DXP. how'd it go for u?




I also like to take this time and apologise for my jousting on Sunday .

[/ QUOTE ]

That's just totally unforgivable.

[/ QUOTE ]

And what about the other 3 odd years you've played the game, huh Max?

I quite enjoyed the weekend, although I actually got some sleep.. unlike a few other crazy people!



I got a little bit of Inf, a litle bit of Prestige, and, best of all, I finally did the new TF for the first time - 4 of the team hit 50 on it too

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Oh yeah and my empath was driven mad by that team for the ITF, although GG seemed to have a perma rez/wakie/whatever. O.o I think I rezzed you once in all the debt fest that the TF became.

-Defiant Server-
H: Wolfsbane(50 MA/ReGen), Orthoclase(50 Stone/Axe), Dreamhunter (50 Ill/Storm)
Daybreak(50 Fire/Kin) Tygrrforce (50 Hooman PB), Tygrrstryke(50 NRG/NRG), EbonWolf(50 WS)
V: Spektor(50 Spiddy)



Oh yeah and my empath was driven mad by that team for the ITF, although GG seemed to have a perma rez/wakie/whatever. O.o I think I rezzed you once in all the debt fest that the TF became.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, I keep making Awakens from spare insps, and that keeps me going between my self rez recharge time

And while the TF took a bit longer that the time quoted at the start, it was still lots of fun - even the high maintenance Mastermind added something to the experience

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Alot of lvling basically

1 - 50 on a blaster
43 - 50 on a fender
37 - 40 on a troller
1 - 18 on a brute



Myself and bushbaby got our villain duo from level 28 to level 40. Very enjoyable.

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



didnt get started to sunday afternoon then had to do a few hours work sunday night but still managed to get from 45 to 50 on my second controller, made about 50Mill thats been spent already



Most of the weekend was spent on my Psi/Psi blaster.

She went from 29 to 49 and along the way found some Pangean Soil, 2 x Prophesies, Hamidon Goo and Essence of the Furies but no recipes worth recounting

Fun weekend, thanks to everyone I teamed with from Psyber Girl and hope you all had a great time too

[/ QUOTE ]

As I was one who teamed with you Riff I had a great time mate. (Gas Mantle)

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman



To add to above post.
Friday Afternoon and Saturday afternoon and night was spent getting Gas from LvL 36 to 46

Sunday i spent on Villains with Evil One who went from about 25 to 35 . Thanks to Mini-Champ for the Villains team. I can't remember who set up the Heroes teams

Great fun I was in some really great teams really enjoyed it Thanks all

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman



i had trouble getting decent teams too, and my connection was better in teh past, but I got my Tanker from level 37 to 44 (aim was higher). then I did level a level or two on various atls. I must say though that I felt the drops weren't to great and the selling prices were low (buying prices were unusually high: 300.000 inf for a level 20 common IO is in my opinion ridiculous, and it wasn't a accuracy or so...). I played yesterday and the prices did improve, but still are on the high side for my taste

overall i enjoyed the weekend



buying prices were unusually high: 300.000 inf for a level 20 common IO is in my opinion ridiculous, and it wasn't a accuracy or so

[/ QUOTE ]

but a level 20 IO recipe only costs c.10000 at the workstations... 16000 for an accuracy... surely buying at that price is just lazy!



I like the fact that Scientific Theory (Common Tech Invention Salvage) fluctuated in price over the weekend from...

18,000 inf...


300,000 inf!

I went Freak farming for a while. Cheers to all the odd people who were willing to pay that much!

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



I think it went pretty well for me, didn't set myself any targets so I wasn't rushing to level certain characters and just enjoyed teaming with friends all weekend. As for what levels I actually got, they were:

Night Widow 39-40 (I didn't really want to play her as I'm enjoying getting her to 50 by normal rates)
Controller 5-23
Scrapper 33-36
Blaster 16-22
Wolf Spider 6-20

So, yes, pretty happy with those results



How did the DXP got for me? To be honest, it felt overall like a bit of a damp squid.

I was off work for the week leading up to the weekend so I had a cracking time then hitting the big 50 on Eleven, Ranpu Tenrai (Super) Eleven and my Warshade, Adam Dennison. In particular the team I was with playing Eleven as we attempted the Imperious TF. Holy [censored]! That is one awesome TF has to be said. It was a shame we could not finish it as we did not have a suitable team build to take down the final Nictus essence that spammed essence drain on our team. My line of thinking was to get them to 50 before the weekend so that I would not be tempted to help ding them over the weekend and spend the time trying to get some of my lower level alts up a bit.

The main character I wanted to work on was Leon Tasker who had been stuck on Level 30 for quite some time. My plan was to get him to Level 40 minimum so that he would be a little more effective in teams in future with more attacks at his disposal. I managed to achieve this aim, but it felt like a 16 hour slog to do so. It started so well on the Friday morning. The first team I was with were all cracking. I believe everyone on that team had managed to jump 5 levels in the space of around 3 hours, doing a combination of radio missions and story arcs with hardly any standing about doing nothing or any long defeat downtime. Alas, we disbanded for lunch and I did not see any of them again.

After that, it just seemed like an almighty pain to get the other 5 levels down. Teams would gather and disband just as quickly, or there would be a lot of standing around doing nothing while those on the team who were mates with each other would talk about whatever random subject that wanted to chat about, and get shirty with those of us asking nicely if we could move onto the next mission.

Saturday was defiantly the best day. My plan for Saturday if I managed to get Leon to 40 was to spend time with my Night Widow, Senshu Hitoku on CoV and try to get as high as I possibly could in the day. Even with a 2 hours gap away from the game in the afternoon due to a chiropody appointment, I managed to get Senshu from Level 25 to 40! For the bulk of the day I teamed with the same team. I apologise right now, I do not have the names of the toons at hand from where this is being typed out, so I hope some of you are forum users and reply to this to say who was in the team most of the time.

It was one of the best teams I have had the pleasure of playing with on the red side. It was one of those teams that just seem to have the right balance and had complete synergy. Very little was said to each other on strategies before taking on types of mobs as we all just seemed to figure out what everyone’s strengths and weaknesses as we went along and played in such a way that we cut down all forms of mobs with ease.

Sunday came and the plan was to head back over to Heroes to try and get Iron Works (Level 33) and Steel House (Level 31) from the low 30’s to the high 30’s, if not as close to 40 as possible. Given what happened on the Heroes side on the Friday, I was not confident that I would be able to achieve 40 with ether character with ease as I had managed on Villains. Again though, the morning started pretty good with Iron Works. The team was not as tight as the one with Leon on the Friday morning but we did pretty well seeing off at least 3 or 4 levels. Again though, the team disbanded by lunch time. And then the day just got tiresome! I somehow manage to stagger on with Iron Works between soloing and the odd small team that would have me and managed to get to Level 37 but then it stopped dead for him. I could not get myself onto a team and no one would join me in an attempt to build my own because it was not possible for me to get anywhere near a full 8. I gathered that I would be better off firing up Steel House and get him around the same level as Iron Works.

It did not get any better. I only managed to get Steel House one level up running solo. Not once did I managed to get Steel House onto a team. Continuing to solo with him did not appeal much to me as it was taking to long for him to get through missions. I got fed up in the end and dotted between toons for the remainder of the evening.

I went back to Villains which seemed to be the only place I could get anything done and got Senshu up another level to 41 but left him there as I wanted to do some arcs at some point before out levelling them. That and some serious lag kicked in that made the game un-playable for a while. I got my Stone Tanker up a level to 41 but that also got boring, still not managing to get onto teams on the blue side.

I finished off the night with a quick run with Leon again just to see if he was any good solo now with new powers. Did not seem too bad, but still wanted be involved in teams but again no luck. After that I called it a night.

So to be fair, I only really had one day over the weekend that I found successful and enjoyable. It is because of that day that I can say the whole weekend was a damp squid. If it was as bad as the other two days, then I would have said it was a complete Epic Fail!

The only other positive I got out of the weekend was that it brought my cousin back to the game in almost a year and talking to him on the mic while the weekend was on, it sounded like he enjoyed himself making some new toons and getting them up to the mid 20’s. I’m hoping this time around he manages to keep being able to pay to continue to play.

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



I clearly wasn't trying hard enough I note some folks got characters from 1 - 50 over the weekend? Crikey!

Anyway, spent the weekend villain side - got Shadowcall from low teens to lvl21. Not as high as I was aiming for, but not bad either. Didn't really get that much influence, depsite storming through several mini-arcs. I guess the problem was that I was soloing it for most of the weekend. I did join a couple of PuGs but only for short periods. I managed to get a Kismet: Accuracy recipie thoug, which made me a tidy profit. Nice!

highlight of the weekend though was getting the Surging badge from taking down Deathsurge. Good fun!, and a blur of FX

Missed opportunity for me then. Like I say, probably because I didn't get much teaming in - it seemed that everytime I managed to get PuG, something in RL caused me to have to logout for a bit.

Thanks to those I did team up with, especially the gang who took on Deathsurge.

Cheers, @RoboTank

Robotank Inv Tank
Cloudwalker MA Scrapper
Shadowcall Dark Stalker
Stone Death Stone Controller
Solaise Fire Blaster
Confession Dark Blaster

Sent from my HAL 9000



Unlike Robo I teamed almost all the time I was on (most I've teamed for some time). I was also with some of the nicest players you could hope to meet. First time I've really gone for Double XP. I think it won't be the last.

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman



I got 1-50 on a new brute



Shiver . Ice/Empath Controller


Necromozone . Necro/Dark Miasma Mastermind

Tils - Bane Spider




Most of the weekend was spent on my Psi/Psi blaster.

She went from 29 to 49 and along the way found some Pangean Soil, 2 x Prophesies, Hamidon Goo and Essence of the Furies but no recipes worth recounting

Fun weekend, thanks to everyone I teamed with from Psyber Girl and hope you all had a great time too

[/ QUOTE ]

As I was one who teamed with you Riff I had a great time mate. (Gas Mantle)

[/ QUOTE ]

hehe small world huh? Likewise!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



To me, DXP weekend showed how the game should be. not the double xp (though that was nice, blaster from 37 to 46 is a great leap toward 50 ). Nope, I mean the teams.

the only time I had trouble getting a team was when they were all full , even then, I generally started a team and ended up merging with another or being invited to join a higher level team.

makes me sad now that I'm back to over an hour team hunting or starting a team and seeing empty slots on the team roster

anyhoo, Evangel (lvl 46 blaster) thanks all who teamed with him - Giantess Anja, Ms Microwave , gas mantle at one stage , Sidney and all the rest (I forget all the names, sorry!).



I think next DXP weekend we'll have to start a thread entitled "Just how badly did you out-level contacts?"

The worst example I saw over the weekend was approximately 12 levels according to their mission list.



I think next DXP weekend we'll have to start a thread entitled "Just how badly did you out-level contacts?"

The worst example I saw over the weekend was approximately 12 levels according to their mission list.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh possibly my situation will be same again. My only "old mission" was Atta at the beginning of the DXP because i choose to outlevel and drop that one. After dropping it i finished Search Sam Wincott on saturday while i was lvl 20 something during a break from Faultline Arc. Even i jumped a few mission forward in Croatoa i am happy i can still continue and probably finish the arc.

Only things outleveled by me are bank missions and their temp powers. No self rez for my poor blaster even he had his first debt badge at lvl 32



Crab Spider L42 > L48
Mind/Psi Dom L30 > L36

I hadn't levelled that dom since I7 because it seems so slow at defeating things compared to all of my other characters, but DXP made it a bit more bearable - even so I wish I'd made it to 38 for PSW, which was my aim. In retrospect I'm wishing I'd played my L43 stalker instead of the dom as I bet I'd have made L50 with him (the L40s always seem faster than the L30s to me). I'd also been hoping my friend and I would get L50 with our VEATs during DXP, but in the end it wasn't to be.

So not as much progress as I'd have liked, but acceptable enough I guess



Finally got a 50 on my second account during dxp, 2 even
39-50 with my fire/ss tank
1-50 with a sonic/psi
1-40 on a kin/ice

also about 500mill inf, tried to get 5th inf badge on my badge hunter, didnt work Got about 200mill to go i reckon.

Thanks to Mad Darkness, Shotta, and Falcon for keeping me company during most of it. Also thanks to Max, Tomy, narc, and others to let me join them at insane hours .

All in all, great weekend, only 200mill left now after IOing my son/psi.