Discussion: Paragon Journals




But I think the MA thing should have some connection to the in-game lore, and it's pretty easy to just do a holodeck/danger room hand-wave. I don't think I'd have gone with Dr. Aeon, personally, or the focus on entertainment, but whatever. Once we get the tool, people will use it however they want.

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I suppose you could always write an MA mission that describes the true functionality of the MA system.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



So... wait a minute... Positron can change his build on the fly, while fighting??? Oooh!!!!! I want THAT powaaaaaaaaaaah!

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Of course he can do that.

Where do we change our builds? At a trainer.
And Positron is...? A Trainer.



It occurred to me that it might be possible to modify Positron annihilation spectroscopy testing to gather more data by testing the effects of various powers on fixed objects but I ran short of time. Further research in this area should be picked up at a later date.

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Did anyone else read this line in Positron's journal alluding to the possibility that a future issue might bring movable or destructible environments to the mainstream? In other words, instead of merely showing up in Mayhem Missions and the STF, we might get city zones filled with breakable crap?

Or am I clutching at straws? (Beautiful breakable straws with a gooey movable center....)

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No you aren't clutching at straws. One thing the devs were working on for Bases and Base Raids were making virtually everything in an SG destructible during base raids. That includes all of the decorative items as well. The decorative stuff wouldn't be permanntly destroyed like some of the more functional items are. You can see a hint of it it with the Pocket D Teleport Beacons (if they haven't fixed them yet. It shows as a destroyed beacon (busted monitor or burnt and tattered scroll depending on type).



clearly the phrase "create their very own pockets of theoretical existence" is what is commonly known as a metaphor. It's not like Dr. Aeon figured out how to create his own alternate dimensions and was like "well, i could market it and let everyone use it for fun times." I'm a good guy and even I know I'd make the ultimate happy fun universe and live there forever, leaving everyone else behind if i had that tech.

No, it's just a holodeck.

And why all the hate for them writing it into the lore? It wouldn't make sense for a brand new set of buildings with this crazy technology to magically appear without anyone taking notice. I approve of this article.

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Maybe I misread. I took it as his machine was actually creating alternate universes for entertainment....which I think is stupid. If it is in fact just a Holodeck type thing then it makes much more sense and consider me sold.



that's how i see it anyways

My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)



And why all the hate for them writing it into the lore? It wouldn't make sense for a brand new set of buildings with this crazy technology to magically appear without anyone taking notice. I approve of this article.

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Don't misunderstand me: I fully accept that, if the Mission Architect has any in-game representation at all, there should be some form of rationale. I mean, it's not like Merit vending machines clad in "technicolor nightmare" plum-and-goldenrod spandex just arbitrarily appear in this game with no warning or explanation.

I just think the execution of this particular idea could have been handled better. Just remember: I only roast the ones I love.

Newton: I observed Mercury's perihelion moving 43 arc-seconds per century more than it should. Is this WAI?



Just my $.02, I'm happy to get a little teaser, but I don't like how they attempt to write in things like the MA as part of the CoH storyline. Probably just me, it just doesn't make any sense IMO and should just be kept as an out of game lore content creator. I feel the same way about writing proliferation into the story line. Do we really need to explain in game why villains can carry a mace now?

Don't mean to be negative, it's just a little thing that bugs me. Overall it looks great and I'm glad to see some pics!

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Stop trying to explain meta-game things that don't require in-game explanations.

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"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



Ah, excellent way to release hints about features and such. Though many things, by all means, don't require this much effort to 'explain' (like power proliferation, lol) I do appreciate the effort to make this affective and fit into the environment. I'm liking how the architect is shaping up <3

Celtech Main Site
My DA Profile




I just realized...

Another player facility in AP? Shall Galaxy City never receive some city planner love?

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Like the arena?

(It may be a pretty useless facility, but it does look nice.)

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That's pretty much it for GC - nothing new since I5.

<ul type="square">[*] Arena[/list]AP:
<ul type="square">[*]WW[*] Vault Reserve[*] Vanguard DPO[*] Ouroboros exit[*] RV[*] Architect Entertainment (I14)[/list]I can see that the arena balances everything out



Well lets jsut say i Already have a alternete reaity to explore


Buty yeah power poliferation really did not need a explination ESPECIALLY when they said "oh Tanks are geting Dark Armor and Dark Melee for the Brutes"

Hello i've been a DM/DA scrapper for 57 months now! Thye got it from ME! ME!

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



Just my $.02, I'm happy to get a little teaser, but I don't like how they attempt to write in things like the MA as part of the CoH storyline. Probably just me, it just doesn't make any sense IMO and should just be kept as an out of game lore content creator. I feel the same way about writing proliferation into the story line. Do we really need to explain in game why villains can carry a mace now?

Don't mean to be negative, it's just a little thing that bugs me. Overall it looks great and I'm glad to see some pics!

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Stop trying to explain meta-game things that don't require in-game explanations.

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My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City




I just realized...

Another player facility in AP? Shall Galaxy City never receive some city planner love?

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Like the arena?

(It may be a pretty useless facility, but it does look nice.)

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That's pretty much it for GC - nothing new since I5.

<ul type="square">[*] Arena[/list]AP:
<ul type="square">[*]WW[*] Vault Reserve[*] Vanguard DPO[*] Ouroboros exit[*] RV[*] Architect Entertainment (I14)[/list]I can see that the arena balances everything out

[/ QUOTE ]
I made one character who used Atlas Park/Ms. Liberty as his starting point; everyone else starts in Galaxy City because I greatly dislike having to deal with much of the antics that other players do when they have an "audience". I am glad that they are "ignoring" Galaxy City in this way and I hope that they continue to keep Galaxy City in their "blind spot" so that those players who appreciate a less-traveled zone can still have one to start.

| Issue 9 Fly poses | IO's and ED
| Cycling the Combat Monitor | Load Macros from a Text File |



I made one character who used Atlas Park/Ms. Liberty as his starting point; everyone else starts in Galaxy City because I greatly dislike having to deal with much of the antics that other players do when they have an "audience". I am glad that they are "ignoring" Galaxy City in this way and I hope that they continue to keep Galaxy City in their "blind spot" so that those players who appreciate a less-traveled zone can still have one to start.

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I'm hoping they "balance" the game using the Coming Storm. Destroy several minimally used Hero zones. Galaxy City is actually one of the best candidates because of Freedom Phalanx HQ.

It's just a funny idea I had one night.



I made one character who used Atlas Park/Ms. Liberty as his starting point; everyone else starts in Galaxy City because I greatly dislike having to deal with much of the antics that other players do when they have an "audience". I am glad that they are "ignoring" Galaxy City in this way and I hope that they continue to keep Galaxy City in their "blind spot" so that those players who appreciate a less-traveled zone can still have one to start.

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Galaxy City - "Get off my lawn!"

Meh, I've had this debate before, and would rather not further threadjack this thread with my thoughts on the subject. Carry on.



Heroes of the "City of" world have a weird idea of R &amp; R.

Hero A : Hey! Let's take a break from our day-to-day world of villains, crimes, seedy underworlds, and mortal peril and try out this device that lets us create whole new worlds!
Hero B: Wow, that sounds great! What should we put in it? Exotic locales? Different historical time periods? Beaches populated with scantily-clad and pliant young ladies/gentlemen? And margaritas?
Hero A: Uh . . . I was thinking villains, crimes, seedy underworlds and, um, mortal peril.
Hero B: . . .
Hero A: Okay, forget it let's go to the Arena.
Hero B: So . . . instead of smashing villains over the head . . . we can smash . . . each other over the head . . .
Hero A: Yeah! Sounds fun, right?
Hero B: . . .
Hero A: Gosh, now that I come to tell someone like that . . .
Hero B: I'm going to Pocket D and getting margaritas.

When all you have is a fist, every problem begins to look like villany's face.



Just wanted to add my 2 cents...

Seems odd to make the MA an entertainment system.

I always invisioned something like a Hero training program. Something like in X-Men. I guess maybe that would be too obvious?

I'm all for including it into the storyline as long as it makes sense.




While we, as players, can refer to the concept as a "Danger Room," the devs, due to *ahem Marvel Comics IP Lawyers* cannot.

Neither can they use Holodeck, due to Paramount's lawyers.

So what we got is what we can use.

"Oh, I'm sorry, was my immersive collaborative fictional improv stepping on your gold-farming? Did my six paragraphs of evocative prose lag your dual-box setup? In the words of one of my favorite teen-years cultural icons.... WELL, EXCUUUUUUUSEEE MEEEE!!!" -- Cuppa_Soul



Heroes of the "City of" world have a weird idea of R &amp; R.

Hero A : Hey! Let's take a break from our day-to-day world of villains, crimes, seedy underworlds, and mortal peril and try out this device that lets us create whole new worlds!
Hero B: Wow, that sounds great! What should we put in it? Exotic locales? Different historical time periods? Beaches populated with scantily-clad and pliant young ladies/gentlemen? And margaritas?
Hero A: Uh . . . I was thinking villains, crimes, seedy underworlds and, um, mortal peril.
Hero B: . . .
Hero A: Okay, forget it let's go to the Arena.
Hero B: So . . . instead of smashing villains over the head . . . we can smash . . . each other over the head . . .
Hero A: Yeah! Sounds fun, right?
Hero B: . . .
Hero A: Gosh, now that I come to tell someone like that . . .
Hero B: I'm going to Pocket D and getting margaritas.

When all you have is a fist, every problem begins to look like villany's face.

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"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Pure unadulterated theadwin right there!

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