Kheldian naming?




My PB is Sunguard, I'm very happy I managed to get that name in Freedom before anyone else snatched it up.



Originally Posted by Sayaki View Post
I was playing with a friend's WS and one of her Dark Extraction Pets floated past me in combat. All I could think was that it looked fluffy.

The name just stuck in my head....
...Somehow, I got it past the creation screens.

I play the WS, Fluffy.

Evil beware!
Add this one to the list of names I wish I'd thought of.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



I've got a little-used Kheldian named Guy Gemini, implying both the zodiac constellation, and the duality of the character.



My Warshade is named Alaestor. It's a name I used in DAoC but around which I adapted his backstory. He goes by the name of his first human host.



I admit, I was not creative. My PB's name is Luminousflux and my WS's name is Luminous Void. I admit, I like the WS name better, feels good with the dark/bright effect of the powers.

A note from my family on the CoH/V shutdown:



My WS is Marion Cobretti


A couple of this, a couple of that.

Join Liberty



I just discovered something rather amusing. I took some cliche' english hero names, and translated them to Latin and it sounds MUCH cooler. lol

Keep around the notion of Stars & weather. That's what most are focused on.

My PB's name is Speedy Avenger, basically because when i started the game alot of my toons were focused on "speed" based names.



You just used extracted essence!



I've got Gloriously Bright the Peacebringer, and Azeria the Possessed who's a Warshade.

The Warshade is the one with a real backstory; she's a former minor sorceress of MAGI that a Nictus attempted to take over. She threw all of her magic into a spell of binding that allowed her to dominate and enslave the Nictus instead of the other way around. So she's only a sort of "technical Warshade" since the Nictus isn't reformed, just dominated. She can't use her former magic since it's all bound up in controlling the Nictus, but is fairly satisfied since the Nictus powers are more impressive that her magics were.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
She can't use her former magic since it's all bound up in controlling the Nictus, but is fairly satisfied since the Nictus powers are more impressive that her magics were.
Well ... that's one way to bootstrap your way into Necromancy ...

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Neither of mine are particularly great... but my Peacebringer probably takes some kind of cake in the "goofiest name/what the hell were you thinking?" catagory.

His name is Mist in Moonlight.

It's as cheesie as all hell and I know it, but it's a combination of the original names of the two halves... A bright-phase Elysion warrior named Shining Mist, who I'd originally planned to make a MA scrapper, and a Kheldian linguist called Moonlight Poet, who was born from a conversation about aliens with day jobs that I'd had with a friend. He's a fun guy... He'll happily debate alternate, minimalist readings and the visual symbolism of e.e. cummings' poetry with you while viciously scattering villains' protons halfway into next week.

My Warshade is pretty pedestrian in comparison. She's Alshain; named after a bianry star. The two partners in that pair are a Striga-born, Goth-girl barrista named Alicia and Aquila, formerly the alien half of a Galaxy archon... Al and the Archon (His name was Carlo-) were childhood friends who had remained close, even after he got recruited into the Council. Her influence on him had a lot to do with Aquila reconsidering the whole "mind-controlling nictus-gig" in the first place, and fusing with her after Carlo's death was the final push it took for him to go completely over to the Warshades' side.

Unlike Mist, who's in the 'One Person'-camp, I still tend to think of Alshain as "them"... two distinct individuals... rather than one combined entity. In human form , she's very much Al. In nova or dwarf form, he's all Aquila.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Heh. So it's been a while... bit of sampling:

PB -
Therra Paladina. First PB made, an extension of my first 50 - so just a rename on the last name. More named for the attitude she was bringing (giving herself a mission of sorts) than anything to do with being a PB.

Aria Hightalon. Y'know, if we'd had bird pieces when I made her...

Cassius Lumens - the "lumens" should be obvious, and Cassius... well, he's a fighter, and Muhammad Ali's birth name was Cassius Clay. Converted a Nictus to Warshade - Maj. Carinae, named after a nebula.

Voidbane, I mentioned earlier.

Machaseren - part of a pairing with Mabsuthat (a warshade,) both names (IIRC) for the same star, 31 Lyncis.

Turisa Lightfoot - Just liked it. Turisa because she's... a tourist. Made on Union when the lists were joined.

ws - aside from the two previously mentioned -
Penitent Shadow - should be fairly obvious
Chicago Cat - "cat" being the short form of her name, a former detective (both police and, later, private) from (duh) Chicago who found it a good idea for her continued health to move.

Sternteufel - just because.

Violet Flame - for the look.



I had just gotten my first 50 when I had to immediately make my first Kheldian. Sadly, I was not yet inspired with one of my usual puns and I had to come up with something quickly. Area Man was the level 50, so the PB became "Aerial Man"

My Warshade was later. Since her powersets were Umbral, she became "Umbral-La," who seeks to shield the Citizens of Paragon City from the reign of evil.

Then another Warshade on a different server had a long backstory: young Sue Sherman (her parents were tanks, of course, who had been killed by the Council) found a dying Nictus named Shee T'kar. To save the life of the dying alien, Sue agreed to merge with the Nictus to become: "Sue-Shee"

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



My Warshade is Sorrowdancer, the Nictus' name being Harmony of Sorrow.

Other Kheldian names I've used in Harmony's backstory are Scourge of Eternity, Harbinger of Twilight, Black Hole Sun and the Peacebringer general, Wrath of a Newborn Sun.

What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?

PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes



Kheldian names i've used that were actually chosen with their Kheldian nature in mind:
Violet Aster (WS)
Space Pirate Miko (PB)
Void Annihilator (WS)
Valkyrie Kosmos (PB)
Blacklight Neko (WS)

Less serious names:
a flying pig (PB)
general incompetence (PB)
DragonnadZ (PB)

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



My only Kheld is a 50 WS named Special Agent Nacht.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Ingame Name: The Darkstar of Alfheimr

Host's name: Alfrhelga - Alfr means Elf, Helga means holy or blessed.

Host's race: Ljosalfr - Old Norse Light Elf

Kheldian's name: Bound in Umbral Shadow

Kheldian's faction: Warshade

Current level: 3! (My first Keld ever.)

Ingame description.
The Darkstar of Alfheimr was a happy go lucky ljosalfr (Old Norse for Light Elf) named Alfrhelga living on Alfheimr (realm/planet of the Old Norse elves) walking happily along one day she noticed a meteorite descending from the heavens with the most unusual purple hue to it. Hurrying to where the meteorite had fallen she discovered a strange nebulous energy, but what surprised her at the most was when it talked to her. It said that it was a Nictus know as Bound in Umbral Shadow, it claimed to be dying. It said it had taken part in a great battle that resulted in the destruction of a star that had thrown him across the universe. During his begging he asked her to fuse with her, making promising great power in return. Although Alfrhelga could sense the creature's evil she simply could not allow him to die. Instead she made Umbral Shadow swear an oath upon Odin's name that would only assist her in using his powers for the benefit of others.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



My first lvl 50 was named Kaltor(Dark/Dark/Dark defender) and the story line was that my main became the host for a Kheldian. Since his new powers were opposite (Light) I just reversed his name and called him Rotlak. Once we were able to change names, I changed it to Proton Sentry. I like the way that sounds better and now he doesnt have a back story.

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



I now have Voidsinger, a multi-form PB, Star Tiger, who will go Bi-form, and Avataar of Light, who will remain Human.

Be Well!



Event Effect warshade
Astronaut pulled into an Event Horizon where Nictus have been living,

Astro Glaze Peacebringer
Ultimate entreprenuarial spirit of both worlds collide to create a product called Astro Glaze. A Kheldian Lubricant that helps you "slide" on it to different forms without the chafe!



I had deleted my old PB but I have been wanting to try again, so here is a new concept I just rolled.

My "human form" Peacebringer is named Red Cap. He was a standard run of the mill Red Cap rascal named Throat Shot in Croatoa until he ran across a dying PB named Lethe that had been separated from it's host. The PB had the choice of joining with the Red Cap or dying, and offered to join with the Red Cap. Throat Shot saw the opportunity for power and accepted. Unfortunately, Red Caps aren't as suitable for bonding as humans and both Throat Shot and Lethe lost all memories of their former lives. Their minds became more closely joined than any other kheldian joining and created a new personality.

They took the name Red Cap as that was what someone screamed when seeing them stumble into town. The new personality has taken the path of the Hero, and now tries to protect the innocent by applying it's natural energy with the savage ferocity of a red cap.

Costume is close as possible to mimicking a NPC red cap in game. Huge body, minimum height, playing with head scale sliders, Santa Hat, and resistance beard.



My peacebringer is Seminova, though admittedly that makes alot less sense now that she spends most of her time in human form. Still better than Semidwarf, though, that would sound abit silly

That said, a very frustated Shadowstar baptized my warshade Zemblanity (the opposite of Serendipity) because she felt he was a magnet for trouble. Zem didn't want to use an alias, but thanks to the nictus messing around with his head all his memories are false, and even what he believed to be his real name actually belongs to someone else.



My new peacebringer is Daring Sky. Both her halves have histories of suffering, and shyness born from it For both of them, the new partnership is a chance to do exciting heroic things they'd dreamed of but were afraid to try alone.



Pretty much anything day/dawn/light/sun/star works pretty well. I got lucky and snagged "Day-Breaker", perfect for my vigilante, ex-criminal Peacebringer out to redeem himself (by punching things).

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



I named my peacepringer Gliese, after the distant red dwarf star