Discussion: Valentine's Day




Not gonna lie this is about the dumbest event planning ever...

If the event is on test, why have the ushers on the live servers.
the NEW mission was just like any other lame clickie mission
so yeah your NEW twist is nothing but a lame old flop. Normally I'm all for the Dev's and the hard work that is put into events but this time.//




This event is like recieveing a new toy, which is a locked steel box, to which you do not have they key. Technically you got something, but you can't have it.

The bonus pack is neat... but not worth $10. I would have bought it at $5. Actually, I'd bet at least twice as many people would.



I find it hard to look at this event as anything more than one new door mish coupled with an advertisement for new pay for play content. Frankly, I attend weddings primarily for food and bridesmaids, which this doesn't really offer. I'd rather play with the devs than watch them act. Or even an IRC chat would be a nice form of interaction. If it were a real wedding it'd be a bit more compelling, but although your hearts seem to be in the right places, all I can imagine is Manticore and Sister Psyche showing off their new clothes.

I'm not attending the event, so I'm sorry if my assumptions are inaccurate, but short of Arachnos crashing the wedding I don't think I'll regret missing it.



a qeustion: is there a badge fer the valentine's mish? i want to know if im wasting time befire i do it.



a qeustion: is there a badge fer the valentine's mish? i want to know if im wasting time befire i do it.

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The new mission, about the wedding gifts, no. The missions in pocket D have badges, but are from previous years.

@Death Conqueror

-Goal for 2011: Survive, stay alive, and continue to thrive.



I'm a little disappointed there's no badge to go w/ the new contacts in mercy and atlas

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Others have posted, and not without merit, that they do not like having to try to run all their characters through an event mission in order to get the badge. This, of course, is a matter of choice and priority.

My lack of enthusiasm for the new contacts/missions is that there is nothing about them that stands out or is memorable. There is simply no point to doing them. It's not about whether there is a badge or reward attached to it. It IS about integrating content into the overal flow of the game. Is my character more interesting, powerful or playable because I have completed this mission? Is there anything about the mission that would make me want to repeat it if I could? Would I rather do a regular radio/newspaper mission?

This mission could have been so much better. An easy addition would have been to have the mission giver from the other faction as an elite boss/archvillain even if no regular AV reward was granted . Attendance at the wedding event could have been made mission dependent.

Again, my issue with this mission is not it's lack of tangible reward. It is simply a case of bad storytelling and for any game such as this, that's a very bad thing indeed.






Well from what I tested. NONE of the Vday stuff is awarding. No badges for Snappy, no badge for the co op mish, no purchasing special powers from the bartenders. Just wait till tomorrow and see if they are available then.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



so we have to pay extra for costume/emotes now?


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Teldon, they should be working, on Virtue at least I could buy the Dimension Drop powers. And DeepShade, I agree wholeheartedly, in fact I posted a long one in the other Valentine's Day official thread.

For me at least, it's not that there's no tangible reward for the new mission, it's that there's not any sort of intangible reward for doing that mission. There's simply nothing cool about that mission. A cool named boss, like maybe a unique looking "Operative Heartbreaker" for heroes (Devs: Feel free to steal that one), with some dialogue to him would have wowwed me. Pump him up to EB with some unique mobs around him, and I'm stunned. Fill that entire mission with a unique brand of Arachnos never before seen, and I run that mission with all my characters, and beg for teams so that I can try to get a better look at the mobs. We already have a red GW, why not some sort of crazy male Arachnos type in Valentine red armor?



Yeah, not fond of the pay for costumes thing. Not that the wedding emotes would make me spend money, so not too upset about 'missing' them. I just don't understand the 'we would not have been able to do this if people did not pay' logic. Is this due to the cost of paying someone extra to invent the items? Why were the enforcer and jester items free and this is pay?



I find it hard to look at this event as anything more than one new door mish coupled with an advertisement for new pay for play content.

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Pretty much how I feel. And once you read the mission clues (which were funny for about 5 minutes) The new mission is just a long boring run.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



a qeustion: is there a badge fer the valentine's mish? i want to know if im wasting time befire i do it.

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It's a waste of time.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



This is pure speculation, but I imagine it is due to either overtime laws, or having to get extra help, related to the time constraints regarding the creation of these costume parts/ emotes/ event. Remember the dev's are just comming off of I 11, I 11.5 and the Christmas Events. Considering that most people take some time off for the Holidays that gives very little time even with planning to get everything prepared, and still be on schedule, it's not like the can push back Valentine's Day.
That said... I do wish more could have been done with the costume peices. It would not really offend me to see a full tights version of the bridal top so we could change the color of the pattern. ((That's a hint for you Jay.)) I would go into more detail, but InfamousBrad covered everything else I would say earlier in the discussion. In my opinion just the ability to have the tux jackets with wings is worth the ten dollars.

"She's like some kind of fast octopus, that you can't hit." (Stalker mortified that his AS kept missing.)
Not enough characters to list characters. Alt-aholic and proud of it.



So far I am throughly disappointed in the whole wedding setup. For one they should have included a link directing people to the information on accessing the Test Server. It has taken me all afternoon to get the info and now there is not enough time for me to download the client to see the wedding. Second who's bright idea was it to limit the number of open slots to only 100 people and only 3 hours of repeats? You have a game with thousands of players and you present an event that not even a 10th of them will ever get to see. Not exactly the best move. As for the wedding mish it is just another standard warehouse mish. Ho hum boring. I run the same mish ever day for my normal contacts. I have also heard several people mention that the new "Wedding" items are nothing more than slight revamps of older costume peices. It seems to me that for an event as big as this that it should have been well planned and made avaliable to all players. It is obvious that the entire thing was poorly planned and executed. What ever were they thinking?!



I think if you're going to have a wedding pack (and I really like the idea), I honestly think you should have hug and kiss emotes.

-Uncle Milo

There are 2 kinds of people in this world:
Those who divide people into two kinds of groups
and those who don't.



Don't double post. What were YOU thinking?

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!




Why is it that women can wear shoulder capes with the Tux (Buttler & Deluxe) and men cannot?



Content like costume pieces and emotes should come with purchase, or in extreme cases, be earnable with in-game achievements. For that matter so should renames and server transfers..

Should. One of those funny english words like Only and Just, that get abused on a regular basis.



Though I could agree with the rename cost, but the server transfer is resonable....also the wedding expansion is optional if ya want it, buy it you don't...well don't buy it



How about a "walk" emote, so my character can walk down the aisle? LOL



what are the emotes from the wedding pack



I have to agree with most it is triffle overpriced for a couple of costumes....but then again have you priced a Tux.? Maybe thats why it is so high...I wonder if the Game Developers would just let me rent one?

"...well I have wrestled with reality for thirty-five years, Doctor and I am happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P Dowd (from the movie Harvey)



5) The best man and/or maid of honor (also superheroes, probably Fusionette and Faultline) are stuck someplace, go bail them out so they can get to the wedding

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Heh--those two hapless gits would totally get ambushed on the way to the ceremony. I like that. Maybe for villains it could be a kidnap mission....

6) The Carnival of Shadows has bought all the good shoes for women, so go stomp on 40 of them until you find a CoS chick with the right size feet and swipe her shoes

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I love this. I would totally do a Cinderella mission like this.

"No boom *today*. Boom tomorrow. There's always boom tomorrow."
--Lt. Commander Susan Ivanova



One thing that might be nice is a way to buy this as a gift, since the store apparently doesn't support that directly. I mean, if anything screamed gift that would be in the store, this does.

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My hubby (Beat-Down ) got the wedding pack for me as my valentine gift! What a great surprise. I firmly told him last night "please don't bring me chocolate tomorrow" so he got me this great calorie-free gift (of course he has access to my account so this won't work for everyone!). He is the sweetest! Despite his "Brutal Savage" appearance....