small place near the PPD station in Skyway City. It gives him easy access when people try to rob the bank to stop them.

The Maintainer (Edward Sawyer) lives in one of the new places in Faultline, considering he works there and helped build the place.

The Lyrical Cyclone (Rob Himezaki) lives in Vigilance Tower, as a member of the New Vigilants. Quickfrost (Terrance King) lives there as well.

The Moral (Isobel Chambers) lives in a mansion on the outskirts of the city, formerlly belonging to her late partner.



Thorny Devil lives in Hell. When he wants to rain terror in the Rogue Isles he enters through a portal in the Legion of Darkness's base.

Furious Thorny lives inside Thorny Devil, waiting to burst out.

Anthony Diablo lives in the Legion of Darkness's base. Keeps it tidy.

Lord Quagaar lives in Cap Au Diable. Usually hunting down Carnie Master Illusionists in Grandville or bashing Romans over the head with his trusty spade!

Slash and Carry has no home, but hangs about in Sharkhead a lot. He just loves killing Freakshow!.

Slice and Carry lives all over Paragon City in abandoned houses/flats.

Epimethius lives in Scotland. But whenever he is needed in Paragon. The Earth swallows him whole and spits him back out in Atlas Park.

Bio Lizard lives in Crey's Folly. The polluted air keeps him healthy.

Mercury Green lives in Founders Falls. Spends any free time hunting Crey snipers or fishing.




Dr Mechano/Darkness Redeemed (same character): currently shifts through many places in time and space to avoid those heroes/villain chasings him.

He has lived in many places, an abandoned house in Darwins landing, an abandonded house in Kings Row (so he can study SCIENCE! without disturbing people). He has labs dotted about the Rogue Isles and his company head offices/factory is located in Sharkshead Isle.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Dreamweaver is semi-retired and working as a paediatrician on Peregrine Island.

PowerStar lives in a secured flat at the PPD offices in King's Row, two doors down from Capt. Thunder.

Lady Grace owns a penthouse overlooking Steel Canyon.

Ranger Emily is converting and restoring an abandoned penthouse flat overlooking Perez Park with help from Ranger Marianne.

Goldblade is taking a sabbatical helping train the US Olympic fencing team, but normally lives in Talos Island.

Agent Flux completely retired from villainy. She has returned to restore her parents' vineyard in France, only visiting the Rogue Isles for special jobs. One of those "specials" involved the liquidation - literally - of the two assassins who killed her parents and framed her for the murder of Dr. Chronotis. In true Marseillaise style, their blood, bones and pureed flesh were mixed with liquid fertiliser and poured out over the fields that had so long thirsted for revenge. It was a vintage year.

Prince Vultan lives over a bar in Talos Island. He hasn't ever quite got the idea of this "rent" thing, but he's the best bouncer they've ever had and has a rich fund of stories.

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



Leo Wright is currently homeless but was living in Galaxy City. He destroyed most of the lobby of the hotel where he was renting a room and is currently AWOL from the new vigilants.

Wild Red has multiple bases scattered through the Isles for personal business. She also heads up a huge base for the Rogue knights. She has no fixed abode so she can hide more effectivly from hero's and bounty hunters. Mostly you will find her in Grandville. (or sneaking into Paragon City to cause trouble )

Devastatia is currently renting with her brother in port oaks. But that may have to change as he is totally overbearing and a control freak.

I have not really thought about my other characters.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red




"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"



Wilfred lives in a flat with immmensely stylish lamps and soft furnishings, with several other menfolk variously dressed as a red indian, a cowboy, a sailor and a builder. They get into all sorts of japes and occasionally break into song-and-dance numbers.

Incorruptible lives inside a giant invisible robotic dinosaur in the middle of Perez park.

Stronghold lives in a small box with his pet kitten, Bobbles. He emerges when he needs to buy milk or save mankind from dangers from another world.

DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.

Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!



Don't know. I've let them die too often and they no longer talk to me...



Carnifax lives in and helps run a shelter for misunderstood demons dragged here by The Circle or whoever (happens a hell of a lot), helping them integrate into life in Paragon City.

Maloth doesn't live anywhere, he just patrols hazard zones ad nauseum. Being a robot he doesn't particularly need to rest.

Attila the Bum lives on a park bench in Perez. When not picking fights with Skulls or Hellions over them.

Johnny Moronic lives in a loft in Cap Au stuffed with shiney high-tech toys, computers showing interesting screen savers (which he has no idea how to use) and lots and lots of chrome.



Most of my heroes are smart enough not to mix business with home life, and so live in the nice parts of Paragon City (those curiously blank parts of the map outside the game zones). Exceptions are:

WildeChild, who has rooms above the Wilde Bounty Agency's PC offices, in Steel Canyon.

And Kiken, who has a modest little place in Brickstown. He likes it when escaped prisoners or 'rogue' Crey try to mug him when he's not in costume

As for villains:

Major Trauma is hardly going to be so lapse in security as to tell you where his HQ is...

Tinker Belle lives in a submarine ('borrowed' from Arachnos) that cruises round the Isles. She sleeps in a hammock, to make extra workshop room.

And Velveteen sleeps wherever she wants, via the simple and cheap method of mind controlling the previous inhabitants into becoming her servants for as long as she stays.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Firefighter Frank lives in Steel Canyon apprently thats where most of the fires break out!
Fairy Fiery lives in Faultline, she helps out with the reconstruction and such
Sonikin lives in St Martial Casino because no one seems to care about underage gambling there



Gotta watch out for those Swedish Yakuza. Swiss army Katanas *nods*

[/ QUOTE ]
Krisprolls katana is what you meant



Mineralogist: An apartment overlooking the University in Steel Canyon. Convenient for her day job at the department of Mines and Mineralogy.
Ms Frobisher: Frankfurt, Germany. She's currently in the Rogue Isles for business reasons only, at any given time staying at whichever local hotel is most convenient for 'access' to her next target for 'auditing'.
Exobiologist: Talos Island. Which means she has to commute by ferry to PI to get to her day job at the Portal Coporation.
General Winter: Just outside the gates of Moscow. Where else?
Warped Child: Aeon City.
Undead Alice: Dark Astoria. The Banished Pantheon must PAY!
Another Mime: In an invisible box near the bookie outside the Arena in Port Oakes. That Mikey the Ear and Arbiter Unger haven't thrown him over the nearest cliff and into the sea, is due solely to Angelo Vendetti granting him a certainly amount of protection. Vendetti does this more because he currently finds it useful to annoy Mikey the Ear and Arbiter Unger than because he's interested in Another Mime's paltry 'insurance' payments.
Uncanny Child: She & her parents just moved into one of the shiny new apartments in Faultline.
Snowglobe: As a scion of privilege, quite clearly she's a Founders Falls girl born and bred.
Nasty Kitty: A beat up metal shack in The Circus, Crey's Folly that she won off a Freak Tank in a card game.



Ardent Resolve lives in a sheltered house for down-and-out youngsters somewhere secret in the Rogue Isles. He acts as custodian for them when not off on a photoshoot around the US and rest of the world.

Rumour lives in and owns the Ice Palace casino in St. Martial, having bought it outright with cash during a slump in business. Said business has improved by more than double since then, having an annual profit of US$1,000,000.

Hearth and Heart still lives in his King's Row apartment, having gotten used to the place. He still works for Bianco's Italian restaurant in Overbrook sue to enjoying the work and customers.



Isit Hotinhere lives, when not defending against hordes of baddies, in a Gas fire of someone's lounge, in Founders Falls.

Avril lives in LA. but goes to the Rogue Isles on a regular basis.

Cuppa Soup lives on a shelf in a cupboard in the same house as Isit Hotinhere.

Medi-Bot 4000 was last seen residing on a TV show called Look around you. He occasionally settles in hospitals in and around Paragon City, but generally doesn't require sleep or a place of residence as he is self sustaining.