Discussion: What was your Favorite Feature of 2008




we wanted to find out from you the Community what your favorite features of the past year have been.

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Do the improvements to Energy Aura count?

What I've enjoyed most is the interaction between the new and upgraded features, actually. I dig the Cimerora content, but think the Merit system is great for giving options, have enjoyed dinking around with dual builds - but it's some of the little QoL features that really keep me happy. I'm still loving my deformable power trays!

Ooh, and Self Destruction roxxors.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



I dont' have the strength to read all of the posts, so I'll just put my favorite additions. (Sorry I'm bad sick)

I love the VEATs as well as the Pain Dom and the Shields. So I guess I'll put the new Archetypes. For me with any game Diversity is Key and this game has that better than ANY other out there.

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



In order of awesomeness, in my opinion:

Purchaseable character slots <3
Player Notes (I use them daily!)
Earning inf in SG mode
Level Up Bonuses (Lvl Rezzing is great)
Leveling Pact



Hero-Con XD
Costumes, costumes, costumes!
Save/Load your outfits

COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation



- Power Proliferation (lets get more of them proliferated in '09, eh?)

- New Powersets

- Ancillary and Patron Power Pool revisions (still needs further proliferation and tweaking/additions)


Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Meh, my first reaction is how much did NCSoft pay for this award, next thought is how much competition did they really have? Two "major" MMO's tanked this year, WoW is considered the benchmarks, though I don't see why it's so popular... War is too new. Eve looks like a great game when I played it about a year ago, and seems to still be quite popular. The new features for this game have been great, but something major is broken half the time these days, and with all the new bugs and lag and dc'ing has seriously lowered the quality of play time for me. I keep improving things on my end, and yet this game keeps running worse and worse with every new major patch or game update.



favorite? there are a lot, and ill edit more in later, but whoever redid the badge ui i would kiss square on the mouth, male of female.

Powerset Proliferation was great

although castle owes me a elec tank*shakes fist!*

you hear me castle!!

[/ QUOTE ]heh, i wouldnt say he "owes" me one, but the day they are released is the day i roll one. I really want one.



Meh, my first reaction is how much did NCSoft pay for this award, next thought is how much competition did they really have? Two "major" MMO's tanked this year, WoW is considered the benchmarks, though I don't see why it's so popular... War is too new. Eve looks like a great game when I played it about a year ago, and seems to still be quite popular. The new features for this game have been great, but something major is broken half the time these days, and with all the new bugs and lag and dc'ing has seriously lowered the quality of play time for me. I keep improving things on my end, and yet this game keeps running worse and worse with every new major patch or game update.

[/ QUOTE ] I would have to agree with you on this. Seems the more they try to improve the game the worse it gets, Not to say some of the the new things are nice and long over due. Just so not what the game used to be at all. Pre I-4 had less crashing and lag.



With the sole exception of I13, everything has been extraordinarily stable. This release was rocky, that's true. But the past I think you may be glossing over. It's hardly "worse" - there's a great post down in the General area I think that shows what all we HAVE now that folks who want to reminisce about the "old days" (and believe me I was there) ... it wasn't great. It wasn't better. It was slightly more stable several months ago, but they wanted this release out so that the devs *gasp* might be able to actually take vacations and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

The game's far better today than it was 1, 2 or 3 years ago. Everything is pretty much "moar". My one caveat is... Hami... but let's not go into that...

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I still remember back in the day when you could 6-slot Snipe with Range/Damage Hamios and Boost Range. You had to use TWO PEOPLE assist-targetting in order to hit maximum range. Sniping from one end of PI to the other. Fun times there.

There's stuff you can't do now, and stuff you can do now that you couldn't then. Enjoy what you've got while you got it, I don't think we'll ever see 6-slotting 50% enhancements again, but IO's can come close.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

All your gonna do is just farm behemoths anyways.

My thoughts on November 30.



I agree with this whole thread. There have been a ton of features, enhancements, fixes and plain old groovy new stuff added in the last 18 months or so. The dev team should be patting itself on its collective back right now.

If I had to pick just one though:


Good job guys.



i like the Merit system... *ducks

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



I think it was added this year, but the /sync command really can be invaluable at times.

Its really a very useful little thing, I seem to get de-synched with a great regularity.

These moments seem to come at critical times on Task Forces, and being able to quickly try to re-sync on the fly is something I've grown to love.



VEATS are awesome...

But all of the QoL/UI changes REALLY made me happy.. Especially the badge tab overhaul!

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



I love Cimmerora and the ITF, VEATS has got me very excited about playing Villain-side (and its now my preferred side), and the QoL stuff has made playing much more seamless and convenient!



With the sole exception of I13, everything has been extraordinarily stable. This release was rocky, that's true. But the past I think you may be glossing over. It's hardly "worse" - there's a great post down in the General area I think that shows what all we HAVE now that folks who want to reminisce about the "old days" (and believe me I was there) ... it wasn't great. It wasn't better. It was slightly more stable several months ago, but they wanted this release out so that the devs *gasp* might be able to actually take vacations and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

The game's far better today than it was 1, 2 or 3 years ago. Everything is pretty much "moar". My one caveat is... Hami... but let's not go into that...

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I love how you are subjecting your opinion as fact as the way the whole group of you protector forum regulars always do. Just because you guys THINK the game is better, and enjoy it more, doesn't make it fact that it is better, especially not for every single person who plays this game. Many of my friends are unhappy with the current state of the game and have quit or are looking to move my whole SG to greener pastures again. IE, we left pro for freedom, cause pro got so boring and now looking to move to a new game entirely. While the content has gotten better, the quality and stability of the final product has diminished greatly. Thought it does get better as time goes by with each issue, each issue starts out progressively worse. Seriously, all instances where broken the first day of i13 and it took them 8 hours to react to the situation and do anything about it. Instances make up 75 to 99% of this game if you don't PVP and depending on how much time you spend at the market... I12 went live with many, many known client crashes still unresolved or really poor choices for work arounds in place. I8 and i9 had huge additions to the game in them, and I had many friends who had server lag issues for a few months after each issue went live. I could go on and on. You want to glaze over the rest of the facts then go ahead, but leave the rest of us to formulate our own opinions. Before the whole "if you hate the game, go play something else" starts, box is in the mail, should be here day after tomorrow...



Yes we know there ARE issues. But save your rants for another thread. I've ranted at the customer service and in the forums elsewhere, this post asks you "What your Favourite Feature of 2008 was". So please, don't be such a wet blanket.



The "Group Looking for Members" tab... Oh wait...

Best: Changes to Blasters
Worst: Merits

(gotta do the Yin/Yang, as we all know, balance is everything)

Travel Suppression is this game's worst feature, well that and MetaHumans riding mass transit like tourists at DisneyLand.



Yes we know there ARE issues. But save your rants for another thread. I've ranted at the customer service and in the forums elsewhere, this post asks you "What your Favourite Feature of 2008 was". So please, don't be such a wet blanket.

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This is the only thread linked to for "most improved game announcement". I stated my opinion of the award, and also that I like the new features in my first post. Thought I did say my overall thoughts on the state of the game as well. I was then told that my OPINION is wrong by one of the protector forum trolls. I've paid $600ish into this game, so I will state my opinion as I see fit.



Soldiers of Arachnos
The Midnighter Club
Powerset Proliferation

Basically Issue 12 was a serious dose of win!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Eh, I loved the changes to blasters with them fixing their inherent- but then nerfmaster castle turned around and nerfed TF.

So this year was basically "bleh" for me.

It's debatable if CoX earned it but gratz on the award anyway.

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



I can't pick just one >_<

-Multi Builds
-The new badge system
-and many more

@Intro lolPvP



my favorite was when they put focused accuracy back to its wonderful to-hit bonus.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Zombie Invasions
Lvling Pacts
Duel Builds



It's interesting to see how people's favorite items of 2008 vary, as well as seeing which the most popular answers are.

There's TONS of candidates for my personal favorite new feature of the year.. VEAT's was my original answer here, but I found something I like more.. Of course, I'm sure *MOST* of us appriciate the proliferated and other new power sets as well.. and this year might be my overall favorite year for QOL changes..

But still, even though the 'best' is promised to be still to come, I'll go with base changes. The non pathing is something I plan to have a lot of fun with! Plus, of course, the price re-balances and the rebate means my SG has several times the room we used to, in order to have fun with it.

I'm really hoping the nopath bit stays, to let us 'combine' and stack items easier. I'm hoping long wanted features like messageboards, NPC's, and Icon/ market features make their way in, too.

And despite the handful of naysayers.. I congratulate you on a well deserved award!

J/ Dash

Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!