Virgil Tarikoss SF: Saturday, May 30 2009 6 pm PST
Sign up my Corruptor, Baron Chill, as a definite maybe. I plan on dinging lvl 18 tonight.
That's a long way off. But if I am online give me a shout. I can bring a brute, dom, or MM. Most of my characters have outleveled him, but I still need the badge and/or merits on some toons.
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
I like to plan ahead.
2. Shocking Thoughts, level 15+ corr (@Siolfir)
[/ QUOTE ]
So I should recreate my Dummynator, then?
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Ooops, got confused by one of your zillion alts. I'll change the OP.
sign up my corr Wicked Fever. I might switch to Whisper Scream if she hits 15 before the TF.
" I've said it before, I'll say it again, some of those "Recipe found" messages should be brown." Ullikummis
Please put me on reserves, too far in the future for me to commit but it sounds like fun.

*place baby duck on Toonies' head*
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai

*baby duck imprints on Toonies*
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
*place cookies on Pepsi's head, look for Ulli*
Sounds like fun but Ill be doing movie night with hubby and his brother and his bro's gf.
im interested if i knew my schedule ill check it tomorrow but put me down as a maybe with my widow Night Widow Amber
I'd like to be a definite maybe there. I have a brute I'm working on it'll be somewhere in the 15+ range.
Umm just found a level 16 Dom too. I really need to keep a list of my chars ...

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I'd like to be a definite maybe there. I have a brute I'm working on it'll be somewhere in the 15+ range.
Umm just found a level 16 Dom too. I really need to keep a list of my chars ...
[/ QUOTE ]
Think you need one of these ... *Holds up binder with over 100+ coh toons and opens folder on pc with each server listed for each account*
I'll work on getting Sunserpent, my new baby Dom on this server, up to snuff in time.
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
k i should be good to go so put night widow amber down as a member for sure
Looks like we still have some spots open. It's looking like a low-level team to start out with, but we'll steamroll regardless. If you're interested, please sign-up in subsequent posts. Please also let me know if I should move you from the alt list to the main roster. Remember, you might get a Trap of the Hunter!
1. Sins and Needles, level 18+ night widow (@Textilian)
2. Shocking Thoughts, level 17+ dom (@Siolfir)
3. Wicked Fever, level ? corr (@Mr. Ultimate)
4. Sunserpent, level 15+ dom (@Blood Spectre)
5. Night Widow Amber
6. La De Da, tba (to be awesome)
7. @Electra-something-whose-message-I-read-right-before-falling-asleep-at-keyboard, level 30 brute
Alts/Definite Maybes:
1. Baron Chill, level 18+ corr (@Knight Chill)
2. @Blood Beret, tba (to be awesome)
3. @Toonies, tbd (to be ducky)
4. @Capa Devans, tba (to be awesome)
I can bring either a 50 Dark/Ninja MM (Ultros), 50 DB/Will Stalker (Edge Something), or 2? Widow (Salsa Typhoon).
Toons found here.
Gamer cards found here.
Proud member of Angels of Wrath and South of Heaven.
MA#: 65131 Play it today.
I would like to be there but I cannot say I *will*. I didn't register the PST initially and that puts the kick off at 2am my time. My insomnia may mean I'm awake but I cannot say I will be.
My apologies but I would suggest that if anyone can take a spot on the roster as a definite then that would be better. Leave me on the alt list and if I'm awake and you have a dropout then I'd be delighted to grab one of the alts I'm breeding and join you.
I will now go to learn how to read and kick the people responsible for timezones.

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I will now go to learn how to read and kick the people responsible for timezones.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is even more awesome than Knight Chills BPIP/IP abilities. Capa, I have you on the alt list and am torn between wishing you a good night's sleep and desiring the pleasure of your company.
I'm just so used to seeing Central US time so I always just add six. Being Pacific totally threw me.
OT: Best Play for Imperfect Player/xxx xxx?

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Titan Network efforts
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I will not be running this on Saturday. My account is expiring and I will not be renewing. I've enjoyed my time with you, Guardian. You were one of the best groups of people I've had the pleasure of socializing with. I hope you remember me fondly, even though I was with you for such a short while.
*tiny pepsiman climb on Text's shoulder*
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
no text, dont go
Dear Guardian Villains:
Please join me on Saturday, May 30th at 6 pm PST for the Virgil Tarikoss Strike Force. This strike force is for characters levels 15+ (15-20 for experience), takes 4 players to start, and awards merits and a badge. I have run this strike force many times before and would anticipate it taking between 1 and 1.5 hours, but budget 2 just in case something goes very wrong, or it case it turns out to be a lowbie team. You can read more about the strike force here.
Lower level characters should expect to lackey up for the duration (depending on availability of course).
If you're interested in coming along, please sign up in subsequent posts and indicate the local name, AT, and level of the character you will be bringing. We will be departing at 6 pm, so don't be late.
Come for the company, stay for the Trap of the Hunter!
Hugs and kisses,
Sins and Needles
1. Sins and Needles, level 15+ night widow (@Textilian)
2. Shocking Thoughts, level 15+ dom (@Siolfir)
3. Wicked Fever, level ? corr (@Mr. Ultimate)
4. Sunserpent, level 15+ dom (@Blood Spectre)
5. Night Widow Amber
Alts/Definite Maybes:
1. Baron Chill, level 18+ corr (@Knight Chill)
2. @Blood Beret, tba (to be awesome)
3. @Toonies, tbd (to be ducky)
4. @Capa Devans, tba (to be awesome)