47 -
Quote:ThisI took this on a respec of my Elec/Shield br00t
I had to spec out of pool fitness anyways, so I had the extra power picks. I got it 5 slotted with minimal slot and set bonus shuffling.
It's funIt isn't the best power ever, but it's fun, especially in combination with my other two teleport attacks.
Lightning Rod! Shield Charge! Spring attack!
Now I need a fourth attack, I want all of my attacks to be teleport kabooms. The problem with Lightining rod and shield charge is the fact I can't use them as my attack chain. With Spring Attack I only need (crunches numbers) 580% recharge in order to use that and chain induction as my attack chain. -
Now we are edging into prime time now that triples our rates.
Quote:To powerful how? If something has 25% resists and I drop that to -5% resist they take 5% more damage which is laughable, once you take it to 0% your already set since doing 1050 damage is no where near the power boost of taking only 750. The +damage from negative resists is tiny. If the single targets did say -50% to everything then noxious gas adds on another 35% thats -85% which is enough to floor the resists of most everything in the game and those things would much resistant it would be worth... what three reds worth of +damage?My main concern is that if the single target debuffs were made powerful enough to compare with the other sets, then when Noxious Gas is up it would be too powerful. Keeping the single target powers for when you need that next level debuffage allows for single target king without falling behind the AoE sets.
Which while nice is nothing a kinetic can't do FAR better. Further since AV's resist so much the much higher -50%'s are needed since an AV hit with -50% is only deals with an 8% resistance debuff which is nothing. If 5% of the debuff was unresistable we'd have a reason to bring poisons to AV fights since to get -20% resistance debuffs on an AV requires four Rads or sonics. -
You all are going about Lamda the wrong way, welcome to our good friend the Inspiration tray. Nom Nom Nom RAGGH must be your battle cry in Lamda during the grenade phase where you ignore your pets entirely then re-summon them and order-attack them to each crate in series. If you have any kind of decent recharge you should face plant no more than once during that phase.
Five oranges (Plus your shield) and three purples to five (Assuming you have ANY kind of +defense in your build) is sufficient to soft cap you with the enemies in there, or at least leave you alive long enough to smash the crates. The turrets yes your going to do nothing to but you can still contribute to the rest of the TF. Yes you have to eat a full breakfast of inspirations every sixty seconds and that should not be required for trials. But your other option is doing nothing much. Use your minions like the disposables faceless hordes they are.
There are builds that let you breeze through an Lamda, that build is called Robotics/Traps or Robotics/Force. For the rest of us just blitz it, it is the hardest content (Aside from the damn shadow shard) in the game and with a Tier 3 Barrier it's quite possible to stay in Melee with Maurader, just wait for his warning to go off, count to 4 then fire off your barrier, the attack should arrive 2-3 seconds later and you and your pets will be at 90% to everything and the attack should miss them all, and if it does hit you hey one-shot rule back off and eat your inspirations and get back in there.
If you did not take Barrier as a MM, well just get used to re summoning them. -
There's a reason why my squishies battle cry is Nom Nom Nom RAAAGH!
Inspirations, eat four purples (50%) and four oranges (40%) and bring along two green's and two break free's in the last row. That gives you 120 seconds of protection, if your a defense build bring more oranges and only eat two purples.
The hospital is in mission, abuse that fact, you don't WANT to die but if you do I typically buy a full tray of purples "eat" the top two rows, buy oranges, eat the far coloum then buy my two break free's and two green's, I've gotten to the point I can buy, eat a tray and buy it back to full in about nine seconds. Once you leave the hopsital you'll be at some absurd 150% defense and by the time you get back into the mission with the two zoning's you should have 10 to 30 seconds left on that first batch, zip past the first few mobs with sprint then eat your first tray of 4 purples/4 oranges and keep going. It's quite possible to solo them even when your playing anything but a defender standing toe to toe since you have 50% defense plus whatever you had before. You'll get hit, instantly eat a green once you hit 2/3rd of your heath and you'll be able to solo them just fine.
My controller did just that, soft capped range defense to begin with, had 2 ACU's a vicky some IDF and a Warworks giant robot beating on me via this strategy ignoring them and doing nothing but spamming my aoE immoblize and hold over and over again with an occasional sleet/ice storm. I soloed my box, my inspirations ran out as I started to run away and I faceplanted, that's okay Hopsitaled it, bought a second tray of insps, and soloed a second box, faced planted and got back just in time to help fight Maurader still got a rare despite three trips to the Hospital. -
Quote:Congratulations you have the most survivable pet Combo, this is not the Mastermind's who play only Bots/Traps forum, there are 30+ other combinations which don't let you softcap your pets and must either tank for them or deal with the fact they can and will drop often enough. Talk like that makes those of us who play /poison start thinking fondly of making you run ANYTHING as a MM with /poison and trying to keep your pets alive without tanking for them.What MM only problems? My bot/traps has zero issue doing things any other AT can do, and i can do quite a few things that most ATs can't do.
MM's damage comes from pets, his protection comes from his pets, every other class(Except Khelds/Defenders) are just as powerful solo as in a group, they get more powerful if someone has buffs but they are not dependent on anything except themselves to achieve full power (Not counting drains here) If I face a group of 3 by myself without any pets I can hold them till the cows come home and debuff them into the ground but I'll have a hard time killing them with only three attacks counting brawl. My damage comes from my pets, my abilities make my pets more powerful.
Example 1
As a player I'm smart enough to get out of a burn patch or move around an stationary AoE power.
My pets are not, since my damage output comes from them and they are happy to burn to death and are not intelligent about getting out of things like caltrops and will run from one patch to another since they run at random. With some enemy groups and the new content patches like that (ACU's are worst for this since it's a slow patch and does excellent damage) my pets are more than happy to burn to death unless I play nursemaid to them. A blaster would simply move and keep firing all the time, with my pets I must move them and give up them attacking for a few seconds thus dropping my dps into the ground as well as hurting my protection.
Example 2
Status Protection, pets don't have (much of)any
Blaster gets sleeped/held/immobilized he uses a break free and he's off and running.
My pets and I get slept/held/immoblized, I pop a break free, fine now to either feed each one of my pets a break free or wait for it to wear off
Example 3
A blaster does not have to turn off his shields in order to attack only the boss. MM's must turn off Bodyguard to get the enemy to focus on a specific enemy then switch it back on with Defense/Follow and hope the agro list will keep them focus on the target you want dead.
Example 4
Blasters don't randomly run forward and give Maurader a hug.. well at least not all of them do.
But damn if my pets will, even the pure ranged versions like Mercs/Robots are only to happy to run into melee, and Stay command? They can only remember commands for a max of about twenty seconds and then goldfish like they forget and do whatever comes into their mind, like hugging Maurader.
Our damage comes from our pets, we support our pets and our teams via our secondaries, anything that makes the AI go insane(Patches) or glaring issues (Inability to give them ANY kind of status protection outside of Charion and it's been an issue for three years now that never been fixed and only recently got fixed if you count having to slot the Status resist Destiny) reduces our damage and our effectiveness.
Blaster Damage, or Scrapper/Tank/whatever class you care to name is not dependent on the strange and mysterious AI coding that MM's put up with. -
If you think it's a summon and forget play-style your mistaken. MM pets have very little in the way of heath, if your not paying attention you loss four of your pets on a spawn or you'll be fighting three spawns not one because of the run code and the MM pet run after them code.
MM's benefit in that they can keep debuffing/healing/read a papser while they are still attacking via their pets, but they pay for this as their powers are endurance heavy and less effective than equivalents. And all of that is in theory not pratice because MM's run into special MM only problems. -
It depends on what class combo you have, nothing is pure 100$ awesome for MM's.
Nerve is +acc/+defense which can be useful to some builds and is almost required in the trials till you get all your level shifts so your pets are not -8 to the enemy. After that it's on your secondary, for example you could want more damage so you go musculature, or powers up more often so Spiritual, or better endurance management so Cardiac.
Most MM secondaries benefit from Cardiac, then Spiritual then Musculature for more damage. Few benefit from Nerve but it's damn useful until you get all three level shifts (One from Alpha, one from Destiny, one from Lore) About the only secondary that really could use Nerve is /Force field.
Once your past Alpha then lets see.
Judgement is 50% Taste, 50% playstyle. For example need to stay mobile? Pyronic is your power. All judgements do roughly the same damage but each have their quirks for example Pyronic takes half a second to animate and can be thrown on the move making it very useful for more mobile character even if it is a targeted AoE and if your target takes off at a run at the wrong time you won't get everyone (But hey 40 meter radius!) Meanwhile Cryonic while a Cone has an excellent chance at high levels to hold people but it's a Cone thus the hardest to use, meanwhile Ion(The easiest to use) has the longest animation time but it's very fire and forget. I'm not a big fan of Void only because of how often I see people wasting voids due to the number of Pyronics and Ion's they chucked ahead of the void user
It's all about Reactive when soloing, nothing helps your damage better than a nice -25% to Resistances plus the DoT which is nice enough by itself. After that get Paralytic for AV fights, let someone else cover the -regen, you need the -damage to protect yourself and your pets. The -defense is of course mostly useless so go for the 75% damage 25% defense.
People are still getting a handle on the Lore pets but right now here's the deal
IDF under-preform except for the fact that the IDF Commanders will stack Disorents so they can keep a boss out of a fight easy enough. Clockworks do the most support with large heals, and Seers are Hold happy. Warworks are damage happy with the Warworks Total Core Improved Ally the Tier 3 being especially nasty(And it's Tier 4 version with even MORE damage)
Why? Because Vicky crits and does great damage to begin with and 90% of the ACU's attacks debuff regen. A nasty combo indeed.
Barrier for instant ten seconds of invincibility and once you hit tier 4 and extra 5% damage/defense bonus perma, Clarion for Status Protection(always nice).
If you have a defense based build then Rebirth is nice, but unless your name is McBlaster stay away from ageless unless you have constant endurance problems. -
Quote:The hold goes off pretty reliably but numbers says only once. I can get nightstar and Seige puking in a BAF trial if I can keep my commando alive long enough for the % chance to ensure it procts at least once. Don't quote me on this but it seems to check roughly five times during the duration of the power to see if enemies nearby will be held, it's a small chances but it's a 100% for sure 3 second hold.
Noxious Gas does have a powerful hold, but it seems to hit *very* rarely. I can't recall the last time I saw it hit, though I know some of that is simply not being able to pay attention in the midst of all the chaos that is an MM walking through a mission. Real Numbers suggests that the hold works only in PVP, but I suspect that's not true. -
Quote:All Ninja pets have at least a default 7.25% to all defenses2 things, on ninja/ff where are you getthing those values from with the 56% defense? How is this even possible. On ninja/storm thats actually a bad combination if your using the hurricane. If your pushing the mobs back all the time the ninjas never get a chance to hit what ever your attacking. You would pretty much have to use the geometry of the map your on for every single spawn point just to make this work.
Add in 2x Unique Pet +Defense IO's thats 10% right there
=17.25 Defense
Add in Maneuvers 4%
=21.25 Defense
Add in Dispersion Bubble 11.5%
=32.5% Defense
Add in FF shields for another 18%
=51.5% Defense
That's without a Nerve Core which adds another(On average) .9% to Dispersion bubble, and 1.3% to the individual shields for a total of another 2.1% defense
=53.6% defense not my promised 56 which only applies to the Jonin who have 11.25% not 7.25% not the Genin or Oni. But they end up at 57.8 so that's even better than I promised.
And that's without adding power boost into the mix which is enough to toss out five double strength bubbles which are not 18% but 27%! So you can via power boost get your Genin past 53.6% all the way to 62% -
No the footstomp one where it takes 1.5 seconds to animate and hits for over a thousand damage, Seige and Maurader both do it. Nightstar has a 1.0 targeted AoE energy attack that does likewise. Yes things like Nova fist and the "It's GOOOD!" attack as I call it that the giant robots and Seige uses could be dodged since they take three seconds but the AoE's that kill are not exactly large warning attacks.
Simple question what are the best Mastermind/Secondary pairings, not thematically but as in the sets that best leverage the strength of each set. My own internal pairs are as follows
Demons are mostly resistance based and Thermal offers Resistance shields plus heals to top off the pets who will takes hits, with IO's 65% resistance is quite possible for your pets.
Zombies are a very melee oriented set which Dark can top off with the heal plus Tar patch to ensure your enemies can't run away plus debuffing their resistances, and your pets -tohit benefits from Dark's -tohit for lots of pseudo defense
Little bit of an odd combo but Ninja's are melee like Necro's but are defensed based which Force helps tons, some will push Ninja/Traps which is my second choice but I'm swayed by the higher total defense that Force can bring which with IO's puts your pets around 56% defense which is needless to say... very nice.
This one is second hand, but I've heard several people recommend Storm for Mercs who are the odd duck out of MM sets as they have very little defenses (Less than 2% and that only for Spec-Ops) and no real resistances to anything. But Storm comes with lots of soft controls which can help out.
The definitive gold standard, Traps does everything and Robots benefits from everything because of how well rounded they are
Thugs have some resistances and some defense. With IO's alone it's possible to soft cap thugs with Maneuvers + 2 IO's in Gangwar, after that with Pain's ability to raise resistances and damage an heals it makes it quite possible to run Thugs/Pain setup with your pets at 50% Resistances to everything and soft capped defense with a standing 50%-80% damage buff.
Agree/Disagree or purpose better pairings it's on you. -
...Okay again please explain how exactly I keep my melee pets out of range of the AV with the massive PBAoE he fires off of one every twelve second considering they must be in... melee range which also happens to be greater than PBAoE range?
Running storm with only 2.33 endurance a second gain?
Unless all your Storm powers are mule sets your going to eat blues like candy even with an Alpha Cardiac. -
Dechs what MM pets are you running through BAF? Lamda? As noted I'm primary a Merc's MM (But I do have Thugs, Robots at 50 plus Ninja's/Zombies in the 40s with Demons the only set I've not touched yet)
My experience (And now that I've gotten a new video card I might FRAPS this) is that every twenty seconds in my Mercenaries attack chain is they run out of ranged attacks and run in to either brawl or gun stroke Nightstar or Seige.
But Zombies and Ninja's seriously? Both sets have their Tier 1/Tier 2 pets who are almost pure melee, as in they need to be in Melee in order to use 90% of their attacks.
Quote:Then I have misread your point and accept that you are correct on this issue, Robots/Traps does outpreform other sets with SO's only.Originally Posted by DechsNo, it's absurd to discuss balance with regards to IOs. Everything is overpowered with IOs, and that's kind of the point of the game.
They're over powered because, on SOs, they can handle things meant for teams, specifically x8 missions and AVs. Please feel free to reference the rest of the argument where I made this claim.
Quote:Originally Posted by DechsAgain, I don't know what to tell you. I started the iTrials with Lambda and the only level shift I had was the Alpha. I never use the stay command. I use goto and follow defensive. I'm able to keep up with the team in the sabotage stage and I'm able to keep my bots out of AoE ranges.
Quote:Originally Posted by DechsI believe it is. It's harder to accomplish, but it is an option. Taunt their targets and stand out of range of your henchmen. Don't let them run into melee next to the tanks and brutes; have them attack targets on the fringe. -
I was not going to wade in but Dech's suggestions caught my eye.
Mostly because they don't work
Quote:Pets can, do and will ignore the Go-to command, if the command is not far enough away from where they are they simply ignore it
1. Summon them somewhere away from you and use a goto command immediately so they stay there.
Quote:2. Move to a clear spot and summon them at your feet, then tap your follow/defensive macro there. The follow/defensive command has an inherent delay in it which is to allow the henchmen to return to you before engaging any enemies. For about three full seconds, they won't do anything. Tap again to extend this.
Worse it out right does not work with some pets (Robots and Mercs are worst about this due to the number of ranged attacks they have) and will happy blast away even as they follow you.
Quote:3. Remove yourself from combat, but don't wait for aggro to shed and debuffs to wear off. Tap your follow/defensive, use your travel power and get behind an obstacle a few yards away. Summon your new pets, buff them up, and waltz back into the battle. Yeah, some aggro may be following you, but there's plenty of time because you have a travel power to move ten times their speed and you can go over the obstacle they have to go around.
Quote:Show me where I said MMs are overpowered in all content all the time. Good luck finding it. I said Bots/Traps is OP, and I'm not speaking for the others.
I'd say Bots/Traps is right at the level everyone else reached ten issues ago with the introduction of IO's
Quote:I believe MMs as a whole are pretty well balanced with a few outliers on the OP side.
Quote:It's just some basic stuff you aren't doing. Keep your henchmen out of AoE range. Don't let them take aggro. Leverage your bodyguard mode.
Also "stay out of AoE range" is not an option for Zombies or Ninjas
Again this at odds with your OP comment -
The point of the debuff (of some kind, -damage or -regen would be wonderful) in Paralytic Poison is that because it's a pure hold we can't even got to it for a decent attack (ala-Controller/Dominators/Epic holds)
For example my Merc/Poison MM gets from the Soul Epic tree Soul Storm which is costs 10.66 endurance at 80 meters with a 12 second duration and a 36 second recharge doing 40 damage unehanced. Paralytic is a 9.5 second duration, 16 second that costs 9.
Paralytic does nothing except the hold while Soul does damage and compares much better to a controller hold then Paralytic does.
So add something debuff wise to Paralytic, make it something you want to use on Bosses, AV's or GM's for example -
Quote:A failed BAF or Failed Lamda generate much less rewards than a succeeded one, and the issue will be fixed sooner or later, in the mean time your Thugs help your team succeed or would if you had them, even all purpled out this build is worse than that.But how will i earn good rewards during trials with a bunch of pets and pseudopets?
But if your committed then look at some of your powers which you have over slotted for recharge, IE empty clips where slot 6 is a recharge IO which saves you .1 seconds vs a endurance redux which would shave 5 whole points of the endurance cost(Which is 14 at present) -
Quote:Merc/Poison? or Merc/TADemon/thermal is awesome too.. Wanna know another awesome mastermind sets?
Wait no that's not awesome, no mitigation aside from holds means constant dead pets, it is a unique combo but not an awesome one
What about
Merc/Force Field?
Wait no that's not awesome, all mitigation means pets are your only damage source and knockdown your only control
What about
Ninja/Pain or Robots Pain?
Wait no, having a defense based pet class with heals is not useful because pets are always one shotted
There's lots of MM combo's that don't stack up because not all the MM combo's mesh well with each other, unlike other AT's you have to make sure your pets stay alive because without them your a damage debuffed defender and there are several MM sets that are very poor at keep your pets alive. Only Thugs and Robots are hassle free pet classes that can be paired with something like Trick Arrow or Poison and look after them selves (And then only with IO support) -
Quote:It loses hard end game except against fighting AV's which Poison still excels at with the right build. Seriously as you can see from my sig I've managed to turn my Merc/Poison into an AV fighter with 16 points in holds (If I ever get a full gravity set that goes to 18 points) and a total of -105% resistance/Defense buffs with achillies heals and stacked debuffs.I don't know... I think a lot of these suggestions don't do enough for this set. Honestly compare poison to dark or traps. It is really bad compared to those great sets.
In my opinion, most of these tweaks will result in a set thats still weak, but thought to be "fixed" in the eyes of the devs. It will still lose hard end game. -
I'd make changes to Poison all right but the first thing I'd do is clarify what poison should be which is the premier debuffing set, as it stands right now /Rad out debuffs it if you don't count noxious gas which is easy to do considering how hard it is to get pets to stay close enough(And alive enough) for it to apply.
So here's what I say
Add a -resistance/defense to everything
Envenom-Unchanged but make it a small AoE (8 meter)
Weaken-Unchanged but make it a small AoE (8 meter)
Neurotoxic Breath-Fine as is with -recharge/-speed but add in a small (10%) -Resistance/-Defense debuff to it as well
Paralytic Poison -Shorten the recharge a tad but add a small (10%) -Resistance/-Defense debuff to it as well
Poison Trap- Copy it to the /Traps version but remove the -endurance and add in -regen and -to hit or something, for sure -regen here.
Noxious Gas- The infect thing works fine but lets us infect anyone including other players not just our pets. -
Since my main is a Merc/Poison combo (Mitigation? Hah!) let me tell you something
Your not going to get any combo that gives Mercenaries any kind of mitigation.
Here's the thing pet classes are divided into Resistance based and Defense based with for example Thugs and Robots and Ninja's being defense based with Mercenaries, Zombies and Demons being resistance based.
Mercenaries are resistance based, they get zero defense bonuses except for the Spec-Op's tiny 2% from their stealth. And their resistances are 26% to Smashing/Lethal with the Commando having an extra 5% to cold/fire/toxic.
However Mercs unlike Zombies and Demons does not have a 4th pet power, IE the power that's situational useful but much... MUCH more useful for slotting all the unique Pet IO's. The four pet IO's combined get you 20% more resistance to everything but Psi and 20% Defense to everything. If you had those unqiues plus world of pain your looking at getting 45% Resistance to your pets to everything and 60% to Smashing/Lethal which is quite respectable.
But because Mercs has the ever useless Serum instead it suffers in that regard. Your never going to get your Mercs up to the survivability status that Demons and Zombies can get or better still that Thugs/Robots can get with 40% resitances and soft capped defenses. Your class combo simply means prepare for them to die often and get into the habit of resummoning and only applying the tier 1 upgrade mid-battle, and carry lots of blues. -
Quote:Which is fine but what about the OTHER pet?By the time you get to Total Radial, the support pets are untargetable and invincible.
That's the kind of info I'm looking for, and fyi only one half the tree produces an unkillable support pet the other gives you two Lt's or a Boss and minon pet. -
Okay so it looks like support pets are all just either minor heals or about 5% to defense, however I was looking for everything, IE what their defense and resistances are and all that good stuff, what auras they run.
Referencing all the guilds looking at all the details what pets give what is information I lack.
For example there are support pets, but what do they support?
That info would be nice