Discussion: What was your Favorite Feature of 2008




The save/load costume feature. By far the most time consuming part of my day, and being able to store my work has really made costuming new heroes/villains less of a chore.



Finally fixing the SG costume color-mode. Honestly, that was my single biggest peeve in the ENTIRE game, hands down, bar none.

A close second? Considering the number of MMs I play, the group pet upgrades.

Other highs for me: costume copies, pain domination, shield defense, the merit system, flashback missions, character transfer and renaming, additional server slots, the cyborg pack... long list really.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



These are my favorite features of 2008

The Attribute Monitor
XP Curve Adjustment
Characters below 10th level cannot send emails.
Villain Epic Archetypes
Optional Character Slots Purchases
Added "Spam" Button to email window
Eight additional power trays added
Player Notes
In-Depth Power Information
Leveling Up Bonus
Trial Account Limitations
Characters will no longer stop earning Influence when playing in Supergroup mode
Users can now choose to pay with influence or free costume token at the Tailor.
The Merit Rewards System
Day Jobs
Pain Domination
Villain Patron Powers Unlocked
New Costumes
New Missions
All Supergroup Base room prices and Prestige costs have been rebalanced.
Base Salvage no longer drops.
Added Teleporter Beacon for Pocket D.
Badge tracking User Interface window updated to allow sorting by category
Chat: Ctrl-C now copies whatever text is selected.
New villain Respec Contact --- Arbiter Sawyer in Port Oakes
Port Oakes got itself a Black Market.
There are new 'Abandoned Labs'

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That says why CoX got the award right there.

I'm very happy.



With the recent news about Massively.com awarding City of Heroes and City of Villains the "Most Improved Game of 2008 Award," we wanted to find out from you the Community what your favorite features of the past year have been.

Starting from Issue 11.5 to Issue 12: The Midnight Hour to our recent Issue 13: Power & Responsibility we have covered a lot of ground.

What was your favorite feature of 2008?

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Many good things happened in our game this year.

If I had to choose my one favorite thing, it would have to be the ability to add slots to my favorite server (Victory) so I could continue playing there, in my base that I spent many hours building up.

Running out of slots and starting out on a new server just is too much work. Im thankful I can keep my old toons and make new ones that use the old ones resources.

Thats the best feature I can think of.


Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian



Gosh, in looking back there have been so many great updates to the game this year.

The whole Midnighter/Cimerora content and the ITF have provided many hours of fun with friends.

Personally, the correction to Kheldian power sets has been extremely gratifying-- thanks!

#141757 We Are Legion, #99205 We Too Are Legion, #5514 Bug Hunt

VIRTUE HEROES: Ebon Witch, Essense, Ossum Possum, Eversoul, Jacob Ravenshire
VIRTUE VILLAINS: Gentleman Caller, Little Green Vistor, Black Apple, Emily & Timothy Ravenshire



It was a pretty quiet year but from what we did get I think I liked the ITF the best. The funnest event. The only problem with that is the theme. Less fantasy, ancients rubbish and more super hero stuff



All the QOL stuff. It's hard to pick just one from that. Or just a couple.

Followed by Dual Builds. Some of my (formerly) more team-centric characters that were a PITA to solo are much more fun now.



My favorite feature added i was the badge changes that now allow me to get all the pvp zone badges in one night.

i just goto sirens call and stand at the circles in taskforce mode and take a knee with rest and not having to worry about getting killed in the process!

Very nice. there are no enemies in Rv when i want to go afk farm in there as well. i just park the heavy in the cross roads andgo afk while hovering above a little bit can farm all night tis way.



CoH/V is the only game I play, so every new thing is great.

I am especially fond of The Midnight Club, Invention system upgrades, SG Bases and SO enhances.

Keep up the great work team!!!



The one change that I use and enjoy more than anything else...

Inspiration combination.

Seriously, this QoL change is extremely underrated, but has proven to be invaluable again and again, no matter which character I'm playing. No more teams standing around sheepishly because nobody has an Awaken, and no more groaning because the last nine drops were yellows that you didn't need.

Wierd choice, but it's really the little things that make the most difference.

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My favorite overall QoL change as well.



Tie between new/proliferated powersets and the ITF.



ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE!!!!! I love that event, and the badges are really funny... need more events like those. Like maybe a Robot Malfunction invasion..



It's really hard to single out one thing, but one thing I'd like to mention is the merit system. Now people want to run Positron's Task Force



Merit system, hands down. Best change to this game ever!

[b]Champion Server:
Shining Shieldmaiden: Shield Defense/Super Strength Tanker
Twilight Sparkle: Magical Friendship Unicorn



SO MANY but ONE 4 sure, Iv'e been asking for YEARS, for a SAFE place to do a respec at like Heros get at GC for us vills.

The "not getting killed" in Nerva for lowbies was a PAIN but now in PO adding that trainer ROCKS!! THX!!

And the new powersets and the ITF CIMMY is a sweet zone!!



3. Inspiration Combination: This has been truly invaluable in supplying my SG's inspiration collectors as my Tank (totally IOed out) rarely needs them and it's extremely useful during combat for my other characters.

2. Prestige Changes: I wouldn't have created my own Super Group if it weren't for this. The cost was just way too high until now. Thank you very much.

1. Combat Attributes: Beyond seeing how high my defense numbers and regeneration numbers are, it's incredible during combat, letting us know that we're being debuffed and to extent of buffs we need to counter it.

Virtue: The-Invictus (Blue)
The Emissary of Justice - Level 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
The Emissary of Justice. - Level 50 WP/Fire Tanker
Mesmerius - Level 50 Psi/Mental Blaster
Nucleoa - Level 50 Rad/Son Defender



I love the changes to base editing. *blush*



1. Powerset Proliferation. Damnit Castle, I'm still waiting to make my elec/elec scrapper.

2. ITF. It got me through the dreaded 35-40 level range.

3. Insp combining. No longer must we wait because nobody had a wakie in a group of lvl 50's.

Pow! Kablooey! Freem! Whiff! Bop! Zow!



1. VEATS (always been wanting to play AS some of the villain groups)

2. Powerset Proliferation

3. Cimmoria. Cinimon-land. however its spelled. But it's awesome.

4. Faultline(dunno if faultline redoux was 2008, but i still thought it was AWESOME.)



With out a doubt VEAT's.

Other things I like not limited to 2008 because I think its the improvements post Cryptic that earned this. Not just 11.5-13.
Rikti/Zombie Invasions
New mezz toggle feature.
Dual Build option.

But with the good comes the bad and almost all are Issue 13 related.
IO's acquistion difficulty and acquistion methods.
"NEW" Broken PVP.
Chat system issues.
Content repetition and predictablity.

Arch light L50 INV/SS
Psiberia L50 Kin/Psi
Screaming Mentallica L50 Sonic/MM

Arc Voltinator L50 SS/Elec
Mind Fire Kinesis L50 Fire/Kin
Flaming Screamer L50 Fire/Sonic



#1 by far was the recent base changes

Added character slots
Inspiration combining

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



1. Love Dual Blades
2. Love Willpower
3. Power and Responsibility
4. Love my spine/fire scrapper
5. and my fire/fire

Wish I had time to try out the Midnighter missions

"Resistance is FUTILE!"



I am very happy with both sides of the game opening up for one purchase (i.e. Buy CoH get CoV and vice versa)

Honestly, I think that was what got a buddy of mine to really give the game a go. 2 for 1 in a way.


I would say that I am happiest with the new powersets. Shield/WP/DB/and Proliferation



This is easy for me, the most favorite feature: