Issue 13 Open Beta




I could have sworn that some, at least minor, zone enhancements/revamp/changes were to be in i13, was that taken out too?




PvP Changes:
We’ve also overhauled our PvP system in such a way that the changes do not affect PvE. We’ve ignored PvP as “good enough” for long enough. The previous systems were “ok” and have a very vocal and devoted fan-base, but we plan on incorporating more and more PvP features into City of Heroes and City of Villains. In order for us to do that we really need a solid foundation of the core PvP gameplay. We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP’ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we’re putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn’t working out, we’ll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.

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This is horrible. The new system is full of bugs, completely unbalanced and a majority of players (Current PvPers and PvEers) do NOT like this. In fact, the target audience of new PvPers are saying this changes helps even less! You took all diversity of At's out. Don't you think we know that a tank can take punches whereas a blaster can't? Now it is reversed! Blasters are supposed to be a high damage class, to make up for the low hp and def/resist. Now their damage is laughable. Blasters are the worst AT, along with Widows. Controllers and Defenders remain the "FotM" they were before with unresisted debuffs and high damaging holds. The game is turning into WoW 2.0. Please reconsider this "PvP overhaul," its worse then before!

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Ouch, if I were Castle or someone who worked extremely hard on trying to make all balanced and stuff and I read this, I'd wanna kill myself. Jeez.


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IMHO this would be a good start!



Installing now and transferring my fitty 'shade and pb...




PvP Changes:
We’ve also overhauled our PvP system in such a way that the changes do not affect PvE. We’ve ignored PvP as “good enough” for long enough. The previous systems were “ok” and have a very vocal and devoted fan-base, but we plan on incorporating more and more PvP features into City of Heroes and City of Villains. In order for us to do that we really need a solid foundation of the core PvP gameplay. We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP’ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we’re putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn’t working out, we’ll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.

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This is horrible. The new system is full of bugs, completely unbalanced and a majority of players (Current PvPers and PvEers) do NOT like this. In fact, the target audience of new PvPers are saying this changes helps even less! You took all diversity of At's out. Don't you think we know that a tank can take punches whereas a blaster can't? Now it is reversed! Blasters are supposed to be a high damage class, to make up for the low hp and def/resist. Now their damage is laughable. Blasters are the worst AT, along with Widows. Controllers and Defenders remain the "FotM" they were before with unresisted debuffs and high damaging holds. The game is turning into WoW 2.0. Please reconsider this "PvP overhaul," its worse then before!

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I have to agree with HH. The system is not ready to be released yet. I wish you guys would reconsider these pvp changes, and just release them next issue or issue after that after you guys get it right. It is no where near ready in its current build. I feel you guys are making a big mistake.

You're already dead... You just dont know it yet.




PvP Changes:
We’ve also overhauled our PvP system in such a way that the changes do not affect PvE. We’ve ignored PvP as “good enough” for long enough. The previous systems were “ok” and have a very vocal and devoted fan-base, but we plan on incorporating more and more PvP features into City of Heroes and City of Villains. In order for us to do that we really need a solid foundation of the core PvP gameplay. We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP’ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we’re putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn’t working out, we’ll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.

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This is horrible. The new system is full of bugs, completely unbalanced and a majority of players (Current PvPers and PvEers) do NOT like this. In fact, the target audience of new PvPers are saying this changes helps even less! You took all diversity of At's out. Don't you think we know that a tank can take punches whereas a blaster can't? Now it is reversed! Blasters are supposed to be a high damage class, to make up for the low hp and def/resist. Now their damage is laughable. Blasters are the worst AT, along with Widows. Controllers and Defenders remain the "FotM" they were before with unresisted debuffs and high damaging holds. The game is turning into WoW 2.0. Please reconsider this "PvP overhaul," its worse then before!

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/slap that wasn't very nice, instead of coming on here and complaining which obviously are. Why not take the time to think of something less whining and more constructive. Its people like you that make the boards boring.

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And its people like you that make people like me /hitheadondesk

I was being very constructive. I posted details on why I think, what I think. If you read the other posts, many people aren't liking the new PvP system, its not just me. Maybe you shouldn't flame people for what they like, It would be like someone flaming basebuilders, and you wouldnt like that would you?

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I couldnt care honestly and if I was flamed for something I liked would it really bother me? no because when its all said and one its a game and no reason what so ever to complain or whatever. I could go on and on back and fourth with ya but I won't ain't worth it.



Leveling Pact:
This feature will initially launch with the low-level limit on initiating Pacts

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I'm glad to hear that it may be raised later. Until it is it will linger in my "feature I'll never use" bucket rather then "greatest feature ever" bucket. The bulk of the small army of duo characters my wife and I have are mostly in the 10-20 range, and have unreplacable badges (anniversary and the like) so rerolling isn't an option.

Want better looking NPCs Contacts? Check out this NPC Contact/Trainer/Etc Revision Thread and Index
Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



If your SG wants to take advantage of the new, lower, prices, you’re going to have to do a little work in selling the older items, and buying the new, lower priced items.

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To clarify, this means that base items that were placed before i13 will sell for their pre-i13 costs?

What about Teleport Pads or other items that have to be crafted first? Would we be better off just keeping them, or will the cost difference make up for the trouble of recrafting?

Will the invention salvage used for these be the expensive arcane or the lesser used tech salvage?



Simply rebuying your plot (if expanded) and positioning it exactly over the current outline will free up a whole heck of a lot of prestige.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Patron and Epic Power Pools:
First off, we’ve made some changes to the Villain Patron and Hero Epic Power Pools. We know that these have been out of balance for a while, so in bringing Patron pools up to the same level as Hero pools, we’ve made a lot of changes to both side’s high level powers. We did extensive datamining on power choices, how they were being utilized, and damage outputs. In the end we tweaked several powers and removed some, replacing them with (what we think) are far more useful ones. We were very cautious in removing powers; it’s not something we ever do lightly. We only do it where there was a huge disparity in how often it is chosen over another power. That to us points to severe problems with that power even being in that pool to begin with.

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so this change was to bring PPPs closer to EPPs, replace powers with (what you think) are far more useful ones, and switch ones that are not popular?

I see quite a few powers being removed/changed that don't fit with any of this reasonings. ie: how is dark blast better than gloom for brutes?



I like the looks of the PVP changes (normally just a PVE player).

I LOVE my long time (years) little QoL change (copy and paste in-game) is there. THANK YOU!



He actually told you nothing about what changed or how things were tweaked. What was there to like or dislike?



Yay, I get to help in Beta!

I was hoping to do it earlier, but beggers can't be choosers, as they say



He actually told you nothing about what changed or how things were tweaked. What was there to like or dislike?

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Heh - there's a bunch of stuff in the patch notes. I just wanted to voice my support of glee and happiness



I’d like to take this time to go into more on the designs for some of the new stuff in Issue 13.

We’ve made some changes to the way players deal with bases. Overall things got a lot less expensive, Prestige-wise, in bases.

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Prestige maybe, the OTHER costs went through the roof.

This means that smaller SGs should be able to accomplish more with their bases now.

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This is simply untrue. Smaller SGs will be forced to used the Market System (something you promised in Issue 9 that people would not be forced to use) to even craft a tier 1 item like a telepad, because you have chosen to include rare salvage. To make matters worse, you've made Invention Salvage needed for dual builds, empowerment stations, as well as using the salvage required for the "power 10" IOs.

All this amounts to an overall increase in prices. Prices that I must add will be borne mainly by Group Leaders and Base Architects. This is ESPECIALLY true in SGs that are fewer than 6 people.

If your SG wants to take advantage of the new, lower, prices, you’re going to have to do a little work in selling the older items, and buying the new, lower priced items. It’s an unfortunate artifact of the way the base system was designed that we can’t just refund your SG the difference straight away.

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Which shows that this change should have been held back until such a fix could have been implemented. Instead, in your rush to push through a poorly thought out change, you are off loading the conversion to players. Now you will have to maintain two sets of base items until such time that you can get around to automating the switchover.

We’ve also eliminated the need for Base Salvage. Now everything in bases can be built with Invention Salvage.

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Thus you've went beyond ignoring the players concerns (which have been brought up repeatedly in the base section for the last month) to fix a non-existent problem of people "not understanding the difference between base and invention salvage". A problem, I might add, that could have been fixed with a simple text change to "Base Salvage Found".

You will even be able to convert all that extra Base Salvage into Invention Salvage to help get rid of the extraneous items your SG has probably accumulated.

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Those "extraneous items" are BACK UPS in case someone accidentally deletes a base item...

This change will help smaller SGs build cooler stuff faster, as well as give large SGs a benefit for all their hard work so far.

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We've already shown that you've completely missed that mark. It will still take small SGs a long time to get up and running, and now one person will be getting shafted because the recipes REQUIRE invention salvage.

Don’t worry, the storage containers in bases will now be able to hold a small amount of Invention Salvage as well now.

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You raised the base salvage from 999 to 2,500 because it was shown that the original base salvage racks stored LESS than a player could hold on a single character. Now you are telling us that we can only store 30 items in the rack? I know characters with more Halloween salvage on them than that.

To sum up the base changes in PVP terms:

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Sorry but I like the new issue 13 changes.

Working with a small base it is nice to have the same invention salvage. After the base is finished I can use the salvage for recipes. That's a epic win in my book!



Merit System:
Next up, we have a new Merit System for playing through content in the game. Players will no longer need to “farm” particular missions or Task Forces for a specific IO. Now you can accumulate Merits and simply purchase that IO outright from the new Merit Vendors sprinkled throughout Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. Practically everything you do in the game earns you Merits now and the amount you earn is based on our datamines on how long particular things take to accomplish in our game. This means that really fast Task Forces or Trials will earn you fewer Merits than ones that take longer to complete. Merits don’t have a level associated with them either, so you can earn Merits in your low-level career, and save them up to purchase IOs that will be most useful when you are level 50. The choice is now in your hands, and out of the random drop tables these missions had previously.

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And that's not a happy, adoring "wow".

I'm not going to sit here and say I liked everything about the random drop table setup you had. But have you decided that you don't like the market? Because if this stuff is now no longer tied to random drops, what is the market for?

Just on the really odd chance that you've forgotten, let me remind you how a market is used in any game where you have such a system. Some person does content and gets a widget as a reward, but they wanted a doodad. So they take the widget to the market and sell it to people who are looking for doodads. They get some money back, which they save up towards buying a widget (unless they do get one later as a drop).

If there are no random drop tables in the picture, the person above never gets a doodad. They just save up merits till they get their widget, then they move on.

Oh, sure, there's still going to be a market for some things, particularly those not dropping from TFs and trials, mostly because people can generate them outside of TFs and trials, which means the introduction of merits won't decrease their supply.

So what's the deal? Did you decide you didn't like having a market after all? Or is it that you simply don't see the outcome I describe as coming about?

Obviously, if my predictions don't pan out then all is well. What's you plan, though, if they do?

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA




PvP Changes:
We’ve also overhauled our PvP system in such a way that the changes do not affect PvE. We’ve ignored PvP as “good enough” for long enough. The previous systems were “ok” and have a very vocal and devoted fan-base, but we plan on incorporating more and more PvP features into City of Heroes and City of Villains. In order for us to do that we really need a solid foundation of the core PvP gameplay. We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP’ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we’re putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn’t working out, we’ll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.

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This is horrible. The new system is full of bugs, completely unbalanced and a majority of players (Current PvPers and PvEers) do NOT like this. In fact, the target audience of new PvPers are saying this changes helps even less! You took all diversity of At's out. Don't you think we know that a tank can take punches whereas a blaster can't? Now it is reversed! Blasters are supposed to be a high damage class, to make up for the low hp and def/resist. Now their damage is laughable. Blasters are the worst AT, along with Widows. Controllers and Defenders remain the "FotM" they were before with unresisted debuffs and high damaging holds. The game is turning into WoW 2.0. Please reconsider this "PvP overhaul," its worse then before!

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to agree with HH. The system is not ready to be released yet. I wish you guys would reconsider these pvp changes, and just release them next issue or issue after that after you guys get it right. It is no where near ready in its current build. I feel you guys are making a big mistake.

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Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute



Back when Willpower and Dual Blades were introduced, during Open Beta, you gave enough xp to level anyone with the new set straight to 37 since there wouldn't necessarily be enough time for all players to acheive those levels before the issue went to live. Can we expect to see that situation occur with Shields and Pain Domination?



Posi my man, I really don't think this was ready for Open Beta. You guys really didn't do much to take advantage of the closed beta either in terms of providing focused testing goals, so are you just looking for data mining here or what?

I don't know, but this release today just smells of the developers being forced to dance to someone else's schedule, whether its marketing, NC Soft corporate offices, or whoever else.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



I’d like to take this time to go into more on the designs for some of the new stuff in Issue 13.

We’ve made some changes to the way players deal with bases. Overall things got a lot less expensive, Prestige-wise, in bases.

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Prestige maybe, the OTHER costs went through the roof.

This means that smaller SGs should be able to accomplish more with their bases now.

[/ QUOTE ]
This is simply untrue. Smaller SGs will be forced to used the Market System (something you promised in Issue 9 that people would not be forced to use) to even craft a tier 1 item like a telepad, because you have chosen to include rare salvage. To make matters worse, you've made Invention Salvage needed for dual builds, empowerment stations, as well as using the salvage required for the "power 10" IOs.

All this amounts to an overall increase in prices. Prices that I must add will be borne mainly by Group Leaders and Base Architects. This is ESPECIALLY true in SGs that are fewer than 6 people.

If your SG wants to take advantage of the new, lower, prices, you’re going to have to do a little work in selling the older items, and buying the new, lower priced items. It’s an unfortunate artifact of the way the base system was designed that we can’t just refund your SG the difference straight away.

[/ QUOTE ]
Which shows that this change should have been held back until such a fix could have been implemented. Instead, in your rush to push through a poorly thought out change, you are off loading the conversion to players. Now you will have to maintain two sets of base items until such time that you can get around to automating the switchover.

We’ve also eliminated the need for Base Salvage. Now everything in bases can be built with Invention Salvage.

[/ QUOTE ]
Thus you've went beyond ignoring the players concerns (which have been brought up repeatedly in the base section for the last month) to fix a non-existent problem of people "not understanding the difference between base and invention salvage". A problem, I might add, that could have been fixed with a simple text change to "Base Salvage Found".

You will even be able to convert all that extra Base Salvage into Invention Salvage to help get rid of the extraneous items your SG has probably accumulated.

[/ QUOTE ]
Those "extraneous items" are BACK UPS in case someone accidentally deletes a base item...

This change will help smaller SGs build cooler stuff faster, as well as give large SGs a benefit for all their hard work so far.

[/ QUOTE ]
We've already shown that you've completely missed that mark. It will still take small SGs a long time to get up and running, and now one person will be getting shafted because the recipes REQUIRE invention salvage.

Don’t worry, the storage containers in bases will now be able to hold a small amount of Invention Salvage as well now.

[/ QUOTE ]
You raised the base salvage from 999 to 2,500 because it was shown that the original base salvage racks stored LESS than a player could hold on a single character. Now you are telling us that we can only store 30 items in the rack? I know characters with more Halloween salvage on them than that.

To sum up the base changes in PVP terms:

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Agreed, the new base system as well as the PvP system are totally borked! I am assuming they go hand and hand because of the Base raiding they have planned down the road. But the salvage bins now only holding 30 items as opposed to 999-2500 like they do on live make no sense. Needing Hami Goo to make telepads and other rare salvage to base build is also alarming.

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute




I'm just going to craft my new teleporter pads now.

I won't be using this new IO salvage to base items system. Ever. My base salvage is going to sit in the salvage bin until this insanity is un-nerfed.



UberGuy, the random system is still in. You can purchase a random recipe at a level of your choosing for far less than you'll be paying for specific recipes that you're saving up for.

My Going Rogue Trailer

Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best



You need Hamidon Goo to make a teleporter? What!?!

Agahnim- Elec/Ice Blaster

"Elec/Ice. Nice. Holy <@*&$@#!> =) You're like the CoH equivalent of those bdsm people who hang from the ceiling on hooks!"

Agahnim Dragmire- Warshade

"(You spin space webs. =D)"



Ive seen bigger screw ups with content than this ( SWG NGE ). This isn't even in the same ball field. Give it a rest its a game, turn off your computer go outside and do something else. I doubt they'll release this issue in its current state because that's just bad business. Thing is still in beta, relax ya'll getting way to worked up over a video game.



UberGuy, the random system is still in. You can purchase a random recipe at a level of your choosing for far less than you'll be paying for specific recipes that you're saving up for.

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I'm well aware of it. I think it's badly broken. I've provided some feedback about it already.

In short, the rato of the merit cost of a random drop is much too high compared to the cost of a pool C recipie. No one who is actually trying to obtain IOs for a build should ever choose to do that. Because I find it completely credbible that this is the motive of most people running TFs for drops, I believe this will hammer the supply in the market of pool C and D recipies. The only supply there will be from folks who have consiously decided either that they don't care what they get or they are going to explicitly act as market suppliers (for profit, altruism or whatever). If this happens it will will be self reinforcing in that it will drive people to actually prefer merits for many of these drops, since they won't have to worry about supply dry ups or demand spikes, or even competing with rich characters.

This could be avoided by a far smaller random merit cost. If the opportunity cost of spending merits on a random roll is lower, people will be more prone to take their chances (which are fairly poor of getting a "valuable" drop).

If the goal is to outfit a character it just never makes sense to pay 25 merits for a random roll given the distribution of items in the TF pools.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA