Issue 11 Wallpaper




I guess we should be grateful that any sort of villain EAT is in the works, but still BotBS just sounds so cool. Do we know anything more about them other than that they are Egyptian shape shifters?

[/ QUOTE ]

Assassins, at least one of them. The City of CCG winner's card's bio was slightly altered to fit in a bit about the BotBS trying to kill a pharaoh.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



To quote Posi from the latest City Scoop:

I really wish we could have done more with Epic Archetypes. I think we put in Kheldians “too soon” because we didn’t have a solid plan on following them up with more EATs, which is now painfully obvious to the playerbase.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wait a sec - there were never, ever, unequivocally, beyond the shadow of a doubt, any plans whatsoever to implement Villain EATs?



He didn't say that.

we didn’t have a solid plan

[/ QUOTE ]

Phantom Rose: Ill / Kin / Psi
Soleau: Ice / Icy / Ice / Core: Ice / Fire / Pyre / Wind / Eclipse / Flare / Corona
Solo Space



Check out the new Issue 11 Wallpaper here!

[/ QUOTE ]

*tips head to the left*


*tips head to the right*


*does a headstand*

I still don't get it.....but whatever it is, its going to be good



He didn't say that.

we didn’t have a solid plan

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, let me rephrase: How/why were there never any solid plans to implement EATs in COH's sister franchise?



There were ideas thrown around and various discussions on the topic but nothing was finalized. It wasn't a high priority over the other content they wanted and or had the time to implement.


Phantom Rose: Ill / Kin / Psi
Soleau: Ice / Icy / Ice / Core: Ice / Fire / Pyre / Wind / Eclipse / Flare / Corona
Solo Space



It's just an eye-opener, that's all. It strikes me as curious.



Has anyone thought to question Cuneiform? My search-fu isn't finding anything..

Global: @Pandemonia

We're sorry. Due to the lack of adequate marketing, user patience has died 90+ days ago. Please try again sans "Soon."



I havn't read this entire thread yet because people just keep saying "OMG" without adding anything, but the article and the clue could point to an alternate reality version of Paragon City/Rogue Isles where player characters do not exist. Think about it, without player characters Jenkins would be captured and nobody would escape. The contaminated would be overrunning parts of the city. Nemesis would presumably have crushed everybody else except for Longbow and Arachnos (who he would have in an outright war).

To be sure, there isn't enough information to make more than just wild speculation, but I think the Paragon Times article clearly points to a world without Player Characters.



THis one's easy, Slax Task Force, Infinity Server Only. Team needs at least one dark armor to win, but reward is Choice of recipie and all the bosses drop rare magic and pie.

Frankly this makes as much sense as the rest of the thread.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



To quote Posi from the latest City Scoop:

I really wish we could have done more with Epic Archetypes. I think we put in Kheldians “too soon” because we didn’t have a solid plan on following them up with more EATs, which is now painfully obvious to the playerbase.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wait a sec - there were never, ever, unequivocally, beyond the shadow of a doubt, any plans whatsoever to implement Villain EATs?

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Well considering that they added the kheldians in Issue 2 or Issue 3 (not sure on that), of course they didn't have plans for a Villian EAT since COV didn't come out till Issue 7.



To quote Posi from the latest City Scoop:

I really wish we could have done more with Epic Archetypes. I think we put in Kheldians “too soon” because we didn’t have a solid plan on following them up with more EATs, which is now painfully obvious to the playerbase.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wait a sec - there were never, ever, unequivocally, beyond the shadow of a doubt, any plans whatsoever to implement Villain EATs?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well considering that they added the kheldians in Issue 2 or Issue 3 (not sure on that), of course they didn't have plans for a Villian EAT since COV didn't come out till Issue 7.

[/ QUOTE ]
Shoo! Shoo! Go discuss this in the City Scoop thread! It needs bumping!



Ok I have read through the Info and found a nugget. Anyone can tell me what this " Empire City " is sounds like china maybe hong kong or something so this issue could be a whole nother city like area but asian like.

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons



Somehow Marvel uses real city names even though the other universes do not. I'm thinking "Empire City" is our version of NYC. Some other players have said that as well.



Empire City is almost certainly New York City. New York is the "empire state", hence Empire State Building.

Now, why New York City became Empire City when Chicago apparently exists unchanged is an unanswered question. Feel free to speculate that that reason is that our heroes/villains will one day be able to travel there...



It's where EmpireForgotten is King.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



OK, aside from people arguing and speculating what this stupid wallpaper means, we need to be collecting facts.
the only facts I have to share are:

The serpent biting its tail is commonly named Orobos, Oroboros, Ouroboros or a bunch of other spellings.

The sideways '8' means Infinity.

When the two are combined, it has only 1 meaning... "Cybernetics"

And those are the facts.

As for speculation? Well the color chosen for the wallpaper is a brownish color similar to Clockworks, and the diamonds at the joints might be fancy rivets. So something biomechanical or cybernetic is coming, whether its a new enemy, or GM I dunno.



Oh, as for the Villain epics, sorry i can't remember where I read the interview to quote it but, NC had some lame excuse for villys not getting an Epic AT anytime soon, due to the cost, and not enough lvl 50's to warrant the R&D to make them.



Isn't it obvious?


But on a more serious note, I think that the ancient-looking dragon plus the new Warriors Backgrounder means that the Warriors will become a major part of the Paragon City story line.



OK, aside from people arguing and speculating what this stupid wallpaper means, we need to be collecting facts.
the only facts I have to share are:

The serpent biting its tail is commonly named Orobos, Oroboros, Ouroboros or a bunch of other spellings.

The sideways '8' means Infinity.

When the two are combined, it has only 1 meaning... "Cybernetics"

And those are the facts.

As for speculation? Well the color chosen for the wallpaper is a brownish color similar to Clockworks, and the diamonds at the joints might be fancy rivets. So something biomechanical or cybernetic is coming, whether its a new enemy, or GM I dunno.

[/ QUOTE ]

You were being funny right? I ask because this is the most farfetched speculation I've seen yet.



ok sorry i didn't post my reference for the wallpaper:
now if u will kindly direct your eyes to #4 Mathematics...
*Poof* now my posting is fact!
(provided you have faith in Wiki's researchers.)



It could also be jormungdor from norse mythology which based on how its drawn and the fact dual swords is also in it, my guess is that issue 11 will have some norse touches to it.

Kaoru Nan'drak 50th seasoned Broad sword/regen werewolf scrapper Justice
Founder and leader of The Crimson Moon -justice-



well the fact that its a snake could just mean the snake faction is doing something cool like summoning a snakegod...tho it looks more like a dragon in my opinion since it has fire and dont see snakes with ears...that or it could be a fire breathing snake that just happens to have ears lol, but i think it's either a snakegod or dragon being summoned by cot, mu and/or snakes...better yet a dragon powerset/archtype ^^
...or dragon faction?



Time travel..shmime travel....with the worm biting its own butt and devouring itself..I figure we're all going to have to make certain choices in the game to save the world...or else we all get reset to level 1 and have to start all over again.
EAT's included.

BTW..I would love to have the wallpaper...but they don't fit too nicely on my laptop's screen...15" rectangular screen with a native resolution of 1280x800



I didn't have time to look through all 20 pages yet, but I got through about 5 of them and hadn't seen 7-19 or so:

I love it - but is there going to be a City of Villains version of it? I adore this game and own both CoH & CoV, but I don't play Heroes. Is this to mean that I11 is only going to be for Heroside, or did the artist just not get around to making a Villains version?