Discussion: Positron Issue 11 Interview on MMORPG




'He told me that once a character was exposed to time travel, they receive a temporary power that allows them to open a door to a new area, the Oroboros Citadel.'


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And so the mystery has been solved. The question is, how we time travel in the first place to get the Temp Power. Recluse's Victory? The Statesman Task Force? The Lord Recluse Strike Force? All involve time travel if memory serves, but that's all high-level stuff.


Also on Steam



o.o;; err... so it took 3 yrs for someone to come out and say that the lights when you log in to a server are ping time/server stress, and not server load ><;;;

^^ oh! and it'll be nice to finally have Apex in game!

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



this was news to me as well....we sure this is accurate???


Earlier this week, I wrote an "At a Glance" article that featured City of Heroes. One of the things that I noticed while I was getting into the game was that while Heroes has 11 servers, they always seemed to be green with only one of three lights lit. I had assumed that this represented server population, and so I asked if they were having population issues and if they had plans for a server merge. As it turns out, I was wrong. The lights indicate the likelihood of high ping and lag, and has "very little to do with the number of players online". Miller is "very happy" with the current game population and there are currently no plans for a server merge (although players can now re-name their characters or move to a different server for $9.99).

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And Posi, trying playing the low pop servers exclusively for awhile, especially mid day, CoV, 30s, etc and then see what you think. 'City of Ghosts'


Miller is "very happy" with the current game population and there are currently no plans for a server merge (although players can now re-name their characters or move to a different server for $9.99).

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Server population (at the moment) = level of lag.
The colors mean both things.

Posi said to-mah-to, we say to-may-to.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



ummmm. . . does this mean we can go back to pre issue 9 Hami Raids. . . yeah yeah. . . I know we cannot. . .

Sigh. . . sorry I miss the old raids and all the chattering on a Friday night.



'He told me that once a character was exposed to time travel, they receive a temporary power that allows them to open a door to a new area, the Oroboros Citadel.'


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And so the mystery has been solved. The question is, how we time travel in the first place to get the Temp Power. Recluse's Victory? The Statesman Task Force? The Lord Recluse Strike Force? All involve time travel if memory serves, but that's all high-level stuff.

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More then likely a new contact, or else our original contact when we started the character, or maybe our patron.



What I mean is that the devs need to get a grip and realise you cannot meet both demands. The veterans want rewards worthy of the time they have spent playing the game if the developers are willing to reward their loyalty, however people who are newer and won't see those veteran rewards for several years will, in some cases, complain because they feel its too long for them to wait for something so cool. These are opposing viewpoints and you cannot cater to both.

People have some obscure concept that costume peices are too essentially to be veteran rewards. I find that remarkable since they are purely aesthetic in nature and have utterly no bearing on the success of a player in-game compared to temporary powers.

If the devs want to make even a partial effort to be genuine to the spirit of what the veteran reward system is intended to be there for they need to bite the bullet and side with the veterans. Offering better bonuses to loyal customers or people who have paid more is a well established business habit, no different than the idea of buying in bulk (more money up front = deductions on cost) or offering reduced service charges to customers who have been with the company for a long time (vouchers from pizza delivery companys you regularly use).

I have a million and one ideas on what they can use next from remote shop access to avoid wandering around selling enhancements and salvage to a temporary power which can be used once a week and gives you 3 hours of double exp. Even something as simple as allowing auras and capes from level 1 rather than their normally unlocked levels would be a really good reward. Or starting new characters from level 20 rather than level 1 to remove the tedium of taking more alts through the lower levels.



Oooh please hurry, this always takes soooo long to come out! I wish you guys would just put it on the Test Server as a suprise. Or send out to those that you "seem" to like and let them test the content. I'm just sick of seeing the new stuff on pictures and having to wait like 3 to 6 months, with a "Comming soon" attached to it. Thats not soon, thats a long wait! I don't mean to be greedy but....other games I play tend to not take so long. I wouldn't even mind paying for the new content if it didn't take as long. I would just like to get out the the 50's thats all and maybe have an Epic for the Villains side.

OK, all you know it all's can now curse at me and tell me I need medication! (Have Fun)



The veteran scheme doesn't offer rewards, it offers awards once you get far enough into it.

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Semantic gibberish.

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Heroes of army conflicts are awarded medals of bravery and accomplishment. The medals themselves are not especially valuable but they have meaning. If someone goes missing or if someone has property stolen then they may offer a reward for it's return, the reward is often monetary or something of high monetary value. Something someone will want because it's valuable.

If you were to return a lost dog to someone and they gave you a slip of paper which marked the occasion but was essentially an A4 sheet with fancy writing on it you may feel that it wasn't worth the effort to return the dog.

That is the difference between a reward and an award. I'm peeved that the devs started off the system giving us valuable things, temp powers, costume peices which are generic enough to use on many types of characters and rare in themselves. But as time moves on we have veteran pets, a novelty at best and Kilts and Boxing gloves. They say it's so newbies don't feel that the system means they miss out on things.

Fine, very noble of them to think of the kiddies in the community who don't have patience. I can accept that. But don't turn around and say you're rewarding me for 'loyalty' when infact it's just something to mark yet another milestone of subscription. A peice of paper with fancy writing on it. Yes, it's all in the wording. But the one thing I hate is hypocracy above all else and that is what the veteran 'reward' system represents.



The second mission type allows players to travel into their own pasts by going to a place called the "Pillar of Ice and Flame". There, players will be given access to a list of things that happened in their pasts, both missions that they have already completed, and missions that for one reason or another were missed ....

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1) For XP, or only for debt paydown and inf?

2) Do I have to have unlocked the contacts (via Mayhem missions) when I was in the level range, or will I be able to unlock contacts that I don't have in my list yet from earlier level ranges?

3) Does this include the Mayhem missions themselves for earlier levels?



I am super psyched about this issue! I really hope we get into closed beta soon!

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



time travel just gets better and better! looking forward to trying it out =)

What part of phnglui mglw'nafl Cthulhu r'lyeh w'gah nagl fhtagn don't you understand?




1) For XP, or only for debt paydown and inf?

2) Do I have to have unlocked the contacts (via Mayhem missions) when I was in the level range, or will I be able to unlock contacts that I don't have in my list yet from earlier level ranges?

3) Does this include the Mayhem missions themselves for earlier levels?

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1. Well if its an early mission that you have long since outleveled, from my understanding is that you are mal'd down automatically per the normal rules of mal'ing down. So if true then yes you can burn off debt and get money without say being a super nigh unstoppable L50 fighting L20's

2. Supposedly its for any story arc/badge mish u missed. As to contacts you didnt unlock.....hmmmm i supposed one COULD flashback to an early level mayhem, then after the mayhem unlock the contact. That to me seems like a win/win. You mal down and run the mayhem, then get the contact and can run their missions, hence via time travel you will eventually do every story-arc and badge mish in the game......

.....including hopefully timewarping back to outbreak to farm out Isolator and Breakout to gain Jailbird. Strictly speaking one could consider the tutorials as badge missions.....

Also I see many only missions being timewarped back to for badge hunting purposes.....time jump back to that Troll mish and farm it for troll bosses, etc. Not a bad idea.



hmmmm i supposed one COULD flashback to an early level mayhem, then after the mayhem unlock the contact.

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Posi said in the FAQ that Safeguards won't be initially "Flashbackable," but may be in the future. I can't imagine that you can Flashback to Mayhems if you can't do the same with Safeguards.

.....including hopefully timewarping back to outbreak to farm out Isolator and Breakout to gain Jailbird. Strictly speaking one could consider the tutorials as badge missions.....

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Well, no, they're not, and Posi even says so in the above-linked FAQ (you don't get the "tutorial badges" for completing any missions and you can get the badges without completing any missions at all, so they're clearly *not* mission badges). However, he did cryptically mention the Paragon Times articles about Outbreak/Breakout. I'd imagine that, while we can't technically Flashback to the real tutorials, the Outbreak and Breakout events might be 2 of the "historical events" we have to travel back in time to fix/alter.



I wonder if part of this wil lhelp either the WW or BM,as they can only sell what is offered by what players find,if you lvl too fast,some of the lower salvage is harder to get

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom




Well, no, they're not, and Posi even says so in the above-linked FAQ (you don't get the "tutorial badges" for completing any missions and you can get the badges without completing any missions at all, so they're clearly *not* mission badges). However, he did cryptically mention the Paragon Times articles about Outbreak/Breakout. I'd imagine that, while we can't technically Flashback to the real tutorials, the Outbreak and Breakout events might be 2 of the "historical events" we have to travel back in time to fix/alter.

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Hey as long as we can flashback and obtain the badges, I'm fine



So... if we can only create a door to the Ouroboros Citadel after we've been exposed to time travel, and we can only time travel by going to the Ouroboros Citadel, how do we get exposed to time travel in the first place?

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*Taps Sadako on shoulder*

*Dredges up ED, I9 Doom and MUO threads*

"See? It's like getting hit over the head all over again!"

(More seriously, I expect we'll need to do some of the actual content or speak with contacts to gain the ability, much like doing Levantera's arc gives us merits)

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Well, since your future self goes back in time and repeats the actions of your past self, thereby replacing your past self in your prior adventures, then your past self is actually your future self who already has the power to open the door. Therefore, if your past self has the power to open the door, then your current self must still have the power, allowing you to open the door in the future to go to the past so that you have the power in the present.

It's really quite simple.

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** Vitaee dies of brain hemorrhage after reading this post **

My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning,
and yet I'm Happy. I can't figure it out. What am I doing right?
---- Snoopy, Peanuts



*The author speaks of the green lights on servers* I had assumed that this represented server population, and so I asked if they were having population issues and if they had plans for a server merge. As it turns out, I was wrong. The lights indicate the likelihood of high ping and lag, and has "very little to do with the number of players online"

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Oook...so the population aka the number of people on the server has no affect on lag or ping? I think we all know that isn't the case...especially the first week or two of a big issue release...or if you have been on while a hami raid or major ship raid was occuring...



I have one question...seeing as how the new VERY RARE IO sets allow you to keep the bonuses when your exemped/malfactored down, does this mean a fix to the others keeping the set bonuses too? Cuz really, Id like to keep those set bonuses.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Willpower- They will be "jacks of all trades but masters of none" offering players a large sampling of defensive capabilities, not as powerful as specialized defenses, but with more range.

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This has me a bit concerned.

"I don't want it to appear that I'm willing to settle for anything. No-one likes a zombie without standards."



So... if we can only create a door to the Ouroboros Citadel after we've been exposed to time travel, and we can only time travel by going to the Ouroboros Citadel, how do we get exposed to time travel in the first place?

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And thus, the Ouroboros Citidel being named after the tail-eating snake!

As for the original entrance, I vote for a mission with a girl, a mystical ancestral pendant made from a Rare Red Rock, and a teleport demo gone wrong.

Don't use the right hand one, it will end badly for you.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I have one question...seeing as how the new VERY RARE IO sets allow you to keep the bonuses when your exemped/malfactored down, does this mean a fix to the others keeping the set bonuses too? Cuz really, Id like to keep those set bonuses.

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It wouldn't be a fix, it would be a change. Losing set bonuses was a choice by the devs.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Leech can you find a quote saying that? I can only recall them ever saying it was a bug/tech issue on their side.



As for the original entrance, I vote for a mission with a girl, a mystical ancestral pendant made from a Rare Red Rock, and a teleport demo gone wrong.

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I would rather take an inflatable raft over a huge waterfall, fight some bug-eyed lizard men with crossbows, then mess around with some crystals in a pylon. (That's pylon, not skylon, we don't touch the skylons!)

Anyway, with the Flashback system done, I wonder if we're going to see some other old wishes coming to light? Like an arch-enemey?



If the devs want to make even a partial effort to be genuine to the spirit of what the veteran reward system is intended to be there for they need to bite the bullet and side with the veterans.

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I'm sure you wouldn't be saying that if you were back at the bottom rung of the VRs, instead of sitting on top of that mountain of VRs you have now.

"The grass is always greener on the other side of the meadow"