Issue 11 Wallpaper




You are getting a little too deep. Look at this in comic book terms and broadly known symbology in history and the public mind.

The midgard serpent, Jormungandr, depicted in a blocky mechanical style, formed into the symbol of infinty, and wreathed in a halo of fire.

Nazies used Norse myth (and Wagner's rendition of Norse mythology) extensively in their propoganda.
Vandal, Reichsman, and the Fifth Column in general are technologically advanced.
The symbol of the never-ending representing the fact that the 5th cannot be destroyed.
It will always arise from the flames like a phoenix, just as it did after World War Two.

Now get out there and stomp on some Nazies!

Infamy: SS/DA Brt, Brushfire Bill: Fire/Thorn Dom, Kill and Tell: Ninja/Trap MM, Dark Duelist: MA/DA Stk, Howling Rad: Rad/Sonic Cor, Silent Rebuke: Claw/EA Stk, Shadow Technician: Dark/Trap Cor, Forbidden Brute: DM/Fire Brt, Doctor Exile: Grav/Thorn Dom, Eternal Warrior: Mace/SD Brt, Electrogravitic: Grav/Elec Dom, Huntsman Gold: Bane, Captain Chill: AR/Cold Cor



Okay yall
2 Diamonds-dual blades
Ourubus (or w/e)- means Archtype if you read the wikipedia
Snake eating itself- Willpower...remember we did that little vote for what powers we wanted and dual blades and willpower won.
Thus there is a chnage to the scrapper ARCHTYPE where we get DUAL Dragon BLADES and WILLPOWER. As for the fire, I'm clueless



Just a few more facts and alot of speculation:

The check-marks decorating the body of serpent (stated by another poster) do resemble the Nike logo.
If indeed they do represent Nike, (not the shoes, but the Greek Godess).
Nike's image was used in alot of Greek coins and pottery, when she is shown wearing a helmet (on some coins), the helmet has an engraving of Ketos on it.
When Nike is shown without a helmet (on coins) she is usually circled by 1-4 serpents also representing Ketos.

okok so who the hell is Ketos?
just some giant sea serpent from Greek myth, who did nasty things like the Kraken did in Clash of the Titans.



HMMMM VERY INTERESTING!!! Is this when we will get the new AT's?!?!

"Look at me! I'm dancin! I'm DANCIN!" - Clap Trap



I found this on wikipedia

In Greek mythology, Ceto, or Keto (Greek: Κητος , Ketos, "sea monster") was a hideous aquatic monster, a daughter of Gaia and Pontus. The asteroid (65489) Ceto is named after her, and its satellite (65489) Ceto I Phorcys after her husband.

She was the personification of the dangers of the sea, unknown terrors and bizarre creatures. Eventually, the word "ceto" became simple shorthand for any sea monster. It is still used in this way - cetacean is a derivation. Her husband was Phorcys and they had many children, collectively known as the Phorcydes or Phorcydides.

In Greek art Ceto was drawn as a serpentine fish. Ceto also gave name to the constellation Cetus.

"Look at me! I'm dancin! I'm DANCIN!" - Clap Trap



I'm gonna go ahead and say you all are reading WAY too much and too hard into this symbol, folks. I'm betting it's not so deep, and a little more obvious.

Connect the newspaper article we've seen [your hero/villains story contributions have been's as if you didn't exist] and the wallpaper symbol: A stylized, BRASS orborous, the symbol for infinity, doubly so because it is in the orintation of a mobius strip [a second symbol for infinity] and not just the traditional wheel format. My money is on Nemesis, dealing in some way with alternate timelines/universes, dimensional travel, and/or time-travel. Think about it.

[edit] and the Nike argument only helps that, because what better to represent Nemesis's infinite victory?[/edit]

[edit2] Think about it. Nemesis has figured out a way to either change this reality so YOU, the protagonist/antagonist, the foiler of his plans, the one who has managed so much...simply aren't, or he's found a way to create/enter a reality just that way. Where he wins for the simply reason that the hero/villain who has stopped him [you] NEVER STOPPED HIM AT ALL. It fits.[/edit2]



from looking at the symbol I say Nemesis is coming back in full force



perhaps its like refering to the 5th column comin back, the snake will continue to eat itself but it will never be gone, or maybe its a new villain grp! weve needed some new 1s!



Wild speculation on my part, but the thing looks some what norse, or perhaps even celtic.... and that got me thinking.

Wasn't there a Wyrm eating it's own tail in Arthurian legend? Didn't Merlin make some sort of prediction regarding a wyrm eating it's own tail? Not the one about the red and white Dragons, but another one?

That got me thinking, King Arthur. His last name is Pendragon, and has been called "the once and future king" or some times the "forever king". Forever... Infinity. It's already been established in game that Miss Liberty actually carries excaliber in her possesion, and that Hero One used to weild it. There were some fey/fairie things out of the blue on the last issue of the CoH comic.

My guess is that with issue 11, Arthur returns to reclaim his sword. Either making a return from ansalon, or by being reborn. Some how this correlates with the new willpower set and dual blades.

And for those crying blood of the black stream, remember that they were supposed to have an egyptian feel to them, and were hinted at in Mr. Bocors missions.



I want the Return of Talos and Chimera!!! Imagine how cool it would be if the statue on talos Island wasn't a statue at all but actually the big guy standing there recently risen from the water!!

Well i can hope



ok heres my input on this symbol -
1.) it’s defiantly “Ouroborous“ as seen in the movie Basic and show Millennium.
2.) It means cyclicality, unity, or infinity
3.) It is both a religious and mythological symbol
4.) They way its drawn for the game suggests either Clockwork or Nemesis

My final thoughts are: We could be looking at space arches in our future. Space? You say- yeah think about it - the blackness of space seems to go on forever (infinity) and things die and are reformed (cyclicality). With Clockwork or Nemesis being the opponents.



It's a snake eating its own tail, the symbol for Ouroborous.

I learned this from Red Dwarf Season 7.

[/ QUOTE ]
More info regarding Ouroborous. Really opens up alot of ideas and questions.

[/ QUOTE ]

One thing is different. It is a twisted Ouroboros.

Some kind of rebirth perhaps from villian to hero or visa versa from the cyclical meaning.

Or some kind of unity between villian and hero.

Or through some cosmic event, Heroes find themselves as "outlaws" in an upsidedown world and Villians are treated like Heroes in their world. Somekind of reversal that needs to be worked through.

Be interesting to have heroes do Villian content while villians do hero content.



My guess is that Planes are somehow involved.

Maybe the Paragon City International Airport will
finally be built.



I know what it means. It symbolizes a rollback of all nerfs done to heroes. Made of fact and win.



It’s defiantly Ouroborous because when I went to save the wallpaper it listed save as, ouroboros_1024x768. So confirmation of what it is a given. It is normally in a form of a circle but being twisted into the Infinity Symbol is beyond me other than the Symbol of Infinity, your guess is as good as mine. I've seen the circle version of the Ouroborous being used in X-Files when Agent Scully received one as a Tattoo but it looked more Nordic or Druidic.

Here's another link on more details of the Ouroborous to help others get an idea.



That's just the new snake bra costume piece.

[/ QUOTE ]

Snakes in a bra?

[/ QUOTE ]

They lift and seperate!

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



That's just the new snake bra costume piece.

[/ QUOTE ]

Snakes in a bra?

[/ QUOTE ]

They lift and seperate!

[/ QUOTE ]

AND provide a nice defense to drunkards!



That's just the new snake bra costume piece.

[/ QUOTE ]

Snakes in a bra?

[/ QUOTE ]

They lift and seperate!

[/ QUOTE ]

AND provide a nice defense to drunkards!

[/ QUOTE ]

You mean against drunkards.

Unless you mean that a woman would put on her "Slither Bra" before going out on the town to get piss-drunk, safe and secure in the knowledge that nobody will try to molest her while she's passed out.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



It's very, Brass...and Nemesis-y...and considering he's supposedly found a way to live forever via his automaton skills (infinity symbol?) Could we be seeing that Nemesis Warhorse in action? A resurgence of Nemesis? Leading to the Reichsman's return leading a new 5th when everyone is distracted by Nemesis?

Or it could be as simple as Flashback....



????????????? no clue



On a slightly more serious note:

1. It's a cross-symbol of the traditional infinity pattern and the Ouroboros (which also represents infinity or eternity), certainly.

2. I'll say it also looks like a wood cutting; and the style of it appears to have Nordic influence.

3. Direct comparison culturally there is to Jormugandr, a child of Loki and also called the World Serpent.


a. If I had to point to something in-canon, there's good money it's Reichsman. Nazi propaganda rooted itself, at least superficially, in Norse mysticism.

b. The method of his appearance/influence could be one that's time-related. Looking at the Paragon Times article, time's either gone flutzy (someone is changing history), or it's from an alternate timeline. Both are avenues to Reichsman.

c. This could directly refer to the Flashback system; however, I'm more inclined to say it will open up new story arcs, possibly via Portal Corp/Shadow Shard, by going into alternate timelines, or Paragon's own past, to pursue this threat to PC's history.

I'm suspicious of Reichsman because of the heavy Nordic styling of the symbol; it's almost certainly magickally rooted; gut response is telling me it's a time-loop "go back into history to change the future" storyline; and it would open the door back up to the 5th Column.

If it's a time loop storyline, we'd get to explore moments of PC's past as well. I'd love to join Atlas in his solo fight against the Nazi armada at Independence Port.



Totally different take...

We've seen what has already been worked on...

Server transfers, character renames...

Could it be... maybe just maybe... that when everything old is new again, you get to the top then you go to the bottom of the slide and you can begin again... as the other side?

IE: The much-talked for ability to play CoV with your hero that was stuck on Hero because you started there, or vice versa?



On a slightly more serious note:

1. It's a cross-symbol of the traditional infinity pattern and the Ouroboros (which also represents infinity or eternity), certainly.

2. I'll say it also looks like a wood cutting; and the style of it appears to have Nordic influence.

3. Direct comparison culturally there is to Jormugandr, a child of Loki and also called the World Serpent.


a. If I had to point to something in-canon, there's good money it's Reichsman. Nazi propaganda rooted itself, at least superficially, in Norse mysticism.

b. The method of his appearance/influence could be one that's time-related. Looking at the Paragon Times article, time's either gone flutzy (someone is changing history), or it's from an alternate timeline. Both are avenues to Reichsman.

c. This could directly refer to the Flashback system; however, I'm more inclined to say it will open up new story arcs, possibly via Portal Corp/Shadow Shard, by going into alternate timelines, or Paragon's own past, to pursue this threat to PC's history.

I'm suspicious of Reichsman because of the heavy Nordic styling of the symbol; it's almost certainly magickally rooted; gut response is telling me it's a time-loop "go back into history to change the future" storyline; and it would open the door back up to the 5th Column.

If it's a time loop storyline, we'd get to explore moments of PC's past as well. I'd love to join Atlas in his solo fight against the Nazi armada at Independence Port.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you pretty much nailed it. Time will tell of course. It always does. But my gut is telling me this is the most likely explanation.

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]