


Er,.. actually I was referring to costume salvage, not the temp power costumes. I.E, Hami Costume, Statesman Mask, etc. From what I remember, those pieces dropped more frequently during the last Halloween event (I know because every character I had that did it had TONS of it left over).

Basically it's way too many insps, barely enough salvage. Costumes and rocks drop at a decent rate.

Two wrongs don't make a right. However, three rights make a left.

L00k, w3'r3 r3f0rmed! W3'v3 g0t l1v3s n0w, 4nd 1'm 4 buz1n3ss Pwnz0r! -Reformed Freak Proprieter

Seek. Find. Rularuu.
Target. Destroy. Rularuu.
Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls. Rularuu.



A little help, please.

I was in a ToT group yesterday where everyone was running around like crazy hitting about eight different doors. It was frantic. I thought it didn't matter if we all hit different doors because the timer was for each player, not the doors. But, since I joined them, I said nothing and played their way.

Little by little people left and people joined, and after a while I inherented the star. I asked the team to please just stay at one door because we were getting to spread out running around like doofuses. They complied. But then, we seemed to be getting far fewer tricks and treats. I know I went several minutes with a "you cannot enter" popup.

So, I'm wondering if I was wrong about that all the time. Do other people's click affect other players timers on a door? Is it really better to run around than stay put and camp one door?

I'm Tealeaf, and I approve of this message.

See [URL="http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?p=2134817#post2134817"]Useful Tagging for the good of the Forum[/URL], my guide to tags.



Door can't be opened again for 30 seconds after it closes.



Er,.. actually I was referring to costume salvage, not the temp power costumes. I.E, Hami Costume, Statesman Mask, etc. From what I remember, those pieces dropped more frequently during the last Halloween event (I know because every character I had that did it had TONS of it left over).

Basically it's way too many insps, barely enough salvage. Costumes and rocks drop at a decent rate.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have at least seven of a couple of the costume salvage pieces and at least two or three each of the others and I have spent maybe three or four hours total spent knocking on doors.

However, I can't seem to get past 25 temp power costumes to save my life. I do have the "Ostentaious" badge, but I would like the actual temp powers to go with it.

I have all the kill badges (minus Jack) and the extra costume slot several times over at this point. I just want more of the costume temp powers.

Seems that it really does come down to the luck of the draw and how willing you are to click a door every minute for a specific outcome.




Does anyone else feel that the Treat distribution is a bit... unbalanced?
What I mean is, my characters have been getting metric tons of tier 3 Inspirations dumped on them, a reasonable amount of temp powers, and barely a shred of costume salvage.

Some of my characters have ToTed for several hours just to get the extra costume slot, but wound up with nothing but two of the exact same piece of costume salvage at the end of the day.

I understand that some may feel that one should have to work for the costume slot, but let's face it; anyone with a decent amount of inf can just go straight to the AH/BM and get the necessary salvage with almost no effort whatsoever.

I've had way too many characters clicking doors over and over again having the word "treat" pop up, but not being awarded anything, either because they already have a ton of temp costumes, and/or because they don't feel like having to clear out their inspiration tray every three minutes.
Especially since a lot of them are only ToTing just to get the extra costume slot.

Distribution of treats should be equal.

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe you're just unlucky...My Dom has 5 full sets of salvage now that she's not going to use. If you want the extra costume slot that badly, and you play redside on Virtue, I can give you some salvage.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Random advice: Be carefull ToT'ing from Truck back doors.
A teamie got stuck inside a truck, and I tried to replicate it and did. /Stuck only worked intermittently.
Just a thought.

Btw, the inside of the truck has detail.
The bad part was every time a Trick spawned, they appeared with their bums right in your face.

Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.



FWIW-- I suggest to the poster who saw a decline in treat quality at just the one door to find a nice quiet area where you have two or three doors within a small distance from each other. Then work those doors alternately. Seems like just a bad bit o'luck there though...no bug if you ask me.

And also FWIW--

I just got my extra costume slot! Woot! My first one with any char. :P

Now I can actually give my main an "Incognito" costume.

This has been a fun time for sure. Thanks to all the virtue folks who are patiently helping all the noobs like me. You folks are awesome



I've seen several threads re door-camping and all of the problems that it seems to bring. IMHO the devs meant for players to actually travel about for this even yes? Make it like real life ToT where you're hitting each door once and then moving on? Otherwise it seems like almost free exps and goodies to me.

All this being the case, why not make the timer on each door 30 minutes instead of 30 seconds? Eliminates door-camping and makes it feel more like RL ToT.

Just my 2 Inf...still a good event and the costumes ARE a big tease (the PPD Hardsuit looks SOOOOOOOOO good on my powered-armor characters!).

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



I've seen several threads re door-camping and all of the problems that it seems to bring. IMHO the devs meant for players to actually travel about for this even yes? Make it like real life ToT where you're hitting each door once and then moving on? Otherwise it seems like almost free exps and goodies to me.

All this being the case, why not make the timer on each door 30 minutes instead of 30 seconds? Eliminates door-camping and makes it feel more like RL ToT.

Just my 2 Inf...still a good event and the costumes ARE a big tease (the PPD Hardsuit looks SOOOOOOOOO good on my powered-armor characters!).

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, now that would be a real fun event. Running from door to door only to see 'You cannot enter' every time you click on a door.

No thanks, thirty seconds is bad enough.



45 seconds a door and a 30 second personal timer would encourage actual movement. How many houses have you been to that let you get candy over and over again, just by sitting at the door?


Also on Steam



I'm finding the personal timer to be a real drag, especially when trying to solo- due to the funny hours I work, sometimes there just aren't lots of teammates around.

Moving sounds good in theory, but in practice not so much. Move onto another door down the block, and hear players snap at you for invading their turf.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



That's what I mean...it shouldn't be their turf. Forget the personal timer...or make it shorter. Then running from door to door would net you results (good or bad) more likely than not with only occasional 'cannot enter'.

I just wonder if the devs forsaw groups of players camping in one spot hour after hour for this or whether they wanted us to be moving about. The former seems pathetically dull to me and (since I've never seen anyone defeated who wasn't being griefed) a way to give away free exps.

If they wanted to do that just give them to me at the end of every mish and let me play instead of standing in a corner of the city staring at a door.

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



No Human timer 60 second door timer



Large insp are fantastic!!

But for a random dropping of these things...I'm not seeing a lot of the following:

Robusts (Large Resist)
Restoration (Large Rez)

I'm still halfway through my non scientific testing:
After filling up a bin (100 insps) I noticed there were:
0 Robusts & 3 Restorations

Out of 100 inspirations? That's some wacky randomizing, on a rotation of just 8 different types.



Large insp are fantastic!!

But for a random dropping of these things...I'm not seeing a lot of the following:

Robusts (Large Resist)
Restoration (Large Rez)

I'm still halfway through my non scientific testing:
After filling up a bin (100 insps) I noticed there were:
0 Robusts & 3 Restorations

Out of 100 inspirations? That's some wacky randomizing, on a rotation of just 8 different types.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, I noticed the same thing. I've gotten almost 200 inspirations with a total of one robust and 3 restorations.

Plenty of the other types.



No offense, but I hate all holiday events. I think MMOs could do without them but for some reason they all feel like they need to do something around the holidays.

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably has something to do with the overwhlemingly positive customer reactions. Just guessing.



So, I'm wondering if I was wrong about that all the time. Do other people's click affect other players timers on a door? Is it really better to run around than stay put and camp one door?

[/ QUOTE ]
Each player has a 60-second door timer; if you click on a door less than 60 seconds after the last time you successfully ToTed, you'll get a 'You cannot enter' popup. Each door has a 30-second timer; if you click on a door less than 30 seconds after someone successfully ToTed at that door, you'll get a 'You cannot enter' popup.

Note that each door in a multiple-door group is a separate door for purposes of ToTing. So a solo player can ToT at one door every 60 seconds, and a team of 2 can ToT at one door every 30 seconds. A team of 4 can ToT at a pair of doors every 15 seconds (Player 1 clicks on door 1, 15 seconds later player 2 clicks on door 2, 15 seconds later player 3 clicks on door 1, which has had 30 seconds to recover, 15 seconds later player 4 clicks on door 2, repeat), and a team of eight can ToT at a block of four doors every 7.5 seconds by staggering the click times for each door in the same way as a team of four does for two doors.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Ok, I’m going to spill about how I feel about the ToTing event in one word-dumb. Now before you start in on the bashing just keep reading. I’ve been here a long time, more so then most of you people.

First Halloween event was fun and then the one after, but I get back from my honeymoon and see it’s the same damn stick as last Halloween with a minor change.

The whole 60 second wait time to click on a door is old as hell, why not 20 seconds or 30 seconds or hell I love it if it didn’t have a timer at all. I find it rather boring especially soloing standing at a door and waiting and waiting until it finally pops open. But then oh look out this year we get costumes, but the catch is you cannot keep them; you do however get some badges that count out the number of costumes you got.

Ok, look I’m really glad the DEVS have taken the time to give us a Halloween event but it should be different every year to give us especially those who have been here a long time something new and exciting and something unexpected to look forward to. ToTing in the game shouldn’t feel like a chore, it should be fun and exciting, I seriously logged on after my honeymoon, did the whole ToTing for 5 minutes, got so bored, I logged off and went and watched a movie.

The main thing that bothers me is after 3 years are we always going to be subjected to the same event year after year due to the sheer lack of imagination on behalf of the DEVs?

And please don’t tell me if you don’t like it, you don’t have to play it, that line got old 2 years ago. New people may enjoy it, but if the event is the same like this 3 years from now, I’m sure you’ll be sitting in my shoes thinking the same thing.

Events are something the DEVs give us out of the kindness of their hearts, but it should not be the same bag of stale popcorn year after year and then they coat it with salt and saying it’s different.



I liked it last year and i like it this year! Really there is little more to be said! I look forward to the Winter event and teh Valintine event as well!

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



I would be in favour of eliminating the timer too. Even when I was going to different doors, it still took forever to open them.
Once most characters hit the mid to late 20's and get SO's or something else as powerful, it takes much less than 60 seconds to dispatch the spawns that pop out. Trying to ToT solo was more of a grind-fest than fun. And that's a crying shame. Alot of the time it was hard finding teams to play with, due to the scheduling conflicts with issue 11 testing.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Every time an MMO creates a holiday event....to give the playerbase a little injection of the fun most of us have had during these holidays as kids...people complain, complain, complain.

I am sure there are many reasons for the timers on the doors...one being, they are in place so jack [censored] griefers or wannabe comedians don't run up to your door, click 50 times and watch gleefully as you are mowed down by mobs.

To call the Halloween events boring, repetitive, and the same thing every year is probably thinking that is parallel to why young adults STOP trick or treating eventually...because it IS boring to lots of adults....it IS a type of repetition that only kids seem to ignore fully.

The costumes are temporary for likely very simple reasoning...did YOU create that Halloween costume as your character's super hero costume? No, you didn't. Why should they make it possible for 500 people to run around as the pirate from scooby doo? Answer: They shouldn't, and they didn't.

Thank the gods that the devs in their infinite wisdom decided not to keep the costumes as permanent, keep a 60 sec. timer on the doors, and realized that no matter what they do...not everyone will be happy nor entertained by their efforts.

On a side note, I would like to thank all the developers and gm's for making this a fun Halloween event. It has kept me entertained.



Wow, who peed in your cheerios Feihung?
Good point about some sort of timer preventing griefers from spawning a crapton of enemies. But does it have to be 60 seconds?
Even 20 would cut that crap out.

The kids trick or treating anology doesn't quite hold water to me, because this is NOT a game for kids. Sure, some parents let their underage kids play, but it's intended audience is for teens and adults.

I don't mind the halloween event containing many of the same elements from year to year. The costumes added some variety from last year, and I like the consistancy factor- didn't get Iron Warrior on all of my characters last year? I managed to get it for several of them this year. And even still, I managed to miss out on badges for a few characters. No problem, there's next year, I can do it then.

As for the costume powers being permanent, I would prefer that we get some of the pieces added to the costume editor instead.
Rather than look like the same scrapyarder as everyone else, I would like to have some of the parts, like the puffy vest, hardhat, and flannel pattern shirt. Mix and match them with other things, pick my own colours, etc.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Ok, I’m going to spill about how I feel about the ToTing event in one word-dumb. Now before you start in on the bashing just keep reading. I’ve been here a long time, more so then most of you people.

[/ QUOTE ]

...and this makes you special HOW?

I don't care one way or another...I ToT when the mood strikes. I'd rather our Devs add new content than spend time trying to wow you with a new event every Halloween.



I had a good time. It was fun, some of the costumes were fun, I got good xp from the mobs, and fighting the giant monsters helped me with my debt badges.

It got me to come back from my break, too, at least for a little while.



This is probably the first Trick or Treat that I played for about one or two hours and then decided to ignore.

While the temp costume change was vaguely neat, the fact that they aren't/can't be permanent or unlockable as costume options basically made me go 'meh'.

50 costume temp power drops for a badge was "too much work" and not enough fun. I probably would have only done it on one character even if it did allow unlocking a particular 'halloween' costume bit.

Still here, even after all this time!