Discussion: Valentine's Day




Yeah i was really disappointed about that. I won't be doing it on any of my other toons. No reason too really.



Yeah i was really disappointed about that. I won't be doing it on any of my other toons. No reason too really.

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See, here's my theory:

The "wedding" is not going to be what it seems; something big is going to happen.

Maybe after that, those missions will change to something more interesting...



Ah, I've changed my mind. I'd like this to become free content after all; but not for the reasons most people here are debating about, oh no.

Here are the quotes from the relevant parts of a long trail of messages I've been trading with NCSoft's Customer Support for all of yesterday and finished just this morning:

The NCstore displays the following message when I try to click a link to the Wedding Pack item recently released for City of Heroes:

"Unfortunately, this item is not available for sale to your region from the PlayNC Store. We suggest you inquire with a local retailer to make your purchase."

Is that working as intended or was it an oversight? I'm interested in purchasing it online, like I did for City of Heroes, City of Villains, Good vs. Evil Pack and the Guild Wars Platinum Edition. I never had any problems buying from the Store until now.

Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, this item cannot be purchased from the PlayNC Store in your region. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Why is this item unavailable for online purchase in my region? I'm very much interested in knowing, seeing as it appears to be an entirely arbitrary limitation. Considering it'd be paid for with a verified international credit card, what is the reasoning for such?

Thank you for contacting the PlayNC Billing Support Team! Unfortunately, service restrictions prevent us from offering the Wedding Pack to certain regions. We cannot discuss the details of such limitations; we can only confirm that you will be unable to purchase this product. We do sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that may result from this issue.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you see, I want to purchase the Wedding Pack; I really do. But NCSoft, for reasons unknown, doesn't want my money.

If that's the case, then I hope they won't mind granting me access to the pieces for free, seeing how they're so fussy about me paying for it.

I'm a returning customer being denied access to a product they flaunt on their game client's updater, on the game's webpage and forums; with no apparent workaround available through their Customer Support. I'm not amused.

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Wow that is a bust. You should either PM Lighthouse or Ex about this... This is an online in game stuff, so why limit it to certain places... lol...

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Oh I've PM'd Lighthouse already. Waiting for an answer.

Meanwhile, the guys at Customer Support basically told me: "Oh hey, we can't help you, sorry. But keep watching the game website, maybe we'll change it and post something about it... yeah right, as if."



Everything would be wonderful if Latin America users were able to buy codes!

LevelUpGames doesn't sell bonus packs codes, just serial ones and cd-keys. PlayNC store does not allow us to buy anything CoH related (and Tabula Rasa/Guild Wars/etc). So, make LevelUpGames sell these special codes, like, now? They don't even sell GvE codes, which is lame. (aka: buy GvE edition of the game and get no bonus pack code, now isn't it nice?)

I already sent a ticket (to PlayNC) about that, also dealing with Character Transfer and Rename (incredible tools also unavailable to us). Now, the same happens with this new pack. It's frustrating.

[/end rant]

Edit: just read the post before mine now, and... that sucks, really.

I can share my own experience about it since I'm a Latin America user:

LevelUpGames (LUG from now on) "distributes" the game in Latin America, apparently. So, NCSOFT blocked users from this region to buy from their site to "enforce" them to buy directly from LUG. PlayNC site doesn't allow credit cards to be added to the account as well.

The thing is, that blocks quite a list of features:

- Character Transfer and Rename are dependable on credit cards added intto the PlayNC account. Since these accounts can not have credit cards, they can't use these two features.
- CoX store has been closed down to these users and they can't buy any serial code from the store, *but* LUG does not sell these codes other than GTCs and CD-Keys.

IMO, no matter the region I live in, I should have equal access to a game I pay to play.


- Make LUG sell all bonus packs codes.
- Make LUG sells Character Rename / Transfer "tickets." Unfortunately, that would require the features to change their behavior a bit and work based on these "tickets" as well as from credit cards added into PlayNC account. So, when checking if the user has a credit card added, it should add an extra step (in case the first one failed).

Sorry if I'm digressing here. But I can't seem to find a proper place to post this. PlayNC support, as quoted in the above message, doesn't seem to want to deal with it.



This game needs more, yes, LOTS more paid expansion packs. Something above and beyond a few emotes and re-hashed costume pieces.

Not only does it need more paid expansion packs, but they need to ADVERTISE them. Get new boxes on the shelves. Get people aware of it.




This game needs more, yes, LOTS more paid expansion packs. Something above and beyond a few emotes and re-hashed costume pieces.

Not only does it need more paid expansion packs, but they need to ADVERTISE them. Get new boxes on the shelves. Get people aware of it.


[/ QUOTE ]

With Incarnates!

</can of worms>

DJs for The Cape Radio

Makes videos & podcasts about reviewing toys, covering conventions, and more at Vangelus.ca



/agree with the man made of SPAM.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



As to $9.99 being steep . . . you should try doing SEXY JAY'S job. He put's a lot of hard work into programming these items. $10. is more than reasonable. programming these things is a <bleep>.

$10 is not only not reasonable, it is outrageous. CoV was released with a MSRP of $50. It contained more than five times as much costume content alone than this "pack".

$5 would not be more reasonable. It would be overpriced at $1. How much people are willing to pay is irrelevant, except when computing the sucker ratio of CoX's subscriber base, which unfortunately appears to be entirely too high.

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Isn't this generally true of the entire MMO subscriber base? Not to mention all the "free" MMOs out there that require you to pay gobs of money for items you actually need...



This game needs more, yes, LOTS more paid expansion packs. Something above and beyond a few emotes and re-hashed costume pieces.

Not only does it need more paid expansion packs, but they need to ADVERTISE them. Get new boxes on the shelves. Get people aware of it.


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you know what would be an awesome combo to see in stores. PlayNC cards with a month and a costume bundle. pay 20-25 bucks or whatever for the card, get a month and a costume pack. make the package kind of like the Itunes cards with the graphics printed on so you know what costumes you are getting. This way people who just play with the month to month cards can get the costumes and it gives another product that can increase the visibility of the game.



Actually I think at this point in the life cycle, a new box every 12 months is nearly a requirement to bump up the new player entries.

This would have to be a full game + expansion, with a free month for $30
.Maybe have a expansion code only available from the NCsoft site for $10-15, but his would have to be the size of 'a couple' of issue to my mind.

Then about once per yera the $5-10 online only costume/emote/other fluff pack.

Boxes on shelves = more new players

<edit to add>


you know what would be an awesome combo to see in stores. PlayNC cards with a month and a costume bundle. pay 20-25 bucks or whatever for the card, get a month and a costume pack. make the package kind of like the Itunes cards with the graphics printed on so you know what costumes you are getting

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Me likey that idea

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Also.. question? What's the point of this guy? Or is that just a hiccup because of the wedding on Test this evening?

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Probably the usher for the wedding.... the entry point.... Where was that?
Looks like under the clocktower



I need some help here!!!
I am trying to help my hubby find the costume parts for the tux, but there does not seem to be any new pieces. I also am having trouble finding the extra female costume items...where would those be located??



Also.. question? What's the point of this guy? Or is that just a hiccup because of the wedding on Test this evening?

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Probably the usher for the wedding.... the entry point.... Where was that?
Looks like under the clocktower

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In Mercy, right by the Fortunata and that brain exposed Doctor person.. *shudder*

I'm confused though.. isn't the wedding on Test? Why would the usher be on other servers then?



This game needs more, yes, LOTS more paid expansion packs. Something above and beyond a few emotes and re-hashed costume pieces.

Not only does it need more paid expansion packs, but they need to ADVERTISE them. Get new boxes on the shelves. Get people aware of it.


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PMM, I agree with you about Expansion Packs...

This is NOT an expansion pack. This will not bring new players to the game. No pretty boxes on the shelves in stores for people to gawk at. In no way does this "fluff" as some have called it, boost or help retain player base. None at all. If they packaged it and put it on store shelves, maybe, but the reality is, its a tough sell with the limited offering it has and in this case might actually sour the MMO community and reviewers on the CoX franchise.

EXPANSION PACKS..... Sure. Properly marketed to build player base.

Add-ons with limited content and no value.... Not interested my friend.

On that note, I wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day and I am taking my Wife to Dinner and then Tomorrow to See Mickey Mouse at Disney World in Orlando.



You know, I complain very little about this game, but Damn is the wedding event a failure, 100 people in Atas Park on test, crowding the Usher, throwing up O-Portals to keep others from getting in, and activating every pet Temp they had to Lag People out.

Great Idea Devs, Just need to work on the Implementation Next time.




This is probably why Statesman and whoever else left, a playerbase FILLED with spoiled brats.

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Are you kidding me? OK wait just a min. We are Customers... If some of these people have been here since the very beginning the have spent well over $650 for this god dam game. That does not make them spoiled brats or any other BS you want to say. It makes them customers that expect something of value for their money... They have paid for a game that by any standard could just as easily been free to play and had about the same content with 3 expansions for far less of a cost to their users. But this was the model they chose for what its worth. They do not get to have it BOTH ways.

You can not in one breath disenfranchise the people that pays your bills and turn around and expect them to keep paying extra for content that should be free to them considering how much these games cost a user to maintain.

I have only been in the game 4 months true, so I only have $84.99 in, but I also stocked up on time cards for several months as well, so I actually have $129.99 in the game at the moment. that does NOT make me a spoiled brat, that makes me a god dam paying customer, so don't give me your bull garbage about being spoiled. I paid for this out the nose! And thus far the only thing of value in it I find? My friends that are also suckers and paying out the nose. If anything that does not make us spoiled, it makes us Stupid for doing business with a company that thinks so poorly of their paying customers.

Now Obviously I will not waste my money on such a poorly conceived and overpriced addon. and at least its only an optional thing. But if they start making this a regular event with equally irrelevant addon packs for similar prices... I don't think the paying user base will remain as loyal as they have been...

NOT buying the items will encourage them to rethink this poor strategy. That does not make us Spoiled! That makes us Smart consumers!!!

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No, choosing not to buy this does not make you spoiled.

Whining about it's very existance as optional fluff, does.

I am sorry, but I think you have it backwards. Most are NOT happy with the idea of spending additional monies for something we have been getting all along included in our current subscription fees.

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have the numbers been released on how many bought the pack? As it stands we have no idea if 'most', 'few', 'many', or 'no one' likes the idea or bought the pack. there are some people here who have bought the pack, some who refuse, and some very vocal people who claim many people think or believe something. we know that some people bought it and some people didn't but we wont know the success or failure of the pack untill they release the numbers.

Its my opinion and the opinion of the EULA that the 15 a month goes to getting access to the game and does not entitle me to anything else. The fact that NCsoft constantly updates, creates new content, and patches the game is fantastic and a good business move on their part. If the game becomes stagnant then people stop playing and paying. We technically only pay to play the game as is, we dont pay to get new content.

bottom line is that if you feel its a good deal then buy the pack, if you think its a rip off then don't. Its really just that simple. If this pack had some game altering effect then I would have some kind of problem with it, however its just fluff so who cares.

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I believe Mark Twain said it best-

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."




New City of Heroes Wedding Pack

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, we are excited to introduce the City of Heroes Wedding Pack! Available for $9.99 on the PlayNC® Store, this pack includes two new formal wedding costumes and four celebratory character emotes, offering Heroes and Villains the tools to celebrate in style!

Click here to learn more.

NOTE: The wedding veil on the current live version 16.200801222.5T2 is not displaying correctly. It should appear as mostly see through, like real lace. The current version is mostly filled in. This will be corrected in a coming update.

For those who purchase the Wedding Pack, the list of costume items includes:

2 Tuxedo Jackets with tails For Male, Female, Huge
2 Sleeve options for the tuxedo jacket.

Wedding Dress for Female Models
2 chest options
1 Glove
2 Boot options
Bridal Skirts
1 Hair Style with bridal veil

Extra Female Costume Items
"Excess Plus" for Chest and Hips
"Hearts Plus" for Chest and Hips
"Angelic Plus" for Chest and Hips

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While I have nothing against the occasional "pay for" add-on pack, I do have a problem with the price (at least for this pack).

When comparing this new pack to the GvE pack the lack of any usable power is quite glaring. GvE had 2 very usable powers for the same price.

I know it's too late for the Wedding Pack, but you should keep this in mind for any future add-ons.

My value for the Wedding Pack is $4.99-$5.99 - sorry, no sale.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I need some help here!!!
I am trying to help my hubby find the costume parts for the tux, but there does not seem to be any new pieces. I also am having trouble finding the extra female costume items...where would those be located??

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1) ... you DID actually buy the pack, and UPGRADE the account with that paid serial number? (because there are TWO steps here: buy it, and then apply it. If you only bought it, it's sitting in your NC account waiting to be upgraded onto one of your accounts)
2) They're in Jackets
2) unfortunately that's pretty much it for the guys But the Pants/Slacks option looks great with the tux.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



This game needs more, yes, LOTS more paid expansion packs. Something above and beyond a few emotes and re-hashed costume pieces.

Not only does it need more paid expansion packs, but they need to ADVERTISE them. Get new boxes on the shelves. Get people aware of it.


[/ QUOTE ]

PMM, I agree with you about Expansion Packs...

This is NOT an expansion pack. This will not bring new players to the game. No pretty boxes on the shelves in stores for people to gawk at. In no way does this "fluff" as some have called it, boost or help retain player base. None at all. If they packaged it and put it on store shelves, maybe, but the reality is, its a tough sell with the limited offering it has and in this case might actually sour the MMO community and reviewers on the CoX franchise.

EXPANSION PACKS..... Sure. Properly marketed to build player base.

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Well, yeah... that's why I said "above and beyond emotes and re-hashed costume pieces" there



The Mission from Sela Vermont was a disappointment. I would suggest four or five missions with an EB/AV at the end Called "Heartbreaker" or something appropriate like that. I also think Valentines needs an exclusive event group like the Christmas and the Halloween events, just as long as it is not Snaptooth



Everything would be wonderful if Latin America users were able to buy codes!

LevelUpGames doesn't sell bonus packs codes, just serial ones and cd-keys. PlayNC store does not allow us to buy anything CoH related (and Tabula Rasa/Guild Wars/etc). So, make LevelUpGames sell these special codes, like, now? They don't even sell GvE codes, which is lame. (aka: buy GvE edition of the game and get no bonus pack code, now isn't it nice?)

I already sent a ticket (to PlayNC) about that, also dealing with Character Transfer and Rename (incredible tools also unavailable to us). Now, the same happens with this new pack. It's frustrating.

[/end rant]

Edit: just read the post before mine now, and... that sucks, really.

I can share my own experience about it since I'm a Latin America user:

LevelUpGames (LUG from now on) "distributes" the game in Latin America, apparently. So, NCSOFT blocked users from this region to buy from their site to "enforce" them to buy directly from LUG. PlayNC site doesn't allow credit cards to be added to the account as well.

The thing is, that blocks quite a list of features:

- Character Transfer and Rename are dependable on credit cards added intto the PlayNC account. Since these accounts can not have credit cards, they can't use these two features.
- CoX store has been closed down to these users and they can't buy any serial code from the store, *but* LUG does not sell these codes other than GTCs and CD-Keys.

IMO, no matter the region I live in, I should have equal access to a game I pay to play.


- Make LUG sell all bonus packs codes.
- Make LUG sells Character Rename / Transfer "tickets." Unfortunately, that would require the features to change their behavior a bit and work based on these "tickets" as well as from credit cards added into PlayNC account. So, when checking if the user has a credit card added, it should add an extra step (in case the first one failed).

Sorry if I'm digressing here. But I can't seem to find a proper place to post this. PlayNC support, as quoted in the above message, doesn't seem to want to deal with it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm pressing this until I'm allowed to purchase this product. A product like you said, unavailable from the so-called "local retailer." Also, I created my PlayNC and City of Heroes account before this sales agreement came to be in the first place. Perhaps that's why I was able to purchase the Good vs. Evil Extras pack.

I refuse to have this limitation imposed on me. LevelUpGames doesn't handle game development, server maintenance or customer support. Their distribution is limited and frankly, crippled. It's not even an alternative in this case, seeing as they simply don't offer the item in question.

I'm not a happy customer at the moment.



Wow, what a crappy money deal that is. No thanks.




"I won't be able to attend, but I sure hope their will be some official wedding videos made available."

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I concur. Someone (devs/whoever) needs to TiVo the Wedding for those of us that won't be online at the time or can't get into to see it.

As for the pack, all I'll say is this...

If you want it - Buy It
If not - Don't

Seems pretty simple to me

I'm a Peripheral Visionary. I can see into the future, but way off to the side. - Steven Wright



I'm a little disappointed there's no badge to go w/ the new contacts in mercy and atlas