Dominator Changes = WTF




... with permadom.


Weatherby_Goode - "Heck, Carrion Creepers negates the knockdown from Carrion Creepers."



Increasing recharge is okay as long as the DPS in total remains about the same.

Inbetween your gaps in your attack chain, you can throw out controls. Remember that doms have a pure dual purpose now: Damage and Control. Do both. All the time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dominator's always were damage and control if you built it right.

If the dev's didn't want to nerf high level doms they would of put the difference of what was the buff of domination - the buff of overall damage and keep that in domination.

If the dev's didn't want to nerf dom's they wouldn't of made nearly every dom build a end heavy monster.

I feel sorry for those who have to level a dom and maybe even solo one. The extra damage will be ok for the first spawn or two but when you run out of end after 2-3 spawn having to take a rest then watching dom drop while in rest.

Then work to get dom back up only to have to rest a spawn or two after you get it up. Watching it drop again.

A spawn or two might go a slight bit quicker while out of dom initially but because you will have to rest and wait between spawns now missions will ultimately take longer to complete.

It is the ability to keep constant control and damage not a small burst then have to rest that will make doms better.

So a way to make this work as not a nerf...

1. Give the difference of the damage buff back to domination.

2. Give us our Endurance back

3. Cut back on some of the recharge added to powers.

4. Or the best way is not to mess with it and leave as is the current damage is very nice on doms built right you can have good damage with consistant DPS.

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If the dev's had done NOTHING but move the domination damage buff into the AT base you would have effectively seen no change except that you would do the domination level damage all the time, with no change in the end cost of the attacks. There are some complications with this at lower levels, due to the way AT modifiers kick in slowly, but certainly by level 20 you would effectively be doing domination level damage ALL THE TIME at no increased end cost. I can see no way to paint this as a nerf without serious ignorance or lying to yourself.

The appearance of increased end cost comes because in addition to rolling the dom boost into the base damage they ALSO increased the damage, end cost and recharge of many attacks. These attacks STILL do the same DPE as they did before however since you take out enemies faster you also burn end faster - i.e. it costs you the same end to arrest a target but may take you half the time it did before, so it appears as if you are going through end twice as fast. You may be running out of end faster but you are still arresting (and thus gaining xp) at the same end cost as before. I agree that it FEELS slower when you have to pause between fights to recover end but if the time to kill + rest time on test = time to kill on live then you are not really any slower - you just perceive it that way.

I can see pushing for reducing the recharge/end/damage values on some of the changed attacks for various reasons, the simplest being that having at least one fast firing, cheap attack makes building domination easier AND is useful for finishing off targets without wasting end on overkill. However the base change (moving domination damage into the AT base) is a win for everyone but those who have double or triple stacked domination - even perma-dom's come out slightly ahead with this change as castle actually increased the base to slightly more than the domination boost gave you. Additionally having a higher base damage means that your total damage cap is higher AND you get more value from damage boosts like build up or red inspirations as they work off the base damage as well.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



I am so sorry but I dont have rest in my powers trays on any AT. What you fail to realize is that although the proposed "revamp" seems great..... it really plays hard for some powersets.

The arguement about perma's is redundant.

The idea for the "revamp" is a good one but it still needs adjustments.



I am so sorry but I dont have rest in my powers trays on any AT. What you fail to realize is that although the proposed "revamp" seems great..... it really plays hard for some powersets.

The arguement about perma's is redundant.

The idea for the "revamp" is a good one but it still needs adjustments.

[/ QUOTE ]

Or you could be wrong.

I dunno, just putting that out there.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




I am so sorry but I dont have rest in my powers trays on any AT. What you fail to realize is that although the proposed "revamp" seems great..... it really plays hard for some powersets.

The arguement about perma's is redundant.

The idea for the "revamp" is a good one but it still needs adjustments.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you are going to complain about changes do it about the RIGHT ones. You seem to be labelling ALL the changes to dom's as bad - as I noted before it isn't ALL of them and I DO see value in reverting or modifying the ones that cause you to apppear to burn end faster.

However if you are pushing for the base change to be reverted then you are ignoring real evidence and argueing out of ignorance and stubborness.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Why dont you list what you've played on test and I'll list what I have. Then we can compare notes? N'est ce pais?



I liked the way my Plant/Energy I leveled up on test played. With 3 attacks, brawl, origin attack, the ST hold and my two vet attacks, I always had something to click. Endurance was a non-issue.



If anyone is going to argue against the changes, I feel it is very important to know what you are arguing against, and to argue against it, not against something else. For instance, this statement is false:

If the dev's didn't want to nerf dom's they wouldn't of made nearly every dom build a end heavy monster.

[/ QUOTE ]

There is no Electric Assault build that is now an "end heavy monster", or at least none that was not one before. You cannot REDUCE the end cost of all attacks and somehow magically make that increase your End cost.

(The one exception is Zapp, but I find it hard to believe anyone would make their build so totally around Zapp that it increases their End use)

Now, you may find that you are not activating Domination as often because you do not need to, and thus you will not be recharging the End bar as often. (Although Electric Assault shouldn't be building Domination any slower so that shouldn't be the problem)

Or, you may be finding that you can defeat foes more quickly and easily, without taking as much damage, and so you don't have to sit around as often (or use Rest) to get your HP back. That could also make it seem as if you are using more Endurance.

Energy and Psi are using more Endurance than before. Fire and Thorns are using slightly more. Ice is using about the same, with the exception of Ice Sword Circle. If you use Ice Sword Circle a lot, you may see some increase in End use. For the most part, though, this depends on Power Set, and build. The devs did not increase Endurance cost across the board when they raised base damage.



Why dont you list what you've played on test and I'll list what I have. Then we can compare notes? N'est ce pais?

[/ QUOTE ]

50 Plant/Psi 192.5% build Exempted to all the different Oro Tiers.

50 Plant/psi SO build. Exempted to all the different Oro Tiers.

20 Plant/Fire Dom.

New Grav/elec Dom.

All were fine.

I wasn't disagreeing with you. I as just pointing out that you could be wrong possibly....

I mean no one thinks they are right all the time right? No one could possibly think the opinion they HAVE is the absolute right one for every other being right?

Edited to add a missing word.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




I mean no one thinks they are right all the time right? No one could possibly think the opinion they is the absolute right one for every other being right?

[/ QUOTE ]I do, but I try to reign it in around other people. Then the guys with the labcoats put the needle in my neck and it gets easier to manage.

In all seriousness, some of this discussion is completely psychotic. Do people just not socket endurance reduction?



In some cases.... no!

Whats more important? Accuracy ,damage and recharge are alot more important to me as a player than end mods.

Like I have said for 6 weeks or more. This change is not the answer.But Gawd damn me for disagreeing with the powers that be.

You're right,Talen in that the arguement is psychotic(ie:futile).
Kill the whole feel of the AT. I don't give a [censored] my subs up August 2nd anyway.

I am vindictive enough to looking forward to a good laugh when all these new doms appear and give up mid 30's. The change does NOTHING to lessen the gap . Thats the point right? To make Dominator's easier for the laymen?

Har har har!! Watch and see.



In some cases.... no!

Whats more important? Accuracy ,damage and recharge are alot more important to me as a player than end mods.

Like I have said for 6 weeks or more. This change is not the answer.But Gawd damn me for disagreeing with the powers that be.

You're right,Talen in that the arguement is psychotic(ie:futile).
Kill the whole feel of the AT. I don't give a [censored] my subs up August 2nd anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you don't give a rats [censored] (mine is pretty nice looking btw, I got to test some implants...) why do you protest so much?

Also can I please have your stuff. Pretty please?

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Why dont you list what you've played on test and I'll list what I have. Then we can compare notes? N'est ce pais?

[/ QUOTE ]

50 Plant/Psi 192.5% build Exempted to all the different Oro Tiers.

50 Plant/psi SO build. Exempted to all the different Oro Tiers.

20 Plant/Fire Dom.

New Grav/elec Dom.

All were fine.

I wasn't disagreeing with you. I as just pointing out that you could be wrong possibly....

I mean no one thinks they are right all the time right? No one could possibly think the opinion they HAVE is the absolute right one for every other being right?

Edited to add a missing word.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dear Mr//Ms Test Rat,
The issue isn't about being "right " or "wrong". It's about if these changes will improve dominator "POPULARITY".

My stance is that it most definitely will not improve the archetypes popularity beyond perhaps a 6 week curve. The need for extra recharge( ya know that lil thing called permadom thats supposedly an "exploit") is simply greater with these changes. Sure, a lowie can lvl faster but said lowie will hit middle age and hit gaps in attack chains. The mid 30 dominator will be harder than ever to level with the damage increase and the rech and end side affects tagged as its twin sisters.

Should I likely just be quiet? Probably. I said earlier I bet 1 bill enfamy that a large portion of this "revanp" will be rescinded within 3 months of this hitting live.

Time will tell.




In some cases.... no!

Whats more important? Accuracy ,damage and recharge are alot more important to me as a player than end mods.

Like I have said for 6 weeks or more. This change is not the answer.But Gawd damn me for disagreeing with the powers that be.

You're right,Talen in that the arguement is psychotic(ie:futile).
Kill the whole feel of the AT. I don't give a [censored] my subs up August 2nd anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you don't give a rats [censored] (mine is pretty nice looking btw, I got to test some implants...) why do you protest so much?

Also can I please have your stuff. Pretty please?

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope. Ill do a ss of all my slotted stuff and then a ss of "deleted". I am sick and tired of people that continually want something for nothing. Earn your own stuff.

No offense.



My Ice/Psi can deal dmg now! He's only lvl 8! I can actually fight white con minions and win! This is SOOO awesome lol.



I mean no one thinks they are right all the time right? No one could possibly think the opinion they is the absolute right one for every other being right?

[/ QUOTE ]I do, but I try to reign it in around other people. Then the guys with the labcoats put the needle in my neck and it gets easier to manage.

In all seriousness, some of this discussion is completely psychotic. Do people just not socket endurance reduction?

[/ QUOTE ]

Honestly? never more than 30-70% in any attack. Compared to 50-95% recharge.

I usually 4-5 slot a "set" which gets me from about 30-50% end red. If the attack is costly and spammed the last one/two slots go to things like "dam/end". If it isn't costly they go to "dam/rech" (or tri's of those with acc).

The way doms are on test those last slots always do to dam/end now. That might be ok, but they NEED more recharge too, or else I get gaps. I don't like gaps and I hate gaps on an IO build, simply inexcusable.

For a SO build I typically go 2acc, 3dam, 1 rech. I generally fight +2's and higher (like most teams) so the second acc is needed (unless I'm playing my dirt dom).

On live that SO slotting can usually get me a solid chain, on test it can't without "filler" things like the st immob, which pardon my french is [censored] as an attack.

Said SO slotting only make the end issues worse. Slotting an end red instead of the rech makes the gaps worse. Pick your poison

I prefer acc, dam and rech as attack focus for every AT in the game. I'm not prepared to change that paradigm for doms. I look to outside powers to handle my end needs. So for i15 doms that means a push toward perma dom because perma dom is WAY better for end refil than a build that is even 1% away from perma dom. And I'm forced into mu for powersink.

Workable for sure, but pretty constricted.



Increasing recharge is okay as long as the DPS in total remains about the same.

Inbetween your gaps in your attack chain, you can throw out controls. Remember that doms have a pure dual purpose now: Damage and Control. Do both. All the time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not sure if this was directed at me, but my dom's have always played dual purpose. Isn't that how they were and are supposed to play?

That said there are innumerable encounters where you use 2 seconds to control and then have no further need to interject control again and just go into pure damage mode.

However people seem to be suggesting that even in these scenarios doms should continue to spam control powers?

I wonder if these people realize that control powers are extremely taxing on the end bar (ie st immob/hold are very poor endurance for the damage they produce).

I'm not ok with the idea that casual players are magically going to know they should use chilbain to fill an attack chain. And if/when they do that they should be slotting it for damage or else deal with even higher endurance spent for damage produced.

If I get around to it I'll post some numbers on what happens to a live dom with a fluid low end cost assualt chain compared to a test dom that interjects an unslotted st immob as a filler into a high dpa, gaped chain.

A sneak preview: it makes end consumption go through the roof and makes the shiny new damage buff start to rust.

[/ QUOTE ]

Please make sure and base the comparison off so slotting so people actually get an idea of whats going on here. Thank you. After all the "revamp" is to make Dominators more appealing to casual players. Casual players are not likely to preplan a build or invest much in io slotting.

Then do another comparison with optimum slotting and let them all see the difference.

Also make sure and do the comparison from 20-30 and 30-40... make thescale for those 2 segments a comparison against a tier3 perma lvl 50.

I am seriously not being snarky. I am simply pointing out that the changes thus far are still going to render Dominator abondonment pre io's. The changes neccesitate a + recharge build no matter what the powersets. Further widens the gap between casual and minmax that everyone seems to so object to.

Does this change effect any of my doms? Not really except they will be better .But if the goal is to attract more people to playing dominator's the proposed changes are not the answer.

With all due respect, I dont know what the answer IS. But this isnt it and I bet anyone on the boards a billion influence that the damage modifiers will be lowered within 3 months of going live. If not sooner.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll do as many scenarios as I can. I'll proly just do it for a few assault sets. Can't right now though have horrible wife agro haha. I'll see if I get some downtime at work tomorrow.



So, before it came to test we had people that disagreed on principle on the changes and people that were eager to have them implemented.
After the changes were released, we have pretty much the same number of people in each camp.

What does that tell us?

PS: it's 'n'est ce pas'

@Viper Kinji
Currently working on:
Turtle Snapper - SD/MA/Ice Tanker



I'm not sure where I should ask, and I've been kinda away during the test process, but I wanted to find out what effect the changes have on endurance consumption? The one post I saw a redname reply to that was Dom feedback was that the endurance useage was even more of a hog than ever at low levels. I also happened to notice some patch notes about damage going up (yay), recharge going up (boo) and endurance going up (boo) on some of the powers.

As frustrating as it is as a dominator having little plinky attacks at low levels, heck at all levels, at least I get to use them quickly. I can't stand slower attacks or heavier endurance useage, and the one post where Castle (I think?) said "this is feedback I can use" the complaint was of harder endurance useage at low levels.

So, in a nutshell, in a sentence or two, what are the results of the change? With damage, end, and recharge going up, is it the same damage over time only it feels like more? Or is it really more? Did the end cost actually go up? Does it feel slow?

I just havent had time to get on test (life keeping me busy) but I'd like to know what I'm in for when I get a chance go jump back in (which will be post I15, most likely).



Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



I'm not sure where I should ask, and I've been kinda away during the test process, but I wanted to find out what effect the changes have on endurance consumption? The one post I saw a redname reply to that was Dom feedback was that the endurance useage was even more of a hog than ever at low levels. I also happened to notice some patch notes about damage going up (yay), recharge going up (boo) and endurance going up (boo) on some of the powers.

As frustrating as it is as a dominator having little plinky attacks at low levels, heck at all levels, at least I get to use them quickly. I can't stand slower attacks or heavier endurance useage, and the one post where Castle (I think?) said "this is feedback I can use" the complaint was of harder endurance useage at low levels.

So, in a nutshell, in a sentence or two, what are the results of the change? With damage, end, and recharge going up, is it the same damage over time only it feels like more? Or is it really more? Did the end cost actually go up? Does it feel slow?

I just havent had time to get on test (life keeping me busy) but I'd like to know what I'm in for when I get a chance go jump back in (which will be post I15, most likely).



[/ QUOTE ]

What a lot of people fail to realize is that they are doing way more damage outside of domination then they were probably even in double domination or even at the cap. I will use one power to test with and that is Power Bolt.

Power Bolt Dom pre i15 - 36.15 base, 97.61 Slotted (ED cap) + Domination, 144.6 is the damage cap

Power Bolt with i15 buffs - 69.73 base, 135 Slotted (ED cap)

So in a nutshell base damage has far exceeded that of pre i15 base damage + domination by a lot, the end issues are not that bad if you take stamina or have an end recovery power. The recharge on powers is only noticable at lower levels when enhancements don't do much and you don't have much of an attack chain.
(End of Nutshell)

Now for my .02 inf, So far I have taken an Earth/Fire Dom to 10 bout as fast as I took a brute with not many issues and at 10 you have a pretty decent attack chain, end is still an issue though but for most of my toons end is an issue until DOs.

Overall you are doing a lot more damage and it is great.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



I'm not sure where I should ask, and I've been kinda away during the test process, but I wanted to find out what effect the changes have on endurance consumption? The one post I saw a redname reply to that was Dom feedback was that the endurance useage was even more of a hog than ever at low levels. I also happened to notice some patch notes about damage going up (yay), recharge going up (boo) and endurance going up (boo) on some of the powers.

As frustrating as it is as a dominator having little plinky attacks at low levels, heck at all levels, at least I get to use them quickly. I can't stand slower attacks or heavier endurance useage, and the one post where Castle (I think?) said "this is feedback I can use" the complaint was of harder endurance useage at low levels.

So, in a nutshell, in a sentence or two, what are the results of the change? With damage, end, and recharge going up, is it the same damage over time only it feels like more? Or is it really more? Did the end cost actually go up? Does it feel slow?

I just havent had time to get on test (life keeping me busy) but I'd like to know what I'm in for when I get a chance go jump back in (which will be post I15, most likely).



[/ QUOTE ]

I can speak to /fire most accurately. I'm still crunching for everything else, plus I don't want to do it right now (got a good book to read in my spare time).

I run a mild earth/fire perma dom (76% global, hasten)
(arcana time factored)
On live I use:
chain of
0% rech in flare
236% rech in fireblast
144% rech in blaze

4.64 EPS

FE is up ~50% of the time

AVG dps = 129.6 (dot has been avg'd)
w/ FE AvG dps = 170.3

That is a heap of ranged damage for a very reasonable end cost imo.

On test:
chain of
236% rech in flares
124% rech in fireblast
214% rech in blaze

6.14 EPS

FE is up ~50% of the time
AVG dps = 140.4
w/ FE AVG dps = 202.5

Damage increase = 1.08x as much
FE Dam increase = 1.19x as much

Endurance consumption increase = 1.32x as much

With just stamina and 30% end red slotting:
Live is sustainable for - 92.6 seconds
Test is sustainable for - 44.8 seconds

Endurance has increased a LOT more than damage has increased.
Recharge requirements are overall higher on test than live.
Zero (or very close to it) endurance issues on live. Significant end drain on test.

I'll post a chain with incinerate in a sec.
edit: added it to the dom feedback thread



So, in a nutshell, in a sentence or two, what are the results of the change? With damage, end, and recharge going up, is it the same damage over time only it feels like more? Or is it really more? Did the end cost actually go up? Does it feel slow?

[/ QUOTE ]

In general, this depends on the Secondary. If there had been no changes to Powers, then this would have resulted in everyone doing more damage, for the same amount of Endurance. Now, it's possible that the change in strategy, given that you don't have to "bide your time" plinking away at targets until you build up Domination, and then go to town on them, effected the End use. Since you can now spend all your End to defeat your foes up front, you do, and so it feels like you're spending more End.

Most of the problem, though, is that you are now channelling more damage (in terms of damage scale) through the same attacks and channelling more Endurance as well. You are hitting much harder, as well as doing more damage relative to how you were hitting before. So you pretty much have two damage boosts, one from the Domination change, and one from the increase in attack damage. Unfortunately, higher damage, higher recharge, higher End cost attacks are less efficient by design. It's the penalty for high burst capability.

(Thus, dombegone's statement about "the damage increase is not equal to the End increase". Unfortunately, that's built into the system. Although I mention another reason below that I think this might be, for Fire)

Now, Energy Assault, since it got the most sweeping changes, is the hardest hit. The damage increase is dramatic, to the point where more EA players love it, but the End cost is also dramatically higher. There's probably no way you will be able to play an Energy Dom like you did before without reslotting it.

Psi Assault also got significant changes, but it was already costing much less End than it should have. The devs intentionally left PSW that way because the rest of the set was underperforming. They have nerfed PSW, and the rest of the set has gotten the Energy treatment, so it also is using way more Endurance. It's also significantly shifted from using only PSW to deal most of its damage to doing a lot of single target damage. It's totally changed, and there's just no comparing it.

Fiery Assault seems be doing considerably more damage. I tested it myself last night, and I found it was pretty much as described, way more damage, but some End issues. Nothing I couldn't handle. But I suspect there are some problems with the adjustments to Fire, and the devs will continue to tweak some of the numbers. They are not really exactly as they should be, given how Fire compares damage, recharge and End cost in the sets used by other ATs.

Ice should be about the same, unless you use Ice Sword Circle a lot. Thorns is probably about the same level as Fire. Electrical Assault should actually do LESS damage now, and use LESS Endurance. I have an Electric Dom as well, so I tested this out, and found it was about as I expected. I did seem to have to stop and rest more often, but that was because I was going through a lot more foes much faster, and I was having to stop to deal with my HP from time to time, too. So I don't think that was a lack of End efficiency as much as I wasn't wasting as much time as I used to.

It's still possible some of these changes will be "dialed back", although I wouldn't expect much change from Ice or Thorns. (As they weren't changed that much) Fire wasn't really changed much, but as I said, I expect tweaks that will improve its performance. Or at least, that's what I'm hoping, and the changes don't carry over to Blasters and Corruptors instead.



I'm not sure where I should ask, and I've been kinda away during the test process, but I wanted to find out what effect the changes have on endurance consumption? The one post I saw a redname reply to that was Dom feedback was that the endurance useage was even more of a hog than ever at low levels. I also happened to notice some patch notes about damage going up (yay), recharge going up (boo) and endurance going up (boo) on some of the powers.

As frustrating as it is as a dominator having little plinky attacks at low levels, heck at all levels, at least I get to use them quickly. I can't stand slower attacks or heavier endurance useage, and the one post where Castle (I think?) said "this is feedback I can use" the complaint was of harder endurance useage at low levels.

So, in a nutshell, in a sentence or two, what are the results of the change? With damage, end, and recharge going up, is it the same damage over time only it feels like more? Or is it really more? Did the end cost actually go up? Does it feel slow?

I just havent had time to get on test (life keeping me busy) but I'd like to know what I'm in for when I get a chance go jump back in (which will be post I15, most likely).



[/ QUOTE ]

I can speak to /fire most accurately. I'm still crunching for everything else, plus I don't want to do it right now (got a good book to read in my spare time).

I run a mild earth/fire perma dom (76% global, hasten)
(arcana time factored)
On live I use:
chain of
0% rech in flare
236% rech in fireblast
144% rech in blaze

4.64 EPS

FE is up ~50% of the time

AVG dps = 129.6 (dot has been avg'd)
w/ FE AvG dps = 170.3

That is a heap of ranged damage for a very reasonable end cost imo.

On test:
chain of
236% rech in flares
124% rech in fireblast
214% rech in blaze

6.14 EPS

FE is up ~50% of the time
AVG dps = 140.4
w/ FE AVG dps = 202.5

Damage increase = 1.08x as much
FE Dam increase = 1.19x as much

Endurance consumption increase = 1.32x as much

With just stamina and 30% end red slotting:
Live is sustainable for - 92.6 seconds
Test is sustainable for - 44.8 seconds

Endurance has increased a LOT more than damage has increased.
Recharge requirements are overall higher on test than live.
Zero (or very close to it) endurance issues on live. Significant end drain on test.

I'll post a chain with incinerate in a sec.
edit: added it to the dom feedback thread

[/ QUOTE ]

You should definitely add Fire Breath at that point you are hurting more targets by the time you kill the first one the next one will be at half health not even requiring a full attack chain.

But any way I would like to know how you got your numbers. Doing a chain of Blast>Blaze>Blast>Flares

Regular total damage would be 269.06
New Dom the totoal would be 430.57

Now I don't know how DPS is calculated, but if I were to take a guess it would be total damage/total activation time

If that is the case then dps would be as follow

Old - 61.15
New - 97

Plus with the new values Blaze and Flare overkill a minion so you won't really need that much of a chain.

Edit: Sorry didn't add in the fact that it is built for permadom, oh well since I don't feel like doing the numbers again I am still going to say that it is much better because and end should not be an issue with consume and a refilling end bar every 90 sec. and the fact that any +dam bonuses are doing a lot more for you on the new build than they are on the old one.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp




I can speak to /fire most accurately. I'm still crunching for everything else, plus I don't want to do it right now (got a good book to read in my spare time).

I run a mild earth/fire perma dom (76% global, hasten)
(arcana time factored)
On live I use:
chain of
0% rech in flare
236% rech in fireblast
144% rech in blaze

4.64 EPS

FE is up ~50% of the time

AVG dps = 129.6 (dot has been avg'd)
w/ FE AvG dps = 170.3

That is a heap of ranged damage for a very reasonable end cost imo.

On test:
chain of
236% rech in flares
124% rech in fireblast
214% rech in blaze

6.14 EPS

FE is up ~50% of the time
AVG dps = 140.4
w/ FE AVG dps = 202.5

Damage increase = 1.08x as much
FE Dam increase = 1.19x as much

Endurance consumption increase = 1.32x as much

With just stamina and 30% end red slotting:
Live is sustainable for - 92.6 seconds
Test is sustainable for - 44.8 seconds

Endurance has increased a LOT more than damage has increased.
Recharge requirements are overall higher on test than live.
Zero (or very close to it) endurance issues on live. Significant end drain on test.

I'll post a chain with incinerate in a sec.
edit: added it to the dom feedback thread

[/ QUOTE ]

You should definitely add Fire Breath at that point you are hurting more targets by the time you kill the first one the next one will be at half health not even requiring a full attack chain.

But any way I would like to know how you got your numbers. Doing a chain of Blast>Blaze>Blast>Flares

Regular total damage would be 269.06
New Dom the totoal would be 430.57

Now I don't know how DPS is calculated, but if I were to take a guess it would be total damage/total activation time

If that is the case then dps would be as follow

Old - 61.15
New - 97

Plus with the new values Blaze and Flare overkill a minion so you won't really need that much of a chain.

[/ QUOTE ]

1. I said I was doing single target. The only time an aoe would be used is if it is more damaging than a st attack. Firebreath is not. So unless you want to see worse dps and higher endurance burn?

2. Try adding damage enhancements, and the live dom is perma as mentioned and supported by the recharge needed to fuel the chains used.

3. blast>blaze>blast>flares is IMPOSSIBLE on test with out a half second gap. And that is at the recharge cap, which nobody is hitting solo. Using high recharge of ~230% it would be a 1.3 second gap. Which sort of runs counter to a seamless chain no?

4. The numbers are straight off the test server, where dot is avg'd, some minor rounding occurred for both sets.

5. Your total activation time numbers are incorrect, you need to account for server ticks.

6. the chain you provided with 236% recharge would only produce 126.2 dps, so less than live, for more end and full of gaps. Thx but no thx.

I don't mind answering questions, but I can assure you this is not my first time at the rodeo



Dombegone is a seasoned bullrider at this point.I, myself, prefer barrel races.