Discussion: Issue 14: Mission Architect - FAQ




Sorry if I missed FAQ 1 but is there an est. release date? Thanks.

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According to all the gaming news site articles that NCSoft supplied information for, Issue 14 is scheduled for release sometime this month. This, of course, assumes nothing goes horribly wrong during Closed or Open Beta.

Considering Open Beta hasn't started yet, don't look for it this week or next, but it *should* be out by the end of the month. (Tuesday the 24th and Tuesday the 31st are favorite picks among the speculator crowd.)

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Box edition is on Amazon as a pre-order with an April date for release.

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And it was stated in several of the interviews that the box is being released after the Issue drops.



Considering you can go from lvl 1 - 50 with MA, how long will an arc stay up if you are just running your own stories or running with a limited number of friends arcs. If you are just leveling with any posted MA content is one thing, but if your only running your arcs what then. If they are posted for a short time, those type of arcs will not get as rated as arcs that stay posted for a long time.

Maybe that individual does not worry about the account ticket pool. Maybe his/her stuff will suck, or be brilliant, but it is sad to be the person who may like an arc only to have it disappear before dragging their friends through it.

Those that over turn their arcs frequently will just have to miss out on significated player feedback for good or for ill, especially if they intended the arcs to be only their toy in the big kids pool.

Actually though of something funny. In those cases with people with large turn overs with good arc stories or simply just removing one of the popular ones, their in-game mail, global tells, and forum mail could be overflowing with requests for a copy of the arc. I think a few people will need bigger boxes. Though I expect some enterprising player(s) to create a website to share or exchange arc files, new NPC groups, or new NPC characters. Assuming the data is in small text files, like the costume data files, some information could be a simple forum post. I know we can use regular email to exchange those files, but sometimes a central location saves time instead of responding to each email requesting the same information. This also leads to a way of tagging an arc that is passed around so the original creator(s) are acknowleged in some way.

Also I wish there would be a way to have an ingame record of arcs and their creators we have played, so we can easily find it and drag our friends in. I understand the MA is run like a TF so while you are still in MA mode the information is there, but one you leave, outside of a posible souvenir, what record would we have. I guess we can keep an out of game list.

[/ QUOTE ]Your arcs stay published until you "unpublish" them, they get pulled for inappropriate content, or they make "Hall of Fame" and/or "Devs Choice" status. The latter frees up whatever slot they were in.

There is a limit on how quickly you can publish/unpublish arcs, but it was described as "in seconds, just to keep the traffic load down."

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I understand that part. I know that I typed alot. Basicaly I was wondering more about players who like a published arc, but it gets unpublished when they want to do it at a later time with friends or with another character. I was not expecting to redo the arc right then and there, most likely within a day or two.

Basically if a published arc is played by someone who likes it, and wants to run it at a later time, but finds it is unplublished for whatever reason, what does one do? It may not have been up long enough for to earn a rating of "hall of fame" or getting "Dev Choice." If you remember the creator and arc name do you bug/beg them for a copy or request it republished? And that could overwhelm some lucky folks.

Even if a fanbased method is created or simple email sent to pass around and share, how will credit to the original creator of the arc or NPC group be maintained, short of not sharing it.

I know I would hate to share an arc I created, that eventually gets republished unchanged by someone else and get they get the special honors or Dev Choice. I know anything I create with MA is not really mine, but there is a prize and a benefit for composing arc that is rated as a 5 and is popular.

Pillars of Might
Darc Ranger [Blas] / Darc Nebula [Cont]
The Bikini Patrol
Darc Lighter:51-[Blas] / Darc Lady:50-[Tank]
The Panty Raiders
Aegis Magnus [MM] / Atomic Spector [Cor] / Dominar Sefus [Dom]
-Darc Ranger [Def]



In case of a hard drive crash or file corruption, will there be a "Reverse Engineer" feature for us to recover files from the actual arc?

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Not sure if this what you're asking, but the devs have said that all the information that makes up your arc can stored on your PC as an editable text file. This sounds like how the "Save costume to file" option currently works.



In case of a hard drive crash or file corruption, will there be a "Reverse Engineer" feature for us to recover files from the actual arc?

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Not sure if this what you're asking, but the devs have said that all the information that makes up your arc can stored on your PC as an editable text file. This sounds like how the "Save costume to file" option currently works.

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Those are the files I am talking about.

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



So um....when I read about this, this is the first thing that came to mind: HOW TO POWERLEVEL TO 50.

Anyone else realize that? Nice, straight, linear level, lots of mobs, chika chika mother frickin' boom!



So um....when I read about this, this is the first thing that came to mind: HOW TO POWERLEVEL TO 50.

Anyone else realize that? Nice, straight, linear level, lots of mobs, chika chika mother frickin' boom!

[/ QUOTE ]Within the limits they are imposing on mission creation, that is a perfectly legitimate use of the system. You won't be able to create "super-farms", nor will you be able make super-easy, super high-xp missions. But MA is intended to be a viable alternate route to 50.



I understand that part. I know that I typed alot. Basicaly I was wondering more about players who like a published arc, but it gets unpublished when they want to do it at a later time with friends or with another character. I was not expecting to redo the arc right then and there, most likely within a day or two.

Basically if a published arc is played by someone who likes it, and wants to run it at a later time, but finds it is unplublished for whatever reason, what does one do? It may not have been up long enough for to earn a rating of "hall of fame" or getting "Dev Choice." If you remember the creator and arc name do you bug/beg them for a copy or request it republished? And that could overwhelm some lucky folks.

Even if a fanbased method is created or simple email sent to pass around and share, how will credit to the original creator of the arc or NPC group be maintained, short of not sharing it.

I know I would hate to share an arc I created, that eventually gets republished unchanged by someone else and get they get the special honors or Dev Choice. I know anything I create with MA is not really mine, but there is a prize and a benefit for composing arc that is rated as a 5 and is popular.

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I've seen hints of some kind of security so that you can share missions/arcs and they cannot publish it and take credit for it, but currently cannot find that info.

Other than that, yeah, you're going to have to beg the creator to put it back up.



I want....to marry....issue 14. Gonna be spending a lot of time in that architect development environment.

Ugh, for me wanting to be a game designer in the far off future, I'm gonna be getting some practice in with this baby

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You and me both!

(Is in College right now getting a Digtial Arts Degree).

My Lego Models http://www.flickr.com/photos/30369639@N07/ lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Is it possible to create a custom character and then add them into a preexisting enemy group? One thing that has always bugged me in CoH is that fighting named bosses is for the most part a disappointment in that they are the same generic boss looks-wise as any other boss, named or otherwise, in that villain group. Ergo making a boss for say the Outcasts that doesn't look like any other Outcast boss.



I don't know if this has been covered ...

But is it possible to have a mob "teleport" away when it's down to, say, 10% of its health?

(For example, see Anti-Matter in the first mission of the "Praetorian War" arc where Anti-Matter teleports away before you can actually defeat him.)

Play my MA arcs!

Tracking Down Jack Ketch - ArcID #2701
Cat War! - ArcID #2788



I don't know if this has been covered ...

But is it possible to have a mob "teleport" away when it's down to, say, 10% of its health?

(For example, see Anti-Matter in the first mission of the "Praetorian War" arc where Anti-Matter teleports away before you can actually defeat him.)

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I hope so since it will help with one of my story arcs.

Suriel- Scrapper MA/SR
Star Centurion- Peacebringer
War Forger- Blaster EB/Devices
Dedjinn- Stalker CL/DA
Cycnus- Mastermind Mercs/Traps



Is it possible to create a custom character and then add them into a preexisting enemy group? One thing that has always bugged me in CoH is that fighting named bosses is for the most part a disappointment in that they are the same generic boss looks-wise as any other boss, named or otherwise, in that villain group. Ergo making a boss for say the Outcasts that doesn't look like any other Outcast boss.

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One would imagine so as if you look at the MA screen shots there are drop downs for selecting the mob faction that the character is aligned with - some confirmation would be nice though if anyone knows out there?



So um....when I read about this, this is the first thing that came to mind: HOW TO POWERLEVEL TO 50.

Anyone else realize that? Nice, straight, linear level, lots of mobs, chika chika mother frickin' boom!

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I can't imagine that the MA will allow you to make better farming maps than already exist. By the same token, I expect that MA will allow you to make farming maps as good as the ones that currently exist. And they never expire!

But since (afaik?) MA is likely to work like Ouroboros, it'll be less efficient to reset the map as opposed to blitzing the rest of the arc and going in again.





So when I talk about bailing when I smell effluent, I'm talking about a ripe, reeking, STENCH of effluent. I'm talking about a mission that is OBVIOUSLY a 55 gallon drum of sewage, not just a little bit poorly done. And once I'm sure of that, I should not have to waste my time struggling through any more of it before I can give it the rating I consider appropriate.

If the creator of that barrel of sewage wants people to persevere, then they have to give it a better first impression. It's called good writing.

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Unfortunately not everyone has the same standards. Just because YOU only quit and badly rate missions if they are truely terrible doesn't mean others will follow that lead.

Some will start missions quit and rate them badly just to get the badge for rating missions and grief other players at the same time.

Some will start friends/SG mates missions and quit them all immediately then highly rate them to get them in Hall of Fame and get badge. Even worse you would see a channel created for "You rate my missions I'll rate yours" deals.

This is what Positron is talking about. If they allow people to rate ANY content before finishing it some players will use it to exploit/grief.

This is why a short timer doesn't work. 30 minutes could work, mainly because some fools will create content with 50 Kill All mission arcs (or 1 Kill All on a large map with nothing but Carnie EB/AVs lol) that no one could ever finish with their sanity intact. There really needs to be some way to warn others about such arcs. But I can't see a painless way to do so unless you use the inappropriate content complaint system. (which I also expect to see get a real workout)

WHAT I WOULD like to see is a method of personal rating mission creators. If I really loved X's mission a way of flagging/sorting missions so I can find anything else he/she did like following your favorite authors. That I can find no down side to this as it would only be seen by the creating player.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



My biggest issue right now is that I dual box. occsionally, I'll go as far as quadboxing. Maps that aren't linear REALLY screw me over because 'follow' only works so well. Hence why I need the linear levels..and of couurse w/ tons of mobs packed together



I understand that part. I know that I typed alot. Basicaly I was wondering more about players who like a published arc, but it gets unpublished when they want to do it at a later time with friends or with another character. I was not expecting to redo the arc right then and there, most likely within a day or two.

Basically if a published arc is played by someone who likes it, and wants to run it at a later time, but finds it is unplublished for whatever reason, what does one do? It may not have been up long enough for to earn a rating of "hall of fame" or getting "Dev Choice." If you remember the creator and arc name do you bug/beg them for a copy or request it republished? And that could overwhelm some lucky folks.

Even if a fanbased method is created or simple email sent to pass around and share, how will credit to the original creator of the arc or NPC group be maintained, short of not sharing it.

I know I would hate to share an arc I created, that eventually gets republished unchanged by someone else and get they get the special honors or Dev Choice. I know anything I create with MA is not really mine, but there is a prize and a benefit for composing arc that is rated as a 5 and is popular.

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I've seen hints of some kind of security so that you can share missions/arcs and they cannot publish it and take credit for it, but currently cannot find that info.

Other than that, yeah, you're going to have to beg the creator to put it back up.

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If I end up making more than 3 arcs, I plan on putting a 'Mission' Catalogue on my web site. Basically, I'll put a brief description of my different arcs and an option to contact me for when you'd like to have access to the arc. I expect that two of my arcs will be static and the third will be pulished on demand.

I'm also offering space to other registered site members for the same... it's just a bit of text and a message system, after all. Some restrictions will apply, but chances are, no heavier than what's already in game.

Message me here if you're interested. I'm still working on the web site and I can let you know when it's truely ready for public consumption.



i have a number of concepts rummaging thru my mind but would like to know if its even possible in the architect construct..

am i able to link a end of mission 1's av actual status to a timer?
concept reasoning - run out of time - entire team teleported to next lvl or mission where mission 1 av & 2 's av are tagteamed onto team or have multiple incoming teleportations of incoming foes of numerous styles and types to asist the av in trouble when timer runs out...cruel but sadistic but fun

I would like to be able to add some content to keep team members totally off guard to keep repition down, gets boring after a while. I am thinking of a randomizer that picks from possible vil or av monsters for end of mission lvl 5, hami or hydra or Lord Recluse and all his "buddies" as a surprise bonus. Can't give away all my devious plots!

Are we able to randomized av's in this setup?
would the value of tickets be directly related to the "value" of the av monster or villian?

Just curious




Hmm on a compleatly other matter

I wonder if the Great Face, Captain Dynamic arch villian is paying the guys writing his missions? I bet they got donuts with sprinkles!



I did a quick search and couldn't find an answer: can we make and use underlings?



I did a quick search and couldn't find an answer: can we make and use underlings?

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Do you mean enemy group minions and lts or NPC's that help you fight?

The answer to both is yes.



I did a quick search and couldn't find an answer: can we make and use underlings?

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Do you mean enemy group minions and lts or NPC's that help you fight?

The answer to both is yes.

[/ QUOTE ]Pretty sure he means "Underling" class enemies. Like Rikti Monkeys.




In Beta someone made a Hami (which the devs promptly disabled) so I'd be pretty confident that they opened pretty much all of the creature classes, but I haven't seen anything specifically mentioned about underlings either.

PS... that's not a non-disclosure issue as the community reps themselves posted that info.



Wow... the range of emotions I felt (see below)

In Beta someone made a Hami (which the devs promptly disabled) so I'd be pretty confident that they opened pretty much all of the creature classes, but I haven't seen anything specifically mentioned about underlings either.

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Violator!!! OMG you are going to get dev-smacked!! You are soo gonna get it!

PS... that's not a non-disclosure issue as the community reps themselves posted that info.

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Yet, first impressions are the most important. MA arcs are not like regular game content. We have more of a choice about whether we do them. Game content we have to do, if we want what follows. I can't count how many times I've rescued Fusionette in the Faultline arc, because that arc is a good way to get the Ouroboros badge before you're high enough to just go to Ouroboros. If we could START with the actual time travel mission, I'm sure a lot of people would.

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I agree with this to a certain degree but I feel that you can only get a 'cosmetic' first impression with CoX missions. You walk in the door and the only judgment you can really make is based on what you initially perceive e.g. map and mobs.

You need to play the mission for a few minutes before you can really rate it. 30 minutes maybe too long as some missions can be completed by this time perhaps 15 minutes.

As for the comments this would be a nice to have option but it maybe open to more abuse enabling players to type whatever they like. I think it most likely you will just have an opportunity to mark it out of 5 for example. Its quick, easy and will minimize abuse.

[/ QUOTE ]We won't have public comments, but we will be able to send comments to the authors. Uncertain if we'll get public comments in the future.

Make up your own example of a truly horrible bucket of chum mission that you can tell in the first couple of minutes, before you even fight one mob, is something the dog wouldn't eat and the cat would bury rather than drag inside. Those will happen. Let us bail and rate them as they deserve without having to endure it one minute longer than we have to. Other than that, trust the players. Don't force us to endure dreck longer than necessary until we prove otherwise. THEN they can start imposing whatever conditions/limits they feel needed.

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If you're judging something before you've even met a mob, you can't judge it fairly. What if they have a suprise planned? Some people might one star if the mission says you have to rescue Faultline and Fusionette, what if there is more to it than that?

The idea that you have to play the whole arc to give a review is a bit much, true, but the idea that you can judge an arc based on not even meeting the first mob is just as silly. It makes a mockery out of having a review system.



I agree with this totally. As a writer by trade I have seen real drek published...but it seldom gets purchased because customers read a few pages and put it back. That writer doesn't see much ink after that and either improves his art or goes back to washing cars or whatever.

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But after those people read a few pages they don't then go off and write a review which gets as much weight put on it as someone who actually read the book properly.