this game should lower its monthly fee to $9.99




To everyone staying- can I delete your stuff?

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Slax that makes no sense.



this game should lower its monthly fee to $9.99 instead of 14.99 imo. its getting old. its 5yrs old now. any game this old should not be going for 14.99/month still. if the rate wasn't so high i would keep my subscription going for a longer time. since its so high i will only subscribe for one more month before quiting.

[/ QUOTE ]


Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.

Find a game that doesn't suck that's subscription fee is cheaper. Pretty much ALL MMO's have a fee that is right around $15 a month. I have never heard of one that is lower.

This is a pretty lame "I'm quitting!" post. You knew what the subscription fee was before you opened your account. I can understand quitting because you're dissatisfied with the game, or quitting because you're bored with it. But quitting because the game costs $5 a month more than you want to pay? Okay, sure, it's your call, but posting on the forums to tell us all about it screams "pay attention to me!"

I'm going to wager a guess here, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. You started playing while the broken AE PL farms were in full swing and got to 50 ridiculously fast. Now that you have 1 or more 50's you're under the impression that there isn't anything to do because you skipped over the majority of the game. Since you don't think there's anything to do you feel the subscription fee is too high.

Am I close?

[/ QUOTE ]

He may have had those characters locked/deleted as well. Unlikely, but possible.



I'm not sure which is worse ... The Op's suggestion, or people not agreeing with cheaper prices. I shop at WalMart cause it's cheap. If everything there was $5 more expensive for WalMart improvements, would you still shop there?
I'll take your money if you don't want it

[/ QUOTE ]

You don't shop around much do you? I buy very few things at wal-mart. It has nothing to do with wal-marts supposed business practices, I can just get a lot of things cheaper at other stores. I know people who only buy groceries at walmart. Only groceries I buy at walmart is my lipton tea and whenever I need something quick to finish a meal. Everything else can be found cheaper elsewhere. Don't even get me started on Wal-Mart's meat department.

[/ QUOTE ] I like to do my grocery shopping in one stop(except for good meat), and as a whole wal-mart is usually the cheapest. Sure various grocery stores have certain items cheaper, but I don't want to make four stops.

[/ QUOTE ]
I see what you are saying munki. Maybe in a larger town I would do the same thing. Where I live, in a three town area, we have three walmarts and four big grocery stores. It is cheaper for me to leave my house, hit Food 4 Less, Dillons, and Price Cutter in that order. All three have better meat, and I can find everything I need to feed my family for a week. YMMV, but thats just how I shop.

The whole "walmart is the cheapest place to shop" is no longer true. Under Sam Walton walmart was a wonderful place, not just to shop, to work at as well. His kids on the other hand have ruined it.

[/ QUOTE ] I live right in the middle of Dallas-Ft. Worth and I don't have a family to feed as one of my concerns, so I definitely understand why you do it differently. Shopping for one or two people when we split the bill is much easier than providing for a family.



another game i play phantasy star universe which is $9.99/month. it came out in october 2006. and ppl complain about the fee there all the time. and sometimes i subscribe to wow. also xbox live $50/yr these fees add up. 9.99 for psu, 14.99 for wow, 14.99 for coh. thats 50+ a month on games. this adds up.

along with about 200 to 300 on groceries/alcohol/restaurants per month, 279 for rent each month. 40/mo to my brother for doing the dishes, and cleaning the apartment. 20 for adult entertainment. 50 for car insurance. 25 for renters insurance. 10 for life insurance. 30+ for gas. i'm gonna have to pay for dental insurance soon. also money for furniture, new bed, bedding stuff, electronics, soon a new $1200 computer. also other games i buy such as sf4, fightpad controller, defense grid, castle crashers, ssf2thdr and other games, video rentals. and medical expenses i just paid 735 for a hospitol bill, credit report 25. gambling, movie theateres, postal stamps, luckily no credit cards currently. and i get about $900/month from disability, and i live in north county san diego, ca. i'm not working right now. soon i'll go back to work after i have a cataract in my eye removed. then i go back to pizza delivery for round table while getting disability.

i'm surprised so many ppl were against this. you must be rich or are you brats that live off your parents. how easily do you give away your money. it seems like you should want to save money not give it away. what are you gonna do when champions comes out? pay another 14.99 or let your characters die? i'll probably subscribe to this on, and off like i do wow. and switch to champions maybe when it comes out. also i was only trying this game out to see wheter i like it or if it was worth it, not promising to be a lifetime subscriber.



When CO comes out? I'm not jumping ship.

I just don't trust their dev team, I dislike that the only things we *ever* hear about it is "Well, CoX doesn't have ____, which we do, so we're better, neener-neener!".

As for why to keep the fee where it is, 5/month less may not seem like much from your end, but from NC's end, they'd lose (using 125k as a rough estimate of users, which is lowballing it) $625,000/month in profit. That would be the money used to hire all these new programmers, as well as invested into the game to upgrade systems.

Instead of suggesting a price cut in a game that has found 15/month a good, stable purchase point with a comfortable, but not excessive, profit margin, perhaps you could cut back on the alcohol purchasing (that will add up, especially if you mean heading to bars). When you buy new games, trade in old games you never play any more, instead of buying them outright (since you very likely have a nearby GameStop or other game store that will take trade-ins).

I've bought plenty of new games, despite not spending a cent on them, with clever use of trade-in deals and trading in games I've beaten or grown bored with. It's how I maintain a good flow of fun games in addition to CoH. And I'm doing this stretching 400-600/month right now while I seek out a second part-time and/or full-time job.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



just so you know it is considered fraud to work while on disability. so cross your fingers you don't get turned in or someone who works for the disability dept. doesn't see you. stay home and don't spend so much on alcohol/restaurnts. use your old games for credit towards new ones. don't gamble. these are just some of the things from your list that can be controlled.



just so you know it is considered fraud to work while on disability. so cross your fingers you don't get turned in or someone who works for the disability dept. doesn't see you. stay home and don't spend so much on alcohol/restaurnts. use your old games for credit towards new ones. don't gamble. these are just some of the things from your list that can be controlled.

[/ QUOTE ]

its legal to work while on disability. i just have to report it right away to the social security office, medical office, and to the apartment management for the hud reduction in rent, and i get less disability money depending on how much i make working.



We must be rich to not object to paying $15/month on entertainment? oookay fine. $15 is less than what I pay at McDonalds for a meal these days. It's less than just about any other form of entertainment I could purchase. And when you buy in blocks it works out to even less per month. I only work part time, and really it is not expensive. It's exactly the same as just about every other MMO out there.



phantasy star universe 9.99. psobb free on schtack server. magic workstation to play mtg free after download fee. guild wars free, street fighter 4, and super street fighter turbo hd remix free after buying it, and xbox live fee, tons of other online games free.



phantasy star universe 9.99. psobb free on schtack server. magic workstation to play mtg free after download fee. guild wars free, street fighter 4, and super street fighter turbo hd remix free after buying it, and xbox live fee, tons of other online games free.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is City of Heroes. If you really want to play, you will find a way to afford it, just like any other pleasures you have in life. If you've ever (or are currently) paying two subscriptions to two different forms of entertainment (games, magazines, websites, etc.) and yet somehow you can't find a way to come up with an extra $5 a month for this game then you've lost what little credibility you may have had in your argument. If you really wanted to play, you'd come up with the money instead of threatening to quit. It's called money management, prioritize your expenses.

My Virtue Projects

AE: 38959 - Invasion of the Dark Realm



the problem is that those are not this game. it cost's money to keep a game going. what part of that don't you understand? you knew what the charge was when you started and chose at that point to pay it. your financial situation is no concern of NCSoft or Paragon Studios. if you can't sub for a month so be it. many of us have had to make that choice. and you have been given several options as to what you can do from cutting back on some of your expenses to paying for a couple months at a time.



You're rather misrepresenting things there. MMOs in general function rather differently as 'free' games than normal console games do. You either have a monthly fee of some kind (with some games that's occasionally augmented by downloadable, additional stuff like CoH and I believe EQ2), or a nominally free game with considerable incentives to use the online mall to purchase additional in-game items.

The cost of running customer support alone, not to mention all the servers involved with a game of this size is not inconsiderable.

Most of the truly 'free' games (after initial purchase of the game in many cases) don't work their online in the same was as a MMO. They'll have code to allow a player to set themselves up as a server, or include said code into the game itself. It's pretty much all on the player's computers and the developer/publisher doesn't really have anything to do with that side of things.

And really, when you look at it, there's generally a marked difference in quality between the $9.99 (and under) games and the $14.99 games currently on the market. For instance, this, while free to a point has an option for a monthly fee of $9.95 to have the full gameplay experience available. It's not a bad game at all (I played it at one point), but CoH is head and shoulders above it (and in my opinion above PSU as well).

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



(qr to above olin!)

"Free to play after buying it".

You're still paying for the game, and how much is that? Sorry, but no. Just, no. Not a valid comparison.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



another game i play phantasy star universe which is $9.99/month. it came out in october 2006. and ppl complain about the fee there all the time. and sometimes i subscribe to wow. also xbox live $50/yr these fees add up. 9.99 for psu, 14.99 for wow, 14.99 for coh. thats 50+ a month on games. this adds up.

along with about 200 to 300 on groceries/alcohol/restaurants per month, 279 for rent each month. 40/mo to my brother for doing the dishes, and cleaning the apartment. 20 for adult entertainment. 50 for car insurance. 25 for renters insurance. 10 for life insurance. 30+ for gas. i'm gonna have to pay for dental insurance soon. also money for furniture, new bed, bedding stuff, electronics, soon a new $1200 computer. also other games i buy such as sf4, fightpad controller, defense grid, castle crashers, ssf2thdr and other games, video rentals. and medical expenses i just paid 735 for a hospitol bill, credit report 25. gambling, movie theateres, postal stamps, luckily no credit cards currently. and i get about $900/month from disability, and i live in north county san diego, ca. i'm not working right now. soon i'll go back to work after i have a cataract in my eye removed. then i go back to pizza delivery for round table while getting disability.

[/ QUOTE ]

Welcome to life.


i'm surprised so many ppl were against this. you must be rich or are you brats that live off your parents. how easily do you give away your money. talk about trolls, and flaming. it seems like you should want to save money not give it away. what are you gonna do when champions comes out? pay another 14.99 or let your characters die? i'll probably subscribe to this on, and off like i do wow. and switch to champions maybe when it comes out. also i was only trying this game out to see wheter i like it or if it was worth it, not promising to be a lifetime subscriber.

[/ QUOTE ]


Actually, not even. $41/3 mo.

Compared to the last movie I went to, on a matinee, which was $12 (as I recall) for just the movie and a *medium* drink. Which provided 90 minutes of completely passive entertainment, forgotten in a day. $5-$9 for a magazine, which I can burn through in half an hour. I'll give it an hour, since I'll usually read it at least twice. Book? Depends. From $5 to $30, usually, though some of the reference stuff I pick up can be up to $90... so I don't pick them up often these days, spending the time instead to do research at the library and online. COH? VERY cheap by comparison.

You want to talk about "trolls and flaming," kiddo, you're the one saying the people disagreeing are "rich or brats living off their parents." I'm neither one, and I know several - most, in fact - of the others who have posted certainly are not.

You complain about $15, and you're *literally* throwing money away gambling? 200-300 on food, alcohol, and restaruants? 20 on "Adult entertainment?" Ton of games?

And you complain about $15/month. Cut out a case of beer. Rent the games or wait 'til they go down in price (or, assuming they're consoles, you can get them used.) Shop around and buy food where it's cheaper. Realize that a pineapple is a pineapple no matter who's name is on the label. Hell, I've managed to live on $20/week on groceries. Fancy, no, but it kept me *fed.*

Quit whining about the price of one recreational item when your little list there is full of other completely nonessential items - yes, that includes alcohol and COH, as well as the *long* list of other gaming-related items, among other things.

Learn to prioritize. Cut out some of the *utter crap* you have listed in there if it's such a strain on your budget - you do have a budget worked out, or at least a rough idea of "needs" versus "luxuries," right?



Have you been taking comedy classes with Borat?



20 for adult entertainment.

[/ QUOTE ] Details please.

30+ for gas.

[/ QUOTE ] Home gas or car gas? Cuz if it's car gas I'll trade you.

soon a new $1200 computer

[/ QUOTE ] Unless you need a new monitor, or are doing certain high end tasks, you are overspending. And games like Crysis etc I don't consider high end computer tasks.



i'm surprised so many ppl were against this. you must be rich or are you brats that live off your parents. how easily do you give away your money.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bite me. I'm a disabled veteran, with no job, living on $700 a month and I support my elderly parents. I have no dental insurance, and just incurred a $3,000 dollar dental bill, and owe another three grand owed to the credit card company.

Your problem isn't that CoH is too expensive, Your problem is that you can't budget. You whine and tell us you have expenses like

along with about 200 to 300 on groceries/alcohol/restaurants per month, 279 for rent each month. 40/mo to my brother for doing the dishes, and cleaning the apartment. 20 for adult entertainment. 50 for car insurance. 25 for renters insurance. 10 for life insurance. 30+ for gas. i'm gonna have to pay for dental insurance soon. also money for furniture, new bed, bedding stuff, electronics, soon a new $1200 computer. also other games i buy such as sf4, fightpad controller, defense grid, castle crashers, ssf2thdr and other games, video rentals. and medical expenses i just paid 735 for a hospitol bill, credit report 25. gambling, movie theateres, postal stamps, luckily no credit cards currently. and i get about $900/month from disability, and i live in north county san diego, ca. i'm not working right now. soon i'll go back to work after i have a cataract in my eye removed. then i go back to pizza delivery for round table while getting disability.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well here's a newsflash.

1. You don't have to buy new furniture, bed, bedding, and electronics every month. You said you don't have credit so you're not even making monthly payments on that stuff either.

2. You can choose to cut out or reduce what you spend on the adult entertainment, gambling, movie theaters, and other video games.

3. who pays for a credit report each month?

You seem to be sitting pretty with money to burn on several frivolous expenses, so don't try crying "I'm on disability" to me. I've gone out many times and sold my blood plasma to keep both my accounts active.

Edit: I apologise to the mods and fellow forum members If I sound harsh.



i'm surprised so many ppl were against this. you must be rich or are you brats that live off your parents.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll be 37 in a couple of weeks, haven't even spoken to my parents in a decade and I make $8.50/hr. washing dishes.

And I don't have a problem paying my subscription fees to play this game.

Grow up, lose the attitude, stop whining and point the finger at the person responsible for your inability to manage your personal finances - you.



You lost any semblance of credibility with this post.

another game i play phantasy star universe which is $9.99/month. it came out in october 2006. and ppl complain about the fee there all the time. and sometimes i subscribe to wow. also xbox live $50/yr these fees add up. 9.99 for psu, 14.99 for wow, 14.99 for coh. thats 50+ a month on games. this adds up.

along with about 200 to 300 on groceries/alcohol/restaurants per month, 279 for rent each month. 40/mo to my brother for doing the dishes, and cleaning the apartment. 20 for adult entertainment. 50 for car insurance. 25 for renters insurance. 10 for life insurance. 30+ for gas. i'm gonna have to pay for dental insurance soon. also money for furniture, new bed, bedding stuff, electronics, soon a new $1200 computer. also other games i buy such as sf4, fightpad controller, defense grid, castle crashers, ssf2thdr and other games, video rentals. and medical expenses i just paid 735 for a hospitol bill, credit report 25. gambling, movie theateres, postal stamps, luckily no credit cards currently. and i get about $900/month from disability, and i live in north county san diego, ca. i'm not working right now. soon i'll go back to work after i have a cataract in my eye removed. then i go back to pizza delivery for round table while getting disability.

i'm surprised so many ppl were against this. you must be rich or are you brats that live off your parents. how easily do you give away your money. talk about trolls, and flaming. it seems like you should want to save money not give it away. what are you gonna do when champions comes out? pay another 14.99 or let your characters die? i'll probably subscribe to this on, and off like i do wow. and switch to champions maybe when it comes out. also i was only trying this game out to see wheter i like it or if it was worth it, not promising to be a lifetime subscriber.

[/ QUOTE ]

As has been stated: your Money Management skills leave a lot to be desired. That's a lot of 'Entertainment' spending for anyone on a fixed or semi-fixed income. You pay your brother to be your maid? Come now. If you can deliver a pizza, you can wipe a plate, and push a vacuum. If your doing it so your brother can have some 'folding cash'; well, that's mighty nice of you, but I work 12 hour days as a trucker and still 'find' the time to do housework for an hour or so each night, and I have a wife and kids!

Notice the Location under my avatar; I know what prices are around here. Your rent is durned cheap, and you have a maid. Meh! I support a family of four and have to watch my pennies, and I only play one game; this one. I dont have ADHD, so I dont have to bounce around. PLUS being fiscally responsible precludes spending that much on entertainment.

Sweet crikey, flame-bait, get a clue! You dont need to be rich or a 'brat living off your parents' to see that the price of this MMO is a fair market price. You spend at least $30 a month more than I do on entertainment, and I entertain 4 humans, a dog, 2 cats and a goldfish with it!

I'm sorry to call names, and Mod8 will be around presently to stifle the flames soon I am sure, and I apologize for my railing, but I'll be darned if I will let some fiscally irresponsible mook start calling names without reacting.

Please leave. Save the $14.99/month. Maybe you can give it to your brother so he can wipe your tochis for you too

Again I apologise for my words to my fellow Forumites, and Mod8, but a man can only be pushed so far, and some things cant just be ignored no matter how ignorant they are.

Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time
Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!



20 for adult entertainment.

[/ QUOTE ]
Included in you $15 to CoH, at no extra charge, is access to Pocket D and a multitude of catgirls.

What more do you need?



well. i think its funny that i make a little suggestion about the game being old, maybe the graphics a little low quality, and old fashioned for me to be paying $14.99 for it, and you all freak out. jeez maneez. i find some of this amusing that some of you take this game so seriously. have a cow. and i would rather pay $9.99 for this game just like i said, and i would subscribe longer if it was cheaper like i said. your opinions don't effect me, because i know how i feel, and i'm honest about it. nanny nanny boo boo. :P