Tell me about Infinity
How likely am I to find:
There's at least one RP group I see in Pocket D on a regular basis. They seem to be having a good time. There are also Taxibots and PCSAR, which I can't help but think of as RPesc, since they're in-game service organizations.
I think a lot of people moved to Freedom for that. In the past, there were regular arena events, fight club in RV, and people fighting the fight-clubbers.
I have never, ever had a problem forming a team.
I've also never, ever had a problem forming a TF here, and have had good experiences joining them.
What would you say is Infinity's identity, or its unique qualities vs. other communities?
We're snarky.
How likely am I to find:
RP There's at least one RP group I see in Pocket D on a regular basis. They seem to be having a good time. There are also Taxibots and PCSAR, which I can't help but think of as RPesc, since they're in-game service organizations. PVP I think a lot of people moved to Freedom for that. In the past, there were regular arena events, fight club in RV, and people fighting the fight-clubbers. Teams I have never, ever had a problem forming a team. TF I've also never, ever had a problem forming a TF here, and have had good experiences joining them. What would you say is Infinity's identity, or its unique qualities vs. other communities? We're snarky. |
As for teams, it really depends on how active you are on global channels - and your willingness to create a team instead of waiting for someone else to show the initiative. People are usually willing to join one but most won't take the time to invite the several people looking; your experience in finding teams may vary based on that.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Infinity is the Slaxiest server, but Freedumb is close. We used to be the unofficial PvP server but i13 came and with free transfers 92.65 the remaining good PvP toons left for freedumb.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Snark in broadcast:
nub: LF AE:
Me: AE is located in the center of Cap Au Diable, near the Fortune Weaver.
But to answer your questions I have to ask one: Redside or Blueside?
Redside, Infinity has been quiet lately, though a look at the market implies redside in general is struggling more than the past. However, infinity will remain my redside home, and I do have a wealth of characters ready for SF's. I'm more than happy to do SF's most of the time.
Blueside is home to the Taxibots, which I had the pleasure of being a part of for a while (I just couldn't stay active). They are a very helpful group oriented at organizing various events and providing a 'taxi' service around, especially for lowbies. A rather interesting group of people. If you like helping others, this is definitely a group to get in touch with.
I never quite understood RP, but they do meet I think Thursday nights in Pocket D to dance or something. Honestly, if I danced like that, I wouldn't. Well, I don't dance anyway. But there is a decent RP community. They even walk around Port Oakes. WALK. I don't get it, but to each his own.
For teams, I have generally been pleased with most PuGs. Players seem decently educated with the game, and we seem to have a very low number of idiots here.
PvP is dead here. Most of the active PvPers left for freedom. I can only think of a handful of PvPers with toons slotted for PvP still here.
Edit: One important thing to note is that the majority of players on infinity ignore the forums. We have a few active forumites, but compared to most other servers, we seem to have more players interested in the game over posting.
I would say Infinity is role-play friendly, but not the standard. More often then not I will chat in character, and in the five plus years I have been playing I don't think I have ever been on a pickup group that didn't go along with it.
PvP used to be very active on Infinity, however, many of the PvPers left the game over the last year. As others have already mentioned, I think almost all the ones that stayed on moved with the free transfers to Freedom.
Even now I do not have a hard time getting a team together, when I wanted to lead. However, soloing while hoping to be invited by another can lead to a lot of soloing lately.
Again, if you want to throw one together it is fairly easy to do so in the "prime times". And for the most part PUGs on Infinity seem to be fantastic. Just last night I was on a 45 minute PUG Manti and a 45 minute PUG Moonfire.
What would you say is Infinity's identity, or its unique qualities vs. other communities?
Despite these boards at times, Infinity is a very friendly server, with helpful players. I tried a couple of other servers, when I was full on Infinity, and I have never enjoyed the experience as well on the other servers.
Why are you here?
I am here because back at launch it was the first server, that my brother and his friends could get the names Cap, Gown, Degree, Diploma etc... for the Honor Roll. He got me hooked and I have been here ever since.
How does it rank in activity?
From the "dot test" on double XP weekends it used to be third or fourth populated. However, that number does seem to have dropped recently due, and plummeted after the free server transfers. Blue side is far more active then Red side currently.
I remember reading that a particular shard has a lot of arena activity, and it wasn't Freedom. Was that Infinity, and if not, do you know which shard it is?
Infinity was voted the "unofficial PvP server" in a thread on the forums. However, that core group has dwindled quite a bit, and now by far Freedom is the PvP server of choice.
I'll still be here when they shut off Infinity. If they ever force server merger, and I get shipped off to some server, where I can't get all my character names, I will probably finally give the game up.
RP - Beats me. I don't RP.
PVP - Beats me. I don't PvP. I think most of them moved to Freedom.
Teams, TF - The key here is the global chat system. There are entire channels dedicated to forming teams and entire channels dedicated to task forces. Standing in a zone and yelling on broadcast won't cut it. I'm on the following channels and find them very useful:
Inf Badge Seeker
Infinity Hamidon
AE Anonymous
(The first one SOUNDS like it's about badges, and kind of is, but it seems mostly about task forces to me.)
What would you say is Infinity's identity, or its unique qualities vs. other communities?
um... I dunno. Really, most servers don't have an 'identity', aside from Virtue = RP and Freedom = crowded.
Why are you here?
It's home. I originally picked this server because I liked the name.
How does it rank in activity?
eh, it jumps around a lot. Used to be 3rd most of the time, I think it's mostly 4th now. During off hours (middle of the night) I've seen it anywhere from #2 to #8.
I remember reading that a particular shard has a lot of arena activity, and it wasn't Freedom. Was that Infinity, and if not, do you know which shard it is?
I think it *WAS* Infinity. We used to have a pretty big PvP population. But with the free server transfers, many of them went to Freedom.
There's at least one RP group I see in Pocket D on a regular basis. They seem to be having a good time. There are also Taxibots and PCSAR, which I can't help but think of as RPesc, since they're in-game service organizations.

How does being helpful equate to role-playing? I'm in PCSAR (Paragon City Search And Rescue) and I know a lot of Taxibots (Paragon Taxi Service) and most of the people in those SG's don't RP. Sure, one of the head honchos of the Taxibots IS a RP'er and there are RP'ers in PCSAR too. But they're not RP groups. They're exactly what you called them; service SG's.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I'm the leader of one of the two bigger RP supergroups. We have a small but active RP community happening on Infinity. Be sure to take a look at the RP at the
Infinity Roleplaying Supergroup Census -Sept. 2009 - Current. It's still pretty current.
If you have any questions about RP on this server, feel free to ask.
I started on Victory, and after a few RL buddies joined we started Adverbs/Adverse on the "Infinite Lee" server. We were always a smaller group (got up to about 20 casual players in the summer of 2007), but as life marches on almost all have drifted away and I returned to my 'home' server, where I have more in-game friends still playing.
So speaking as a player who's experienced two of the lighter servers, I can say that Infinity is better for PUG (missions, TFs, Trials, they're all good) and the bigger groups are happy to form coalitions with smaller groups to enhance that team building effort (blue side more than red).
So while there is an excellent co-operative interest on Infinity, I cannot agree with the 'Friendliest' label. I have encountered many pranksters who falsely cry out Giant Monster sightings on global, or when you put up a search interest message such as 'not interested in farming' will send repeated tells to heckle you. I have also been abandoned during dozens of PUG TF's and Trials and watched as teammates overreact to or be overly critical of each other. My buddy has a great story of actually completing Citadel while a teammate spent the entire TF flaming him for not listening. The flamer (an empathy defender) refused to provide aide to my buddy after the second mission, but was not the team leader so he couldn't kick him. But I digress...
There is a dedicated core - join the Infinity TF, Badge, or GM channels - the players who use those features will treat you well. The Taxi's, PCSAR, and Dumb are excellent resources. If you enjoy some 'casual combative discourse' while you play, you'll enjoy Infinity. Beyond that, YMMV as they say.
Just call me "The Pool Guy" - cause I believe that power pools are the ultimate in powerset proliferation. Fewer powers to develop and available to all.
"ADVERBS - we define action!"
"ADVERSE - we are action!"
RP: I believe that Status Crow is the best RP'r the server has ever seen. He formed PCSAR (Paragon City Search and Rescue), an SG full of players that patrol the zones for players needing help (heals, buffs, rez, etc.).
The Taxibots, which "taxi" people through zones via TP, and the St. Joe's people are great RP'rs too. I almost forget the SDF (Simian Defense Force); silly monkies-another great RP group. I have no idea if any of these groups are still around.
PvP: ABH, dUmb, Hell's Army, CoD, Killswitch, OSHA Academy...ah, memories. I guess whoever is left that PvPs has moved to FreedUmb.
Teams/TF: As stated, make some friends and get on some global channels, and this won't be a problem...unless things have changed.
Infinity: The Unofficial PvP Server!!! Oh wait. Sorry.
I'm here because I can't sleep and made a trial account in order to post. I haven't played in over a year I I guess that makes everything I said above and anything I would've added below completely irrelevant. (See comments regarding snarkiness.)
RP: I believe that Status Crow is the best RP'r the server has ever seen. He formed PCSAR (Paragon City Search and Rescue), an SG full of players that patrol the zones for players needing help (heals, buffs, rez, etc.).
As an aside, I had just surfaced from Moria in LoTRO and was riding east toward Lothlorien. A fellow adventurer stopped me along the way to ask if I was the same person who founded PCSAR. That's probably the singlemost random, unlikely and flattering moment I've had in all my years of gaming. It speaks to nothing about me, and everything about the community here.
Peace and love to you, Infinity.
Wow, SC lives. I just reactivated the other day. When I made that post, I assumed that only a handful of people would have a clue about anything I said; it's good to see that you're still around. I've been able to catch up with a few true vets over the last few days. <3's!!!
How likely am I to find:
RP PVP Teams TF What would you say is Infinity's identity, or its unique qualities vs. other communities? Why are you here? How does it rank in activity? I remember reading that a particular shard has a lot of arena activity, and it wasn't Freedom. Was that Infinity, and if not, do you know which shard it is? |
RP: Depends on who you team With
PVP: All pVpers left from Freedum
Teams: Yes you can join the Channels
TF: Yes you can Join the channels
What would you say is Infinity's identity, or its unique qualities vs. other communities?
I would say it WAY better then Freedum to something thing yes combared to freedum Infinity is bout the 3 most populated thus from what i have heared.
Why are you here? I was there but i moved servers cuz well my sg i was in was dead.
How does it rank in activity?3rd
I remember reading that a particular shard has a lot of arena activity, and it wasn't Freedom. Was that Infinity, and if not, do you know which shard it is? I think it is but i could be mistaken
Wow, SC lives.
![]() |

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Infinity is my Home! Ive played over 39 months now, I have roots. Not to mention freinds well minus the ones that packed up to go to freedum/virtue. So I adapted Not only do i have roots on infinity, I have roots on virtue now aswell. Tho I rarely am there lol, I have a place I can call home there aswell. Depending on what you want out of the game, its all there to be offered. The only difference in the servers is the people, the players. Infinity is about the best place to actually to get to know other gamers, and actually have fun doing it at the same time either while killing each other in Arena or RV, or doing that TF.
Dragonians will always do our best to keep things interesting, will you come join us in keeping it interested?!?!
"Show Them No Mercy!!"
Founder/Creator of Dragonians Dynasty
Retired First Seargeant (Vet)
Infinity, home to the PLAYER - never gotten into RP personally (not the way I've seen it done on Virtue anyhow) can't stand the ego-maniacism that is PvP (so farewell freedumb) and Inifinity is where most of my 'growing up' took place.
RP in this game's context (for me anyhow) is in the way I play and what takes place during missions, what gets discussed in-team about tactics, none of this ((I'm out of character so I hafta enclose everything in double parentheses)) bs and especially not the standing around inside Pocket D 'dancing' and 'talking' for pete's sake that's what IRC is for...this is a game.
You've read what I think about PvP, nuff said (reason why CO got ripped off my hard drive).
Teaming is easy, start polite and ask first, put out a bc that you're interested in XXX (contact's) arc or ya wanna do certain TF/SF but don't hang around waiting to be invited. Be pro-active in approaching people and don't take ANYTHING personally.
I play across Infinity and Justice, @ReservedWolf is the handle, hit me up if you see me about
How likely am I to find:
What would you say is Infinity's identity, or its unique qualities vs. other communities?
Why are you here?
How does it rank in activity?
I remember reading that a particular shard has a lot of arena activity, and it wasn't Freedom. Was that Infinity, and if not, do you know which shard it is?
A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!