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For some people, it isn't even the latg, as they have none unless it is server side. I for one am one of those since I upgraded my pc, and it is more the uber annoying powers that get to me. Powers such as Quills and any of the other pbaoe simply get insufferable when someone just stands there doing nothing when they are on. I mean, they are bearable, or even downright unnoticable when in combat, but they are a annoying any time else. If I team with a spines player, I ask they to turn it off when not in use.
Not to justify the repetitive animation it uses, bu all of it's effects do make some sort of sense. I have the feeling that it was originally designed to be used from the air to knock foes out of the air, not as some sort of filler move that most people use it for. As such, if you were flying, and someone smacked you really, /really/ hard on the top/back of your head, would you not flip as you fell to the ground? And since it seems that the CoX devs dislike creating new animations (a front flip vs the standard back flip), they likely just used code they already had sitting around.
Well, the main thing that would limit the set and balance the aoe would be the fact that most of the powers (ft can be taken out) use mainly lethal with a touch of fire. Perhaps remove the snipe, replace ft with the rl and add in an aim? Would add up to a fairly balance set that would suck at solo, but own at clearing away all those pesky gnats that often cling to avs/heroes.
Ok, here is a thread for everyone to discuss which animations attached to power they would change, and how. Try to keep it simple, yet detailed. As in, make it so that someone can understand it fully. Give reasons why /you/ think it should be changed.
Martial Arts: Eagle's Claw
Honestly, I have no real issues with the animation its self, just how it is executed. The whole drop kick into a flip is actually sort of cool looking. However, the mid air, Matrix-style hang in mid air while everyone else keeps moving, is not. I suggest either slowing down the animation in general (to add the pause into the rest of the animation) or take it out and add it onto the recovery. Perhaps make your character stay in the landing pose for an extra second.
Claws: Eviscerate
Change the name to flip slash or change the animation. These are the only two options imo. Flipping into the air the slashing someone across the chest does not equal eviscerating someone. Not unless they happen to keep their bowels in their chest anyways. If they were to change the animation, I'd have it be a rising, spinning, uppercut that starts in the gut. Have it start out like a faster version of the SS uppercut that flows into the spin from Rising Dragon and ending in the landing from spin. The spin part is to account for the cone.
Energy Blast: Power Bolt
Honestly, this move looks entirely too much like Power Burst and Power Blast. Either make it the "throw" animation or a quick open palm arm thrust that sends a single burst of energy out. You know, like a bolt? Take the animation for Power thrust, speed it up and open the hand. Voila, new animation.
Broad Sword: Slash
This animation just seems so...bleh. It's so lack luster, it's actually hard to watch my hyperactive techno-knight use it. I mean, he just sort of goes "rawr...I'm swinging at you..." and just sort of waves his sword at them. I know that BS is suppose to be the harder hitting, slower version of NB/Katana, but come on. Maybe speed it up a smidge and make it feel more...connective.
Thoughts? Ideas? Comments? -
While this is a very valid concern (and the one most likely to sink the the set), it's not very conceivable to make an explosives based set without most (if not all) of it being aoe. Not very many single target bombs out there. Seems that this will be yet another potentially excellent set shot down before it's even had a chance to fly because of limitations. /lecry
Well, if I were given the proper tools, then yes, I would not have to blame them...But, on another topic, how soon until MA2.0 comes out? The one with all the tools required to make /truly/ unique characters the way we want them? Is it just me, or does everyone's fun seem to always get ruined by those who want to exploit stuff?
I was thinking earlier (dangerous, I know) and an idea (likely already suggested, but I hate our search system) that would make for a possibly great blast set. It'd be mainly for Corruptors, as I could not see Heroes being able to use a lot of these powers. A lot of these skills will not be fleshed out at this moment, but likely will if I get enough feedback.
So, as for the set it's self, it could be called Demolitions or some such, and focus on explosives and other similar methods of attack.
Frag Grenade
Molotov Cocktail
Fire Bomb
Rocket Launcher (snipe)
C4 (Sticks a c4 brick to something as a toggle that explodes when you end said toggle)
Missile Barrage (a massive back pack of missiles appears on your back and you jump into the air, peppering everyone in the selected area.)
Not sure as to what a weapon could be for it as none really matches all the powers. Just trying to avoid the redraw for FT and RL. But ya have to admit, it'd be hella fun to run around blasting stuff to heck with explosives. -
So yeah, I have to ask, what are the chances that most people will only want to do MA from now on? I ask because I tried it, and from all it promised I was severely underwhelmed. Should this game essentially become CoMA, I think I may have to go elsewhere.
I mean, I tried using the MA, and had to stop after having my dreams of making my dream of making several groups dashed by clunky and severely restricted creature creation tools. Here I was wanting to make my own little army of ninjas, only to find that I couldn't give them the powers /I/ wanted to, but rather the powers that the devs think I would want them to based on some silly "difficulty" setting.
It would have made for such a streamlined and easy to use creator if they would have let us pick our powers individually. It'd be similar to how it is now, only you'd have "power slots". What I mean is that if you make a standard Lieutenant, you'd have three power slots on primary and secondary (if both are standard) that you can fill with any three from ANY set. These sets would include all the current ones plus the few that are missing, such as poison from the mm secondary, the nontransform/kheldian only skills from the hero eat and all the primary powers from the VEATS.
/rant(suggestions)modeoff -
Ug, make that two concepts ruined by the rather harsh limitations placed on MA. I was going to make a sort of new age Snakes group where nearly all of them had the MM poison as their secondary. But alas, you can't even choose said power, even if the critter you're making is a mm.
Ok, so there I was, creating my own little army own Ninjas for a story I had in mind when suddenly my concept for the Clan's female members was dashed. She was to be my female minion (along with the male minion) that was going to be a claws/dart user similar to a widow. But guess what, we don't get access to the basic epic powers! I'm not even talking to cool ones like shapeshifting or anything.
All I wanted was the dart attacks from the widows...maybe from the Jounin from the Ninjas set. *sigh* Guess I'll have to come up with some other way to do this.
Also, why is there not a "generic" power set tab full of all the powers that mobs use, but don't fit into an actual set? Vomiting, darts and other such powers? Feels like we really got cheated when we were limited to player only powersets. And one other thing, why must we use prepicked move sets based on difficulty? Lame much? What if I want a clone of the Ninjas' Genin with Storm Kick, Thunder Kick and Crane Kick? The only way to get those three moves is to...well is impossible on a minion level mob. Still, if he was a lieu, he'd also be forced to have all the other attacks.
If I'm not mistaken, isn't the ai in this game unable to properly use such large powerpools?
We should be able to pick and choose which moves from the set they get.
/rantmodeoff -
I am aware that we can get the raptor pack as low as level 5, but on some characters, said pack looks absolutely horrid. While on others, it is the only logical way they can fly. My E2 blaster is a little wasp like arachnos peacebringer experiment that was wings. When he puts on said pack to fly around, it severely clips his wings.
Now, my Natural Defender on the other hand would love to have a perma raptor pack as it would be the only way he could fly. He's a "normal" human who just so happened to get ticked at all the gangs and decided to do something about it with a bow. If they can code an aura to turn on only when said character is in combat, I doubt (but know it actually is) it is much harder to make it possible to have fly activate an animation like this. But only after we go and do a mission that activates said effect (ONLY) on our version of flight?
Oh, or maybe in the tailor, once you get flight, you can go under "flight options" and add it in? But only after you create it like the wings? And yes, I do realize this is power customization and is likely to NEVER happen. But hey, I can dream! -
In my humble opinion, yes it does. I see no valid reason that you have to go so freaking slow while using it. Seriously, it has an end drain to compensate for the small defense boost it offers. There is no reason to also tack on the speed of running through caltrops to it.
I say that it starts out at our base, unmodified in any way, running speed. Something tells me that with a level 50 SO/IO/HO that the fastest you can get this skill IS the base run speed.
And yes, I do realize that this has likely been brought up a million times before, but none recently enough to make the first page of the search feature. Anyone else think it needs to be sped up? Or have valid reasons as to why it shouldn't? -
Sounds like ti could be cool, but only if we get to see the good versions of all the main baddies. Though, not exactly sure what Recluse would look like as a Hero. XD
It has been brought up, but could always be brought up again. Villains need hazard zones such as the hollows, sewers or Perez. The Hollows and Perez could simply be little islands off the coast of the main ones that we (as the villains) have just been given access too. Maybe one that is 10-25 and the other being 30ish-45 or some sort. Alternate leveling is a GOOD thing!
As for a red side version of the sewers, I suggest the Mercy Undercity. It would start out as a massive network (stretching from Darwin's Landing to Mercy city) of caves that is full of Skulls and Snakes. Snakes being the larger of the two presences down there. Then, it would switch to the Mercy City sewers where you would encounter Snakes and Infected. Accessible at level one and going up until how ever high the mobs in the sewers are. (never been down there past 8)
Better travel from the later zones to Mercy! Good god is this one of the most annoying things in CoV imo. First you have to travel to Cap, go to the PA ferry, into PA, then to the MI ferry and then into ME its self. It should be like the Yellow and Green lines. Yellow would be Cap, Oaks and Mercy, and Green would be everything else. They wouldn't even need to add anything!