Taught a new player about the game lately?




Eh, I'll answer questions people toss out there in broadcast, regardless. Only get 'tired' of it if they're seeming to be deliberately dense - at which point it's easy enough to just wander into a mission.

The other day, of course, I ran across someone on a trial. Picked them up, brought them through a couple of missions, answered some questions, made sure (since I had to SK them) to get them somewhere they'd be safe logging in again when they had to go.



Is time the only answer for me?

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Yes. Time is your only answer. You should stop asking questions on the player questions section of the fourms. You are stealing valuable time that posters could be answering questions of new players...er, ummmm.....

You are tapping into one of the answer resources. And you invoked the urges of people who like to answer questions. There's also ParagonWiki.com which is a huge resource And if you need hints on where to look, there section of good as well.



I love new players!

They taste yummy and go great with ketchup..




I helped a newbie out today and taught him about things like respecs, travel powers and jetpacks.



Maybe people that have been around awhile, but today alone some bratty little kser was going around 'helping' when obviously no help was needed and they didn't seem to understand the concept of 'don't ks people who aren't in your team'.

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There is no such thing as "KSing" in this game. You get credit for the kill if you've done something like 25% of the damage to a mob. So does the other person. And the XP is divided based on the amount of damage you've done.

To the thread in general... after spending months of my personal time helping people out in game... I'm tired of all the people that get pissed at my presumption. I've seen way too many "noob newbs" out there.... too many people that act offended if you offer advice and information. So I gave up.

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OK, but by them interfering after a few misses, they take the xp for theirs and I'm left with none. That to me defines KSING.

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
Steam Profile



Maybe people that have been around awhile, but today alone some bratty little kser was going around 'helping' when obviously no help was needed and they didn't seem to understand the concept of 'don't ks people who aren't in your team'.

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There is no such thing as "KSing" in this game. You get credit for the kill if you've done something like 25% of the damage to a mob. So does the other person. And the XP is divided based on the amount of damage you've done.

To the thread in general... after spending months of my personal time helping people out in game... I'm tired of all the people that get pissed at my presumption. I've seen way too many "noob newbs" out there.... too many people that act offended if you offer advice and information. So I gave up.

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OK, but by them interfering after a few misses, they take the xp for theirs and I'm left with none. That to me defines KSING.

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Agreed. If I'm a lowbie and a L50 comes by and offs the guy I was trying to kill in one shot, it's a bit annoying because I have to go look for another victim.



I helped a newbie out today and taught him about things like respecs, travel powers and jetpacks.

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I taught a new player just 20 minutes ago about how to use Body Guard Mode on their MM to prevent deaths.

I also taught that same MM about the Malefactor feature.



There is so much to learn ... I still am not even sure what I need to see or the questions I need to ask ... So is it up to me to research all the hundreds of forums and thousands of pages of info to sort out?

It still seems to be overwhelming...Is time the only answer for me?

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Here's the thing; as I see it, for the most part you only HAVE to learn what you WANT to learn, in order to have fun.

I've been playing for more than 4 years, and consider myself an "expert" player, to the extent that I know my toons and their capabilities inside and out, and love to put together excellent 8-man mish teams where everyone has loads of fun and gains buckets of XP.

But there are vast stretches of in-game real estate that I've never even experienced. I don't TF much, I don't "purple out" my 50s, I venture into WW only when I really need to, I don't PvP, I'm not involved in my SG beyond using the Vault/Crafting Table/Ports to Zones, I'm not entirely sure what a "Hami-O" is....I could go on and on about what I've NOT "had to" learn in order to play and enjoy the game.

Try not to get caught up in what you *don't know* about the game. As long as you're enjoying yourself, and not irritating other players unnecessarily, you know everything you need to know about playing CoX.



I haven't been helping any new players, but I have been helping long-time absent players. <_<

It's a "new game" for them now.

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



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Try not to get caught up in what you *don't know* about the game. As long as you're enjoying yourself, and not irritating other players unnecessarily, you know everything you need to know about playing CoX.

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I thank you for your comments and feel you are right and I have got myself caught myself up in the getting and not enough of the enjoying things in the game .

I now plan to return to the first month when I knew nothing and had a great time. I will let the learning happen and not push for it till it becomes a task to be endured. And if help is offered, as many great heroes do, I will take what I wish that helps me enjoy the game .



So is it up to me to research all the hundreds of forums and thousands of pages of info to sort out?

It still seems to be overwhelming and that was one of the reasons I left WoW to play a simpler but just as exciting game as CoH..

Is time the only answer for me?

[/ QUOTE ]

I have a site that was made specifically for the new player. I'm Still working on getting it I-14 compliant since I-14 basic ally forced me to re-write it all.

Tog's Newbie Academy (formerly Hero University)

My first short story (detective fiction) came out in Jan-2012. Other stories and books to follow, I hope. Because of "real writing". COH was a big part of that happening.



I spent a few hours last week with a pair of new players, taking them from zone to zone to see the sights, gave them salvage for the extra costume slot and alternating SKing so they could stand a chance in Croatoa. Was fun.

Enjoy your day please.



In braodcast or on any of the globals I belong to if someone asks a question I will answer.. and since I normally have the Wiki running in the back ground if I don't know the answer off the top of my head I tell them to hang on while I look it up. I think it all goes back to my experiences when I started out. Plenty of folks helped me along so I am more than happy to do the same.

NO I will not give you influence or BUY you stuff. My feeling is I EARNED my influence if you want some.. run some missions and earn your own. And I don't really agree that its worse now than it used to be. I can recall the days when players used to broadcast in Atlas begging for INF. That seems to have died down.. proably due to the barrage of posts telling them to GO EARN SOME LOL

I have opened my bases to new SGs .. letting them use my teleport chambers and Invention workstation until they can afford their own. Hey I remember what it took to build my bases and we had coalition help early on so that just seemed like the thing to do as well. I don't really play any other MMOs but from talking with friends that do I think we have one of the friendliest and supportive communities out there

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Malefactored to a level 11-12 Mastermind, taught about DOs, some info on inventions, and malefactoring itself. Also, bodyguard mode, and "enchant undead" allows the zombie puke attack!

www.paragonwiki.com is a great source of information for this game.

New or returning to the game? Want advice from experienced players who want to help YOU?
The Mentor Project: Part of the New Player Council.



I rolled a lowbie around the time of the MA farm nerf so helped people out in the Hollows. I also will answer questions I see in broadcast.

Arc 185502: Who Killed Snow Globe? a mini mystery Put together the clues to solve the case!

Arc 22832: And Hell Hath No Fury (extreme)
Will you be the key to the Knives of Artemis' survival? or the instrument of their destruction?



I love helping new players.

I also like messing with them.

"hi can you tell me where steel canyon is?"
"Sure. Take the Green Line... But watch this! "
"whered you go????"

I think he thought he killed me in-game, or something.



I love helping new players to the game. it is a main reason to have an sg is to help those who really want to enjoy the game. I hate seeing all the people who have 50s and 60s vet rewards shunning new players or making cracks at them and even 6months and up vets do it. When i joined city of heroes almost 21 months ago there were a few very nice people that helped me and there were alot of posers and aholes that made me think twice about joining certain sgs because ofhow people acted. Karma is amazing once you get the wheel rolling now the person u help will help someone else and it will continue



problem is: watava u tell em, they dont take it for granted...

This game belongs to RL, even though there's a bunch of escapists.



did my good deed for the week by telling someone stranded in Cap about the Black Helicopter express route to Mercy.

Also gave 5 million inf to a newbie at the black market who wanted to try out IOs.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone




I think I probably spend more time answering questions than doing anything else in the game lately. I've actually made a habit of grabbing up new players that I meet in Atlas and inviting them to my SG, running the Hollows arcs with them, buying them Halloween salvage and running them to Croatoa and the tailor, and just basically teaching them some of the "unwritten" stuff that's just not explained. It's given me a new perspective on the game and a new reason to play. Now when I get bored, I grab my emp, fly around Atlas, buff lowbie players and answer questions.

The best part is when someone asks you what they can do in return, I think. I've settled for simply saying "Someday, when you get a chance...pass it on."

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector







To be honest, I never had people "shy away" from me when I was a new player. In fact I had a lot of people help me out, show me things as it went, be incredibly patient with me etc. In fact, that was one of the things I really liked about this game, in game and on the forums, most people are quite helpful when I have questions , even when I have newb questions that I really probably should know the answer to after 3+ years.

I actually have never really seen instances of "Whoa, you got a new guy on your team? F*** that, I'm out."

I do try to help the new comers when I can, I always try to answer any questions I know the answers too. I just thought that was how it happened for the most part this game. Maybe I am just spoilt with having run into mostly pretty damn good team mates in that respec.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker