DXP. how'd it go for u?




as done before. what ya get up to during it? how many lvls did u get done? inf?



For the time I was on it was great... lots of levels and got a few new characters up to a decent spec in a short time! However... with it being a really busy RL weekend I didn't get very long to enjoy it as much as I'd have liked

Roll on a "Double XP week" sometime, I would say... for those who have work-etc commitments at the weekends! (perhaps around CoH Launch anniversary time, wink wink...)



I leveled my second main from lvl 15 to 32. Yay finally have Nova.

Completed: Faultline Arc, Citadel TF and nearly Croatoa arc (on last contact iirc 3 or 2 missions left)

Funny thing is i didn't have much inf. Maybe because i didn't bother to go WW and sell stuff and deleted them instead.




Roll on a "Double XP week" sometime, I would say... for those who have work-etc commitments at the weekends! (perhaps around CoH Launch anniversary time, wink wink...)

[/ QUOTE ]

Second that!

I was working 12 hour shifts friday saturday and sunday, (I'm a nurse)has happened quite a few times on DXP weekends.

Maybe DXP tokens? I realise the devs want an 'event' feel that this could negate, but maybe even a half token, ie for those who miss th eevent, a 12 hour DXP token that is triggered when first logging on, (a 12 hour token could go a long way if someone played an hour a day etc)

Would take a bigger brain than mine to work out the details, but where there's a will there's a way?


Currently mostly playing:
Indiana Ford: PB, Lady Izza Tramp: Ice/Ice Tank, Stanley Orange: PB, Pu Wu Rad, Storm Troller.
Tao Te Tzu, Stalker.



Biggest acheivement was getting my blaster, Triggerfinger from level 29 to level 38, via Citadel, Manticore, and Numina and hence earning Task Force Commander. Inf? no idea. I felt pretty short at the end of it.

Funnily enough its the only time I updated from level 30 SO to level 40 SO in one jump... I just levelled so quickly and didnt have the time to do the appropriate store mission to unluck level 35/40 SOs. I cobble together some ugly build at level 37 from IOs which cost far to much!

Otherwise, got my tank to level 43! Highest level tank ever! woohoo!



Made a controller version of Fluffy Handcuffs and got her from 1-22. Then got bored of her and played the Scrapper version of Sapphic Neko from 21-43.
Then squeezed in two levels on my Psi blaster Sangeki Neko.

Been a good weekend



Got a couple of levels on my Scrapper on friday before I went out for the night (was only on about 90 minutes)

Farmed myself some inf on Sat cause I woke up too early for the SG team, made 50 in just under an hour

Played in the GoEH SG team on Sat morning, got from 35(or 36 maybe) to 39 by lunch time then switched to my MM

From sat afternoon and sunday's play got my MM from 23-35, and spent inf rather than making it. So ended up higher on levels on both sides, higher on Inf on heroes and lower on inf on villains

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Most of the weekend was spent on my Granite/Dual Blades Scranker who I think I got from 37 to 48. Also completed Lady Gray TF and Shadow Shards TF #1 with her, so now I have nice talsorian and rularuu blades to hit things with. Also got my empath from 47 to 49.5

All in all, good weekend

[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url="http://www.the-cow.net/"][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url="http://www.collegeofwar.com/"][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]



Got a few levels on minor villains on Defiant (couple from about 12 to 15).

Got my stone Tank from 42 to 44 on Union.

Also moved my Fire blaster c.2 levels to about 44.

Moved from mind/storm from about 18 to c.25.

Decided to get a presence on Union CoV and so spent Sunday levelling an new MM to level 23 (iirc part of the weekend with your VEAT). After a lifetime of 27 hrs, this is now my 3rd highest villain...

No idea INF wise - not particularly good, partly as I was playing low-mid levels.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Finally got my MM who was sitting at 43 to 50 and unlocked the VEATs, which means I now have two level 50's, one villain, one hero.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I stuck to one alt – Captain Fire Forged, and got him from 18 to 34. Faultline, Striga and Croatoa all done. I Picked up a few good pieces of salvage, and one exceptional enhancement, so totaled 37 million at one point. However I was disappointed to see that the market piranhas were out in force (knowing that demand would be increased), some salvage was hitting record highs. So I took a beating and ended up with about 26 million. Not too shabby.

@Boy Wonder

Quantum Flash - Ill/Kin Controller
Leader of the Legion of Heroes



Got a couple of levels on my Peacebringer, which was excellent, and spent most of Sunday exemped down on my main, having a blast with some friends as they levelled and levelled and levelled and levelled...

I think the best was one character who got from L5 to L22 before we finished - we weren't even trying, with frequent rest-stops, casual mishing and generally chilling out. It was brilliant fun.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Finally got one of my oldest toons, my fire/thermal corruptor (Fallen Celestial) from 40 to 50. Dinged 5-0 on the ITF with 6 determined heroes - Thanks again to you all for showing real grit and sticking it out, even though we got pounded again and again by Big Rom.

Made a new Dom, Deliriare, very late saturday night and managed to get her from 0-24 in one days play teaming with friends and pugs.

Thanks to anyone I teamed with over the weekend it was lots of fun



I had a very successful weekend (though very villainious as I only played CoV this time).

My inital plan was to level my Dark/Dark Corr (Laughing Harlequin) from 44 to 50 this weekend.

I managed to get him to 50 on Saturday Noon.

Then I created my first Arachnos Soldier (Roguefang).
Leveled him to 24 (around 11pm yesterday).

Tried to level my Dom (Droigheann) a bit, but then my client crashed. When I got that fixed it was too late to play.

So I logged in back with Roguefang and respected him to be a Crab.

And before people think I did only game on the weekend, well I worked on Friday and then went to the shopping center with my GF as I promised it to her.
Did a walk on Saturday after lunch and then in the evening went to see Wall-E.
On Sunday went to an Italian Restaurant for lunch.

The reason for me leveling so quickly was mostly great team.
Me, Laughing Harlequin, Roguefang and Droigheann thank everyone we where teaming with.



I think I gained a kilo or two from all the baking and cooking I did...



Created a baddie for pvp which i wanted for a long time, and now Kinkerbelle my Fire/Rad Corruptor went from creation to lvl 34 =)

Special thanks go to Globey who helped me after lvl 23 make the most of the dxp time. xxx

Carlsberg don't do Farming,
But if they did..........



Due to my rampant altoholism and a wedding I was not able to get a large number of levels on anyone character, but i was able to take my elec/wp brute from 41 to 47 so im happy with that.

((on that note, when did elec/wp become so fotm? I when i rolled mine as soon as i11 came out elec was really rare, usually only used by concept elec/elec brutes. But this week i saw a ton of elecs/ and especially elec/wp. I don't feel unique anymore, sniff))

@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!

Imaginary Inc.

Twitter me!



Got a bit silly with PI3 appearing on a few ocasions.

Got a blaster from 40 to almost 47, my troller from 35 - 42 and raked in about 120mil inf and well over 100k prestige on my scrapper.



Only seemed to get playtime for one toon, but was happy with amount of levels got under her belt.

Went from L15 to L35 on my Widow

Defiant: Snow + many other alts

Arc ID 61069



Started off pretty slow but it got much better. Got my second main blaster from 32 to 42, mainly through Pretorians and Cimerora. Also got a few levels on a shiny new corruptor.

"Maybe in the end, what makes heroes into heroes...is that we're just too stupid to quit."



Crab Spider: 49 > 50
Tanker: 43 > 50
Bane Spider: 38 > 48




Played in the GoEH SG team on Sat morning, got from 35(or 36 maybe) to 39

[/ QUOTE ]This.

Also, got my Wolf Spider/Crab Spider from 2 to 32.



Got my MM ->35. A Dominator from 8 ->16. Troller from 40 ->42. PB from 47->50 on LGTF. And scrapper from 8 ->16. And a few other lvls... Much alting this weekend...

Cunundrum, Defender (Generic Supergroup 101)

Other servers too.
New Global: @cunundrumEU



Did a 15-32 run on my Bane Spider over Fri/Sat and 12-16 on Sun with a Corruptor



Got my almost newly created Warshade from 16-22, my Fire/Fire Scrapper up one level to 33, my empath from 35-41 and got two villains (A brute and a Spider) to 12 from creation.

Much fun, including the ITF from hell with only 6 toons after 2 had to go, no debuffs and no scrappers. Took us 4 hours, but we did it.. talk about a sense of achievement!

-Defiant Server-
H: Wolfsbane(50 MA/ReGen), Orthoclase(50 Stone/Axe), Dreamhunter (50 Ill/Storm)
Daybreak(50 Fire/Kin) Tygrrforce (50 Hooman PB), Tygrrstryke(50 NRG/NRG), EbonWolf(50 WS)
V: Spektor(50 Spiddy)