Taught a new player about the game lately?




It's late and I'm not able to sleep so I'm posting.

I notice so many players shying away from new players. I can imagine the reasons why to. You are tired of answering the same questions over and over again, they don't play "smart" enough for you soon enough, more questions.. etc.. etc..Nothing wrong with it I suppose, but I recently I took another approach. My SG hadn't recruited in weeks and weeks so I decided to go to Mercy and look for Brand spanking new players. That's right, brand spanking, out of the box new players. And I found some. I personally sent them a tell asking if they wanted to join and some did.

So what's the big deal you ask? I think it's what I did next, that I wished someone did for me sooner then when someone actually did happened. I took one player and just started explaining everything I could up front. About chat channels, about the Sg, about prestige, how to ask for teams, how to chat in local, sg, broadcast etc.. I explained base portals, zones, bases, and leveling. At that I let them take it all in and run around for a day or two getting used to it. Then two days later I teamed with them, after asking them everyday how they were and how they liked it "so far" and building that relationship. While teaming I explained "pulling" and showed them. this player knew from other games they played the concept of pulling and herding so now I know they know. After that mish I explained enhancements, where to look for them, what they did, slotting, what to slot early on and even took them to cap to the mutant store. I explained To's, do's and so's. I had them look at their enhancement screen to see what they needed and then go to the store and get what they needed. It took a while, but now I know they know.

My SG and I explained the game slang and what "tf" and sf meant for example. Tonight we took them on their first TF in cap and just talked it along. They have a level 21 toon now in little under a week and I know they know. I know they know the their sg is there for them, I know they know they can ask a question without getting a smart answer from someone belittling them or chastising them for simply not knowing something. I know they know they "belong" somewhere and have people they can play with and get to know and just mess around with.

Most know I am a big goofball who like having fun and takes playing with good toons serious even If I never am. I love to build great toons and playin smart and analyzing every aspect of my builds, but I didn't ignore the new player. I didn't get them to join my sg and never say a word to them. Just taking the time from My play to make sure they could play just seemed like something I should do at the time. I didn't put down the devs for recent tinkering, I didn't put down players, I did just the opposite. I said what a great game this was, what great depth the game has as compared to others, what time the devs spend on making us something to play that we can really get into. Yep I was a positive little doobie.

Where am I going with this? I don't know. I guess players might just see how much there is to this game if they take a new player that just got or downloaded this game and take them from level 1 and guide them through some early learning curve moments and then watch them go. You can see just the massive amount of stuff this game has and how complex or non complex that you yourself can make it. The new player still has allot to learn but I know they know it's fun. I know they know about contacts, mayhems and so much more. I also know that they like playing and like having a good time in villain land. : ) Other sg people see me helping the new players and now they are helping the new people as well as they always have. Nice.

Anyway that's my two cents since I couldn't sleep.

Player on Infinity server
Overlord of "The Fiend Army"
39 Level 50 Toons



I guess players might just see how much there is to this game if they take a new player that just got or downloaded this game and take them from level 1 and guide them through some early learning curve moments and then watch them go.

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I am jaded, and so I say unto thee: Why throw pearls before swine? because most new people lately are the furthest thing from wanting advice, they want you to *give* them stuff [whether it be xp, cash, wings, you name it] and never trouble them with how to get it themselves.

That is what YOU are for! So shut up and fork over the Demonic wings already!

[heaves a large and longsuffering sigh...] I know that sounds ill-tempered, but I silently endured a conversation in Broadcast tonight villainside, on why all new toons rolled should be Fire/kin Corruptors because nothing else is invited to teams these days. Its like the stupidity factor in the game has increased by a factor of 10,000.



Ahh yes. There are indeed allot of "those" new people to. I agree 100 percent on that one. That's pretty much why I send tells to people when I ask them to join the sg instead of generic broadcast. Just to weed them out! Can't stand new players that want to be 50 tomorrow and want you to take them there. But man it's so nice to meet new players that want to "play" and experience the game as it was meant. Sigh... need more of them.........

Player on Infinity server
Overlord of "The Fiend Army"
39 Level 50 Toons



I notice so many players shying away from new players.

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Seriously, QFT.

Just did a MoSTF run with a couple toons who had never even done the STF before this evening... Did we get it? No. But, it was still fun. And it was great to see people enjoying one of my fav TFs for the first time.

That's why I like hangin' out in AP sometimes.... I just escorted a Russian dude the other day who had only been to AP and KR before to all the zones his lvl 14 dude could get to.... It was refreshing to get his reactions to some of the zones he'd never seen before...

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



no way i hell man, usually if a find a guy playing strange and notice he hasnt got any vet badges, i try to do as much as i can to get them started. found one guy who reactivated and was playing dual blades, but nobody told him about combos...I would like to think he left our time happier for having had a talk with me. but heck yeah, throw me the newbs, without them our game dies.



I love helping new folks.



Every day I'm in mercy for at least an hour, sometimes the entire time I'm logged in for a play session. I'll sit there and buff lowbies with FF, and answer questions. Sometimes I'll get the rude comment like, 'why do you just sit there and act cool don't you have other stuff to do?' or 'why did you just put that bubble on me?' I try to make it entertaining as well. I've got a hotbar full of boombox and pet dance emotes, so I'll throw up a dispersion field and announce the bubble rave while i'm buffing and hanging out. I'll also mal new mms if they are having problems learning something. Some people try to get me to push them through missions and other silly things, but overall people tend to appreciate the effort

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
Steam Profile



I'll almost always stop and help a newbie, but it's contingent on two things:

1. I'm not involved with something else. If I'm teaming or powergaming or whatever else, I'm not gonna stop and teach. I'll remember your name and try to find you later, but no promises.

2. The newbies knows now to type coherently. If I get a headache just trying to understand what you're saying, you're on your own.

...I forgot what experience means.



I've got no problems helping newbies as long as they're actually a newbie, rather than a noob that immediately assumes that just because he read the little guide booklet that comes with the game and maybe a single post or 2 on the forums.

I love helping newbies. I refuse to help noobies. The important distinction is that the newbie actually wants to get better at the game rather than assuming that he knows every mechanic that he will ever need to know about but doesn't know the basic concepts of animation time DPS restriction.




Yes. I showed her how to get out of pocket D, introduced her to the RP conventions people used, and gave her guidance on how to get her police scanner. She thanked me, and moved on.



Maybe I've just been fortunate... either my interactions with the idiot-n00b variety don't stick in my memory, or else I simply haven't encountered that many of them.

A little more on-topic, yup! I've managed to get my fiancee hooked on CoH (she's as bad as I was when I started... she's got the bug baaaaad, hehehehe...), so while I was running the character I created to duo with her, I noticed a surprising number of newbies cruising through Outbreak- one asked about wings and capes and whatnot, and I explained vet rewards, costume packs and then the conversation drifted on to other things- turns out they were thinking about emigrating here from WoW

And both the newbie and my fiancee commented about how friendly and laid back the 'feel' of the CoH community is. So I think we're doing something right

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Maybe people that have been around awhile, but today alone some bratty little kser was going around 'helping' when obviously no help was needed and they didn't seem to understand the concept of 'don't ks people who aren't in your team'.

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
Steam Profile



Just the other day I was in Outbreak on my latest attempt to try out the PB class and a new player ran up and wanted to know how I had fly.

It turned into a pleasant conversation and touched on a couple aspects of play.

I patted them on the head and sent them on their way with enthusiasm.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



I don't mind helping if they listen and learn.

We were all noobs once too.



It often seems that newbie players don't understand the value of developing their contacts and completing story arcs. They get swept up in a sewer team (or now AE teams) and completely outlevel the regular game content, without knowing that obtaining and starting a bank/safeguard mission will get them a new contact.

Perhaps when entering an AE building or the sewers, anyone with ZERO veteran badges needs to be presented with a dialog that reminds them to help their contacts before they're outleveled.




Helping new players isn't as fun as it used to be. I remember going into The Hollows speed boosting folks and TP'ing them to mission doors. I'd get on my emp and hit the sewers and be a guardian angel to the new players while talking in local chat about the game.
On red side I'd get on my kin and speed boost folks as they ran by. Sometimes people would stop and chat with me about the game.
Since MA, hardly anybody runs the sewers, goes to The Hollows or does missions in Mercy.



Helping new players isn't as fun as it used to be. I remember going into The Hollows speed boosting folks and TP'ing them to mission doors. I'd get on my emp and hit the sewers and be a guardian angel to the new players while talking in local chat about the game.
On red side I'd get on my kin and speed boost folks as they ran by. Sometimes people would stop and chat with me about the game.
Since MA, hardly anybody runs the sewers, goes to The Hollows or does missions in Mercy.

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I spend hours a day in Mercy, and theres always someone doing missions there on Triumph.

Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
Steam Profile



Rather than wax philosophical on this, I'll quote a simple rule I always follow. If people have questions, I answer them regardless of how stupid these questions may be or how many times I've had to answer the same question before. If people ask for help and I can help, I help them. If people are idiots or jerks, I bid them farewell and leave them to their devices.

Stupid repeated questions are not restricted to new people. Plenty of veterans don't know everything there is to know about this game and sometimes ask newbie questions. They deserve help as much as new people do.

Idiots are not restricted to new people, veterans, 50s with no veteran badges and so forth. If people need help but will refuse to have it or spit at you while you give it, they are free to figure it out themselves. If people feel they know better, then they are free to do it wrong if that's what they want.

New people or old people, we should help anyone who needs it and wishes to be helped, but don't need to suffer the fool who doesn't appreciate it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I am at 4 months now and have a few friends with 3-5 years,and once in a while when friends are not available have been lucky in teaming with some 60 mo. vets. There is so much to learn and I realize that even the friends I have still do not know what I've been missing so far because they are inviting me into their work and I developed a pretty fair ability to handle my toons . I still am not even sure what I need to see or the questions I need to ask. I know little of set bonuses have only been on a few TFs not sure what a SF is did one sewer run and so on the list is huge and my vets don't always have the time to teach or help out. So is it up to me to research all the hundreds of forums and thousands of pages of info to sort out?

It still seems to be overwhelming and that was one of the reasons I left WoW to play a simpler but just as exciting game as CoH..

Is time the only answer for me?



Rather than wax philosophical on this, I'll quote a simple rule I always follow. If people have questions, I answer them regardless of how stupid these questions may be or how many times I've had to answer the same question before. If people ask for help and I can help, I help them. If people are idiots or jerks, I bid them farewell and leave them to their devices.

[/ QUOTE ]


I've had the opportunity to team with a couple of fairly new people recently, plus have a very pleasant conversation with someone who'd been away from the game since i6. I generally like working with new players and try to be helpful, though it makes me sad that none of them believes me when I tell them that it's not worth rushing to the level cap because "the game is the journey, not the destination."

Interestingly, ALL of the new and returning people I've met have come here as a break from WoW.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



I don't mind helping newbies at all.

Last week I was hovering in the Atlas WW and another player asked me how I could fly when I didn't have wings. The smart alec in me started to toss off, "The same way Superman does," but I checked and saw that he was an L4 with no vet badges.

So I patiently explained to him that unlike many other MMOs, your powers and costumes were two different things. I told him about the power pools, and that he could choose any movement type he wanted. When he thanked me for the info, I asked if he had any other questions. I think we talked for almost half an hour, talking about how things like taskforces worked and slotting enhancements. He certainly wasn't one of the "PL me nao!" jerks you run into. I hope he's out there having fun now.

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."



If people come up to me and ask questions or ask in chat and I can understand their typing, I'll answer to the best of my knowledge.

On the other hand, I do think there's sort of a cyclical culture of "figure it out for yourself, and woe unto you who doesn't pick it up fast enough" in the game. When I was new, I'm sure I ticked off more than a few experienced players with my greenness; hell, I probably still do on toons I'm rusty/bad with like my Stone Brute. But I kept plugging away and learning and doing my own research, and now I'm where I am today: a 4-year veteran who can look down his nose at everyone worse than me.

I believe in answering questions that don't carry the stench of someone unwilling to learn. But at the same time, I evolved in this game by being thrown into the proverbial shark tank and learning to survive on my own. Part of me can't help but treat others with the same relative apathy. Shrug.

Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma

Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator



Maybe people that have been around awhile, but today alone some bratty little kser was going around 'helping' when obviously no help was needed and they didn't seem to understand the concept of 'don't ks people who aren't in your team'.

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There is no such thing as "KSing" in this game. You get credit for the kill if you've done something like 25% of the damage to a mob. So does the other person. And the XP is divided based on the amount of damage you've done.

To the thread in general... after spending months of my personal time helping people out in game... I'm tired of all the people that get pissed at my presumption. I've seen way too many "noob newbs" out there.... too many people that act offended if you offer advice and information. So I gave up.



I am at 4 months now and have a few friends with 3-5 years,and once in a while when friends are not available have been lucky in teaming with some 60 mo. vets. There is so much to learn and I realize that even the friends I have still do not know what I've been missing so far because they are inviting me into their work and I developed a pretty fair ability to handle my toons . I still am not even sure what I need to see or the questions I need to ask. I know little of set bonuses have only been on a few TFs not sure what a SF is did one sewer run and so on the list is huge and my vets don't always have the time to teach or help out. So is it up to me to research all the hundreds of forums and thousands of pages of info to sort out?

It still seems to be overwhelming and that was one of the reasons I left WoW to play a simpler but just as exciting game as CoH..

Is time the only answer for me?

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Time certainly helps because you learn things straight up until you're an old vet. heheheheh. It's funny because you don't know how much you really know yourself until you actually start passing your knowledge on. When I was new I remember how great it was that someone took the time to explain things to me because some things were not known to me at all, but once I found out about them it made the game funner then it already was. Things like Demonic Accolade redside or accolades in general. That opened the door for some really great additional powers and abilities for my toons.

Player on Infinity server
Overlord of "The Fiend Army"
39 Level 50 Toons



Good for you!

I help when I notice someone is struggling, and I certainly answer questions put to me when they see that 60-month vet reward in my collection. I also step up if I'm on a PUG and no one knows tactics (usually because they are new, but some people do resist learning tactics regardless).

The last one who asked me something turned out to be a 6-8 year old (can't remember what parent said) who pestered me with questions the entire time I was on. Made soloing harder, having these random questions pop up in the middle of combats and such, but I kept answering them until his parent told him to log off.

It's good to help the new to understand the strengths and differences of this game as opposed to other games.