Wentworth's/Black Market; No Power areas
The only problem I can see arise from this are the Black Market areas. They don't have the protection that WW has from police drones, so any attack from a zone mob, rikti invasion, zombie invasion, etc, you couldn't defend yourself. Something would have to be done about that.
[/ QUOTE ]The BM, WW's, and the AE building all have a kill field that is many times better than any Police or Arbiter drone. Drones have to fire an attack to defeat enemies, and it has a certain cycle time. The kill field instagibs anything that enters the area. Just watch a rikti invasion in Cap Au Diable, with Rikti dying as soon as they finish teleporting in next to some marketeer. Or a Rikti Dropship flying through an AE building.
Hate's correct about the potential problem for the Black Market. It's possible for certain mobs to stand outside the kill field and fire in; I've only had this happen at Sharkhead though.
As much as I'd love to see this at the BM, it wouldn't be good the first time someone was sniped by an NPC.
So how about we move those Black Markets indoors?
"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle
For some people, it isn't even the latg, as they have none unless it is server side. I for one am one of those since I upgraded my pc, and it is more the uber annoying powers that get to me. Powers such as Quills and any of the other pbaoe simply get insufferable when someone just stands there doing nothing when they are on. I mean, they are bearable, or even downright unnoticable when in combat, but they are a annoying any time else. If I team with a spines player, I ask they to turn it off when not in use.
I like the room in AE that deactivates all powers. It really helps with the lag issue. My idea would be to apply this to all Wentworths/Black Market areas. The spamming of powers really adds to an already laggy area of the game. The only problem I can see arise from this are the Black Market areas. They don't have the protection that WW has from police drones, so any attack from a zone mob, rikti invasion, zombie invasion, etc, you couldn't defend yourself. Something would have to be done about that.