Where does your character live?





Stronghold lives in a small box with his pet kitten, Bobbles. He emerges when he needs to buy milk or save mankind from dangers from another world.

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You found my box!! Can I have it back please? Devoid of cat poo though



Delph lives both at the Elfling base and in an appartment in Steel Canyon.

Darlis used to have a house in Steel Canyon, which was destroyed in a particularly catastrophic story, she's currently bunking up at the base and looking for alternative accomodation. Ideally without an unreliable house mate.

Glide and Zen Elfling both camp at the base, they're not known enough to be able to badger the city for housing yet.

Sic sleeps in The Tangle, and works at the SEC base creating all manner of monsters to taunt the heroic Elflings with.

Viscous lives at SEC, she's looking for accomodation, and has her eye on a house in St Martial.

Fade is a professional assassin she lives close to the mark. She will drop in on her creator (Sic Elfling) to harrass him, but she's very nomadic.

Booble has an island in the Indian Ocean, which is her real home. In Paragon City she sleeps in the HU base, or crashes at a friends house over in Kings Row.

Kliana roams the earth, she's a delightful creature and so full of energy that sleeping is of no concern. She may kip down if the need takes her, and it's always at the base, but most of her life is spent shouting at folks and hitting bad guys.

Both Paat and Deus Elfling are proud of their ELU base so bunk down there, though for Deus sleep is just a formality.

Uberdextrous is effectively just starting out his villainous career so sleeps where he falls. He would stop at the Discordia base but it stinks of pancakes and burnt flesh. He has no desire for alternate housing, and cant wait to be able to dangle Lord Recluse from the Tangle by his ears.

Dogsox has a horde of Ninjas to keep control of, he isn't allowed to sleep. Their base is at ANBU, but they rarely stop there.

Menacing Moo feels like a failure, she would sleep at the ELU base where she is a guest, but she feels that park benches are all she deserves.

Silicon Carnie is very new, and metallic, sleep hurts. Though she does have her eye on a house in Founders Falls (she loves the decorating) she has a long long way to go until she has the money for it.

I don't wanna save my soul now,
I just wanna lose control,
And even if it takes a lifetime, to learn:
I'll learn!



War Crow: Steel Canyon.
Jason Caine: Croatoa.
Operative Seven: King's Row.
Nitoichi: Galaxy City.
Velvet: Founder's Falls.

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Everyone supplied way more detail than I 'needed' (which is fine, I expected it really ) so I figure I'll expand a little.

War Crow: has a farmhouse in Wales which he shares with the love of his life, Stargazer. He also has a rented apartment in Steel Canyon which he uses when business brings him to Paragon. Running Paragon Secure Couriers now has him travelling the world, so he also has places to sleep in various cities around the globe.

Jason Caine: has a job teaching magical theory and history at the University in Salamanca, and so has taken a flat in the town. He doesn't actually need to sleep much, but prefers to under normal circumstances.

Operative Seven: occupies a service bay in a room on the second floor of the King's Row precinct building. She doesn't sleep, but does shut down for maintenance periodically.

Nitoichi: has a flat above the Junk Depot in the south east corner of Galaxy City. She works in the Wizard's Well down the road.

Velvet: was once an internationally famous glamour model (appearing in both the UK and US editions of Playboy), but she married a photographer and 'retired' to Founders' Falls. After her daughter and husband were killed in a bombing, she set out to get revenge against the Family for their deaths, but events conspired to have those emotional wounds healed rather faster than expected. While she still has the flat in FF, she spends a lot of time in exotic locations having her photograph taken and rarely goes out on the streets with her katana.

And I forgot Glory: who thinks she may have been a goddess at some time and appeared in Galaxy City, fully formed and dressed for no apparent reason. She doesn't have any requirement to sleep, being a coalesced energy form, but she 'lives' in the MAGI laboratories in GC where she helps the lab technicians by providing a readily available source of Netherworld energies. (She used to turn up at GG with wires sticking out of her bodice having forgotten to get them all removed before she left the lab.)

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Vox owns a few modest flats around the city, most of which he lets out. He has a home in England which is where his band records the albums.

He also has a large converted tour bus for road trips which is where he spends most of his time.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



The Chosen have a nice lil base hidden in the outskirts of Skyway...think Blade-esqe hidden base. The Keepers however don't want to tell anyone where they live being a secret organisation and secretly making things happen.

My villains however don't like company as much and live in various places in and around the Rogue Isles. The 4 core house of card members (club, spade, diamond and heart) live in an apartment in Nerva suspiciously leased out to Crey!

Kroq-Gar sleeps wherever he gets tired.

Delphina has a shack (which is actually quite nice inside...if you don't mind the wolf hair) somewhere in Port Oakes.

Elizabeth Bathory lives in Hungary and is just in the isles on business therefore uses the House of Cards base but only the really dark room. Sometimes Ghost Widow allows her to use her tower in Mercy...only right since she dragged Elizabeth to the Rogue Isles in the first place!

All my VEATS are Mercy dwellers...

Green Plague may sleep in his burnt out lab in Cap, may sleep cos nobody is certain if Green Plague is a robot or scientist gone wrong.

Screaming Skull also dwells in Cap, in a rather nice apartment with its own lab...perfect for storing her sonic devices or...er...skulls.

Far too many other villains to think about so I'm not gonna try...it is Monday after all.


I'm not changing this signature until I'm proclaimed 'King of the World'.



Heart Attack lives on the streets, being made of rock he likes to snuggle up behind the history plaques when he can.

StT (Elenor Wayne) is staying at her uncle Bruce’s penthouse in Steel following her expulsion from a well known English public school [you should be able to figure out which one from her name]

Azure Mask is staying at the YMCA in paragon city (outside the gaming area), being a retired Mexican Wrestler he's not really got the money for his own place.

The others I've not thought about which is sad as these 3 haven't made 50 yet but many other have.



Scarlet Shocker lives in the Shock Tactics base which is underground and accessed via the Kings Row cinema (which isn't actually a cinema at all, hence it's been showing the same billing since forever.)

Riffster is semi-retired now and lives in Croatoa.

Snowfreak lives in Talos Island

Proton Rush lives in Brickstown

Psyber Girl lives in one of the new apartments in Faultline

Scarlet Stinger lives in Port Oaks in one of the larger tenement buildings

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Psygon lives in Icon...



OK that one made me laugh

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



it's true... she does!

Sapphic Neko lives with Fluffy in a dungeon in st martial!



A lot of my characters used to live in Atlas Park. Then one day, Wentworths came along and my block of flats vanished. All that's left now is a door.


Knowledge Seeker, my arrows blaster lives in Kings Row though.

My villains all hang out in their base, which moves through the dark dimensions between St Martial and Grandville. It's getting rank in there now...

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



sorudo doesn't life on earth, but still, he just has an apartment in galaxy city.



A lot of my characters used to live in Atlas Park. Then one day, Wentworths came along and my block of flats vanished. All that's left now is a door.

[/ QUOTE ]

Something similar happened to Coin with his workplace! I had decided which building I wanted to be his lab in Founders Falls University, then it turned out to be the Midnighters base!!

Who knew??

Had to do a serious rewrite of the story I was working on

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



In my fan fiction (which is in my head at the moment) a lot of my toons live in the same place as they work for the same government agency.

Black Karhu - He lives in a secret government facility underneath Atlas City Hall but has a home in his native Finland (a few miles outside Helsinki). He has travelled the world though so is happy to settle anywhere

Tired Angel - He lives in a secret government facility underneath Atlas City Hall, he has no other home. He originally lived the life of a real angel but was banished after disobeying divine orders.

Tristar Phoenix - He lived in a small apartment in a run down area of Kings Row but had a short stay in the facility in Atlas before he died saving the city. Once he returned in the unwritten Praetorian earth saga of my fan fiction he moved in with the Warshade Omega Sentry in Steel Canyon

Shadow Mercury - His last known address was in Talos Island but that has been deserted and he now has a secret base underneath Boomtown

Baby Bam - She lives in a secret government facility underneath Atlas City Hall, although her parents live in San Fran

Bane Wolf - He lives in a secret government facility underneath Atlas City Hall although he technically owns his deceased parents home which is a few miles outside of Paragon City. He grew up in a woodland area further outside of Paragon city and is known to return there every so often

Charlie Bright - He lives in a secret government facility underneath Atlas City Hall, he has no other home. For a long time he had no fixed abode as he was a hired gun and lived out of hotels.

Omega Sentry - She used to live in a secret government facility underneath Atlas City Hall but moved back to Steel Canyon with her child and Tristar Phoenix

Greg Wise - He lives primarily in London, England, but does stay occasionally in the government facility in Atlas

Veiled Moon - She lives in a secret government facility underneath Atlas City Hall. She is banished from her family home in her home dimension.She has been known to go to Croata(sp?) but it is unknown what she does there.

Rendraka - He lives in a secret government facility underneath Atlas City Hall, although he has been known to stay with his parents in Galaxy

Human V2.1 - He lives in a secret government facility underneath Atlas City Hall, he has no other home. Well he is an android

Techno Titan X - He lives in a secret government facility underneath Atlas City Hall, although it is rumoured he has a secret base located somewhere in Independence Port. Before this he lived with his parents and then in university dorms.

Cyber Control Droid - She lives in a secret government facility underneath Atlas City Hall, although she does have an appartment in New York which she bought before joining the Army. She spent a long time travelling the world while enlisted in the army.

Plutonia Wood - She has a room in the government facility under Atlas and with her parents in Galaxy but is currently in a secure mental facility after after being tortured and used as a human battery by Dr Hooked

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Interesting discussion. Will be even more interesting seeing where all these characters end up living in the future .






Interesting discussion. Will be even more interesting seeing where all these characters end up living in the future .

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that some sort of cruel hint!? Tell us OR be tarred and feathered!

Contact Information!

Twitter: @TonyParkeze

Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyjp91

Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com



Interesting discussion. Will be even more interesting seeing where all these characters end up living in the future .

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that some sort of cruel hint!? Tell us OR be tarred and feathered!

[/ QUOTE ]

You'll have to wait a while yet .



Interesting discussion. Will be even more interesting seeing where all these characters end up living in the future .

[/ QUOTE ]

hummm how about a Moon Base?



Interesting discussion. Will be even more interesting seeing where all these characters end up living in the future .

[/ QUOTE ]

Is that some sort of cruel hint!? Tell us OR be tarred and feathered!

[/ QUOTE ]

You'll have to wait a while yet .

[/ QUOTE ]

Can you give us an estimated time, oh awesome GhostRaptorness?

/em fancybow

Contact Information!

Twitter: @TonyParkeze

Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyjp91

Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com



Lady Arete lives has a nice flat in Founders Falls.
Cyrene lives in a little apartment in the NHU base (also called the Maze)

But yes.. GhostRaptor.. could you give us a hint on when you can tell us? please? With Sugar on top.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Interesting discussion. Will be even more interesting seeing where all these characters end up living in the future .

[/ QUOTE ]

oh God so that's why they gave us a free trial of Tabula Rasa. City of Heroes is closing down.


Ahem pardon me

/em getcoat

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



But yes.. GhostRaptor.. could you give us a hint on when you can tell us? please? With Sugar on top.

[/ QUOTE ]

Before I leave the office



But yes.. GhostRaptor.. could you give us a hint on when you can tell us? please? With Sugar on top.

[/ QUOTE ]

Before I leave the office

[/ QUOTE ]

And what time does one normally leave one's announcement-filled office?

Contact Information!

Twitter: @TonyParkeze

Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyjp91

Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com