Does Hover need to be sped up?
I say that it starts out at our base, unmodified in any way, running speed.
[/ QUOTE ]Log on Wednesday and be happily surprised.
I say that it starts out at our base, unmodified in any way, running speed.
[/ QUOTE ]Log on Wednesday and be happily surprised.
[/ QUOTE ]Don't you love when the devs do the whole time travel bit?
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
I say that it starts out at our base, unmodified in any way, running speed.
[/ QUOTE ]Log on Wednesday and be happily surprised.
[/ QUOTE ]Don't you love when the devs do the whole time travel bit?
[/ QUOTE ]
What they said... the Devs were time traveling, saw your suggestion then when back in time to add it into i14. And now in about 3 more days your suggestion will come true and you will become a god to hover'ers all around.
I think they said it was either as fast as unenhanced sprint or as base running speed can't remember which.
but i like using hover as mitigation for having like 5 SB's and 2 AM's on me at the same time
Welp, SB gives 175% +runspeed and only 68.3% +flyspeed according to Mids. So it still won't be as big a problem.
Personally, I solved the problem by learning to control myself at high speeds. Also getting a better computer that didn't lag when moving at said speeds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
Oh? So you wouldn't mind buying the rest of us better computers, would you?
*playfully, not mean!*
Oh? So you wouldn't mind buying the rest of us better computers, would you?
*playfully, not mean!*
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<Also just teasing!>
I see no valid reason that you have to go so freaking slow while using it. Seriously, it has an end drain to compensate for the small defense boost it offers.
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It's extra endurance cost stems from it's ability to allow you to travel in any direction on the X, Y, or Z axis. That's the reason it costs more, not the defense boost, as Combat Jumping has the same defense boost and costs significantly less.
I don't think so. It is not a travel power. It is a defensive power. I would've agreed with your point if not for Issue 8. Before, I hated the Hollows because of the HUGE PIT OBSTACLE in my way. I would not Hover-fly over the pit and I did not join a team unless they had Teleport Friend.
However, with Issue 8, I just do Police Band Missions in the easier-to-navigate Kings Row. After I do my first Safeguard Mission, I effectively get Flight at level 8!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
but i like using hover as mitigation for having like 5 SB's and 2 AM's on me at the same time
[/ QUOTE ]They didn't raise the flight speed cap. This'll have no impact on 5 SBs and 2 AMs (of course, you're likely using hyperbole... and even the impact on 1 SB should be quite minimal).
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Really looking forward to this. I tend to 3 slot Hover and Swift just to get my flight characters up to a tolerable speed.
Any word on what the % buff is? Couldn't find it in the patch notes.....
It brings hoover unslotted up to normal walk speed and slotted closer to sprint speed.
I see no valid reason that you have to go so freaking slow while using it. Seriously, it has an end drain to compensate for the small defense boost it offers.
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It's extra endurance cost stems from it's ability to allow you to travel in any direction on the X, Y, or Z axis. That's the reason it costs more, not the defense boost, as Combat Jumping has the same defense boost and costs significantly less.
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Movement in any direction, and staying there once you stop moving. (Unless you get hit with -Fly, anyway.)
Minor addition, but for me, that's a pretty significant one.
Really looking forward to this. I tend to 3 slot Hover and Swift just to get my flight characters up to a tolerable speed.
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What?! Hover is supposed to be the defensive boost power, not a travel power. Fly is a travel power. If you're going to 3 slot Hover, put in the Defense Boost, not flight speed... The way I see it, this speed boost to hover is to make it so that we are moving at an acceptable speed and aren't totally getting hosed by our teammates while we are fighting at lower levels (pre-Speed Boost).
/bind c "powexec Fly$$powexec Hover"
I am aware that we can get the raptor pack as low as level 5, but on some characters, said pack looks absolutely horrid. While on others, it is the only logical way they can fly. My E2 blaster is a little wasp like arachnos peacebringer experiment that was wings. When he puts on said pack to fly around, it severely clips his wings.
Now, my Natural Defender on the other hand would love to have a perma raptor pack as it would be the only way he could fly. He's a "normal" human who just so happened to get ticked at all the gangs and decided to do something about it with a bow. If they can code an aura to turn on only when said character is in combat, I doubt (but know it actually is) it is much harder to make it possible to have fly activate an animation like this. But only after we go and do a mission that activates said effect (ONLY) on our version of flight?
Oh, or maybe in the tailor, once you get flight, you can go under "flight options" and add it in? But only after you create it like the wings? And yes, I do realize this is power customization and is likely to NEVER happen. But hey, I can dream!
Hover is supposed to be the defensive boost power, not a travel power.
[/ QUOTE ]Unless you're about to soft cap your defense... the defensive boost from hover is a joke.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
A few things:
First - I don't really like 3-slotting Hover (thus my original post), but I do it well aware of the 'wasted' 2 slots that could be used elsewhere in my build.
Second - With Hover's base 1.75% defense, 3 slotted it for defense is around 2.625% or so Defense. Uh...yay? On this character - a Grav/Energy Dominater with no other real source for defense - that might as well not exist. Sure, some builds trying to min/max for the defense cap might do this, but I personally think that for any others, it's just as much of a waste of slots as my use of Fly Speed enhancements is.
Third - I prefer Hover to be usable during combat. This includes keeping my Dom out of melee range, and being able to move in and out during combat (moving in for PBAOEs and short range attacks, move out before they close these distance or hit you with their own AOE). The MovementFriction factor for Fly just makes it too wild to control well in crazy, laggy combat senarios, Supression can get you clobbered by high-damage melee attacks, and base Hover is just too slow to navigat the battlefield effectively. Three-slotted +Fly Hover (with Swift) is an elegant, precise, unsuppressed thing of beauty And while we're at it, the current Hover animation is The Balls.
It won't win any 'Build of the Year' awards, but it has real tangible beneifts that, IMO, are much more valuable to my Dom that 2.625% defense.
Edit: Kitsuneknight beat me to it.
Really looking forward to this. I tend to 3 slot Hover and Swift just to get my flight characters up to a tolerable speed.
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What?! Hover is supposed to be the defensive boost power, not a travel power. Fly is a travel power. If you're going to 3 slot Hover, put in the Defense Boost, not flight speed... The way I see it, this speed boost to hover is to make it so that we are moving at an acceptable speed and aren't totally getting hosed by our teammates while we are fighting at lower levels (pre-Speed Boost).
/bind c "powexec Fly$$powexec Hover"
[/ QUOTE ]
Hover is a tactical power, and people can use it for whatever they like. My main use for it is positioning tool and mobile firing platform, so the last thing I want is to bother with switching just for some more speed.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
Really looking forward to this. I tend to 3 slot Hover and Swift just to get my flight characters up to a tolerable speed.
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What?! Hover is supposed to be the defensive boost power, not a travel power. Fly is a travel power. If you're going to 3 slot Hover, put in the Defense Boost, not flight speed...
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LAWL at the idea that Hover gives you anything more than about 0.001% of any "Defense Boost." In almost 3 years of playing I have never one time noticed any "Defense Boost" while using it. In fact, nowadays Hover can get you killed very dead at low levels, unless you have a -KB IO slotted somewheres: It'll in essence freeze you in place so enemies can pound on you all the harder. "Defense," my posterior.
All of my Ranged people use Hover as a travel power inside a mission. Mine is slotted up, but its also a good idea to use it as a foil for SB when on teams, if you dont want to slot it: it really foils the intentions of the SB-happy. Stack Stealth on top of that and you'lll need like, 6 SBs to get anywere faster than 2 mph.
[/ QUOTE ]Hover doesn't include recharge res.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
The first time I took hover it was because I thought it be about as fast as sprint but not as end heavy as fly so I'd be able to keep my end up and still fly around shooting stuff.
Now up until i14 I take it because you need to take a power before getting fly and I don't want to deal with slotting the attack.
Now it will actually be useful as what I was hoping it would be when I first went for it, the defense and -kb is a joke though.
the defense and -kb is a joke though.
[/ QUOTE ]Hover doesn't have -kb. Hover used to be bugged in that it broke knockback powers (as well as attack animations!). Hover, though, does use a shorter knockback animation than if you were on the ground.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
In almost 3 years of playing I have never one time noticed any "Defense Boost" while using it.
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Ah... well, then, try clicking on "Powers" then "Combat Attributes" then checking out "Defense," and compare hover up versus hover down.
The combat attributes tab is useful for determining the effects of powers on your overall performance. If you can grok the math.

In almost 3 years of playing I have never one time noticed any "Defense Boost" while using it.
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Ah... well, then, try clicking on "Powers" then "Combat Attributes" then checking out "Defense," and compare hover up versus hover down.
The combat attributes tab is useful for determining the effects of powers on your overall performance. If you can grok the math.
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I highly doubt Bad is being literal, but rather that he or she means that it has basically no noticeable effect on your overall damage mitigation in actual game play.

In my humble opinion, yes it does. I see no valid reason that you have to go so freaking slow while using it. Seriously, it has an end drain to compensate for the small defense boost it offers. There is no reason to also tack on the speed of running through caltrops to it.
I say that it starts out at our base, unmodified in any way, running speed. Something tells me that with a level 50 SO/IO/HO that the fastest you can get this skill IS the base run speed.
And yes, I do realize that this has likely been brought up a million times before, but none recently enough to make the first page of the search feature. Anyone else think it needs to be sped up? Or have valid reasons as to why it shouldn't?