Discussion: Paragon Journals




If I were Positron and a known villan supervillan scientist had made a device that could warp reality, I would not be testing it to say "its safe to use for fun fellow heroes", I'd be finding someway to take it and HIM down.

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But don't you see what this means to science? It could mean actual advancements in the field of science!

Character index



Also, I want to know why we're letting the Vindicators keep the secret of Dual Builds when everyone knows they're in cahoots with the Arachnos Arbiters. Cahoots, I say.

Character index



Dual Builds....yet another addition to the game that has absolutely no place in the in-game lore.



Blocked at work, as usual. I'll read it later.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



Mako's Creek?!

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James Van Der Beek's little rowboat gets upended during the opening credits ... ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'. The creek turns red, while Paula Cole continues to sing.

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/em programs TiVo

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So... wait a minute... Positron can change his build on the fly, while fighting??? Oooh!!!!! I want THAT powaaaaaaaaaaah!

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I want the part when I can spec my defender into Dual Blades.....on the fly......

Positron is hacking again, me thinks...

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He spoke to Valkyrie, who can help player heroes out. Why not him?

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Right... I re-read that just now... however, I think it'd be AWESOME to have a new power which every Hero/Villain can get (once they choose their alternate build) that lets us switch builds on the fly. However, this power will be put on an un-enhanced very very very long timer... like 2 hours for example. I'd just love that!

EDIT :: Modified my post after re-reading the journal entry.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Does the text actually describe him speaking to her? because the narrative seems to imply (if I understood it correctly) that he switched "builds" mid-battle. Are we going to get a power that actually lets us switch builds mid-battle on a very very very long timer?! or is this truly Positron hacking, or... perhaps as Rick said, Positron went for a little chat with Valk before re-engaging in battle?!

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It says "I was able to successfully use the second part of my new build". Earlier he talked about two major changes between his solo "array" and his normal one, 1) replaced Mutation and Fallout with Aim and Proton Volley, 2) replaced Irradiate with Cosmic Burst. Hence "the second part of his new build" is the newly acquired Cosmic Burst.

There wouldn't be any reason to swap to a team-support build in the middle of a solo EB fight, anyway.

Character index



...unless Posi's team build was the only one he could fit the Pez dispenser into for his power suit. One should never fight solo without Pez!

Hey all, is there a thread somewhere that discusses how our mission text will be implemented? A link would be appreciated!

Please and Thankyou



That's the explanation for MA?????

I'm going to pretend I never read that. It never happened. Seriously. That's incredibly immersion breaking and doesn't fit at all.


Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



<QR> I like this addition to the web content. The MA write-up was especially interesting.

One thing in which I am curious is how Aeon will get his devices into Paragon City. What will probably happen is that Aeon Industries and Crey Industries will use a dummy corporation to plant them throughout the city and isles. Obviously, the note by Positron at the end indicates that they will allow it within the city, despite knowing the truth behind this new business, because it can be a useful tool for heroes, but will keep an extremely watchful eye on the whole thing. Villains have stolen tech from heroes and enemies, so it's unsurprising for heroes to "re-purpose" technology for their means as well, similar to War Walls and the medical TP system



To Obsidius: Didn't Aeon say Crey was helping out? It could be funneled through Crey Techologies.

The article was great and if we can access those great-looking devices in-game, I'll be a VERY happy camper! Can't wait for word of Beta or further Dev information.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I reread the article, and Aeon is funding Architect (the dummy corp) with Crey funds. So although Crey is helping to fund it, it seems as if vested control is with Aeon. However, Architect Entertainment would have no official ties to Aeon, allowing them to set up shop anywhere.

I wonder if the Vault Reserve is operated in a similar fashion by a benefactor in the shadows?



I love these in character documents about new game features. I think it's wonderful and you should do as many of them as possible.

This one in particular is really well written and fun. Thanks!




So, I really have this much time on my hands. I went searching for the Architect building's new location in Atlas.

Here's me, with the view from the article

And the block that I believe will be demolished, right below me.

Probably good, it's an eyesore anyway right next to City Hall. It's conveniently across the street from Wentworth's as well.

Edit: Take that back, the view looks more accurate from here:

The Aeon view

Zoomed out



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i though about that as well but what if that was the dr looking at a viewing screen of his lates creations. to see if he likes waht he see's before he post.

sincerly yours:
Bzald of TopTen



Dual Builds....yet another addition to the game that has absolutely no place in the in-game lore.

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I agree with you about dual builds and powerset proliferation. Especially powerset proliferation. But I think the MA thing should have some connection to the in-game lore, and it's pretty easy to just do a holodeck/danger room hand-wave. I don't think I'd have gone with Dr. Aeon, personally, or the focus on entertainment, but whatever. Once we get the tool, people will use it however they want.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Dual Builds....yet another addition to the game that has absolutely no place in the in-game lore.

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I agree with you about dual builds and powerset proliferation. Especially powerset proliferation. But I think the MA thing should have some connection to the in-game lore, and it's pretty easy to just do a holodeck/danger room hand-wave. I don't think I'd have gone with Dr. Aeon, personally, or the focus on entertainment, but whatever. Once we get the tool, people will use it however they want.

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Yeah, as long as the actual tool is good....I don't care about the silly story behind it. A holodec/training room woulda been a much better explaination though.



It occurred to me that it might be possible to modify Positron annihilation spectroscopy testing to gather more data by testing the effects of various powers on fixed objects but I ran short of time. Further research in this area should be picked up at a later date.

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Did anyone else read this line in Positron's journal alluding to the possibility that a future issue might bring movable or destructible environments to the mainstream? In other words, instead of merely showing up in Mayhem Missions and the STF, we might get city zones filled with breakable crap?

Or am I clutching at straws? (Beautiful breakable straws with a gooey movable center....)

Not only is he a real doctor, he's a dashing special agent with a Ph.D. in KICKING YOUR ***!




That's the explanation for MA?????

I'm going to pretend I never read that. It never happened. Seriously. That's incredibly immersion breaking and doesn't fit at all.


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Then it only happened in an alternate reality. :P

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!




So, I really have this much time on my hands. I went searching for the Architect building's new location in Atlas.

Here's me, with the view from the article

And the block that I believe will be demolished, right below me.

Probably good, it's an eyesore anyway right next to City Hall. It's conveniently across the street from Wentworth's as well.

Edit: Take that back, the view looks more accurate from here:

The Aeon view

Zoomed out



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I know where I expected a semi-secret Aeon Corp base to be.

Then again, where it actually may be doesn't seem to be any better.

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?




So, I really have this much time on my hands. I went searching for the Architect building's new location in Atlas.

Here's me, with the view from the article

And the block that I believe will be demolished, right below me.

Probably good, it's an eyesore anyway right next to City Hall. It's conveniently across the street from Wentworth's as well.

Edit: Take that back, the view looks more accurate from here:

The Aeon view

Zoomed out



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i though about that as well but what if that was the dr looking at a viewing screen of his lates creations. to see if he likes waht he see's before he post.

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Possible, but it looks like him looking out a window to me




I just realized...

Another player facility in AP? Shall Galaxy City never receive some city planner love?



I love these in character documents about new game features. I think it's wonderful and you should do as many of them as possible.

This one in particular is really well written and fun. Thanks!

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Like many others, I respectfully disagree. Except to explain the potential retexturing of city buildings or the potential introduction of new NPCs, the Mission Architect requires no in-game rationale. Moreover, the mechanics for multi-building will vary from Origin to Origin, and further from character to character. It needed even less of a global explanation. (Then, there was Positron referring to an Inspiration by name. Really?)

If we must rationalize it, a competing Arachnos/Longbow arms race to capitalize on the latest quasi- and potentially-real emergent scenarios (in our universe/timeline or another) would probably be easier to take "seriously." Positron's addendum to this "report" comes off as an egregious hand wave. (Dr. Keyes, the greatest engineer on the planet, can't fix a bloody dam without at least three metahumans. I'm sure as shootin' not trusting his opinion on Dr. Aeon's makebelieveotron.)

For what it's worth, though, the dottering mad scientist schtick was notably well-executed, complete with rambling about his favorite TV shows. And maybe this sort of glib packaging will resonate with most of the community; after all, the internet's a categorically breezy place. If I'm really in the minority about the tone of this piece, then I'll stop being ants at a picnic.

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



clearly the phrase "create their very own pockets of theoretical existence" is what is commonly known as a metaphor. It's not like Dr. Aeon figured out how to create his own alternate dimensions and was like "well, i could market it and let everyone use it for fun times." I'm a good guy and even I know I'd make the ultimate happy fun universe and live there forever, leaving everyone else behind if i had that tech.

No, it's just a holodeck.

And why all the hate for them writing it into the lore? It wouldn't make sense for a brand new set of buildings with this crazy technology to magically appear without anyone taking notice. I approve of this article.

My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)




I just realized...

Another player facility in AP? Shall Galaxy City never receive some city planner love?

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Like the arena?

(It may be a pretty useless facility, but it does look nice.)



If you haven't checked out the guide in my sig yet, you may well be interested.

It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.