New idea to possibly decrease farming.




Increase xp gain for street hunting!

Right now you get double debt for dying outdoors, maybe it would be a good idea if you got double xp too.

If street hunting was good xp maybe people would do that instead of farming ae, also it would fit in the game thematically, would be cool to see teams of heroes cleaning the streets/villains taking over the streets.

Hazard zones wouldn't be so barren anymore either.

When the game first came out I really enjoyed finding a team in the hollows or boomtown and just exploring and hunting and getting great xp.

Anyone else thing this would be a good idea?



I think this is a Fantastic idea. Maybe not DOUBLE. But an increase would be cool.




The whole reason that XP was increased and debt halved in missions was to get people teaming instead of just constantly farming street mobs in hazard zones.

It'd still be farming, and it was farming then, only we didn't have IOs or markets so it wasn't seen as a problem then, so its not exactly a solution.

There will always be farming of one sort or another as it is the nature of certain sections of any given playerbase to find the most efficient methods of gaining the maximum amount of rewards possible.

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



The whole reason that XP was increased and debt halved in missions was to get people teaming instead of just constantly farming street mobs in hazard zones.

It'd still be farming, and it was farming then, only we didn't have IOs or markets so it wasn't seen as a problem then, so its not exactly a solution.

There will always be farming of one sort or another as it is the nature of certain sections of any given playerbase to find the most efficient methods of gaining the maximum amount of rewards possible.

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Yeah, I understand that. I also understand that you can never "fix" farming, but I thought this would be a good compromise because it at least fits into the game thematically and would be more interesting then doing the exact same mission over and over.



I dunno if it'd be any better than farming missions, overall. But it would make pretty much any server feel -vastly- more alive, with more people flying about, smacking people off rooftops and whatnot.

Though End-Game farming would be inside missions, since the streets of Peregrine and Grandville would be -bare- from all the street-farming.




Actually, I love taking my scrapper and tanks into hazard zones and taking on giant mobs all by myself to help myself grind out a few lvls.

This idea combined with that would just be awesome!

- Im Not Talking Fast, You're Just Listening Slow.
- To Each His Own



I advocate this idea for 1 reason: It gives the game its original feel while also taking part in the more expansive world aside from mission maps that derail you from the wide-open game maps.

Actually cleaning enemies off the streets makes sense for a large part, and the recognition and responsibility of it would, logically, be more rewarding for a "Hero".

For a Villain basically it's putting everyone you beat down on display showing off your own power and sending a message, so it could be as equally rewarding.

And we still have mission with their bonuses and such.

Oh, and Rachael, I doubt zones would be bare. Respawn rates are particulalry higher than you'd think.



So what happens when you have 2 mish already taken that you do not wish to complete and you get a mish to kill 50 carnies? If street farming were popluar then those mobs would be much more difficult to find.



You forget that street farming for carnies IS popular to a degree, or at least for when trying to kill Master illusionists.

And why would you not have at least 1 mission spot open? Remember you can drop missions every 3 days. (Plus there is only 1 kill 50 Carnies I can think of Hero side).

THis would still be a welcomed change, or reversion in a sense. Also, why kill Carnies when Malta, Nemesis and Rikti (with some DE thrown in near the beaches) are also abundant in Peregrine Island? I'm pretty sure people would avoid Carnies if at all possible.



Don't get me wrong, I actually like the idea. I'm just trying to think of potential down sides.



Eh, I'm fairly ambivalent on this. I don't think it'll happen though. The devs didn't want people outside killing random mobs on the streets, they wanted people in missions. That's why they halved debt in instanced missions.

I'm not sure how much it would help either. MA has the upside of being able to auto-sk players, create all boss or all LT spawns, and lock spawns level at anywhere between 51 and 54. And you don't have to compete with other teams for the enemies since the missions are instanced.



Do AE mission mobs give influence?

Just asking . . .



They give prestige so I think they might give inf as well. not sure tho.



So what happens when you have 2 mish already taken that you do not wish to complete and you get a mish to kill 50 carnies? If street farming were popluar then those mobs would be much more difficult to find.

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The mobs might be harder to find solo, but since the player could just jump on one of the street sweeping teams, it could very well be easier to find them.



Maybe 1.25-1.5 exp for street mobs that aren't spawned by ambushes.



Right now you get double debt for dying outdoors, maybe it would be a good idea if you got double xp too.

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Of course, you don't get double debt for dying outdoors - you get half debt for dying indoors.

So the logical solution would be to halve xp for instanced missions, not double xp for street sweeping.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



Do AE mission mobs give influence?

Just asking . . .

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The whole reason that XP was increased and debt halved in missions was to get people teaming instead of just constantly farming street mobs in hazard zones.

It'd still be farming, and it was farming then

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You know, here's the amusing thing: in my opinion, clearing out a warehouse full of Hellions is no less a farm than killing things outside, or killing 1 million of the same exact thing in an MA mission.

Its no different, yet one is seen as The Ultimate Evil and the other is a Get Into Heaven Free card. People are funny.



I guess people who played starting from initial release know how bad it could be for outdoor hunting. At the beginning, people hunted in Perez Park for hydras, then went to Boomtown at a higher level. In Perez Park, there were a lot of competition for spawns, and it was quite frustrating.

Then the dev halved the debt in missions, not only because of the competition for outdoor spawns, but also to encourage players to play the story arcs, as they provide context for fighting. Outdoor hunting usually is just hunting for no reason.

Now, I think people don't care much about stories or context. Maybe only xp, inf and drops matter nowadays. So, the original intention of encouraging indoor mission is no longer applicable. However, I don't think the suggestion can reduce farming, it may simply shift the farming from indoor to outdoor. Maybe, there can be more interesting outdoor events for fun in the hazard zones.



The whole reason that XP was increased and debt halved in missions was to get people teaming instead of just constantly farming street mobs in hazard zones.

It'd still be farming, and it was farming then

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You know, here's the amusing thing: in my opinion, clearing out a warehouse full of Hellions is no less a farm than killing things outside, or killing 1 million of the same exact thing in an MA mission.

Its no different, yet one is seen as The Ultimate Evil and the other is a Get Into Heaven Free card. People are funny.

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But it is different, doing the same tired map fighting the same mob over and over gets boring at least for me, A change of scenery and some variety in enemys makes things a lot more enjoyable.

At least with outdoor farming you have a huge somewhat unique area instead of the same map every time, and some enemy variety.

I didn't think farming before ae was that bad because at least you would fight normal spawns, but fighting entire spawns of one enemy in the exact same map over and over and over is a whole new level of boring.

And don't say "then don't join farm teams" because these days sometimes its farm team or no team, especially red side and low levels, the other day I was even trying to form my own team in the hollows and every person I sent a tell to who was lft said no because it wasnt ae.

I'm just getting tired of being forced to solo or do ae.



I'd like this. Just wish Peregrine Island and Grandville had level 54 spawns like RWZ. I think the spawns could really use some work since the only real level 50 hazard zone on heroes is in parts of the shadow shard; and that zone really isn't that cool anyway.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Increase xp gain for street hunting!

Right now you get double debt for dying outdoors, maybe it would be a good idea if you got double xp too.

If street hunting was good xp maybe people would do that instead of farming ae, also it would fit in the game thematically, would be cool to see teams of heroes cleaning the streets/villains taking over the streets.

Hazard zones wouldn't be so barren anymore either.

When the game first came out I really enjoyed finding a team in the hollows or boomtown and just exploring and hunting and getting great xp.

Anyone else thing this would be a good idea?

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Rather than modify the XP, why not increase $Inf/Prestige? After all, you are fighting in public, where everyone can see what you are doing, so it makes sense that your reputation would increase. Defeat 10 Hellions in a warehouse and maybe someone would hear about it. Defeat 10 Hellions in public in broad daylight and people are bound to see it and may possibly snap a cell phone pictures.



I like the idea of missions being worth more XP than sweeping, and sweeping being worth more Inf/Prestige. Makes sense, when you think about it.


Weatherby_Goode - "Heck, Carrion Creepers negates the knockdown from Carrion Creepers."



So what happens when you have 2 mish already taken that you do not wish to complete and you get a mish to kill 50 carnies? If street farming were popluar then those mobs would be much more difficult to find.

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Anybody street sweeping carnies got a spot open on their team?

I think it's a fine idea. Maybe not double, but seems like it should be increased since there is a chance for increased debt. Risk vs Reward and all that.



I very much agree with the OP's idea. I really enjoy street sweeping, but you can never find a full team to sweep with cause it just isn't worth it as far as reward. This would add another viable option for teaming to the game and I think it's great.

Also, I don't see this as farming. Running around cleaning the streets in a superhero game seems like the right thing to be is that farming? Maybe my version of farming varies from other folks, but to me farming is finding/making the easiest mission possible and then doing it over and over. I'm sure some folks would find some sort of exploit and try to "farm" certain areas, but so what? Farmers find exploits in every fascet of the game.

I like how alive the game feels during Halloween events when there are so many people outside fighting in the streets. I think this would give us a little bit more of that feeling all the time. Good stuff.