Null and void.
In a word: No.
In more: As long as I like playing those sets, I will play them, regardless of how crappy someone say it is, what kind of players someone says normally use them... sod them. My choice of character does not instantly make me a farmer.
Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."

IMHO: whoever said "farmers us X" or "you know a farmer beause he uses Y" is a gimp.
Play whatever you want to play. Farming has its place and if some people like to do it , then thats good for them.
My main is an AR/Elec blaster and I've been asked to PL players as I hang around AP (err, that is not meant to sound dodgy). - actually , anyone ever see any children in CoH ? seriously, where's little Timmy ? where's the Well? Where's Skippy?
same goes for many sets of the same type. so waht, make your own character. make a cool costume, make a good bio, play the character you want to play. The idea of a MMO is to have fun, not follow fashions.
I read how good Fire/fire tanks were and decided to see for myself as I hated the tank I rolled up before (super strength / Ice). have to say ,I quite like the fire / fire tank. makes me want to look at other tank varieties.
*awaits the pvp,farming flamefest and grabs some awsome pop corn to watch*
PS: I aint been put off by anything to be honest especially based on what other people play but thats just me
Well... Just as a generalisation, I'm not a huge fan of ANY of the melee AT's to be honest. I prefer blasting the <bleep> out of bad guys.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I have to agree with the others that have posted - If you like playing a character then play it, don't worry about others having preconceptions.
I know that many farmers use Fire/Kin controllers but that does not mean that every Fire/Kin is a farm toon. The same applies to Fire/Psi doms, Fire/Dark Brutes. Basically farmers like them because they are high dps and aoe heavy which can be a lot of fun to play in a normal team.
The best option you have if you aren't interested in farming is to add a comment to your search text to that effect - it certainly reduced the numbers of farm tells I receive on my kin.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
I play a pair of Fire/Kins... so no.
On the other hand I have been known to use them in farming missions.
So what if a set is considered good for farming or pvp or is flavour of the month?
Screw everyone else, if you want to play it - play it. If you find it fun to play - play it. Being turned off a set because it's popular or good at x is just as bad playing that set solely because it's popular or good at x.
People will always cast their own interpretations on you regardless of how well you play, just ask Defenders who have to put up with the Healer tag for the first 20 odd levels.
I did get a sense of regret when I found out that my latest Brute (SS/Fire) is a popular farming build villain side but so far, no-ones accused me of being a farmer/powerleveller etc and if they did, I wouldnt care. I play him for fun and if I get some good drops out of it, grand. If once I get higher, all I get are farm requests, I may have to revise my opinion (as I don't tend to farm but don't care if others do) but for now, Im enjoying the build.
As others have said, play what you want to play and dont give two hoots about what others make of you, regardless of whether its a popular build or not.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

If you avoided every set that was ever overly popular at one time or another you'd start to run out of things to roll. I've rolled a few fotms in my time, though quite often their fotm date had long since expired and instead they were a bit icky and had started to smell a bit. I've also played and dumped current fotm builds as I just found them uninteresting to play, and that included the fabled fire/kin.
I can't say any external influence has ever put me off a particular powerset, though I've put myself off a few after trying them for a bit. Roll what you find interesting regardless of whether or not it has become popular with a section of the playerbase, what you chose to roll and what you chose to do with it is no ones business but your own.
Personally, I prefer single target melee, reserving AoE for those things I tack on in the last few levels.
However, if someone says farmers use X build then what they are actually saying is: that build kills things effectively and in large numbers. So what's the problem?
About the only thing in game which puts me off playing something is someone who I think can play demonstrating that their build plays badly. What "people say" has no impact on me.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
I really don't understand why you would be put off just because the world and his mum has your powers...oh wait.
To be true tho, ppl can all have say fire/fire tanks and yet be different in what they're really good at.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Not by virtue of a toon being FotM or "Farmer's Delight". I got put off playing a character that was a midget because his point of view was too close to the ground, but I grew out of it.
Not by virtue of a toon being FotM or "Farmer's Delight". I got put off playing a character that was a midget because his point of view was too close to the ground, but I grew out of it.
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Helm, that one actually made my funny-bone ache. Stop at once.
Have you been put off anything in-game?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yup, deleted my fire/fire lvl 22 tanker because of the, at the time "upcoming" Acrobatics nerf.
Btw, I use a Spines/WP scrapper to farm in case you were thinking of rolling one
Well I must admit when I came back to the game after my year break (I8-I11) I was somewhat hesitant to play my I7 Fire/Kin troller because of the posts I saw on this board about farming in the post-Inventions game (sure, farming may have happened pre-I9 in some form, but we never heard about it much).
And I did once give up playing a TA/Arch Defender because I got sick of the "r u healor" /tells, and of being booted out of teams for being a defender without a heal, but then I was also sick of the low damage on that Defender too (and I've only played one Defender since - a Storm/Psy - which was subsequently deleted at L20 when Corruptors got /Storm and Blasters got Psy/ ).
But on the whole I don't care what others are playing - a lot of the builds I've made in the past have been/become popular because I like powerful builds/sets - so really I don't care what builds are popular now as long as I enjoy playing the characters I've made.
I still don't play that Fire/Kin though, nor Defenders - but then I haven't played anything on blueside in about 4-5 months so that's probably the real reason for it
Hey all.
... now I hear farmers like them sets also...
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Play what you like mate. Poeple said the same to me when I rolled my Pitchfork/Dungarees scrapper.
Like I said, its only fire/kin controllers and fire/psi dominators I'm never playing. Everything else I'd give a try till it either bores me or I enjoy it.
Btw, I use a Spines/WP scrapper to farm in case you were thinking of rolling one
[/ QUOTE ]
I wish my spines/invul scrapper was /wp. Invulnerability is [censored].
Hey all.
I would like to ask you all something a few of my friends have discussed recently.
I made a fire/psi dominator not to long ago, thinking it would be fun to play. Until I found that farmers tend to go for fire/psi dominators. Which put me off a playing it. I also have a fire/dark corruptor which I love playing, but now I hear farmers like them sets also. I have even had a few requests to help farm while standing next to the BM.
A friend also made a new SS/WP brute a few days ago, but was told farmers like to use them sets to, which has put him off playing it. Another friend has a level 50 fire/kin controller, but finds it boring to play. I see so many fire/kin controllers and fire/psi dominators that those sets have become null and void for me.
Have you been put off anything in-game?
P.S I know farming is a sensitive subject on these broads. But please lets try and keep this sensible.
I have nothing against farming at all, its just not my thing. Each to their own.
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I think you need to stop worrying about what other people do and just play the chars / game you want to play mate.
on another note , while playing on the US servers ages ago (before EU Beta) I played a emp defender meant as a healer. I wasnt used to healing etc and so had a bit to learn. This was not helped by constant abuse and calls to be kicked from the team by two scrappers whi regularly ran in against purple mobs and just expected my char to be there to back them up , even if my char was busy trying to defend himself from the other purples they aggro'ed but couldnt hold.
In the end, I had enoug of the insults, told them where to go , deleted my alt , logged in as my blaster nad follwoed them around sniping all their targets for a night, oh and hurling n00b calls at them which they didnt like very much
I now have a new defender , emp/arch , that I like very much and I am sorry that I deleted my old healer as it was a good laugh up until that experience.
Gave me a good insight into how tough it is for healers nad a new appreciation for what they do. I've always said thank you since then to healers in a group , especially when they save my squishy self from getting eh.. squished.
Like I said, its only fire/kin controllers and fire/psi dominators I'm never playing. Everything else I'd give a try till it either bores me or I enjoy it.
Btw, I use a Spines/WP scrapper to farm in case you were thinking of rolling one
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I wish my spines/invul scrapper was /wp. Invulnerability is [censored].
[/ QUOTE ]
As the others have stated, play what you fancy and you will have fun or you will delete it for not being what yuo want.
I have a WP scrapper and it was quite odd. Some traditionally difficult enemies like carnies and psychic clockwork are absolutely no threat whatsoever and others are so tough it is death by white minion. I've never tried invul as a scrapper, but on a tank it is quite good. I find it very consistant rather than the variability of WP but it is a personal choice. I love being in a team with kins but hate playing them myself.
Just put something in your search comment about not interested in farming missions then you have every right to tell them to politely sod off if you get requests. If you don't have anything down then you can't blame farmers for looking for the ATs that they want for their missions.
I honestly don't think it matters what your power sets are. I get very nice polite tells on most of my alts asking if I'm interested in joining a farming team quite often. The response I give depends on the politeness of the person doing the asking. Whilst I'm not into farming for the sole reason that I get bored with the same mish over and over, I actually find farmers are a lot more polite and respectful than a lot of pugs. I would much rather someone asked nicely "Hi, are you interested in joining a level x farming team" than a lot of the "U LFT?" that I get a lot. One is informative and polite and gives me the option to make an informed choice, the other (whilst not meaning to) comes across as rude and uninformative.
At the end of the day we all pay our subs and play the game the way we want to. I had an amusing argument the other day from someone who couldn't understand why I like to play an online game solo. Thats my choice. I do team, but not always. I pay my subs and expect others to respect my choices.
Pick the powers you want to and hang the rest. If it is fatm or the silliest build possible the choice is yours. Don't let others dictate to you the "proper" way to play this game. As long as you are having fun then nothing else matters.
Like I said, its only fire/kin controllers and fire/psi dominators I'm never playing. Everything else I'd give a try till it either bores me or I enjoy it.
Btw, I use a Spines/WP scrapper to farm in case you were thinking of rolling one
[/ QUOTE ]
I wish my spines/invul scrapper was /wp. Invulnerability is [censored].
[/ QUOTE ]
Invulnerability is great set imho, I wish my Kat/Inv was DB/Inv or Spines/Inv for better AoE and nice secondary effects instead of the Katana [censored].
It certainly sucks against psi dmg unless you have an uber expensive build, true, but great set indeed.-
i dont know if im the best person to answer this coz i tend to work a set to try and do something with it people tell me cant be dun.
as for being scaed of a set because farmers use it cant say iveever let it stop me but i do understand whats its like to have a toon farmers like to hide behind to make there life easyer(my lvl 50 granite) but i didnt make hime to farm with and ggeneraly avoid farm teams like they have a very nasty smell.
my advice is work what you like despight hat people say ingame if you work a set and do it well people wont care if others use it to farm or not just that you use that set well your way
There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's
Darklords of the Underworld/Lords of Light forums [url=""][/url]
Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50
I've been told from time to time that Regen is useless/overpowered and about to be nerfed and that a melee AT is no good for PvP and so on - just play whatever you want to play, and play however you want to play
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I'll probs never make a fire/kin because i'll admit im one of those people that thinks "another PL noob" when i see one (regardless of level).
I REALLY want to make a blaster, have soooo many concepts in mind but my playstyle always has and always will be to make a toon be flexible in any situation. Need toons that can be dmg/support.
After playing a warshade to lvl 45 and a pb to lvl 26 (then deleting), i just cant bring myself to make a PB . . . . . imo the WS just destroys it even though i know my PB was pretty darn good
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Hey all.
I would like to ask you all something a few of my friends have discussed recently.
I made a fire/psi dominator not to long ago, thinking it would be fun to play. Until I found that farmers tend to go for fire/psi dominators. Which put me off a playing it. I also have a fire/dark corruptor which I love playing, but now I hear farmers like them sets also. I have even had a few requests to help farm while standing next to the BM.
A friend also made a new SS/WP brute a few days ago, but was told farmers like to use them sets to, which has put him off playing it. Another friend has a level 50 fire/kin controller, but finds it boring to play. I see so many fire/kin controllers and fire/psi dominators that those sets have become null and void for me.
Have you been put off anything in-game?
P.S I know farming is a sensitive subject on these broads. But please lets try and keep this sensible.
I have nothing against farming at all, its just not my thing. Each to their own.