NCSoft acquires "City of" Franchise!




Hey all

Wow, it's been a whirlwind couple of days that I haven't had much time to sit down and throw in my two cents on the whole thing.

I don't know if you guys know this, but I've been working on City of Heroes since the early part of of 2002....lonnnnng before we launched.

And it has been the absolute greatest experience for me. I had the dream story of how I started in this business (which is truly rare) and how I got to work on a project with a handful of other people to put together this game called City of Heroes. I had no idea how it would be received when it first came out.

From the first day of open beta to each time I sneak on and say hi to people, either as War Witch or my normal characters, you guys are the reason (besides my team, which I adore) that I love doing what I do.

You laugh at my silly NPC comments and easter eggs and you have been nothing but wonderful and supportive since day one.

I'm not going to lie, the decision to leave Cryptic was hard for me. They gave me my start and I will always be grateful for everything they've done for me. Having said that, I LOVE City of Heroes and I love you guys and, ultimately, the choice to stay with the project was a no-brainer.

I'm also thrilled that everyone else who came on board, did. One of the greatest joys I have in working with my team is getting a chance to get to know every single one of them and care about them as if they were an extension of my family (okay, fine, I'm less snarky with my team). What this means is plenty of feeding of food and laughter around cubes.

Ultimately, a job is a job, but it's the people who really make it worth it and I love my team. I'm not being cheesy or trying to sell you anything, I truly do. I work with some top-notch people and they (and you guys, of course) are the reason why I love coming to work each morning.

I am truly blessed to have the job that I do and I'm grateful that I get to do it, every day (even on the days when it sucks - yes, there are those days on occasion) with people who are so hard-working and talented.

NCsoft has been nothing but amazing to me since the first day I met them way back when we were working out of the Jury Court office and I really do enjoy working alongside them every day.

I haven't read all of the comments about how everyone is reacting to the news, but if you do want my opinion (looks like I'm giving it anyway), I'm excited. I'm excited and happy and I will stick around on City of Heroes/Villains as long as they'll have me.

(Man, I can yap when I feel like it...sorry, got all misty-eyed there.)

So to you guys, who have been most faithful over the years and to anyone who is new, I definitely look forward to many more awesome issues and times together with you. You guys are the reason I'm here and I couldn't be happier.

Great. Now I have writer's cramp.

Love you guys!


AKA War Witch

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WW's such a hottie.



I think alot of those feeling ripped off are the same ones who are angry about vet rewards, or have the entitalment attidue.

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"Maybe if we just keep chanting the words "angry" and "entitled" it will stick...."

I didn't see what was angry or entitled about supporting buying incentives, especially when they don't in any fashion interefere with any other incentives.

But I think it's cute that people are trying so hard to avoid having to think about it in any terms that don't involve a simple-minded generalization.

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Here's a simple-minded generalization for you:

Anyone complaining they're not getting bribed enough to stick with the game at this point is a greedy schmuck.

That should be clear enough, yes? Certainly more honest than begging for "buyer's incentives".

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Time spent playing game: 3+years @ 15$ a month. (i'll go with 38 months)


Items bought: (35$ estimate per item)
Coh retail
Cov Retail X2
Cov Collector
570$ +
815$ estimate for 3+ years.

And some people are pissy over 60$ or so? Come on. Are people honestly angry that they are trying to get more people playing?

Global: @Pandemonia

We're sorry. Due to the lack of adequate marketing, user patience has died 90+ days ago. Please try again sans "Soon."



Yes, because some people have highly inflated senses of entitlement.

Personally, I really don't care about everybody getting access to both sides. I beta tested CoV, bought it when it came out, and even bought GvE because in addition to the goodies, I liked the idea of having an (at the time) updated install disk if I ever had to do a fresh install. And I'm not frazzled in the least by this decision. In fact I like it. It gives the devs even more freedom to just design and create across the board without having to worry about such-and-such percentage of the playerbase that won't be able to access half of whatever is created.

Then again, I also wouldn't be that upset if they stopped Vet Rewards, or even removed the ones already earned. So maybe it's just me. But I realize that my 15 bucks a month entitles me access to the service that they're providing, whatever that service may be.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."




Totally agree.

OH. For those that may have missed LH's latest announcement regarding the "Granting Access"... If you bought COH or COV AFTER they gave access.. then you still have to get both. They opened the client to ALL current and inactive accounts so as to have a level playing field. Besides.. we can only go up from here.

Global: @Pandemonia

We're sorry. Due to the lack of adequate marketing, user patience has died 90+ days ago. Please try again sans "Soon."




We can has cheeseburger?

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BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



I think alot of those feeling ripped off are the same ones who are angry about vet rewards, or have the entitalment attidue.

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"Maybe if we just keep chanting the words "angry" and "entitled" it will stick...."

I didn't see what was angry or entitled about supporting buying incentives, especially when they don't in any fashion interefere with any other incentives.

But I think it's cute that people are trying so hard to avoid having to think about it in any terms that don't involve a simple-minded generalization.

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Here's a simple-minded generalization for you:

Anyone complaining they're not getting bribed enough to stick with the game at this point is a greedy schmuck.

That should be clear enough, yes? Certainly more honest than begging for "buyer's incentives".

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Not the way I would put it, but it works.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio




Here's a simple-minded generalization for you:

Anyone complaining they're not getting bribed enough to stick with the game at this point is a greedy schmuck.

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As adept as you are at being simple minded, you should try addressing those who have made such a complaint.

That should be clear enough, yes? Certainly more honest than begging for "buyer's incentives".

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Replacing the other side's stated stance with a myopic point of view you are more capable of digesting is no substitute for rebuttal and requires no thought. Your post is a walking illustration of having absoluely no objection to the issue, but being unable to resist a juvenile and anonymous quip. Spin away, I can't help you look more impotent.




Not the way I would put it, but it works.

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Put it as you like. Opposing buyer incentives is an sensible as opposing customer retention campaigns. It is surreal. It hinders none of the other benefits of the merged game and consolidated cost. To oppose it, especially in the vicious and juvenile terms you are supporting in the post above, is simply beyond the pale. I've yet to see one person offer up a reason NOT to allow a cosmetic nod to buying early at full price, but I've seen plenty of slander and simplistic spin doctoring into something those with the communications skills of your quoted friend above can wrap their vocabulary around. Yet not one person has stepped up and said "THIS is how supporting a buy early model will hurt the other players!" or even come close to epxlaining how a marketing model in use for decades is suddenly "nad for business".

A real reason isn't needed, you see: it more fun to do what is done above and it requires less effort. And let's face it, you guys are anonymous, you can label the other side fools and idiots all day, you can simply restate their case over and over and there are no repercussions. Lack of accountability truly is the lithmus test of the internet.

What kills me is that Ex has already issued a statement which gives a nod to the idea. It's "sekret" but something is in the pipeline... yet the kneejerk reaction continues when the devs themselves support the marketing model. How self defeating.



Knowing War Witch is continuing to shepherd the game through, as one of our continued fearless devs, is a good feeling. I hope the "many" folks from Cryptic continuing on with NCSoft includes all the other awesome people we know and post about. (Or at.)

It is critical that you pay attention at this time.

Gaming in Limited Times
Guide to Plant/Ice Doms



It's been so hard keeping quiet about this.

Like many of you, I am an avid fan and player of this game. I've played it since launch, have multiple level 50 characters on both sides of the fence. I truly love this game and it's been an honest to god, dream come true to have the opportunity to work on it during the day and then go home and play it at night.

The thing that has excited me most about this whole deal is that I can only see great things coming for all of you guys as the players of this game. And to me, that's what this is deal is all about. Making the game awesome for as many of you as we can. That was ultimately the biggest factor in my decision to leave Cryptic and join NCSoft. All of those things that we've had to push back or write off as taking too many resources to get done in the limited time frames and limited manpower. All of the bugs or QoL issues that have been lingering for what seems like forever because the programmers were too busy fixing the major bugs. All of those really big pie in the sky ideas that we've dreamed about for so long and couldn't do because there was no one who could implement them...that's all back on the table. The sky is literally the limit. It's been really tough having to make decisions on what would be the 'best bang for the buck' and I'm really looking forward to having the recourses so that won't be such a deciding factor moving forward.

Of course, just putting more resources into the game wouldn't cut it by itself. We have a fantastic team that's been working 100% (or more in some cases) on CoH/CoV and every single one of us has made the move to stay with on this project and with this team. So now we've got a lot more recourses, the same fantastic team, the same great game to pour all our energies into, and the best bunch of players to create that content for. Personally, I've never heard of a situation like this in the game industry. It just doesn't happen.

I am completely stoked. You guys should be too. We literally would not be here without you guys.

There's going to be a period of transition as we move into the new studio, staff up, and train those new people in using our systems...but we're going to do our damnedest to make sure you guys don't notice and very shortly after that you will notice the results of this. I really wish I could talk about the things we have planned, but it's not my I don't get that privilege.

All of this is still bittersweet. I have nothing but good things to say about Cryptic, they're a fantastic studio who created a fantastic game and they're now moving on to create more fantastic games. I'm truly going to miss working with them. I'm sure this was a tough decision for them to give up the controlling share of the franchise, but one thing that probably helped make it easier is that they knew their creation was being passed into the absolute best of hands. There is no other group of people in the world who care about this game and it's players like we do.

Looking forward to a very bright future for this game and all of you guys. We love you all of you. You drive us nuts sometimes, but we still love you.



First post after BAB!!!

That is great to hear your input BAB. I feel better about this move each post.... I guess that means I'll be _overwhelmed_ with all the cool new stuff coming right??




The only thing I can say is that this smells of power customization. Our likely hood of this happening now is much greater than it ever has been. Wheee!

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Excuse me, but, uh, I'm not quite sure how to say this... Are you me?

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Yeah I am, You know that guy on the other side of the mirror, thats me. I mean thats you but thats me, at least when I look it is. You see it too don't you? LOL



All of those things that we've had to push back or write off as taking too many resources to get done in the limited time frames and limited manpower. All of the bugs or QoL issues that have been lingering for what seems like forever because the programmers were too busy fixing the major bugs. All of those really big pie in the sky ideas that we've dreamed about for so long and couldn't do because there was no one who could implement them...that's all back on the table. The sky is literally the limit.

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... I could listen to you talk like this all day.



All of the bugs or QoL issues that have been lingering for what seems like forever because the programmers were too busy fixing the major bugs.

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if that were only the case. no, they were too busy making sure villains and heroes couldn't get certain badges and breaking other issues in the game. we still have no IoP.



IOP's are a minor feature. Nice when it working but minor.

Major bugs are things that affect large groups of people.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

List of Invention Guides



All of the bugs or QoL issues that have been lingering for what seems like forever because the programmers were too busy fixing the major bugs.

[/ QUOTE ]

if that were only the case. no, they were too busy making sure villains and heroes couldn't get certain badges and breaking other issues in the game. we still have no IoP.

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You need to check the boards better before mouthing off.

One of the goals at the new studio is to hire a lot more Engineers to come in so that Bases can be worked on and fixed. Base Raiding, IoPs, everything is going to pushed to get working.

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All of the bugs or QoL issues that have been lingering for what seems like forever because the programmers were too busy fixing the major bugs.

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if that were only the case. no, they were too busy making sure villains and heroes couldn't get certain badges and breaking other issues in the game. we still have no IoP.

[/ QUOTE ]

One of these days, Stasis_ will say something positive.

Just then, the world will end. I predict his positive statement will be sometime in 2012...



All of the bugs or QoL issues that have been lingering for what seems like forever because the programmers were too busy fixing the major bugs.

[/ QUOTE ]

if that were only the case. no, they were too busy making sure villains and heroes couldn't get certain badges and breaking other issues in the game. we still have no IoP.

[/ QUOTE ]

One of these days, Stasis_ will say something positive.

Just then, the world will end. I predict his positive statement will be sometime in 2012...

[/ QUOTE ]

He's said positive things before. He's just like many of us who avidly PvP and enjoy that side of the game: pessimistic.

Seeing that things may get rolling again soon will hopefully change some of those negative feelings, but only time will tell.



I wonder why Troy hasn't showed up yet when we mentioned him by name. I wonder if the curse that immediately teleports him into any thread that talks about him has been lifted. Let me try something...

Troy Hickman Troy Hickman Troy Hickman!

Did it work?

[/ QUOTE ]

All apologies. I've been intently working on my Hickman's Zombie Survival Squad picks, and as such, I've been unable to answer the Hick-Signal.

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



I wonder why Troy hasn't showed up yet when we mentioned him by name. I wonder if the curse that immediately teleports him into any thread that talks about him has been lifted. Let me try something...

Troy Hickman Troy Hickman Troy Hickman!

Did it work?

[/ QUOTE ]

All apologies. I've been intently working on my Hickman's Zombie Survival Squad picks, and as such, I've been unable to answer the Hick-Signal.

[/ QUOTE ]

What a relief. I feared you were part of the leaving the City deal.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.




Only if you have pants, and are wearing them.

Sorry, it's Troy's fault about that rule.

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Wait a minute...Those are pants?
I thought he was just really furry.

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That's the thing - he is just really furry.

It's an extension of the No Shirt, etc, No service policy.

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I see...I thought you meant Troy MADE the rule....
..but the rule was made BECAUSE of...

...moving along.

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This is TMI, by the way, but I'm one of the least furry people (at least from the neck down) you're gonna meet...

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



I wonder why Troy hasn't showed up yet when we mentioned him by name. I wonder if the curse that immediately teleports him into any thread that talks about him has been lifted. Let me try something...

Troy Hickman Troy Hickman Troy Hickman!

Did it work?

[/ QUOTE ]

All apologies. I've been intently working on my Hickman's Zombie Survival Squad picks, and as such, I've been unable to answer the Hick-Signal.

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What a relief. I feared you were part of the leaving the City deal.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, for that to happen, I would've had to actually have been a part of something...

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



I wonder why Troy hasn't showed up yet when we mentioned him by name. I wonder if the curse that immediately teleports him into any thread that talks about him has been lifted. Let me try something...

Troy Hickman Troy Hickman Troy Hickman!

Did it work?

[/ QUOTE ]

All apologies. I've been intently working on my Hickman's Zombie Survival Squad picks, and as such, I've been unable to answer the Hick-Signal.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds weird. I'm picturing an old pick-up truck, a hound dog and maybe some jug whiskey. Guess they could save the day if the emergency was an ornery possum or something.....




The thing that has excited me most about this whole deal is that I can only see great things coming for all of you guys as the players of this game. And to me, that's what this is deal is all about. Making the game awesome for as many of you as we can. That was ultimately the biggest factor in my decision to leave Cryptic and join NCSoft. All of those things that we've had to push back or write off as taking too many resources to get done in the limited time frames and limited manpower. All of the bugs or QoL issues that have been lingering for what seems like forever because the programmers were too busy fixing the major bugs. All of those really big pie in the sky ideas that we've dreamed about for so long and couldn't do because there was no one who could implement them...that's all back on the table. The sky is literally the limit. It's been really tough having to make decisions on what would be the 'best bang for the buck' and I'm really looking forward to having the recourses so that won't be such a deciding factor moving forward.

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Quite possibly the greatest post in the history of this forum.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone