NCSoft acquires "City of" Franchise!




I wonder why Troy hasn't showed up yet when we mentioned him by name. I wonder if the curse that immediately teleports him into any thread that talks about him has been lifted. Let me try something...

Troy Hickman Troy Hickman Troy Hickman!

Did it work?

[/ QUOTE ]

All apologies. I've been intently working on my Hickman's Zombie Survival Squad picks, and as such, I've been unable to answer the Hick-Signal.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds weird. I'm picturing an old pick-up truck, a hound dog and maybe some jug whiskey. Guess they could save the day if the emergency was an ornery possum or something.....

[/ QUOTE ]

The Hick-Signal? just what kind of perverse emergency would require a pantsless man to save the day?



I wonder why Troy hasn't showed up yet when we mentioned him by name. I wonder if the curse that immediately teleports him into any thread that talks about him has been lifted. Let me try something...

Troy Hickman Troy Hickman Troy Hickman!

Did it work?

[/ QUOTE ]

All apologies. I've been intently working on my Hickman's Zombie Survival Squad picks, and as such, I've been unable to answer the Hick-Signal.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds weird. I'm picturing an old pick-up truck, a hound dog and maybe some jug whiskey. Guess they could save the day if the emergency was an ornery possum or something.....

[/ QUOTE ]

The Hick-Signal? just what kind of perverse emergency would require a pantsless man to save the day?

[/ QUOTE ]

You'd have to live in Indiana for a while to understand.

I don't recommend that.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.




Not the way I would put it, but it works.

[/ QUOTE ]

Put it as you like. Opposing buyer incentives is an sensible as opposing customer retention campaigns. It is surreal. It hinders none of the other benefits of the merged game and consolidated cost. To oppose it, especially in the vicious and juvenile terms you are supporting in the post above, is simply beyond the pale. I've yet to see one person offer up a reason NOT to allow a cosmetic nod to buying early at full price, but I've seen plenty of slander and simplistic spin doctoring into something those with the communications skills of your quoted friend above can wrap their vocabulary around. Yet not one person has stepped up and said "THIS is how supporting a buy early model will hurt the other players!" or even come close to epxlaining how a marketing model in use for decades is suddenly "nad for business".

A real reason isn't needed, you see: it more fun to do what is done above and it requires less effort. And let's face it, you guys are anonymous, you can label the other side fools and idiots all day, you can simply restate their case over and over and there are no repercussions. Lack of accountability truly is the lithmus test of the internet.

What kills me is that Ex has already issued a statement which gives a nod to the idea. It's "sekret" but something is in the pipeline... yet the kneejerk reaction continues when the devs themselves support the marketing model. How self defeating.

[/ QUOTE ]

The reason I am not adding an argument against giving something to those who bought at full price is because I am not against it. I will be happy if they do.

What I do dislike is all of the [censored] that it hasn't happened. Saying "They are getting something, so should I because I bought it at full price." IS entitalment, in its fullest. You did get something, you got to play the game before them. So don't put words in my mouth or assume you kow how I feel.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio




The thing that has excited me most about this whole deal is that I can only see great things coming for all of you guys as the players of this game. And to me, that's what this is deal is all about. Making the game awesome for as many of you as we can. That was ultimately the biggest factor in my decision to leave Cryptic and join NCSoft. All of those things that we've had to push back or write off as taking too many resources to get done in the limited time frames and limited manpower. All of the bugs or QoL issues that have been lingering for what seems like forever because the programmers were too busy fixing the major bugs. All of those really big pie in the sky ideas that we've dreamed about for so long and couldn't do because there was no one who could implement them...that's all back on the table. The sky is literally the limit. It's been really tough having to make decisions on what would be the 'best bang for the buck' and I'm really looking forward to having the recourses so that won't be such a deciding factor moving forward.

[/ QUOTE ]

Quite possibly the greatest post in the history of this forum.

[/ QUOTE ]

I find myself not agreeing with you very often Nethergoat, but this time I do in spades. BAB is awsome and my favorite Dev, Jay is cool too, but BAB is just awsome.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



this is all.. so very beautiful

Does not always detect CoH



Nether more or less did what I wanted to, which is to quote the single-most optimistic and actually excited post from a developer we've seen to date. What's even better is that by far the biggest problem holding new stuff back - too much work - may actually be resolved soon. If "the sky's the limit," then I fear very good things may be upon us indeed

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



All of those things that we've had to push back or write off as taking too many resources to get done in the limited time frames and limited manpower. All of the bugs or QoL issues that have been lingering for what seems like forever because the programmers were too busy fixing the major bugs. All of those really big pie in the sky ideas that we've dreamed about for so long and couldn't do because there was no one who could implement them...that's all back on the table. The sky is literally the limit.

[/ QUOTE ]

... I could listen to you talk like this all day.

[/ QUOTE ]


The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



I'm having BAB's internet babies at this very moment. Ode to the miracle of life when the sky's the limit...


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



All of the bugs or QoL issues that have been lingering for what seems like forever because the programmers were too busy fixing the major bugs.

[/ QUOTE ]

if that were only the case. no, they were too busy making sure villains and heroes couldn't get certain badges and breaking other issues in the game. we still have no IoP.

[/ QUOTE ]

You need to check the boards better before mouthing off.

One of the goals at the new studio is to hire a lot more Engineers to come in so that Bases can be worked on and fixed. Base Raiding, IoPs, everything is going to pushed to get working.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

Just ignore Stasis. He flamed in the Beta boards and he flames here. Not worth the typing time to respond to his drivel.

But I for one am excited that BaB took the time to write this explanation and I'm so happy to hear that all the things we players have been dying for but never made it in are back on the list of 'Doable'.

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



It's been so hard keeping quiet about this.

Like many of you, I am an avid fan and player of this game. I've played it since launch, have multiple level 50 characters on both sides of the fence. I truly love this game and it's been an honest to god, dream come true to have the opportunity to work on it during the day and then go home and play it at night.

The thing that has excited me most about this whole deal is that I can only see great things coming for all of you guys as the players of this game. And to me, that's what this is deal is all about. Making the game awesome for as many of you as we can. That was ultimately the biggest factor in my decision to leave Cryptic and join NCSoft. All of those things that we've had to push back or write off as taking too many resources to get done in the limited time frames and limited manpower. All of the bugs or QoL issues that have been lingering for what seems like forever because the programmers were too busy fixing the major bugs. All of those really big pie in the sky ideas that we've dreamed about for so long and couldn't do because there was no one who could implement them...that's all back on the table. The sky is literally the limit. It's been really tough having to make decisions on what would be the 'best bang for the buck' and I'm really looking forward to having the recourses so that won't be such a deciding factor moving forward.

Of course, just putting more resources into the game wouldn't cut it by itself. We have a fantastic team that's been working 100% (or more in some cases) on CoH/CoV and every single one of us has made the move to stay with on this project and with this team. So now we've got a lot more recourses, the same fantastic team, the same great game to pour all our energies into, and the best bunch of players to create that content for. Personally, I've never heard of a situation like this in the game industry. It just doesn't happen.

I am completely stoked. You guys should be too. We literally would not be here without you guys.

There's going to be a period of transition as we move into the new studio, staff up, and train those new people in using our systems...but we're going to do our damnedest to make sure you guys don't notice and very shortly after that you will notice the results of this. I really wish I could talk about the things we have planned, but it's not my I don't get that privilege.

All of this is still bittersweet. I have nothing but good things to say about Cryptic, they're a fantastic studio who created a fantastic game and they're now moving on to create more fantastic games. I'm truly going to miss working with them. I'm sure this was a tough decision for them to give up the controlling share of the franchise, but one thing that probably helped make it easier is that they knew their creation was being passed into the absolute best of hands. There is no other group of people in the world who care about this game and it's players like we do.

Looking forward to a very bright future for this game and all of you guys. We love you all of you. You drive us nuts sometimes, but we still love you.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope too work for NCSoft someday, or any other company, im going too college for it now actualy, I hope its worth it, for once, I wanna be on the inside and not looking through the glass. I cant wait too see all the new goodies were getting for this game too.

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



It's been so hard keeping quiet about this.

Like many of you, I am an avid fan and player of this game. I've played it since launch, have multiple level 50 characters on both sides of the fence. I truly love this game and it's been an honest to god, dream come true to have the opportunity to work on it during the day and then go home and play it at night.

The thing that has excited me most about this whole deal is that I can only see great things coming for all of you guys as the players of this game. And to me, that's what this is deal is all about. Making the game awesome for as many of you as we can. That was ultimately the biggest factor in my decision to leave Cryptic and join NCSoft. All of those things that we've had to push back or write off as taking too many resources to get done in the limited time frames and limited manpower. All of the bugs or QoL issues that have been lingering for what seems like forever because the programmers were too busy fixing the major bugs. All of those really big pie in the sky ideas that we've dreamed about for so long and couldn't do because there was no one who could implement them...that's all back on the table. The sky is literally the limit. It's been really tough having to make decisions on what would be the 'best bang for the buck' and I'm really looking forward to having the recourses so that won't be such a deciding factor moving forward.

Of course, just putting more resources into the game wouldn't cut it by itself. We have a fantastic team that's been working 100% (or more in some cases) on CoH/CoV and every single one of us has made the move to stay with on this project and with this team. So now we've got a lot more recourses, the same fantastic team, the same great game to pour all our energies into, and the best bunch of players to create that content for. Personally, I've never heard of a situation like this in the game industry. It just doesn't happen.

I am completely stoked. You guys should be too. We literally would not be here without you guys.

There's going to be a period of transition as we move into the new studio, staff up, and train those new people in using our systems...but we're going to do our damnedest to make sure you guys don't notice and very shortly after that you will notice the results of this. I really wish I could talk about the things we have planned, but it's not my I don't get that privilege.

All of this is still bittersweet. I have nothing but good things to say about Cryptic, they're a fantastic studio who created a fantastic game and they're now moving on to create more fantastic games. I'm truly going to miss working with them. I'm sure this was a tough decision for them to give up the controlling share of the franchise, but one thing that probably helped make it easier is that they knew their creation was being passed into the absolute best of hands. There is no other group of people in the world who care about this game and it's players like we do.

Looking forward to a very bright future for this game and all of you guys. We love you all of you. You drive us nuts sometimes, but we still love you.

[/ QUOTE ]

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.




What I do dislike is all of the [censored] that it hasn't happened. Saying "They are getting something, so should I because I bought it at full price." IS entitalment, in its fullest. You did get something, you got to play the game before anyone else.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is not what I said. At all. And I have to say, seeing someone of your obvious intelligence continue to insist that it *is* in the face of my calm correction is rather frustrating. Let me rephrase for you: It is silly not to bait customers into buying early and often. It is silly not to offer incentive to customers to buy early and often. This is why companies do it, becuase it's silly not to. It's why Ex has basically said that *they* are doing it.

If "Getting to play the game before everyone else" were considered incentive (and it's not, because it ignores the other half of the equation: "getting to pay before everyone else"), then Comcast et al would not feature buy early incentives then offer bundled discounts on those same new features down the road. And yet they do. Buying early is not a priviledge, it's a choice: smart marketers encourage the choice which earns them more profit, then offer deals down the road to grab yet more.

So don't put words in my mouth or assume you kow how I feel.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't twist my words and assume you know why I post, and you'll receive the same courtesy. Until then, get as given.



It's been so hard keeping quiet about this.

Like many of you, I am an avid fan and player of this game. I've played it since launch, have multiple level 50 characters on both sides of the fence. I truly love this game and it's been an honest to god, dream come true to have the opportunity to work on it during the day and then go home and play it at night.

The thing that has excited me most about this whole deal is that I can only see great things coming for all of you guys as the players of this game. And to me, that's what this is deal is all about. Making the game awesome for as many of you as we can. That was ultimately the biggest factor in my decision to leave Cryptic and join NCSoft. All of those things that we've had to push back or write off as taking too many resources to get done in the limited time frames and limited manpower. All of the bugs or QoL issues that have been lingering for what seems like forever because the programmers were too busy fixing the major bugs. All of those really big pie in the sky ideas that we've dreamed about for so long and couldn't do because there was no one who could implement them...that's all back on the table. The sky is literally the limit. It's been really tough having to make decisions on what would be the 'best bang for the buck' and I'm really looking forward to having the recourses so that won't be such a deciding factor moving forward.

Of course, just putting more resources into the game wouldn't cut it by itself. We have a fantastic team that's been working 100% (or more in some cases) on CoH/CoV and every single one of us has made the move to stay with on this project and with this team. So now we've got a lot more recourses, the same fantastic team, the same great game to pour all our energies into, and the best bunch of players to create that content for. Personally, I've never heard of a situation like this in the game industry. It just doesn't happen.

I am completely stoked. You guys should be too. We literally would not be here without you guys.

There's going to be a period of transition as we move into the new studio, staff up, and train those new people in using our systems...but we're going to do our damnedest to make sure you guys don't notice and very shortly after that you will notice the results of this. I really wish I could talk about the things we have planned, but it's not my I don't get that privilege.

All of this is still bittersweet. I have nothing but good things to say about Cryptic, they're a fantastic studio who created a fantastic game and they're now moving on to create more fantastic games. I'm truly going to miss working with them. I'm sure this was a tough decision for them to give up the controlling share of the franchise, but one thing that probably helped make it easier is that they knew their creation was being passed into the absolute best of hands. There is no other group of people in the world who care about this game and it's players like we do.

Looking forward to a very bright future for this game and all of you guys. We love you all of you. You drive us nuts sometimes, but we still love you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Awesome, so how long is that power customization gonna take?

Glad to hear you are stoked as most of us BAB. We hope that some of the creativeness that you and the rest of the devs have shown shining moments of get a much better chance to shine through.



All of those things that we've had to push back or write off as taking too many resources to get done in the limited time frames and limited manpower. All of the bugs or QoL issues that have been lingering for what seems like forever because the programmers were too busy fixing the major bugs. All of those really big pie in the sky ideas that we've dreamed about for so long and couldn't do because there was no one who could implement them...that's all back on the table. The sky is literally the limit.

[/ QUOTE ]

... I could listen to you talk like this all day.

[/ QUOTE ]

To quote a famous villain ... I'm still geeking out about it.



So BAB said we're getting full power customization, more Epic Archetypes and they'll be completely reworking the villain Patron powers, right?

Gothika (Grav/Kin) Marionette (Ill/Rad) Terra Firma (Earth/Storm) Alana Dale (Arch/Nrg)
Iceblink (Ice/Dark) Fantasia (Mind/Fire) Shadow Minx (Claws/Nin)



So BAB said we're getting full power customization, more Epic Archetypes and they'll be completely reworking the villain Patron powers, right?

[/ QUOTE ]

Why not?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I will take this moment to be completely overjoyed.

I truly felt if Cryptic had kept this game it would have been so overshadowed by Marvel Online that it would have had a short life.

Now it is being adopted by a group that has DEEP pockets and wish to BUILD on the games success.

I am happy to say I am glad this game has gone form the Americans to the Koreans (for those that still remember)

this what happened in the last game i played hackers ruined it for everyone dupin rares and gold and just anything to cheat there no extened maintenance there trying to catch the hacker and we pay for it so unless people don't let GM'S know of wrong doing's in the game it we ruin it and there we not be a COH IT WELL BE GONE TO THE AMERICANS!!!!!!!



So BAB said we're getting full power customization, more Epic Archetypes and they'll be completely reworking the villain Patron powers, right?

[/ QUOTE ]

Why not?

[/ QUOTE ]

Someday BaB is going to /facepalm and say, "Lord why did I phrase it that way...?" :P



So BAB said we're getting full power customization, more Epic Archetypes and they'll be completely reworking the villain Patron powers, right?

[/ QUOTE ]

Why not?

[/ QUOTE ]

Someday BaB is going to /facepalm and say, "Lord why did I phrase it that way...?" :P

[/ QUOTE ]

Someday? Today.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.




What I do dislike is all of the [censored] that it hasn't happened. Saying "They are getting something, so should I because I bought it at full price." IS entitalment, in its fullest. You did get something, you got to play the game before anyone else.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is not what I said. At all. And I have to say, seeing someone of your obvious intelligence continue to insist that it *is* in the face of my calm correction is rather frustrating. Let me rephrase for you: It is silly not to bait customers into buying early and often. It is silly not to offer incentive to customers to buy early and often. This is why companies do it, becuase it's silly not to. It's why Ex has basically said that *they* are doing it.

If "Getting to play the game before everyone else" were considered incentive (and it's not, because it ignores the other half of the equation: "getting to pay before everyone else"), then Comcast et al would not feature buy early incentives then offer bundled discounts on those same new features down the road. And yet they do. Buying early is not a priviledge, it's a choice: smart marketers encourage the choice which earns them more profit, then offer deals down the road to grab yet more.

So don't put words in my mouth or assume you kow how I feel.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't twist my words and assume you know why I post, and you'll receive the same courtesy. Until then, get as given.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok Emnity, we are generaly saying the same thing in different terms. Let me put it simpple, not that you need it. I will be happy if they give soemthing to those who had already bought the game. As I am one of those people, I will be overjoyed.

But none the less, the entitlement that some posters put forth is getting really old. Not only here, but in in-game chat aswell, and yes it is the same tone that is used in reguards to vet rewards, so it may be an old wound for me too. That is what my orginal post was refering too. Those who complain that they did not state in the begining that the full purchaser would get something. The worst part is that even after they said somethign more is comming, people STILL complain.

As for what the other poster said, I do try not to be rude on the boards, I fail at times, but I try. Which is why I stated that I would not put it like that. Also for buying both games, I have 42 (ok so I am a day or so shy) months of vet rewards

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



The thing that has excited me most about this whole deal is that I can only see great things coming for all of you guys as the players of this game. And to me, that's what this is deal is all about. Making the game awesome for as many of you as we can. That was ultimately the biggest factor in my decision to leave Cryptic and join NCSoft. All of those things that we've had to push back or write off as taking too many resources to get done in the limited time frames and limited manpower.

[/ QUOTE ]
Does this include power customization? I know, I know... you can't and/or won't commit to an answer on that, but can you at least tell us whether or not this much-desired feature will at least go back on the table for consideration?? ...or is this one really just a lost cause?

All of the bugs or QoL issues that have been lingering for what seems like forever because the programmers were too busy fixing the major bugs. All of those really big pie in the sky ideas that we've dreamed about for so long and couldn't do because there was no one who could implement them...that's all back on the table. The sky is literally the limit. It's been really tough having to make decisions on what would be the 'best bang for the buck' and I'm really looking forward to having the recourses so that won't be such a deciding factor moving forward.

[/ QUOTE ]
I remember one of those big pie in the sky ideas of the past was the potential for a personal nemesis for our characters showing up in missions at times. Will there be any more consideration on this idea or is this another one of those "too much effort to even see talk of it anytime in the near future?

Of course, just putting more resources into the game wouldn't cut it by itself. We have a fantastic team that's been working 100% (or more in some cases) on CoH/CoV and every single one of us has made the move to stay with on this project and with this team. So now we've got a lot more recourses, the same fantastic team, the same great game to pour all our energies into, and the best bunch of players to create that content for. Personally, I've never heard of a situation like this in the game industry. It just doesn't happen.

[/ QUOTE ]
Here's the big question on my mind: Now that you guys are actually competition and not the same company with different teams working on similar projects, how do you feel about the potential competition of Cryptic's MUO game?? ...and no cop out answers about the two being different, we already got that from an interview with Jack. On a basic level, even though the two games are likely to be worlds apart (literally as well as figuratively), how do you feel about competing with their super hero genre MMO?

I am completely stoked. You guys should be too. We literally would not be here without you guys.

[/ QUOTE ]
And don't you forget it, buster!!
Seriously, though... in spite of any naysayers, I do have a very good feeling about all this.

There's going to be a period of transition as we move into the new studio, staff up, and train those new people in using our systems...but we're going to do our damnedest to make sure you guys don't notice and very shortly after that you will notice the results of this. I really wish I could talk about the things we have planned, but it's not my I don't get that privilege.

[/ QUOTE ]
Uh-huh... period of quiet time, got it. In the mean time, push the other person out and tell them to get working on their job!! We want details. Also, I want a cheeseburger because I bought both CoH and CoV (twice, even) and I feel like I need to be compensated like so many others.

Cheeseburger now, please.

All of this is still bittersweet. I have nothing but good things to say about Cryptic, they're a fantastic studio who created a fantastic game and they're now moving on to create more fantastic games. I'm truly going to miss working with them. I'm sure this was a tough decision for them to give up the controlling share of the franchise, but one thing that probably helped make it easier is that they knew their creation was being passed into the absolute best of hands. There is no other group of people in the world who care about this game and it's players like we do.

[/ QUOTE ]
So much for that answer I was looking for about the Marvel MMO.

Looking forward to a very bright future for this game and all of you guys. We love you all of you. You drive us nuts sometimes, but we still love you.

[/ QUOTE ]
Honestly, if we didn't drive you nuts, you wouldn't cave and give us nearly as much stuff as we demand. Look forward to more nuts-driving. Can I say that?? "Nuts-driving"??



It's been so hard keeping quiet about this.

Like many of you, I am an avid fan and player of this game. I've played it since launch, have multiple level 50 characters on both sides of the fence. I truly love this game and it's been an honest to god, dream come true to have the opportunity to work on it during the day and then go home and play it at night.

The thing that has excited me most about this whole deal is that I can only see great things coming for all of you guys as the players of this game. And to me, that's what this is deal is all about. Making the game awesome for as many of you as we can. That was ultimately the biggest factor in my decision to leave Cryptic and join NCSoft. All of those things that we've had to push back or write off as taking too many resources to get done in the limited time frames and limited manpower. All of the bugs or QoL issues that have been lingering for what seems like forever because the programmers were too busy fixing the major bugs. All of those really big pie in the sky ideas that we've dreamed about for so long and couldn't do because there was no one who could implement them...that's all back on the table. The sky is literally the limit. It's been really tough having to make decisions on what would be the 'best bang for the buck' and I'm really looking forward to having the recourses so that won't be such a deciding factor moving forward.

Of course, just putting more resources into the game wouldn't cut it by itself. We have a fantastic team that's been working 100% (or more in some cases) on CoH/CoV and every single one of us has made the move to stay with on this project and with this team. So now we've got a lot more recourses, the same fantastic team, the same great game to pour all our energies into, and the best bunch of players to create that content for. Personally, I've never heard of a situation like this in the game industry. It just doesn't happen.

I am completely stoked. You guys should be too. We literally would not be here without you guys.

There's going to be a period of transition as we move into the new studio, staff up, and train those new people in using our systems...but we're going to do our damnedest to make sure you guys don't notice and very shortly after that you will notice the results of this. I really wish I could talk about the things we have planned, but it's not my I don't get that privilege.

All of this is still bittersweet. I have nothing but good things to say about Cryptic, they're a fantastic studio who created a fantastic game and they're now moving on to create more fantastic games. I'm truly going to miss working with them. I'm sure this was a tough decision for them to give up the controlling share of the franchise, but one thing that probably helped make it easier is that they knew their creation was being passed into the absolute best of hands. There is no other group of people in the world who care about this game and it's players like we do.

Looking forward to a very bright future for this game and all of you guys. We love you all of you. You drive us nuts sometimes, but we still love you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Rock the [censored] on!

Sign It :



I guess this means that you guys won't get getting much time off this winter season like normal eh? The new year arrives with a bunch of newbies to train and headaches to live through.



Awesome news, that's kind of what I was hoping. As opposed to some crazy pirates buying you guys and pillaging all, right down to the socks!

Psstttt. Epic villain archetypes, make patron powers less sucky, and shields, oh and maybe a graphics engine update .

Looking forward to the next year!

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



All of those really big pie in the sky ideas that we've dreamed about for so long and couldn't do because there was no one who could implement them...that's all back on the table.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hehe, is it wrong for me to look at that quote and think weather effects coming to Paragon? Maybe buildings you actually walk into instead of resembling fake sets from a Hollywood backlot.