Remember when....





Except the "Where are the Lost?" in KR continues, because we'll always have newbies.

[/ QUOTE ]

Royal Refinery, especially at night.



...riding the train meant stopping at EVERY station? Those reader boards that read "Next Station X" were actually accurate. could hear toilet flushing if you stood near the restrooms in the train station?

...there was no travel power suppression so you could joust to your heart's content?

...the reward for doing a mission was the fun of having experienced the story? Completion bonuses were on the order of 20xp/inf, and the devs were afraid even that might somehow be too much. Missions also gave full debt. Despite the innovations that CoH introduced, at launch the devs were still very much convinced that the Everquest "lots of mobs standing around waiting to be killed" model was what players really wanted, and that rewarding missions would somehow be encouraging a kind of exploit. Somewhere along the way they realized that they had written all of these cool stories and nobody was playing them because the game essentially penalized you for doing so.

...hazard and trial zones were full of people because they were the fastest way to level? See previous remembrance, along with the prior mentions of various herding strategies. could run out of missions by levels 28 and 38 and be forced to do nothing but street-sweeping if you insisted on playing solo?

...accolades arrived and low level players were selling spots on Spelunker badge teams to high level players that had skipped the early content?

...players discovered for the first time why The Statesman was not standing in Atlas Park alongside Ms. Liberty and actually thought it was a pretty cool story?

...The Hamidon went down for the first time and the devs said "Huh, that wasn't how we expected it to happen..."?

...Sister Psyche was wearing Aurora Borealis' body and Calvin Scott was standing nearby plotting to evict her?

...ambushes were not adjusted for group size? A solo player accepting a mission and triggering an ambush could expect anywhere from three to seven white and yellow mobs to come charging at him. If he face-planted, the ambush would then stand around and wait for him to come out of the hospital so that they could track him down and do it again.

Ah, memories.



I didn't arrive until shortly after Issue 6, but what I do remember......

-Impale had a much longer range

-Heroes and villains could view each others powersets

-After Issue 7 went live, GMs and AVs became near invincible, and rad defenders/controllers became near impossible to find
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



...the reward for doing a mission was the fun of having experienced the story? Completion bonuses were on the order of 20xp/inf, and the devs were afraid even that might somehow be too much. Missions also gave full debt. Despite the innovations that CoH introduced, at launch the devs were still very much convinced that the Everquest "lots of mobs standing around waiting to be killed" model was what players really wanted, and that rewarding missions would somehow be encouraging a kind of exploit. Somewhere along the way they realized that they had written all of these cool stories and nobody was playing them because the game essentially penalized you for doing so.

[/ QUOTE ]

This was me. I still treasure all of my old school souvenirs.

...The Hamidon went down for the first time and the devs said "Huh, that wasn't how we expected it to happen..."?

[/ QUOTE ]

Were you/did you ever hear of the 30 sec Hami kill? We've still got no idea how it happened but, somehow, as soon as we dropped all of the mitos, Hamidon dropped from full health to nothing in 30 seconds. At least half of the raid missed out on their HO because they never got their attack in. It was epic.

...Sister Psyche was wearing Aurora Borealis' body and Calvin Scott was standing nearby plotting to evict her?

[/ QUOTE ]

I still can't wait for Posi to bring that TF back (and to figure out if Malaise is a hero or villain atm... the arc says that he's back to being a villain; villainside content says he's a good guy...)



Harumph, goes to show how much I can trust my memories.



I remember when the first "I remember when" thread was posted, and everything in it was either stuff from beta, or that happened barely a couple weeks before.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



[ QUOTE ] would have spend hours/days/months hoping to catch the Paladin Construction happening for the badge.

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember that one... people have it SO easy now...

[/ QUOTE ]

Man, that reminds me of the Rocket Man badge glitch when WB was new (yeah, that was me cussing on chat trying to get that lousy badge) now-a-days you can pretty much bounce in WB on Pinnacle and get it easy as pie.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



One I think I remember, though it may be just a fever dream, was only being able to buy the base 10 enhancements from stores and needing to unlock your origin's contacts to buy the others. On a side note, does anyone remember what the base 10 were?

I remember being an Invul tank and calling Fire tanks squishy.

I remember seeing a Fire/Kin-Fire/Rad Controller duo running through Bricks with upwards of 20 Imps in tow.

Out of everything in this thread about the only thing I miss is the massive sweeping parties in Perez. A new player could have their friends list full over a weekends worth of play.

"If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?"
- Abraham Lincoln



Herding instead of Steamrolling. When being a tanker with Burn meant you were hell on wheels. Hasten was a way of life, and people didn't like dying and getting debt.

When you actually did missions before lvl 10.
When people asked for directions to stores.
When Atlas Park was the lolRP zone.

When you stood around after a mission and traded enhancements with your teammates.

When the Hollows was new, horrible, and had that freakin' 8-man taskforce that I completed exactly 2 out of 23 tries.



I remember when the first "I remember when" thread was posted, and everything in it was either stuff from beta, or that happened barely a couple weeks before.

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember getting my first, and only, "first post before redname" in that thread. *sniffle*

Also, logging into CoH for the first time in pre-order beta, along with 100's of others all crowded into one instance of the tutorial zone. There were literally zero Infected to kill, and they were spawning verrry rarely....I remember I ran around for an hour until I *finally* got my two kills, went back to my contact ready to get into the game proper....and then being told to hunt 4 more.




When people asked for directions to stores.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh. Beforedifficulty changers were marked on the map, I had to have teammates show me where they were. Once, I cranked the difficulty all the way up to Invincible, only to realize that I wasn't quite ready. But since the rater was not marked and I didn't know where to look......

....luckily there was a hero flying overhead at that moment who knew where it was.
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



I remember attacking a white-con mob with my controller and managing to kill one before running out of end, having to run out of aggro range, and wait several minutes for end to recover before I could tun in and kill the second one, and then do it again for the third.

fun times...

I can't say I miss the old days, as all the attractive things about the game are still here...although I did get alot of reading done when I was playing back then...

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



[ QUOTE ] could hear toilet flushing if you stood near the restrooms in the train station?

[/ QUOTE ]You still can, can't you? I noticed that last year sometime.




.....the first Winter Lord PL debacle led to turbo L20 noobs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Try level 32

I remember slotting one of every possible enhancement in each power. Heck, I even double slotted brawl!



[ QUOTE ] could hear toilet flushing if you stood near the restrooms in the train station?

[/ QUOTE ]You still can, can't you? I noticed that last year sometime.

[/ QUOTE ]

So far as I know you still can.

How about: Missions had not difficulty slider, and if you played solo and got an AV, you just had to wait a few levels until you could take him on.

Giant Monsters had levels. I remember soloing the Hydra and Adamaster, among others. Also the first Halloween GMs. If I remember correctly, the Winter Lords during the first winter event were the first GMs to have the "GM code" that makes them con purple at any level... but of course, they got the experience messed up when they did that.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I remember when you could put ANY enhancement in any power, whether it did something or not. I recall putting in range enhancements in Blazing Aura, thinking by level 40 that I could wipe out all of AP by standing still (this was before I understood how enhancements actually worked).

I also remember when Ice Armor and Dark Armor couldn't use all of their toggles together. It was one or the other, but never both.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



... Philotic Knight was alive?


The Kickers base.

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx



I started with Issue 5 just before 6 came out. I remember trying hover so I didn't have to run the length of the Hollows. I also remember thinking that a turtle moves faster than this and never taking it again LOL

I remember when without a field hospital, a store or a trainer the Hollows was always packed with teams doing Frostfire and fighting Atta. Do any of the new players even know what Atta looks like?

Okay not to harp of the Hollows but I remember my first shift there as a Taxibot and all the people that I helped. The comments I'd get "We love all you Taxis!" Now we show up someplace and the older players can't believe we still exist and the newer ones need an explanation before they realize what we do LOL

*rolls eyes* I remember running everywhere until level 14 and the joy I felt when I got my travel power.

Okay this is a GOOD one.. I soloed a LOT with my Uber /Regen scrapper and I remember VIVIDLY getting to level 19 and completely running out of contacts with missions left. I had to street fight for half a level before I could access my new contacts in Talos and IP.

Ah the good old days these young kids have no idea how much fun we had. We did have fun back then right? My memory isn't what it used to be

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



... Philotic Knight was alive?


[/ QUOTE ]
Mm yeah, this is me not giving a [censored].

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



I remember... Umm... Old Faultline. Before it became Overbrook or whatever.



... Kings Row had.... well NOTHING in it? Only contacts. No stores, no helicopter, no market, no AE...

...there were no capes, because we didn't "have the tech working JUST right yet"?

...the Paragon Dance Party was hidden, and only certain people knew where to find it? Not surprisingly, it was almost always empty....

....there were no villains except the NPCs? could go into Peregrine Island and NOT see a ton of very short "texting" messages float across your screen from people that were doing the same thing over and over?

....learning "window hopping" to get to the only places where CoT would spawn... at night on King's Row rooftops?

....Hami-Os were the coolest, rarest, and most powerful things around, and you were awed every time you saw one?

...the only "stuff" that you got you either earned yourself, or you traded directly with another character for?

...Outbreak had a final police officer instead of Coyote, and there was no Flower Knight? large amounts of influence was a pain in the butt, but it wasn't too bad, because it didn't happen often?

...City of Blasters allowed us all to hover WAY out of the range of enemies and destroy them with no retaliation?

...Wolf herding and dumpster nuking?

...NPC bugs that made them keep running up and jumping off of that same Kings Row "basement door" over and over again?

What are your memories, of the "good old days" when things were simpler?

[/ QUOTE ]


Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



...the world stopped turning... j/k

I joined back in i8 just about 2 weeks before i9.

My oldest memories were yelling at Longbow in Galaxy since they wouldn't answer me when I was asking them how to fly.

And thinking Galaxy was all of City of Heroes, I didn't think there was anything else, so I got to level 9, and I finally trained up when I got to level 8.

And having to ask tons of questions because I was too lazy to read in-game information.



...When the first Winter Event happened and people got from 1-50 in four days from killing WLs?

...When an Invul Tanker at level 15 could Tank an entire mission of 21s and not need to be sidekicked?

Or was that last one just me?

Seven years of heroism. Seven years of friendships. Seven years of saving the world. Seven years of virtuous selflessness.

You will return, for you are the mighty City of Paragon, the City of Heroes.



I remember when you couldn't change your costume/there was only one slot. I also still remember what the original options were. It still blows my mind looking at the costume list we have now, as opposed to pre-I1.

[/ QUOTE ]
My main's first slot still has his original costume, with just the addition of auras when they first came out. I can't make any changes to it at all, because some of the options for it no longer exist.

[ QUOTE ] could hear toilet flushing if you stood near the restrooms in the train station?

[/ QUOTE ]You still can, can't you? I noticed that last year sometime.

[/ QUOTE ]

So far as I know you still can.

How about: Missions had not difficulty slider, and if you played solo and got an AV, you just had to wait a few levels until you could take him on.

Giant Monsters had levels. I remember soloing the Hydra and Adamaster, among others. Also the first Halloween GMs. If I remember correctly, the Winter Lords during the first winter event were the first GMs to have the "GM code" that makes them con purple at any level... but of course, they got the experience messed up when they did that.

[/ QUOTE ]
I remember soloing Adamastor. On my Inv/SS tank.

...When an Invul Tanker at level 15 could Tank an entire mission of 21s and not need to be sidekicked?

Or was that last one just me?

[/ QUOTE ]
No, it was all of us.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



...I quit around the launch of issue 1 due to money issues and coming back issue 6, saying "Badges? Villains? PVP? OMIGOSH!"