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  1. MaWomble

    Guess Who?

    Does it really matter why someone has returned...just glad to see a familiar face back.

  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    Curses... one day there really WILL be a Hamidon eating Atlas Park and then you'll be sorry you didn't look away!

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    A couple of years ago I spent time trying to find a womble spoon for eating lime jelly - then they changed the Hami raid.

    If he did attack Atlas, I'd be more than happy to grab my womble spoon and spray cream and tuck in!

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    Womble Spoon????

    So that where it went....oi give it back

  3. Was burnt out from PPV in L2 and wanted a mmo that didn't revolve around 24/7 botting, cheating and adena buyers.

    Read about City of Heroes and signed up Stateside even though I'd vowed never to touch another NCSoft game.

    Fell in love from the moment it loaded up, enjoyed the trial and discovered there was a European version so here I am.

    Took a few months break due to real life problems and now I'm back loving it more than ever and still managed to play with a broken arm over Xmas/New Year.

  4. Compared to other games especially those by NCSoft (I'm looking at you L2), this forum is a blessing and a pleasure to deal with.

    Sure I don't post much and am still learning the game despite having just earned my 15 month vet reward. So forum wise I'm still firmly in noobie land.

    For the most part folks are willing to answer any question no matter how dumb it may seem but they do tend to get a wee bit miffed if its one of the "OH NOES NOT THAT CHESTNUT AGAIN!!!" subject.

    You know the ones where the horse has not only been beaten and flogged to death but BBQ'd, eaten (with a hint of Texan chilli sauce) and its bones ground down and added to feed for the carrots.

    Like any group of folks there are clashes of personality but at least here there are individuals, not mass clones all spouting the same old ordained and pre approved rhetoric.

  5. I would really like to log on and play but if theres even a remote chance that thing are gonna go belly up then I'd rather not.

    It weird getting attached to a bunch of pixels on a screen but then again I tend to get attached to everyone of my pen and paper rpg characters (when I ain't DMing, which is rare).

    BTW would anyone be interested in an PBEM version of COX ?
  6. If I know theres no chance of the daughter sneaking a peek while I'll try to level 1 handed (roll on Feb). I will turn it off.

    People swear, its apart of life but since shes only 11, I'd rather she doesn't have it rammed down her throat (now if only I could do something about the chavs at her school).

    I mean if anyone got jumped in real life, the chances are they are not going be saying "oh deary me, I seem to be getting attacked by some toerags", no its going to be strong and loud and graphic enough to make a navvy blush.

    I am glad the filter is there though, and tbh I do tend to forget about it but I think that says more about the playerbase in CoX than anything else.

    It simply isn't full of foul mouthed idiots that must work out how to you all the names under the sun while circumventing the chat filter.

  7. Well, tis better late than never.

    HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!!!

    to all. Be you a Mother/Ma/Father/Pa, fluffy, smurf, rabbit, feline, of the golden kind, barbarian, rotund floatingness, ninja/samurai, fire, ice, all manner of ghosties/phantoms and other such freaky things, and the many others that make up this rather nice part of the web.

    Not forgetting the mods/CMs that have to put up with the drivel we all type.

    PVPers/PVEers/RPGers may you all enjoy the game in the coming year the way you like to play it

    And for those who are having a rough time, heres hoping that 2009 will bring you peace and comfort.

  8. Slightly off topic, but why oh why can't we have proper rotund characters.

    Huge is good but is lacking in the gut department.

    Not all superheroes/villains are freakyeaters/gym rats
  9. Merry Christmas to all from myself and the Womble family.

    Heres hoping that next year isn't going to be as bad as folks think.
  10. MaWomble

    Which Server?

    I am pretty much evenly divided between Union and Defiant.

    Though I tend to have more heroes than villains I do prefer the villains story arcs more.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    It's legal to kill a scotsman who walks through York City holding a bow and arrow......but it's not like anyone is going to do that is it?

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    The real kicker is they must also be wearing a kilt and on the bar walls, tried for years to get my ex to fulfill all of this but he wouldn't.
  12. The EU side of CoX may be limited in its size of community but the overall quality of the community beats pretty much every MMO I've ever played and I've been playing MMOs a long long time.

    As yet I've not got a character past level 30 due to the fact that this game is made for those of us that love alts.

    Sure its not the newest of games and in parts it might be a tad dated but it is great for unwinding after a long day.

    Also love the fact that pvp (not my personal fav) isn't forced upon those that don't want to do it.

    You can group as much as you want or you can pretty much solo to 50.

    At the end of the day everyone can play this game how they want at their own pace...sure there are some FOTM builds but you don't have to use them to enjoy yourself.

    I am really glad that CoX had the reactivation weekend, because tbh it was getting a bit boring trying to find a MMO that I could just sit back and relax with.
  13. MaWomble

    Its all shiney

    Ok, I have always liked the graphics in CoX, but since I came back due to the freebie reactivation weekend. It all just seems so polished and sparkling.

    And coupled with the fact that we now have shields etc tis too much for this ickle womble to take in all at once.

    Am loving the way the UI has had subtle changes (ie the badge section).

    You know, when I left, I really thought thats it (life was definately at a major low point) but...there is now a good chance I might have to resub. For I can finally create the toons that I've always wanted to but couldn't due to the lack of certain cozzy bits.

    Time for some mad roleplaying in and around atlas

  14. I agree it is a great game, you can be as casual as you like or go hardcore and grind it out to 50 in no time.

    Unfortunately due to lack of finances, cost of household bills getting a bit high. So something had to go and I'm having to cancel my subs

    Now if only the character creation wasn't so involved my hubby would have played...but like he said he doesn't want to spend hours on creating a character. So it would be nice if at some time you could choose between a quick creation mode and the normal complex one most of us love.

  15. MaWomble

    Back Alley Baby.


    And just wait til we start getting:

    "ok its 4am and I've just had to change the babies nappy tired" posts
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    and ye're about 15 years late too, Syndicate had animated Bullfrog ads running in the cities in 1993

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    YAY, Syndicate...sorry to go off topic a sec. But that has to be one of my all time favorite games.

    If that was ever made into a MMORPG, I'd be in heaven.
  17. MaWomble


    I did have a US trial account was gonna activate it but then looked into the game more and found there was a EU version.

    So my home is here and very happy I am too.

    And should it ever come to the choice of a merge with US servers(but I must be able to keep my characters names, couldn't even start to think about renaming would alter their whole concept etc) or quitting then unfortunately I'd quit.
  18. Pink Hart lives in Kings Row not too far from the PPD where her dad used to work before his "death". She still cannot arrest/kill/maim enough of the Circle of Thorns to make up for her loss

    Hart Noir, the "dead" father of Pink Hart, is currently residing in Port Oakes under the ever watchful eye of Lord Recluse (whos keeping an eye on his latest Hart had any choice).

  19. I personally don't pvp in games unless I'm playing UT.

    At least City of is not like another NcSoft title I could mention that I used to play, where you stepped out of town/starter village only to get the free port back because you had been 1 shot by a perma red thats way above your level.

    There is an added thrill to having collect badges in a zone where you could be attacked/killed at any time.

    I think the best way to think of it, is that those folks that like to pvp are more like mobs but with a better AI.

    Unfortunately I cannot really comment on the pvp in this game, haven't really tried it yet.....will take a look today and comment on it further later.

    Oh, the only thing that I really really hate with is passion is the childish smacktalk that you often get in a pvp situations. I roleplay alot (maybe too much) and will rp any death, which usually ends up me getting called a few names I cannot repeat here.

  20. [ QUOTE ]
    This thread got silly very quickly

    And if you're going to run around in tights in RL, then make them black - they go with anything, formal or informal.

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    You mean they do other colours apart from black

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    I'd say more CoH players refuse to acknowledge running around in tights

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    I don't know what you mean, I've never run around in my own tights.

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    So, you admit to running around in other people's tights then?

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    Don't we all?

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    I only admit to running round in my wife's tights

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    Well your life wouldn't be worth living if you were found running round in the neighbours tights!

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    But he is a very nice man

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    I have a pair of lycra leggings/tights that tend to go missing in really cold weather but they always turn up the wrong place mind you and sometimes covered in what smells like engine oil. Methinks it might be time to have a word or two with my nearest and dearest.

  22. MaWomble

    Null and void.

    Like everyone as pretty much said, play your game your way, at the end of the day...its your account.

    I tend to think of a roleplaying concept and background for my character and then try and find sets that fit.

    And since I'm still new to the game, its all trial and error.

    It doesn't matter what you play as long as you are having fun.

  23. I got a grand total of 0 levels because like a right numpty totally forgot about it until I decided to check forums around 10.30pm last night.

    My own fault for re-installing Diablo2.

    But I will get to 50 someday........maybe
