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  1. Textilian

    Spring Cleaning!

    There's a stickied thread, "The Infinity Name Exchange," just for this purpose.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Zemius View Post
    Hi, I'm new to Infinity, just checking out new waters. I was wondering, since I am from Guardian, we have a large global chat channel that we use, does Infinity have one of these, and if so what is the name? I'd like to get up to date on server events like Mothership raids and Hami and whatnot. Thanks in advance, and I look forward to teaming with you all!
    The closest I've found to the Guardian chat channel is AE Anonymous. It doesn't have quite the same delightfully silly flavor, and it's more inane, but it has its moments. For badging, I'd try Inf Badge Seeker.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Not_Psoma View Post
    This thread still lives?! Well then. <3's!!!
    I'm not sure it so much lives as it is undead. Or possibly immortal. There can be only one.
  4. I'm sorry. I didn't realize this chair was vital network equipment.

    *replaces chair*
  5. How likely am I to find:


    There's at least one RP group I see in Pocket D on a regular basis. They seem to be having a good time. There are also Taxibots and PCSAR, which I can't help but think of as RPesc, since they're in-game service organizations.


    I think a lot of people moved to Freedom for that. In the past, there were regular arena events, fight club in RV, and people fighting the fight-clubbers.


    I have never, ever had a problem forming a team.


    I've also never, ever had a problem forming a TF here, and have had good experiences joining them.

    What would you say is Infinity's identity, or its unique qualities vs. other communities?

    We're snarky.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EmpireForgotten View Post

    How can this post get any better? seriously?
    The OP changes his handle to Dee Snider because he's not going to take it anymore?
  7. The garage is lonely since Anightgirl left. It's time to move, as soon as I box up all of this sewing equipment... and also this lawn chair I found.
  8. The following names are now running free:

    Glacial Speed
    Burnin' Up Buttercup
  9. Textilian

    Ok thats it

    The "You Know You're in a Pickup Group" thread has been lost.

    I hope it's a mistake. The amount of threads in different AT forums is inconsistant, some have numbers in the tens of thousands, some have numbers like 45. So odd.
  10. There's a new burger joint in Davis, Burgers and Brews, which is heads and shoulders above Murder Burger, both in food quality and service. It has more space, too, and is right next to the community park for a large "Meet the Manoa" crowd.
  11. I think it's a shame the community, not just Justice, but the boards and game in general, is losing you. I understand and respect your decision, it just saddens me you had to make it. As others have said, you've exemplified the best the game has to offer. I know it's the nature of the these games for people to come and to go, but lately I feel the best have been leaving and I think the community is poorer for it.

    I'll see you in RL and we can have a good cry over it all. I'll even bring a coffee drink thingy.
  12. I will not be running this on Saturday. My account is expiring and I will not be renewing. I've enjoyed my time with you, Guardian. You were one of the best groups of people I've had the pleasure of socializing with. I hope you remember me fondly, even though I was with you for such a short while.
  13. My subscription expires within a few days. I'll be leaving the game. I enjoyed all of my time with all of you. I thought Infinity had a great community and I was able to explore aspects of the game with all of you I might never have gotten to otherwise, like strike forces and PvP and raiding. I enjoyed the joke threads and the events and all of it. I'm not sure I'll miss the game, but I'll miss the people.

    Take care, all, be happy.


  14. I'm removing myself from the roster. I loved the idea of FFF, but at this point I don't want anything to do with the MA.
  15. I had always considered none of my business if someone twittered or not, so long as they weren't doing it in public.
  16. Textilian

    Player levels

    As long as it was an option I could turn off, I'd be okay with this.
  17. [ QUOTE ]

    I will now go to learn how to read and kick the people responsible for timezones.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is even more awesome than Knight Chills BPIP/IP abilities. Capa, I have you on the alt list and am torn between wishing you a good night's sleep and desiring the pleasure of your company.
  18. I stopped posting completion times after the last merit adjustment.

    Some people may have a different philosophy, of course.
  19. [ QUOTE ]

    Er... fair warning- I'm reeeeeally not sure what How to Survive a Robot Uprising will do to you with a full team- I've got a sneaky suspicion that the last mission will jump up and down on your head while giggling &gt;.&gt;

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The first or second run of FFF we fought millions of Pepsimen, so this won't be a new experience.
  20. It was wonderful to whomp the tree with all of you. You were all fabulous.
  21. I adore /storm. My current favorite is an ice/storm controller, although I hear plant/storm and earth/storm are also excedingly fun.
  22. [ QUOTE ]

    And, being an unabashed optimist, I'll never se things through his eyes. I really hope none of you do, either.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pepsiman steals eyeballs. Sometimes it seems like everyone on Guardian must have sported an eye patch at one time or another. Speaking of eyes.