this game should lower its monthly fee to $9.99




jeeze. i have never started a topic that got over 4000 hits before. i feel so loved. i hope you don't mind if i don't read all of them. i will assume you all just love me that much. i think i'm gonna budget cut this game next month. it was fun though. i'm just that cheap. soon i will try out age of conan, and warhammer after i get my new computer that i'm buying with a credit card next month. pass the pipe. share the wealth, and the love. bye. bye.

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Thats hilarious. I thought I was bad at saving money.... but you sir have shown me what bad is! Well played. Good to see you hang onto that potential 5 bucks.... which you prob would have then inserted into a g-string. Now you have 35 for adult entertainment!



this game should lower its monthly fee to $9.99 instead of 14.99 imo. its getting old. its 5yrs old now. any game this old should not be going for 14.99/month still. if the rate wasn't so high i would keep my subscription going for a longer time. since its so high i will only subscribe for one more month before quiting.

[/ QUOTE ]

Find your bridge did you?

Pusillanimous, odious, pestiferous crepehanger!




Fifty cents a day is too expensive?

Have you played an arcade game lately? Most of those cost 50 cents to start the game.

MMOs are a decent value for the money. You get to play almost as much as you want for a flat rate per month.

The game is also continually updated, so to say that the game is 5 years old is not entirely accurate. The engine might be five years old, but a lot of the game is only a month or so old.

I'm sure there are people who have spent almost as much on Fallout 3 since it came out than people have spent on this game since then:

Retail cost of CoH (includes one month of the game): $106 months of CoH: 6 x $15 = $90
Total cost of 7 months of CoH: $100
Total: $100

Retail cost of (on Oct 28, 2008) Fallout 3: $60
Retail cost of the three DLC updates to Fallout 3: $30
Retail cost of 6 months of Xbox Live Gold: $40
Total: $130

Even taking the Live Gold option out of the equation, Fallout 3 is comparable to an MMO cost-wise.



Find a game that doesn't suck that's subscription fee is cheaper. Pretty much ALL MMO's have a fee that is right around $15 a month. I have never heard of one that is lower.

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I know of a brand new one that is actually *free*, has beautiful graphics, is very fun and has lots of (former) CoH players. I love it *shrug* and sadly I too can no longer afford CoH which sucks but there it is.

"The cure for cowardice is not more whimpering and cringing, but to bare your teeth." Fr. Pontefescue

"The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses." ~ Utah Phillips

Remember Greg McKendry



this game should lower its monthly fee to $9.99 instead of 14.99 imo. its getting old. its 5yrs old now. any game this old should not be going for 14.99/month still. if the rate wasn't so high i would keep my subscription going for a longer time. since its so high i will only subscribe for one more month before quiting.

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Go ask the WoW community how much they pay for their 5+ year old game. While your at it, ask them how many FREE expansions they've gotten since launch.


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I'm pretty sure someone addressed this earlier, but WoW does get free expansions; they're just not quite hyped like our "issues," where Blizzard prefers to just name them "Patch #.##" or somesuch.



Someone needs to tell the OP he's not really going to save money by not using his shift key. That's an urban legend.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



I lost my job in feb and still think 14.99 is a good price to pay for this game. Its a cheap addiction And for what we get its a very good deal.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, $15 is the price of 1.5 to 3 movies in the theater new release depending on where you live and what showing you see. For the same money you can see two to five On-Demand cable movies. So that's between three and ten hours of similar type of entertainment

$15 is what you typically pay for an movie on DVD that's been out for a couple of years. You're only going to watch once or twice a year, tops. Pretty expensive compared to CoH.

Cable TV is $50-$150 bucks a month, depending on where you live, what you get, etc.

If it's your cup of tea, the game is great value for the money. It it's not, it ain't. Really just that simple.

If $60 a year is going to affect the OP financially, then the OP shouldn't be paying $10 a month on a game either.



this game should lower its monthly fee to $9.99 instead of 14.99 imo. its getting old. its 5yrs old now. any game this old should not be going for 14.99/month still. if the rate wasn't so high i would keep my subscription going for a longer time. since its so high i will only subscribe for one more month before quiting.

[/ QUOTE ]

Go ask the WoW community how much they pay for their 5+ year old game. While your at it, ask them how many FREE expansions they've gotten since launch.


[/ QUOTE ]

I'm pretty sure someone addressed this earlier, but WoW does get free expansions; they're just not quite hyped like our "issues," where Blizzard prefers to just name them "Patch #.##" or somesuch.

[/ QUOTE ]
WoW's patchs do not compare to CoH's issues. I was playing before WotLK came out and the patch that they released contained a few tweaks to the low level game (mostly mounts 10 levels earlier) and a new raid for those at the level cap. They don't add new zones or revamp old zones or add EATs like the death knight without making you pay 49.95 to see/use them.



If the OP gambled better, he'd have more than enough to pay the monthly fee. Try to win more.



If the OP gambled better, he'd have more than enough to pay the monthly fee. Try to win more.

[/ QUOTE ]

The OP said...along with about 200 to 300 on groceries/alcohol/restaurants per month....I say, cut back on the booze some?, eat in more?

The OP said...20 for adult entertainment.. I say, do you really need porn or cheap hookers, or what ever it is that is your adult entertainment? Porn is free on the net and hookers are nasty filth ridden nasty nasties. I am just going off of what adult entertainment is and it isnt much to choose from.

Op said...soon a new $1200 computer....I say you can get a great comp for around 500.

Op said.. gambling.. I say, uh that is pretty bad when you claim to not have enough money for a 15 dollor MMO. Dont gamble.

Op said...and i get about $900/month from disability. Tax payer money, being wasted on porn/hookers/gambling/titiebar whatever. I bet if SSI knew you did some of that with your cash, they wouldnt give you cash, they would give you a **representative payee** and you wouldnt have control over your money anymore.
The **representative payee** would pay your bills for you and you would get an allowance.

And with the exspenses you listed came to $2,714.oo a month and then some you did list but didnt put a price on

Seems like you have bigger problems than a $15 a month fee for a game.

I would reevalueate your spending BIG time and fix it before you dig your own grave and bill collectors poop in it before and after your corpse is dropped in the grave.

EDIT: you said in one of your post that you are getting a cataract removed and then in another post you said,.pass the pipe. ...Grow your own weed, its cheaper too.



Another thing I don't get. The OP is a new player - why join already knowing that the game is five years old if you knew what the subscription rate was already going to be?

Does the extra $5 lessen the OP's interest in the game?

I'm just dumbfounded why a new player with so much interest in the game is suddenly making demands of a cost that he/ she knew were part of the deal

OP, can you help me understand your sudden dissatisfaction after a scant 3 days on the forums?

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Forum date is not what you go by to see how long someone has been playing CoH, that is just a date you registered to the forum. I di not register until months after I started playing..........just saying.

Though the OP's post makes no sense but his opinion.

Valaraine: Master Archer & Electricity Whiz.
(Archer - lvl 50, swordswoman - lvl 50, Elec zapper - lvl 35, Ice/DB tank - lvl 50, Arch/En - lvl 26, Lvl 33 Blade wielder, trick archer - lvl 34, flame tank - lvl 30, rad specialist - lvl 44.)
My DA page



I don't get why you think NCSoft should lower its cost simply because YOU think the monthly fee is too high. I understand it is just a suggestion, and I'd wager you thought most of us would agree and are now shocked to discover the contrary.

Honestly I can sympathize with your situation, while I was in College I couldn't afford to play games that required a I didn't...I didn't suggest the game manufacture or host lower the cost so that I could indulge. I soldiered on knowing that one day I would be able to afford it.

Now that I'm several years removed from college and thanks to hard work (and a small amount of luck) I can honestly say that I don't even notice the 2 $14.99 monthly withdrawls (I have two accounts) when they come out of my bank account.

Work hard and apply yourself and you'll get there too. Don't ask for a company to change its policies for you, change your own situation to meet the requirements they have in place.

Then you can join the other posters in agreeing that 14.99 is really a small amount of money for unlimited access to a game of this scale.

On a side note, if a game is 5 years old it only increases the value of your subscription. The game obviously does more right than wrong; the proof being that it can hold on to enough subscribers at the current cost per month to remain profitable.


Agent Silver lvl 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Emergency Response lvl 50 Emp/Archery Defender
Frigidfist lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Talismage lvl 50 Ill/Storm Controller
Scarlet Hand almost lvl 50 DB/Dark Scrapper



Can we PLEASE get this topic locked now?



this game should lower its monthly fee to $9.99 instead of 14.99 imo. its getting old. its 5yrs old now. any game this old should not be going for 14.99/month still. if the rate wasn't so high i would keep my subscription going for a longer time. since its so high i will only subscribe for one more month before quiting.

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Along with many of the others in this thread, I'll say that if CoH isn't worth $15/month to you then quit.

Cutting the price by 33% would be a hideously bad move on the part of NCsoft. They'd have to increase the subscriber base by 50% of it's current numbers just to maintain their income from the game. That's not even factoring in the additional hardware and bandwidth they'd have to buy to support the additional players.

Scrappers are just like chainsaws. Somewhat hard to handle, EXTREMELY dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane.
@Alissara - an Angry Angel
The Angry Angels. When it absolutely positively has to be spanked today.



CoH costs $15 for a 30-day gaming period.

That's $0.50 a day.

If you break it down by hours....

If you play CoH for 2 hours a day in that 30 day period, it is costing you $0.25 per hour...even less if you play more.

For example, I play CoH for about 8 hours per night. I know, I have no life. But let's do the math here:

8 hours x 30 days = 240 hours a pay period

$15 fee / 240 hours = $0.0625 cents per hour

The more you play, the less you're actually paying...and paying for more than one month at a time helps too.

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



this game should lower its monthly fee to $9.99 instead of 14.99 imo. its getting old. its 5yrs old now. any game this old should not be going for 14.99/month still. if the rate wasn't so high i would keep my subscription going for a longer time. since its so high i will only subscribe for one more month before quiting.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think 14.99 is very cheap for the amount of time you spend with it.

Think about how much you spend on movies? A ticket is like what? $13.00 per person? That's what I spent on awful Terminator two days ago...

While this game is "old", it is by far the best quality I've seen, my opinion anyway. I've tried WAR and WoW and they didn't last even 5 months. I quit WoW after 1 month and that's last year....

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Sir. That $15 a month could put a stripper through college.



Can we PLEASE get this topic locked now?

[/ QUOTE ]

we seemed to have the thread steered toward a more useful topic. That being tacos, babs even jumped in on the taco talk. Then someone had to come in and get back on the stupid topic.

Maybe we should have steered it toward talk about burritoes. Or nachos, everyone loves nachos.



I hate nachos.



I hate nachos.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know all the words in the sentence but it just doesn't make any sense.



I hate nachos.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know all the words in the sentence but it just doesn't make any sense.

[/ QUOTE ]

I lol'd

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Five years this month for me and I've never thought the cost was unfair. $15 for an entire month of delicious entertainment value seems uber reasonable.

That and I really wish I could fly and this is as close as I come most days.

@Portland Underground



how about mexican pizza?



I hate nachos.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know all the words in the sentence but it just doesn't make any sense.

[/ QUOTE ]

If talking about something like School Lunch nachos, then I hate them too. It's just some stale chips and luke warm cheese whiz.

Real nachos, especially Del Taco's Macho Nachos, now that's dang good.

I miss Del Taco, they don't have them around here in Georgia.

I miss In 'n' Out Burger even more though.

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



I hate nachos.

[/ QUOTE ]

How about Italian Nachos?

deep fried pasta with shreded chicken, italian sausage, cheese and creamy alfredo sauce. That is some good stuff. I refuse to drive an hour and a half to get some though.