Discussion: Issue 14: Mission Architect - FAQ




Please tell me that were are getting an MA function for Bases as well.

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I saw this answer eariler in the thread, it will not happen at start, but should be a feature in a future update. Maybe even using the Mission Computer.

Pillars of Might
Darc Ranger [Blas] / Darc Nebula [Cont]
The Bikini Patrol
Darc Lighter:51-[Blas] / Darc Lady:50-[Tank]
The Panty Raiders
Aegis Magnus [MM] / Atomic Spector [Cor] / Dominar Sefus [Dom]
-Darc Ranger [Def]



Please tell me that were are getting an MA function for Bases as well.

[/ QUOTE ]"Not initially." --Pohsyb



Alrighty, one more question for the pile...

Will we have to "Pick Allignment" for the missions we create, or will all missions be playable by anyone? Like, if I have a mission where you have to fight through a Longbow base to fight Positron (probably visiting to help upgrade their defenses or something), would a hero be able to play that?

More specifically, could I make it optional? Like, regardless of who the opponents are, could I flag a mission as only being playable by heroes, only playable by villains, or "neutral" so that anyone can play?



Alrighty, one more question for the pile...

Will we have to "Pick Allignment" for the missions we create, or will all missions be playable by anyone? Like, if I have a mission where you have to fight through a Longbow base to fight Positron (probably visiting to help upgrade their defenses or something), would a hero be able to play that?

[/ QUOTE ]we can play coop and cross-faction

More specifically, could I make it optional? Like, regardless of who the opponents are, could I flag a mission as only being playable by heroes, only playable by villains, or "neutral" so that anyone can play?

[/ QUOTE ]Not certain whether we'll be able to restrict it or not.



Alrighty, one more question for the pile...

Will we have to "Pick Allignment" for the missions we create, or will all missions be playable by anyone? Like, if I have a mission where you have to fight through a Longbow base to fight Positron (probably visiting to help upgrade their defenses or something), would a hero be able to play that?

More specifically, could I make it optional? Like, regardless of who the opponents are, could I flag a mission as only being playable by heroes, only playable by villains, or "neutral" so that anyone can play?

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My interpretation of the Dev response to similar questions is that all missions posted to the Architect would be available to all characters, regardless of Faction, in much the same way as a police officer might enjoy playing Grand Theft Auto in his spare time. Since the scenarios in the the Architect are "intended" to be entertainment, the actual morality of the person being "entertained" is irrelevant.

On the other hand, I say that it is a case of "buyer beware." Since the system, in the lore, is created by a collabaration of Crey and Aeon, neither known for their upstanding citizenship, I think any Hero should approach the system with a healthy sense of caution. What you do may have moral consequences, whether or not you believe it to be little more than a game.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



On the other hand, I say that it is a case of "buyer beware." Since the system, in the lore, is created by a collabaration of Crey and Aeon, neither known for their upstanding citizenship, I think any Hero should approach the system with a healthy sense of caution. What you do may have moral consequences, whether or not you believe it to be little more than a game.

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A collaboration between Crey and Aeon? What could possibly go wrong?

However, you do raise an interesting point. There have long been hints that some day there would be some method for a hero to go bad (and vice-versa for villains). Could playing too many "evil" virtual reality video games lead to the "Dark Side"?



On the other hand, I say that it is a case of "buyer beware." Since the system, in the lore, is created by a collabaration of Crey and Aeon, neither known for their upstanding citizenship, I think any Hero should approach the system with a healthy sense of caution. What you do may have moral consequences, whether or not you believe it to be little more than a game.

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A collaboration between Crey and Aeon? What could possibly go wrong?

However, you do raise an interesting point. There have long been hints that some day there would be some method for a hero to go bad (and vice-versa for villains). Could playing too many "evil" virtual reality video games lead to the "Dark Side"?

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Oh no. No no no no no.

The Mission Architect is NOT an arguement in favor of the 'Videogames cause children to be violent' debate.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



These questions are towards the Custom critter system. xD

Q: How excatly does the custom critter system work? Are we allowed to pick a number of powers from sets? Or are the critters forced to use the whole set?

Q: Can we use more than just 2 sets? (Perhaps say, Having powers from Mind Control, Psi Blast, Mental Manipulation and Empathy?)

Q: Is it limited by enemy rank? Say, a Minion wouldn't be able to have as my powers as a Boss would.

Q: Can we take a 'Normal' critter, (Like say a Council human) and give him diffrent powers/attacks?

Q: Can we take one critter's powerset, and put it on another critter? (For example, give a Council human the Mook Hitman powers.)



Q: Can we take a 'Normal' critter, (Like say a Council human) and give him diffrent powers/attacks?

[/ QUOTE ]I believe pohsyb said we wouldn't have editing of existing critters, so "No".




These questions are towards the Custom critter system. xD

Q: How excatly does the custom critter system work? Are we allowed to pick a number of powers from sets? Or are the critters forced to use the whole set?

Q: Can we use more than just 2 sets? (Perhaps say, Having powers from Mind Control, Psi Blast, Mental Manipulation and Empathy?)

Q: Is it limited by enemy rank? Say, a Minion wouldn't be able to have as my powers as a Boss would.

Q: Can we take a 'Normal' critter, (Like say a Council human) and give him diffrent powers/attacks?

Q: Can we take one critter's powerset, and put it on another critter? (For example, give a Council human the Mook Hitman powers.)

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I too would love to know the answers to these questions.

In addition can we mix and match villainous critter archetypes? for example could I create a Stalker, Blaster, Mastermind and Controller on the same mob team/faction within a mission?



Q: How excatly does the custom critter system work? Are we allowed to pick a number of powers from sets? Or are the critters forced to use the whole set?

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At this point, all signs point to 'whole' sets - i.e. powersets with some powers omitted due to AI issues.

Q: Can we use more than just 2 sets? (Perhaps say, Having powers from Mind Control, Psi Blast, Mental Manipulation and Empathy?)

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Negative. Limited to 2, at least for now.

Q: Is it limited by enemy rank? Say, a Minion wouldn't be able to have as my powers as a Boss would.

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Unknown, but chances are good.

Q: Can we take a 'Normal' critter, (Like say a Council human) and give him diffrent powers/attacks?

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Negative. This was done to prevent animation/model conflicts.

Q: Can we take one critter's powerset, and put it on another critter? (For example, give a Council human the Mook Hitman powers.)

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Negative. Same as above.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Are there going to be any pre-made maps exclusive to the MA?

If not, can we make suggestions on what we'd like to have added as unlockables and future updates?

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Positron, I am a little concerned about the possible rate griefing involved with being able to rate an arc that hasn't been played. Especially when there are badges involved in rating unrated arcs or ones that don't have many ratings. A lot of people will probably get their badges simply by going down the line of unrated arcs, slapping a 1 star rating on them, and getting their badge in the process. I've seen rating systems on web-published content experience things like that, and that's WITHOUT the enticing badge. Please reconsider allowing someone to rate an unfinished arc.

*EDIT* Been here since CoH beta, and this is the first time I've posted after a redname.

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I'm willing to listen to ideas on how truly horrible content can get rated without having to endure all of it.

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Time spent. If you're in a mission for at least, say, 30 minutes you get to rate it, even if you don't complete it. You can still rate a completed mission that was done in less than 30 minutes. Missions that are abandoned prior to the 30 minute mark cannot be rated.

Of course, 30 minutes is just an arbitrary time frame. Testing and datamining could probably arrive at a much more elegant number that would serve the purposes of both preventing rating griefing as well as allowing horrible missions to get properly trashed.



How about two minutes? Starting a mission someone else writes is like paying the price of admission. You see a movie, someone asks what you thought of it, you tell them. If you tell them, "I got up and left DURING the opening credits" that doesn't exactly sell tickets to that movie, does it?



Time spent. If you're in a mission for at least, say, 30 minutes you get to rate it, even if you don't complete it. You can still rate a completed mission that was done in less than 30 minutes. Missions that are abandoned prior to the 30 minute mark cannot be rated.

Of course, 30 minutes is just an arbitrary time frame. Testing and datamining could probably arrive at a much more elegant number that would serve the purposes of both preventing rating griefing as well as allowing horrible missions to get properly trashed.

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You know there will be missions that you can tell in the first couple of minutes are unrefined, unfiltered raw sewage. Make up whatever example you want -- I've been using "Rescue the 25 Fusionette Clones" for that; make up your own if that doesn't work for you -- it doesn't matter what example it takes for you to be comfortable with it. You KNOW there will be ones like that.

If I can't quit as soon as I can smell what it is, and give it an appropriate rating, that is Not a Good Thing.

If the whole thing turns out to be way better than it started out, then the more persistent people will balance that out.

But if the author doesn't want the quick-deciders to bail at the first whiff of effluent, then they just need to give us clues that we should persist., or clean up the beginning enough to keep us going.



Time spent. If you're in a mission for at least, say, 30 minutes you get to rate it, even if you don't complete it. You can still rate a completed mission that was done in less than 30 minutes. Missions that are abandoned prior to the 30 minute mark cannot be rated.

Of course, 30 minutes is just an arbitrary time frame. Testing and datamining could probably arrive at a much more elegant number that would serve the purposes of both preventing rating griefing as well as allowing horrible missions to get properly trashed.

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You know there will be missions that you can tell in the first couple of minutes are unrefined, unfiltered raw sewage. Make up whatever example you want -- I've been using "Rescue the 25 Fusionette Clones" for that; make up your own if that doesn't work for you -- it doesn't matter what example it takes for you to be comfortable with it. You KNOW there will be ones like that.

If I can't quit as soon as I can smell what it is, and give it an appropriate rating, that is Not a Good Thing.

If the whole thing turns out to be way better than it started out, then the more persistent people will balance that out.

But if the author doesn't want the quick-deciders to bail at the first whiff of effluent, then they just need to give us clues that we should persist., or clean up the beginning enough to keep us going.

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I admit 30 minutes is excessive. I was just throwing out a random timer just for suggestions sake.

Perhaps a timer in the 2-5 minute range would be better. It makes you actually take the mission and walk into the mission door and take a look around, but you can easily walk out shortly after wards and leave the proper rating.



Time spent. If you're in a mission for at least, say, 30 minutes you get to rate it, even if you don't complete it. You can still rate a completed mission that was done in less than 30 minutes. Missions that are abandoned prior to the 30 minute mark cannot be rated.

Of course, 30 minutes is just an arbitrary time frame. Testing and datamining could probably arrive at a much more elegant number that would serve the purposes of both preventing rating griefing as well as allowing horrible missions to get properly trashed.

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You know there will be missions that you can tell in the first couple of minutes are unrefined, unfiltered raw sewage. Make up whatever example you want -- I've been using "Rescue the 25 Fusionette Clones" for that; make up your own if that doesn't work for you -- it doesn't matter what example it takes for you to be comfortable with it. You KNOW there will be ones like that.

If I can't quit as soon as I can smell what it is, and give it an appropriate rating, that is Not a Good Thing.

If the whole thing turns out to be way better than it started out, then the more persistent people will balance that out.

But if the author doesn't want the quick-deciders to bail at the first whiff of effluent, then they just need to give us clues that we should persist., or clean up the beginning enough to keep us going.

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Your more persistent people argument doesn't work, as your score will keep people away from playing it. Why would anyone play an arc that got rated one star when there will be ones scoring much higher?

And that to me is the problem. Someone can walk in, walk out, rate it basically due to first impressions and kill the arc. That to me is more of a bad thing than the idea that someone has to actually play some of the arc before rating it, since one involves people putting effort into game content.



suggestion: allow folks to rate arcs one missh at a time.

the COMBINATION of ratings for each missh (whether averaged or not) determines he rating of the full arc.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



well like any new feature it will take a bit of time to learn how to use it, a person may post a arc, get some constructive feedback, then release a more polished version

you culd create a very good misson, and not realise that a certain powerset can cake walk through it or another powerset have almost no chance,i do hope they put a section in the forums to discuss MA arcs

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



I just wanted to get some clarification on something, which I think has been mentioned once before but I just want to nail it down.

There isn't any ability to make cutscenes with this tool, right?



Time spent. If you're in a mission for at least, say, 30 minutes you get to rate it, even if you don't complete it. You can still rate a completed mission that was done in less than 30 minutes. Missions that are abandoned prior to the 30 minute mark cannot be rated.

Of course, 30 minutes is just an arbitrary time frame. Testing and datamining could probably arrive at a much more elegant number that would serve the purposes of both preventing rating griefing as well as allowing horrible missions to get properly trashed.

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You know there will be missions that you can tell in the first couple of minutes are unrefined, unfiltered raw sewage. Make up whatever example you want -- I've been using "Rescue the 25 Fusionette Clones" for that; make up your own if that doesn't work for you -- it doesn't matter what example it takes for you to be comfortable with it. You KNOW there will be ones like that.

If I can't quit as soon as I can smell what it is, and give it an appropriate rating, that is Not a Good Thing.

If the whole thing turns out to be way better than it started out, then the more persistent people will balance that out.

But if the author doesn't want the quick-deciders to bail at the first whiff of effluent, then they just need to give us clues that we should persist., or clean up the beginning enough to keep us going.

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Your more persistent people argument doesn't work, as your score will keep people away from playing it. Why would anyone play an arc that got rated one star when there will be ones scoring much higher?

And that to me is the problem. Someone can walk in, walk out, rate it basically due to first impressions and kill the arc. That to me is more of a bad thing than the idea that someone has to actually play some of the arc before rating it, since one involves people putting effort into game content.

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Yet, first impressions are the most important. MA arcs are not like regular game content. We have more of a choice about whether we do them. Game content we have to do, if we want what follows. I can't count how many times I've rescued Fusionette in the Faultline arc, because that arc is a good way to get the Ouroboros badge before you're high enough to just go to Ouroboros. If we could START with the actual time travel mission, I'm sure a lot of people would.

But we don't have that option.

In MA we do. If we don't like the mission, we can bail and do something else. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm actually a fairly tolerant person. In my example above, I probably wouldn't skip Fusionette because I don't think she's as bad as most people seem to. I think that mission is a nice little challenge to complete successfully. I think the same about Lady Grey.

So when I talk about bailing when I smell effluent, I'm talking about a ripe, reeking, STENCH of effluent. I'm talking about a mission that is OBVIOUSLY a 55 gallon drum of sewage, not just a little bit poorly done. And once I'm sure of that, I should not have to waste my time struggling through any more of it before I can give it the rating I consider appropriate.

If the creator of that barrel of sewage wants people to persevere, then they have to give it a better first impression. It's called good writing.



I just wanted to get some clarification on something, which I think has been mentioned once before but I just want to nail it down.

There isn't any ability to make cutscenes with this tool, right?

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no cutscenes

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Yet, first impressions are the most important. MA arcs are not like regular game content. We have more of a choice about whether we do them. Game content we have to do, if we want what follows. I can't count how many times I've rescued Fusionette in the Faultline arc, because that arc is a good way to get the Ouroboros badge before you're high enough to just go to Ouroboros. If we could START with the actual time travel mission, I'm sure a lot of people would.

But we don't have that option.

In MA we do. If we don't like the mission, we can bail and do something else. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm actually a fairly tolerant person. In my example above, I probably wouldn't skip Fusionette because I don't think she's as bad as most people seem to. I think that mission is a nice little challenge to complete successfully. I think the same about Lady Grey.

So when I talk about bailing when I smell effluent, I'm talking about a ripe, reeking, STENCH of effluent. I'm talking about a mission that is OBVIOUSLY a 55 gallon drum of sewage, not just a little bit poorly done. And once I'm sure of that, I should not have to waste my time struggling through any more of it before I can give it the rating I consider appropriate.

If the creator of that barrel of sewage wants people to persevere, then they have to give it a better first impression. It's called good writing.

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I agree with this totally. As a writer by trade I have seen real drek published...but it seldom gets purchased because customers read a few pages and put it back. That writer doesn't see much ink after that and either improves his art or goes back to washing cars or whatever.

I agree that the idea of griefing is important and should be prevented at all costs. But one thing that we should all remember is that some of the MAs created will DESERVE to sink into ranking obscurity. I'm more concerned with MA trash remaining on life support because of a few friends then I am getting my own Arcs griefed.

There will be enough checks and balances in place to keep real junk off the top lists I think. The effort to get something bad to rank high and stay that way is equivalent to the JFK assassination conspiracy. Likewise the ratings records on the low end, if datamined correctly, will prevent all but the most determined griefers from lasting too long. Who wants to risk censure just to grief another player?

I completely agree that there should be a Comments section, even for good MAs. Something as simple as 'Great plot but if you hate CoT stay out of this one!' would be fine for me. Now I know that I should not bring certain characters/ATs/Powersets in solo but the plot is good so it's probably worth teaming it.

My single biggest concern right now (other than not being in the Beta after sending the Devs that case of Scotch...) is that there will be so much attention paid to the ratings and rewards that the fun might get squeezed out of what could be a really great system.

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



I completely agree that there should be a Comments section, even for good MAs. Something as simple as 'Great plot but if you hate CoT stay out of this one!' would be fine for me. Now I know that I should not bring certain characters/ATs/Powersets in solo but the plot is good so it's probably worth teaming it.

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yes please. I know for example that I am unlikely to come up with story-arc material. THings that I create will hopefully be full of fun and challenging encounters with a mixture of humor. I should be able to label it as such (or at least state my intent) as the mission creator so the unwary doesnt walk into it expecting more out of 'my' arc/map than I intended. They probably wont be around that long anyway. Just a way to provide an evenings entertainment for myself and friends.




Yet, first impressions are the most important. MA arcs are not like regular game content. We have more of a choice about whether we do them. Game content we have to do, if we want what follows. I can't count how many times I've rescued Fusionette in the Faultline arc, because that arc is a good way to get the Ouroboros badge before you're high enough to just go to Ouroboros. If we could START with the actual time travel mission, I'm sure a lot of people would.

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I agree with this to a certain degree but I feel that you can only get a 'cosmetic' first impression with CoX missions. You walk in the door and the only judgment you can really make is based on what you initially perceive e.g. map and mobs.

You need to play the mission for a few minutes before you can really rate it. 30 minutes maybe too long as some missions can be completed by this time perhaps 15 minutes.

As for the comments this would be a nice to have option but it maybe open to more abuse enabling players to type whatever they like. I think it most likely you will just have an opportunity to mark it out of 5 for example. Its quick, easy and will minimize abuse.