Taskforces Dead? No Way!
hey do Dr. Quarterfield 5 times in 1 day! thats like the CoH Marathon or something
Whining about everything since 2006.
Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:
Funny thing, during the height of the Meow fiasco, the only non-farm teams I could find were Task Forces. Did a Synapse and something else I forgot.
8-man Positron here. Well 7 after the Scrapper's wife had to quit from intense back pain, but still. Unwieldy team, and we made it through in 3:53.
And now I will never do it again. Posi's as bad as a Shadow Shard TF...
Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma
Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator
I get anywhere from 2 - 5 task force invitations whenever I play. Who said they were dead?
Dead? Heck no I can get an invite to a Task Force almost every day and with 30+ characters I am trying to get them on I do at least 1 a day and sometimes 2. Almost all are PUGs and I have been on some really good ones lately ..
Posi without Stealth TP 3 hours 15 minutes
Citadel without Stealth ... 1 hour 12 Minutes
Manticore with Stealth .. 1 Hour 25 minues
And those were all just this past week not to mention others I did with average times.
The rumor that the basic PUG is dead is also false.. Been on quite a few between TFs and have had pretty good luck.. no really bad ones and a few excellent ones.
MOOD <----- the opposite of DOOM
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
3 Taskforces done today...
All PuGs, with me being the only repeat...
Citadel done on Rugged in 1:23. Faster than either of the heroic Moonfire or Hess. Wow, that was such a great team on Citadel.
That is all.
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*looks at his signature*
*looks at the OP*
*looks at his signature*
*looks at the OP*
Ran Manticore last week and Posi this week on PUGs. Both were great teams and we finished each in a manageable time. Posi is just a monotonous TF...I hope they redo it someday.
Started a Sara Moore TF last night and running a Faathim the Kind TF today. My hands hurt.
I did LGTF yesterday. I also have done two ITFs, a Moonfire TF, and 2 Mothership raids in the two weeks. I missed a Hamidon raid last night (sad). That's light play time for me. I think PvE is doing just fine.
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
Never been a fan of TFs myself, they're always either grueling endurance tests or moving at such speeds that I have no idea what the hell we're doing. There's never an in-between, and I certainly don't care about them enough to start my own team. I'll do them occasionally when invited, but I have to be in a certain mood and in need of the badge too, a very rare occurrence.
Players that run the same TF multiple times just make me boggle. Obviously they can do whatever they want, but clearly they and I have nothing in common.
Back when it seems everyone was in AE all the time, and threads popped up lamenting a lack of teams, there were always posters saying something like "Untrue, I did two TFs just today!" To which I always thought, Great, that's wonderful, so I'll just be over here soloing I suppose. Obviously this is all my own issue, so I can't complain...too loud. (Edited to add: I did get on my fair share of non-TF non-AE teams, it just struck me as funny that the choices, if you just went by the forums, seemed to be either AE or TF.)
Great, that's wonderful, so I'll just be over here soloing I suppose. Obviously this is all my own issue
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Pretty much. If you can't get a team, it's your fault.
Edited my post to sound less whiny, I did not intend that.
With our nubz on redside(again)
We did Cap, Silver Mantis, & Renault TF Yesterday.
Might do 1st Respec Trail today, though I honestly hate first one.
I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.
Thurs day I did:
Sister Psyche
Mendor silos
and an oro gausian arc for longbow
Never been a fan of TFs myself, they're always either grueling endurance tests or moving at such speeds that I have no idea what the hell we're doing. There's never an in-between, and I certainly don't care about them enough to start my own team. I'll do them occasionally when invited, but I have to be in a certain mood and in need of the badge too, a very rare occurrence.
Players that run the same TF multiple times just make me boggle. Obviously they can do whatever they want, but clearly they and I have nothing in common.
Back when it seems everyone was in AE all the time, and threads popped up lamenting a lack of teams, there were always posters saying something like "Untrue, I did two TFs just today!" To which I always thought, Great, that's wonderful, so I'll just be over here soloing I suppose. Obviously this is all my own issue, so I can't complain...too loud. (Edited to add: I did get on my fair share of non-TF non-AE teams, it just struck me as funny that the choices, if you just went by the forums, seemed to be either AE or TF.)
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If it helps, during the whole AE fiasco, I also got on regular teams and did a few TFs. Though, most of my invites were for for AE.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Never been a fan of TFs myself, they're always either grueling endurance tests or moving at such speeds that I have no idea what the hell we're doing. There's never an in-between, and I certainly don't care about them enough to start my own team. I'll do them occasionally when invited, but I have to be in a certain mood and in need of the badge too, a very rare occurrence.
Players that run the same TF multiple times just make me boggle. Obviously they can do whatever they want, but clearly they and I have nothing in common.
Back when it seems everyone was in AE all the time, and threads popped up lamenting a lack of teams, there were always posters saying something like "Untrue, I did two TFs just today!" To which I always thought, Great, that's wonderful, so I'll just be over here soloing I suppose. Obviously this is all my own issue, so I can't complain...too loud. (Edited to add: I did get on my fair share of non-TF non-AE teams, it just struck me as funny that the choices, if you just went by the forums, seemed to be either AE or TF.)
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Of course people do them more than once, it's the best way to get the hang of them, and see all the stuff you might have missed.
Sounds like you need to try some of the better Task Forces and Trials. The Respec Trial might be a good beginner.
The Respec Trial, Hero-side you mean? I've done the mid-20s and mid-30s, little need to do them again, actually no need to do them the first time except for the badge and the experience (non-numbers). I have so many vet-specs at this point, and I'm not one to respec much anyway. I spent my last one for the sole purpose of rearranging my enhancements.
Red-side, I haven't done them at all. Don't have the need there either, but I rarely see any teams forming up for one. The one red-side has a bad rep, so I hear, something about a psychic tree that can one-shot you for miles, and a race to kill off a bunch of thorns? I know CoT are involved. It sounds obnoxious to tell the truth, but like I said I've rarely seen announcements about one starting up, certainly never been asked (unlike blue-side, where I get asked once a week or so.)
Sorry to derail the thread.
I just ran a Positron Pick Up Group on Protector and completed it in less than 3 hours, with NO STEALTHING. I went from level 10 to level 16 in that time.
I hit my -seventh- character on Justice who has earned Task Force Commander accolade.(*)
That was when I Did Numina with my L49 warshade Admiral Kremmin and a random pug team, was pretty good.
Later I did a Respec Trial with an all supergroup team except for me, and it was full of whiny self-important goofballs, who couldn't keep themselves Red Bubbled, and had -attitude- oozing out of their every comment. Yeesh. :/
(*)TFC = 5% health boost.
Part-Troll, who used to be Excession777, now playing pantomime with people's mindlets.
grats to all of you for farming tf's now instead of mishes
Playing tf's not farming, farminf wold invole doing the same one over and over and probably with toons built for them, not pugs. I was completeing most of those for the acco's but I still probably do 2 a day
I hit my -seventh- character on Justice who has earned Task Force Commander accolade.(*)
That was when I Did Numina with my L49 warshade Admiral Kremmin and a random pug team, was pretty good.
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Is that Kremmin of Star Corps?
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
But, but, but, but, but...I logged on and said "Looking for TF!" and didn't get an invite in 3 seconds so no one is doing TFs! Ever!
You must be doing them with your circle of friends. omg so greedy and selfish of you and your friends to hog all the TFing. For shame. Kirby is disappointed at you <(v_v)>
3 Taskforces done today...
All PuGs, with me being the only repeat...
Citadel done on Rugged in 1:23. Faster than either of the heroic Moonfire or Hess. Wow, that was such a great team on Citadel.
That is all.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection