Day Jobs you'd like to see




For logging out under the statue of Atlas you get the day job "Fashion Model"



Conductor - gives you a team teleport power --- log off at a train station.



Since I'm a librarian -- and in fact, one of my characters is a librarian too -- I damn well hope there's a badge for logging out in the University library.

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Scholar day job - earns you more salvage drops supposedly

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It didn't exactly say that. I think it will just increase your inventory size, because how would the Scholar job work on teams? :O Would people say "scholars only please" for farms? XD

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no, it sounds like these Day Jobs will give you limited time increases to certain rewards. Such as increasing the chance for salvage drops slightly or increasing your Inf gain slightly or a temporary regen buff until the time runs out. These buffs will definitely only effect the individual and not the team. If you ever played WoW, think of Day Jobs as an alternate version of Rested XP.



- "Social Worker" (quotation marks mandatory) for logging off in front of Haven House
Provides stealth and a defense bonus vs "good" enemy groups
- Part-time Facemaker for logging off at a Facemaker shop
Improved health and a temporary aura of flies
- Boot-polisher for logging off in front of Lord Recluse
Improved damage vs Arachnos troops
- Cubicle Drone for logging off in the super-secret dev office hidden beneath Grandville
No in-game bonuses, but somehow it increases your post count on the CoH forums...



Many of my characters are teens or pre-teens who attend a prestigious private school. Their supergroup base is supposedly the basement of the school. It's feasible to have them logging out in the university to be doing research for school projects, but I'd love a Paragon City Public Library for 'Student'.

Likewise, one or two of my characters are teachers and staff at said school. I'd prefer to have an 'Educator' rather than 'Scholar' if it's feasible.

We could use some designated commercial locations for 'Mallrats' and the like.

Let's see. My elec/elec brute is a pro micro-brewer. Perhaps hanging out at restaurants can earn him the 'Brewer' profession?

My fire/fire brute is a reformed arch-demon who uses the power of conflict and chaos to hammer home those painful ethics lessons. He could really use a church location to rest in.

How about superheroes who are house-husbands and house-wives? I see quite a few of those daily. It seems almost to be a parental necessity to have at least one hero who is invented around taking care of children. Is there any way to allow a 'home' location to get a 'Homemaker' career?

A few of my heroes are musicians. I'd love to see some sort of musical location. Pocket D is acceptable, but the inside of a music store or a livehouse would also be welcome.

One hero is a pro choreographer.

It seems to me like there's quite a need for Paragon City to gain venues for various kinds of public performances. Sports stadiums, concert halls, musical theaters, television and film studios, and others are needed.



Hot dog seller - log off in a hot dog stand



One I haven't seen mentioned, but is almost mandatory anywhere in the Rogue Isles or Paragon City:

Elevator Repairman



"Millionaire Playboy"

Seriously. One of my character has more money than most countries, and he only 'plays' super hero because he's an arrogant rich snot.

Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)



I would like to be a mental patient, as my day job please.



Hydra Wrangler -- log off in Perez in the water.
Monkey Tamer -- Monkey Island, north of Peregrine
Scrap Collector -- Boomtown or anywhere with a lot of Clockwork.
LoL Dork -- log off in a PvP zone
"Professional" -- log off in the bar in Pocket D
Scuba Diver -- in the middle of the ocean 'round Talos or Striga or PI
Sychophant -- log off within 20' of any Freedom Phalanx
Geek Physicist -- log off in Portal Corp
Freejumper -- Top of any tall building
Nudist -- log off on any outdoor map
Cubicle Slave -- on any office building map
Forklift driver -- on any warehouse map
Aerialist/skydiver -- 2000 feet in the air



If we had any bakeries around Paragon, I would love to see "Baker".

Unlocks a pie throw temp power.

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Well, there is the donut shop in Faultline.

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That one is associated with the "Cop" day job

More random jobs!

Sewer cleaning crew: Log off in the sewers OFC.
Cartographer: Log off in the abandoned sewers.
Hapless Citizen: Log off while in a door mission. Those hostages must come from somewhere!
Operator, Telemarketer, Prank Caller: Log off near a phone.
Bus Driver: Log off at a bus stop. Easiest job in Paragon City.
Mechanic: Log off at Lou's workshop. Via Ouroboros too.
Industrial Cleaner, Depressed Treehugger: Log off in Crey's Folly.
Gondolier: Log out in Venice! "Boat driver" for other locatiosn in Fonder's Falls.
Longbow Agent: Log off at the Freedom Corps shop or at the Galaxy FC building.
Superhero Registar: Log off at the city hall.
Gardener: Log off at Perez Park.
Window Cleaner: Log off at the emergency stairs of the buildings.
Kitten Rescuer: Log off near a tree. Also a very easy job, all kittens tend to be on people's shoulders.
Paperboy: Now that's one with a challenge, where to log off for that one?
Bean Counter: Get a cow costume and log off near Magical Trevor. (Talk about obscure!).
Coin Hunter: Log off near a fountain (or maybe near the big fountain in Faultline).
Vanguard Heavy Pilot: Log off near one of the unused Heavies in the Crash Site. This brings a cuestion, can you join Vanguard as your day job?
Carpark Attendant: Near any of the carparks. Or you could tow away cars that haven't paid for parking (words fail me - English isn't my first language, - how would that be called? Towman?).

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013



Towtruck driver, I think, Aliana.

Logging off near a telephone should make you a telephone sanitizer for sure.

Logging off on any of the huge mound things in Eden or The Hive should make you a bug exterminator. There must be some amazing termites in those things.

Logging off on any window sill would mean window washer.

Logging off on a monorail track would give you the Statistic badge.

Logging out on the Rikti crashed ship should give an alien infiltrator job.

Jeez, there are really TONS of locations in this game, they could be making new jobs for years to come.



stop trying to bannnn meeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!11!!!1!1!!!!!

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You know, if you don't want to be banned, you should stop saying things like:

chicken sexer

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Even if it is a real job.

There should be a Rabble-Rouser badge for logging off next to the building where the Troll Rave takes place.

Edit: The badge for logging off at parking garages should be Repo Man/Repo Woman.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



Logging off on top of the blimp in Atlas Park: Unpossible.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



"Millionaire Playboy"

Seriously. One of my character has more money than most countries, and he only 'plays' super hero because he's an arrogant rich snot.

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Actually, one of my characters is a Mild-mannered Freelance Billionaire Playboy.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Shadow Shard Security Detail.

Oh, and the catgirls of Paragon City demand "Sleeping" as a day job!



Log off in Graveyard

Log off near zone entrance
Border Security

Log off near established Crey Building

Log off near Dockyard
Longshoreman/Boat Captain

Jorrus 50 MercPoison Mastermind / Samuel Geary 50 Warshade/Triform
Relenia 50 DB/Will Scrapper / Jonas Geary 50 Cold/Storm Controller

'They don't call it a "Free Fire Zone" because it's filled with kittens and butterflies"-Obsidius



I'd love to see Hula Girl as a day job. But I'm a tad bit biased...

(Yes, I really do dance hula and actually own that t-shirt. )



Log off on top of a skyscraper:

Window Washer

Log off standing on top of a statue:

Pigeon Pooper Scooper

Log off after using /e food:

Competitive Eater

Log off after using /e dance:

Dancing King/Queen

Log off at a GM spawn spot:

Big Game Hunter

Log off in the dam in Faultline:

Big Dam Hero

Log off after using /e assumepositionwall:

Repeat Offender (villain only)

Log off after using /e sleep:


Log off while defeated:

Sore Loser

Log off in an office mission:

Perpetual Intern

Log off in an abandoned office mission:

Crazy Homeless Intern


Also on Steam



"Millionaire Playboy"
Seriously. One of my character has more money than most countries, and he only 'plays' super hero because he's an arrogant rich snot.

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This brings up a good point. What about the characters who not only don't NEED a day job, but just... Wouldn't work with one at all. Without thinking too hard, I have a guy who owns his own research and development corporation and works for himself, let's call the, half a dozen others supported by that, one... No, two guys who are dead and technically don't HAVE any expenses as well as a couple of immortal aliens. And when you look at villains, it's even worse. I have... I think three people who's "day job" is managing an evil empire, and pretty much the rest of my villains are being supported by their masters' evil empires. And I'm not even having to think hard.

Don't take me wrong, I don't mind a bit of rested XP, err... I mean I don't mind a few day jobs, but it just seems... Odd, for my brainiac super-scientist to end up cleaning the toilets at the train station because I logged off on the spot when I went hungry yesterday. Once upon a time, it didn't matter where I logged off, because it was assumed our characters went off to live their lives when we were offline. Now it's going to be assumed they'll stay anchored to wherever I left them and work the nearest job? Doesn't that suffer from the same problems secret identities did?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Wait, there are no high schools! How do I get a "job" as a high school student??

Clearly we must have a high school added.

Electrician would be good, for electric power places. (Lots of those in King's Row.)

Hmmm... one of my characters could use a job as a singer/entertainer. I wonder if there's a place for that in Paragon City.

Telephone service? We could stand on the phone lines.
Cable TV service?



Hmm let's see, places that could relate to day jobs:

Mercy - Arachnos areas, wasteland areas, sea shores, snake hole areas.
Port Oakes - Gangster areas, fishing areas, bars and clubs, SG Registrar, Docks, "failed" Construction site (LOL), sinking oil tanker, the Villa area.
Cap Au Diable - Mountains, University, runway, Aeon City, forests/logging area, cargo areas, undercity.
Sharkhead - Dig sites, Refinery, Sky Raiders base, Freakshow "town", docks, graveyard, Crey areas, shanty town.
Nerva - South docks, Crey area, Longbow base, Forests, Thorn Isle.
St. Martial - Giza, forest, Hard Way, Casino district, Carnie circus (I can see this zone being the most popular early on for jobs!).
Grandville - Arachnos, Fab, tunnels under the town, shanty town, infested areas, maybe even the Dev office!
Bloody Bay - Forests, base areas.
Siren's Call - Bounty hunter?
Warburg - Missle launch area, underground base, Rogue Arachnos areas.
Recluse's Victory - Not sure about this, it usually doesn't fit with other new features.
The Abyss - Hami studier?
Pocket D - Dancer, DJ, Skiing Instructor?!
Rikti Warzone - Vanguard, rebuilder, Rikti studier.
Ouroboros - Mender!
Cimerora - Roman!
Monster Island (it's AMAZING how many villains don't even realise/remember this place exists!) - Monkey Studies? GM studies?

General - Monkey Fight Club, Arena, Ferries, Black Market Trucks, Vanguard outposts, Facemakers, Supergroup bases (!), and Vault Reserves, Hospitals.

Lots to choose from - I do hope that they limit it somewhat to the key locations (at least at launch) otherwise my main will need to stop playing a lot to earn the badges for all these vocations!

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!