Discussion: Positron Issue 11 Interview on MMORPG




2) Do I have to have unlocked the contacts (via Mayhem missions) when I was in the level range, or will I be able to unlock contacts that I don't have in my list yet from earlier level ranges?

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No. Think of the Pillar of Ice and Flame as another contact entirely. You get the missions from it, not your other contacts. You get the flashback mission from the Pillar itself, hence not requiring original introduction to the contact and the lack of a change in your contact friendship meter.



Willpower- They will be "jacks of all trades but masters of none" offering players a large sampling of defensive capabilities, not as powerful as specialized defenses, but with more range.

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This has me a bit concerned.

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Meh. I can't go either way on it. Super Reflexes for example was a "defense/speed specialist" and created a vacuum. Ninjutsu was given a sprinkle of everything and turned out PvP FoTM.



I think with Issue 11 should come with,[list] when u respec u can rechoose ur power pools. if u have any Questions send me a tell or email. i play

Hyper Strike: Hero Scarpp
War Titan Jr: Villiain MM



However, he did cryptically mention the Paragon Times articles about Outbreak/Breakout. I'd imagine that, while we can't technically Flashback to the real tutorials, the Outbreak and Breakout events might be 2 of the "historical events" we have to travel back in time to fix/alter.

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I think you're 100% right on this one.

I really liked the quick breakdown of the Ouroboros system he gave. I was wondering how "selectable" things would be. Sounds like it will be a very cool way to do a favorite mish. I'm also a lil bit giddy that the missions are customizable to an extent. Ouroboros is gonna be quite refreshing for people who have been around a while since you don't have to reroll a toon or stalk people for missions you'd like to do over...or do for the first time, even.



Can you please stop claiming that the veteran reward system is a 'program which rewards loyal players' because as we all know it doesn't work like that.

Someone who has been playing for 3 months has more useful and more rewarding bonuses than someone who has been playing for 3 years. A reward is when you give someone something of value to them, an award is something to just mark an occasion.

The veteran scheme doesn't offer rewards, it offers awards once you get far enough into it. It's only rewarding for the first couple years when you get universally valuable things like trenchcoats, wings, temp powers and respecs. Once you get into the 2-3 year mark you have more respecs than you could ever need thus making them devalued and you're not getting costume peices which can be used on a wide range of characters, instead you get very very specific costume peices which are restrictive and not even suitable for super humans half the time.

It's been said time and time again, you cannot claim it offers rewards for loyalty when you insist on ensuring that people who haven't subscribed as long don't feel 'left out'. A reward is valuable because people want it, soon as it stops being desirable it's not a reward anymore.

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More respecs then we will ever need? HAH you havent met me :P

And the signutre coustems for holloween... if you played test you should now those are just freak-show and rikti and what-not.... nothing TOO cool :P