Discussion: Valentine's Day




So, what's the new mission do? I didn't see a badge or anything. Is it just sorta for fun?



So, what's the new mission do? I didn't see a badge or anything. Is it just sorta for fun?

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It does nothing. Once you read the mission clues (which are amusing), you're done.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



A Short Play by BSG: How things are the same, but totally differnt.

Person A: Hey did you hear they released a new Game system add-on, it makes it lighter and smell like mint.

Person B: I like my Game system as it is.

Person A: Yah, but it can smell like mint. It's only $10

Person B: I'm not paying $10 more to get a mint smell. That's stupid and your stupid for thinking it's worth $10

Person A: But you got the Add-on that makes it glow in the dark, and that cost $10

Person B: Of course I got that, it glows in the friggen dark!

Person A: ...

This conversation went on for hours and days till they both realized that although they both love the Game system, they both like differnt things about it. A is content to spend their monies on every add-ons, wile B only wants specific add-ons. In the end, they decided to live and let live and enjoy the Game system together. A lot of people can learn from them.

The End.

P.S. This is a work of fiction because no one is able to just live and let live, there will always be someone out there waiting to troll out into a flame war, no matter what.



It pains me that you guys go out of your way to make unexpected content and this is the kind of response you get from people. I guess you guys are used to the fact by now that no matter what you do some Jackasses are going to complain about it. Still a Pity though.

for God's sake if you don't like it, don't f*^@%#g buy it. QUICHURBICHEN

I'm a Peripheral Visionary. I can see into the future, but way off to the side. - Steven Wright



StrikeFalcon wrote:
Yeah, they should never take the time to whip up something extra for you again.

[/ QUOTE ]

Something extra for us? Huh? This ain't charity. They did this to make money. Don't act like they did us a favor.

StrikeFalcon wrote:

Give me a break people, what we pay them is BARELY proportional to the work they put in .

[/ QUOTE ]

You are right. These costume options and emotes took a few hours to make. If only 10% of the population buys it, that's $150,000.

I'd be shocked if it took even 10 total man hours to finish the whole job. That's $15,000 per hour.

Heck, if it took 100 man hours (no way), it is still $1,500 per hour.

So you are right. There is no proportional connection between the cost, what you get, and the time it took to create.



is the save the weding persents mission buged I just compleated it and got nothing



I'm generally happy to run any new special event activities multiple times and tend to have lots of fun in the process, however, I'm not impressed with this year's new stuff.

Reason 1: The Atlas and Mercy contacts don't appear on your list until you find them, at which point they are listed as being in Pocket D. That's sloppy.

Reason 2: The location for the missions don't make sense. Why does Arachnos have a warehouse in Atlas, and why would the heroes store their gifts in Mercy? It would have been more logical to travel to the opposing faction's territory, or at least provide enough text to give the illusion of actually doing so.

Reason 3: There's not even a souvenir for completing the tasks, let alone a badge to commemorate the event. Sure marriage is supposed to be a one-time deal, but all they'd have to do was make it a badge mission and add it to Ouroboros somehow. It would have been cool for heroes to get something like Best Man/Maid of Honor and villains Wedding Crasher.

MA Arc: School Spirit #89349

Original member of the Dream Team Aeon, Virtue division
"A base here or there is a small price to pay for good mad science."--Arbiter Daos



AN NCSoft Gift Card (for purchasing subscription time and/ or additional features) would be dandy.

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Now that is grand idea!

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/agreed I'd like that alot, since I'm using timecards instead of a credit card.

If I wanted to PvP, I would just run outside and gank people with rocks.

I wonder if anyone has ever been offended by my hero "Asparagus-Man" because someone they know is a vegetable...?



My blaster and an SG mate stood around and watched the crowd antics on AP1, trying to do what was told. After being caught between mob rule and the bouncer Castle we decided to head to AP4 and we actually made it into the ceremony (much more civil there). I thought the ceremony and scenario had a creative, fun touch to them. I liked the suggestion of having a random teleport of 100 guests in a zone rather than one usher, an unruly mob and a cranky bouncer.

For those of you that think it costs too much, don't buy it. I myself love the costumes and there can't be too many emotes in the game for me as well. The female wedding costumes are great I think, very unique looking. I'm just wondering why can't they be more creative with the male outfits?

I think the 'get Fusionette/Faultline to the wedding on time', and the Carnvial of Shadows/'Cinderella shoes' mission ideas are great!



A Short Play by BSG: How things are the same, but totally differnt.

Person A: Hey did you hear they released a new Game system add-on, it makes it lighter and smell like mint.

Person B: I like my Game system as it is.

Person A: Yah, but it can smell like mint. It's only $10

Person B: I'm not paying $10 more to get a mint smell. That's stupid and your stupid for thinking it's worth $10

Person A: But you got the Add-on that makes it glow in the dark, and that cost $10

Person B: Of course I got that, it glows in the friggen dark!

Person A: ...

This conversation went on for hours and days till they both realized that although they both love the Game system, they both like differnt things about it. A is content to spend their monies on every add-ons, wile B only wants specific add-ons. In the end, they decided to live and let live and enjoy the Game system together. A lot of people can learn from them.

The End.

P.S. This is a work of fiction because no one is able to just live and let live, there will always be someone out there waiting to troll out into a flame war, no matter what.

[/ QUOTE ]





Reason 3: ...It would have been cool for heroes to get something like Best Man/Maid of Honor and villains Wedding Crasher.

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NICE badge idea that would have been cool -- My lvl 50 scrap is total badge collector and that's why I was kinda disappointed in no badges as I already have all the others from last year



What a rip off! I felt it was cheesy having to pay money for access to a bunch of costume peices, but then when I got a good look at what was actually in the package, I felt totally cheated. Hardly anything for male characters, and most of the peices added for female models were just variations on an existing theme. They could have at least thrown in the costume peices from the Spring fling event - as if I enjoyed running my every alternate character through an event that got stale two years ago...

I've been playing online games for over six years and never felt before that I was entitled to a refund. This is a first. Suffice it to say that I will never pony up the funds for another expansion/patch/whatever of COH.



I paid for the expansion just for the heck of it. It's ok, there could have been a little more; like a emote for flying doves, or maybe even a temp power walking stick for men, and wedding bouquet for women. A heart tattoo for men and women on the left or right arm under the shoulder option would have been nice. A badge would have been nice for this expansion pack as well, but no biggie.

I do have one major suggestion, since the new wedding skirts have a choice of two colors; why not make the new skin tops for females with a choice of two colors.

Also, we need more female tattoos. One of my toons is a rough girl who needs some tat's.

Btw, Nice work on the new outfits.




is the save the weding persents mission buged I just compleated it and got nothing

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xp is all you get baby!



I think the 'get Fusionette/Faultline to the wedding on time', and the Carnvial of Shadows/'Cinderella shoes' mission ideas are great!

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I was starting to wonder if people even noticed my whole 'wedding uber-story arc' post back there...


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



After being caught between mob rule and the bouncer Castle we decided to head to AP4 and we actually made it into the ceremony (much more civil there).

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah, this explains why I didn't have any trouble attending the event and am reading these horror stories of crowd control and force bubbles and all that. I went to Atlas Park 4! Which apparently was a lot less crazy.

Lighthouse was there, and he actually *discouraged* us from getting in line. It was a player's idea for us to form a line and Lighthouse apparently didn't think it a good idea. Here is what he said (pasted from my chat log):

"02-14-2008 18:34:43 [Admin] NCsoft_Lighthouse: For those that are in line, just so you know the process to get into the event is just done by who gets in when the event is turned on and people are clicking on the usher to get in."

Once he said that, we all got out of line, crowded around the usher and started clicking. So apparently Castle was a lot more militant than Lighthouse (and possibly necessarily so if there were tons more people in the other instances of Atlas Park).



[\Person A: But you got the Add-on that makes it glow in the dark, and that cost $10

Person B: Of course I got that, it glows in the friggen dark!

Person A: ...

P.S. This is a work of fiction because no one is able to just live and let live, there will always be someone out there waiting to troll out into a flame war, no matter what. [/color]

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umm where can I get the one that makes it glow in the dark...I can't find it anywhere on NCsoft store...
Because everything is better if it glows in the dark....

"...well I have wrestled with reality for thirty-five years, Doctor and I am happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P Dowd (from the movie Harvey)



The wedding was awesome, but I really wish there was something new this year as far as "rememberance" goes for the whole Valentine's Event. From what I hear, other than the PAID wedding pack, there's NOTHING actually new this year. No new badges, nothing.



It pains me that you guys go out of your way to make unexpected content and this is the kind of response you get from people. I guess you guys are used to the fact by now that no matter what you do some Jackasses are going to complain about it. Still a Pity though.

for God's sake if you don't like it, don't f*^@%#g buy it. QUICHURBICHEN

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50 Nightstalker Eve - Grav/Emp Troller (Triumph)
50 Mistress of Trickery - Ill/FF Troller (Infinity)
50 Anika - FA/SS Tank (Triumph)



I'm generally happy to run any new special event activities multiple times and tend to have lots of fun in the process, however, I'm not impressed with this year's new stuff.

Reason 1: The Atlas and Mercy contacts don't appear on your list until you find them, at which point they are listed as being in Pocket D. That's sloppy.

Reason 2: The location for the missions don't make sense. Why does Arachnos have a warehouse in Atlas, and why would the heroes store their gifts in Mercy? It would have been more logical to travel to the opposing faction's territory, or at least provide enough text to give the illusion of actually doing so.

Reason 3: There's not even a souvenir for completing the tasks, let alone a badge to commemorate the event. Sure marriage is supposed to be a one-time deal, but all they'd have to do was make it a badge mission and add it to Ouroboros somehow. It would have been cool for heroes to get something like Best Man/Maid of Honor and villains Wedding Crasher.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, something to say we did it other that just a bit of xp would be very cool.

But then again, I am a badge-collector that UNDERSTANDS AND ACCEPTS there are badges I will never get. I don't whine and cry because I missed out on Celebrant and therefore the 5th Columnist gladiator badge on my characters (my primary badge-hunter I actually don't have Reveler either, the 2nd year badge. Only reason SOME of my characters have that badge is due to the bug of it being available 4 months after it should have been turned off). I didn't whine and cry about the Veteran reward badges and how they are so unfair to NEW badge hunters.

EDIT: As for the Wedding pack having or not having a badge, as I said before, I think it should have some badge. Not every badge hunter has to have every damn badge. You can't. Not gonna happen. Accept it and move on, have fun getting the badges you CAN get.



...But then again, I am a badge-collector that UNDERSTANDS AND ACCEPTS there are badges I will never get. I don't whine and cry because I missed out on Celebrant and therefore the 5th Columnist gladiator badge on my characters (my primary badge-hunter I actually don't have Reveler either, the 2nd year badge. Only reason SOME of my characters have that badge is due to the bug of it being available 4 months after it should have been turned off). I didn't whine and cry about the Veteran reward badges and how they are so unfair to NEW badge hunters.

EDIT: As for the Wedding pack having or not having a badge, as I said before, I think it should have some badge. Not every badge hunter has to have every damn badge. You can't. Not gonna happen. Accept it and move on, have fun getting the badges you CAN get.

[/ QUOTE ]Maybe the "I Paid for this Badge" badge?

If I wanted to PvP, I would just run outside and gank people with rocks.

I wonder if anyone has ever been offended by my hero "Asparagus-Man" because someone they know is a vegetable...?



Am I missing something or did they only add the one mission per side that is connected to an event that less than 1% of the players attended? No new badges? No new temps?

If that's the case next time, just tell us when it's coming. Don't act like it's a big deal. Just say, "It'll start on VDay," and flip the switch when it's time.

This "event" has more to do with marketing the not-so-special items pack than it does with anything else. If somehow something else is going to happen, I apologize. If not, this event is meaningless for people who have been here for one already.



What a rip off! I felt it was cheesy having to pay money for access to a bunch of costume peices, but then when I got a good look at what was actually in the package, I felt totally cheated. Hardly anything for male characters, and most of the peices added for female models were just variations on an existing theme. They could have at least thrown in the costume peices from the Spring fling event - as if I enjoyed running my every alternate character through an event that got stale two years ago...

I've been playing online games for over six years and never felt before that I was entitled to a refund. This is a first. Suffice it to say that I will never pony up the funds for another expansion/patch/whatever of COH.

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You could have, you know, "read the posts about it" or even "the advertisement" about it, to find out *exactly what it contained*.

You in no way shape or form "had" to purchase it, what did you exactly expect from something which was specifically advertised as "4 emotes and some wedding-style costumery"?

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I'm not buying it, mostly because I have little use of these costume parts or emotes. If it looked like a real dress- long skirt to ankles- I might have done it, but my characters are heroes and not skanks. I've had to do a lot of looking at wedding dresses irl lately and most modern gowns have a bit more substance and class to them.

Of course, I would much rather have some of the costume parts that the Arachnos women wear- the Fortunata and Death Widows, the jacket Ghost Widow has, or the little butt-flared cape that the Cabal witches wear; much more interesting. If that came in an expansion that I could buy separately I would do it- I started with CoV, upgraded to GvE, and haven't seen anything listed that is affordable for those costume parts (though I've seen people with the Mu Guardian hat running around.)



Actually all the skirts take the Bridal overlay - so Pencil which is the longest skirt does really nicely as a modest knee-length skirt. I had it on my toon, though not the pattern (because RR and lace are like, lol. no). They're much more flexible than you'd expect - especially the tailed tuxes. But hey - they're not for everyone, and they ARE just costume options.

At the very least, they're options which new players don't have to wait and wait for like some vet rewards

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!