Dominator Changes = WTF




Ok, i would like to know what the hell is wrong with the developers for this game. Are you serious? taking the damage off of domination...?????? WE ARE DOMINATORS.... WE DOMINATE..... should keep the damage buff. oh and PSW....? why would u lower the dmg on that?????? its A TIER 9 POWER.... its supposed to be.... good.... good job Devs. oh and positron.... GG ON NERFING AE.... the most tarded thing you've done....



>_> the damge for doms got buffed to near blaster lvs , have u NOT real the threads about the changes?



i still think they should have left doms alone



We do more damage now than we did before 100% of the time regardless of whether or not domination is running. And if you ever thought PSW was gonna continue to stay the way it was, you're deluding yourself.



Open mouth, insert foot, shove foot down throat until it comes out your [censored]..... check. Seriously, dude, go look at what these changes *actually* do. It's not like we've been discussing these changes for weeks now... oh, right.

Oh, and learn to write. That hurts my eyes.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Every Dominator comes out ahead in these changes except /Psi Doms (as much as I'm sad to see PSW nerfed, you were probably just an idiot if you thought it wasn't going to be changed) and those with a lot of recharge who had Domination double-stacked often.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



idk im hearing alot of possitive feedback so im a bit excited for i15 :P



i15 is the most useless issue they have ever put out



i15 is the most useless issue they have ever put out

[/ QUOTE ]

Knocks at cranium
*listens to echo and bat noises*




Yeah, okay. Keep telling yourself that.

I13 was much, much worse. Jussayin'.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



well to bad get over it and roll a dif AT if u dont like the changes



i would if there was anything that is usefull that isnt a brute, dom, or kin. nowadays those are the only things that get groups



I was often doublestacked . With the buffs to the rest of the things I am not missing my double stackage damage on test. I am mightily surprised.



lol wut? o_o ( @ only brutes doms and kins geting teams)



thats the way it is on freedom for ae teams on villains, and since the mishes on villains are horrid, ae is the only "fun" thing to do in villains




Freedom is the "i dont care what you are, join me and lets get the ball rolling" server.



actually, no, im on right now, on freedom, and the only thing ppl are looking for is brutes kins and doms, so i cant get a group with anything else, that i wanna play



Ok, i would like to know what the hell is wrong with the developers for this game. Are you serious? taking the damage off of domination...?????? WE ARE DOMINATORS.... WE DOMINATE..... should keep the damage buff. oh and PSW....? why would u lower the dmg on that?????? its A TIER 9 POWER.... its supposed to be.... good.... good job Devs. oh and positron.... GG ON NERFING AE.... the most tarded thing you've done....

[/ QUOTE ]

most 'tarded' thing you've done is sign up to the forums to cry about something you apparently haven't tried.

actually, no, im on right now, on freedom, and the only thing ppl are looking for is brutes kins and doms, so i cant get a group with anything else, that i wanna play

[/ QUOTE ]

form your own team and quit crying in your bowl of Lucky Charms.





i still think they should have left doms alone

[/ QUOTE ]
I think your OP is a worthless rant. See? Everyone's opinionated.




*cracks up* Uh, wow. You're either completely braindead, or a terrible forum troll.

Probably both.



honestly WHO complains about MORE dmg overall and ONE broken power being fixed >_>. you have got to be the ONLY person ive seen complain about the changes ( except on PSW of course)



Ha, you should have seen Beef_Cake's posts then. Epic LAWL.



Added on prev post.