NCSoft acquires "City of" Franchise!




Does this mean that the Jack E. "Statesman" is no longer affiliated with the game?



Does this mean that the Jack E. "Statesman" is no longer affiliated with the game?

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@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Hehe, is it wrong for me to look at that quote and think weather effects coming to Paragon? Maybe buildings you actually crash through windows into instead of resembling fake sets from a Hollywood backlot.

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Gothika (Grav/Kin) Marionette (Ill/Rad) Terra Firma (Earth/Storm) Alana Dale (Arch/Nrg)
Iceblink (Ice/Dark) Fantasia (Mind/Fire) Shadow Minx (Claws/Nin)



Does this mean that the Jack E. "Statesman" is no longer affiliated with the game?

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Hmm...thats kind of, not cool.



Does this mean that the Jack E. "Statesman" is no longer affiliated with the game?

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Hmm...thats kind of, not cool.

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total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Does this mean that the Jack E. "Statesman" is no longer affiliated with the game?

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Hmm...thats kind of, not cool.

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He was one of the co-founders, the reasoning should be obvious, its sad to lose one of the founding fathers.



Let's not dwell on the negatives or talk about why its good or bad that Jack's no longer with the game. This is a happy time where we should be looking foward to the positive things to come...

...and be demanding that they give us details, details, details about those things to come...

...right now.

...or, at the very least, some sort of cheeseburger.



Does this mean that the Jack E. "Statesman" is no longer affiliated with the game?

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Hmm...thats kind of, not cool.

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He was one of the co-founders, the reasoning should be obvious, its sad to lose one of the founding fathers.

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Sad it may be, but why "not cool"? He got the baby launched and all grown up and is moving on full force to his next project MUO. It's not like he is abandoning it or he was kicked out.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.




We can has cheeseburger?

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Only if you have pants, and are wearing them.

Sorry, it's Troy's fault about that rule.

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No fair! We Triumphites take great pride in our pantslessness!

I am calling for an end to this discrimination against we, the haberdasherly-challenged!

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A haberdasher makes hats, not pants.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Get rid of the [censored] infamy/influance peddlers, and then get back to me about the greatness of NC SOFT.

You have a full section of recommendations, our only question is , what are you going to work on first.



its exactly what it means.

Good riddance, the king is dead! Now lets get down to the buisness of making this game the beast it should be by now.



Well, Im willing to trust Back Alley Brawler when he says this move is going to rock my world. He's got enough of a rep as a straight shooter that I cant find it in myself to maintain pessimism in the face of that kind of enthusiasm.

I look forward to the new, better, world.



I'm really happy to hear this, not only will there be lots of new content, but every little thing might be fixed or spruced up. I can't wait to see all that this change brings.

PSI-on: DM/PB Defender (Triumph)
Disco Lord: MA/SR Scrapper (Triumph)
Spec-tor: MC/PA Dominator (Triumph)
The Regional Manager: Merc/FF MM (Triumph)




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He was one of the co-founders, the reasoning should be obvious, its sad to lose one of the founding fathers.

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Sad it may be, but why "not cool"? He got the baby launched and all grown up and is moving on full force to his next project MUO. It's not like he is abandoning it or he was kicked out.

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He already has moved on. A while back. Jack has been MUO focused for quite some time.

So he was the gynecologist at the birth of CoH. Ok, good stuff. But the game's grown and moved on. Time for a pediatrician, don't need a gynecologist any more.



So he was the gynecologist at the birth of CoH. Great stuff. But the game's grown and moved on. Time for a pediatrician, don't need a gynecologist any more.

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Thanks LightSide, now i have a mental image of a GvE box with legs spread out on an exam table and Statesman's helmet tinkering under the hospital gown.






All of those really big pie in the sky ideas that we've dreamed about for so long and couldn't do because there was no one who could implement them...that's all back on the table. The sky is literally the limit.

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BAB sez we kan gets SKY PIE!!!

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do not want!!

I want can has a cheeseburger, please.



I think alot of those feeling ripped off are the same ones who are angry about vet rewards, or have the entitalment attidue.

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"Maybe if we just keep chanting the words "angry" and "entitled" it will stick...."

I didn't see what was angry or entitled about supporting buying incentives, especially when they don't in any fashion interefere with any other incentives.

But I think it's cute that people are trying so hard to avoid having to think about it in any terms that don't involve a simple-minded generalization.

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Here's a simple-minded generalization for you:

Anyone complaining they're not getting bribed enough to stick with the game at this point is a greedy schmuck.

That should be clear enough, yes? Certainly more honest than begging for "buyer's incentives".

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Here's anotehr one for you:

Anyone who grossly mischaracterises "Hey, um, remember us? the guys who bought your stuff way back when, thus enabling you to be paid (and clothed, and fed,and housed) betwixt then and now ...? Could we, um, maybe have a token shiny-bit or two, now that you're just giving half of the game away to people?" as being complaining that we're not being bribed enough, is a low-intelligence, no-account, worthless troll.

There; that should feel about as offensive to you, as your gross mischaracterisation feels to me.



I wonder why Troy hasn't showed up yet when we mentioned him by name. I wonder if the curse that immediately teleports him into any thread that talks about him has been lifted. Let me try something...

Troy Hickman Troy Hickman Troy Hickman!

Did it work?

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All apologies. I've been intently working on my Hickman's Zombie Survival Squad picks, and as such, I've been unable to answer the Hick-Signal.

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What a relief. I feared you were part of the leaving the City deal.

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No, for that to happen, I would've had to actually have been a part of something...

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Does "the collective nightmares of far too many forumites" count as "something" ...? Because I'm pretty sure you're a part of that ...



I think alot of those feeling ripped off are the same ones who are angry about vet rewards, or have the entitalment attidue.

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"Maybe if we just keep chanting the words "angry" and "entitled" it will stick...."

I didn't see what was angry or entitled about supporting buying incentives, especially when they don't in any fashion interefere with any other incentives.

But I think it's cute that people are trying so hard to avoid having to think about it in any terms that don't involve a simple-minded generalization.

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Here's a simple-minded generalization for you:

Anyone complaining they're not getting bribed enough to stick with the game at this point is a greedy schmuck.

That should be clear enough, yes? Certainly more honest than begging for "buyer's incentives".

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Here's anotehr one for you:

Anyone who grossly mischaracterises "Hey, um, remember us? the guys who bought your stuff way back when, thus enabling you to be paid (and clothed, and fed,and housed) betwixt then and now ...? Could we, um, maybe have a token shiny-bit or two, now that you're just giving half of the game away to people?" as being complaining that we're not being bribed enough, is a low-intelligence, no-account, worthless troll.

There; that should feel about as offensive to you, as your gross mischaracterisation feels to me.

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At this point, any additional freebies they give out will go to everyone. I highly doubt they'd give a whole new freebie to "people who paid" while giving nothing more to those that didn't. That just doesn't make any sense.

That said, we are all getting a bunch of other stuff. Debt wipe, Prestige and some "secret" feature.
What exactly IS it you're asking for? I just don't get the gripe.




We can has cheeseburger?

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Only if you have pants, and are wearing them.

Sorry, it's Troy's fault about that rule.

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No fair! We Triumphites take great pride in our pantslessness!

I am calling for an end to this discrimination against we, the haberdasherly-challenged!

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A haberdasher makes hats, not pants.

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Actually, a haberdasher makes nothing ... but sells ALL sorts of men's clothing accoutrements. Cufflinks, ties, socks, belts, undergarments, wallets, gloves, shirts, coats, pants ... if it's men's clothing, a haberdasher sells it. Don't believe me? Well, check for yourself ...!



That said, we are all getting a bunch of other stuff. Debt wipe, Prestige and some "secret" feature.
What exactly IS it you're asking for? I just don't get the gripe.

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It was a simple question about early-buyer incentive that got inflated into a pissing match by posters conditioned to seeing an non-praise-laden post as an assault on NCsoft. It was nothing, really.



Didnt you know its in now to just be as mean as you can to everyone, never taking others feelings into consideration?

Because we are not human, just computers.

But anyways, Thanks for lovin me Babs



I think alot of those feeling ripped off are the same ones who are angry about vet rewards, or have the entitalment attidue.

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"Maybe if we just keep chanting the words "angry" and "entitled" it will stick...."

I didn't see what was angry or entitled about supporting buying incentives, especially when they don't in any fashion interefere with any other incentives.

But I think it's cute that people are trying so hard to avoid having to think about it in any terms that don't involve a simple-minded generalization.

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Here's a simple-minded generalization for you:

Anyone complaining they're not getting bribed enough to stick with the game at this point is a greedy schmuck.

That should be clear enough, yes? Certainly more honest than begging for "buyer's incentives".

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Here's anotehr one for you:

Anyone who grossly mischaracterises "Hey, um, remember us? the guys who bought your stuff way back when, thus enabling you to be paid (and clothed, and fed,and housed) betwixt then and now ...? Could we, um, maybe have a token shiny-bit or two, now that you're just giving half of the game away to people?" as being complaining that we're not being bribed enough, is a low-intelligence, no-account, worthless troll.

There; that should feel about as offensive to you, as your gross mischaracterisation feels to me.

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At this point, any additional freebies they give out will go to everyone. I highly doubt they'd give a whole new freebie to "people who paid" while giving nothing more to those that didn't. That just doesn't make any sense.

That said, we are all getting a bunch of other stuff. Debt wipe, Prestige and some "secret" feature.
What exactly IS it you're asking for? I just don't get the gripe.

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Sure it does.

As Emnity has pointed out: they want to encourage people to "buy early, buy often". An incentive to do so, or at this very after-the-fact juncture reward for having done so, makes 100% perfect sense.

As for what I'm alsking for? Those people who, in their account management screen, have an entry for COV and an entry for COH (or, an entry for a full-version GVE) ... get some minor token of apppreciation, for having been an "early adopter" of their products.

Not just now, but EVER. (Hey, if someone had just COH, gets access, and decides they want the GVE goodies ... why not encourage them to buy the FULL version, rather than just a "goodies code" ... by dangling an extra badge in front of them?)