Dear Devs, Please post more




I believe photo #3 is a sneak peak at SexyJay's promotion to instanced map designer for Issue 12: Orenbegans Invade Candyland.

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Great, the Circle of Thorns couldn't get Faathim the Kind, so they're going after Lord Licorice?

I never played Mordheim, but Necromunda is definitely FTW. Oh, and Reaper Miniatures are the best.



Now, back to the design grind... anyone know a good way to pick a handcuff with a mechanical pencil, a Hero Clix, and a poker chip?

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Yes but you'll also need a $10 bill and a Post-it note. You use the pencil write down the word hacksaw on the Post-it note, lure a small child into your office with the Hero Clix, send them to the hardware store with the note and $10 bill, giving them the Hero Cix by way of payment obviously, and then flip the poker chip over and over to pass the time until you get the hacksaw.

You should be free inside of 30 minutes depending on traffic; provided no one in the office is attempting to get out of a straight jacket using a staple puller, a deck of Magic cards and a cherry Popsicle....

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Ok, but I can't talk about Issue 11 or beyond... but that's pretty much what you guys WANT me to talk about so we are at an impass.

[/ QUOTE ]

People have repeatedly asked for a clearer explanation on what the recent ignore_spammer command does. Why don't you talk about that?

People wanted a status update on Cathedral of Pain Trial and Base Raids. Why don't you talk about that?

People asked to be told whether numerous issues with bases, such as bugged Robo Surgery Units, bugged Energy Curtain, base plot costs, base item costs, influence to prestige conversion, clumsy editor and many other concerns, etc. etc. Why don't you talk about that?

If all those things are too complicated, how about simple stuff like when will the i8 badge graphics be fixed since they are missing for a year? Or the Force of Justice accolade? The missing Fabricator progress bar, or whether you still think Empath is a good idea. Why don't you talk about these?

Please don't pretend there is nothing to say, when there are many important issues other than i11.

Edit : True to fashion, he skipped right through the questions asked by many people, and continued to talk about inane things below. Obviously he has the time to post about trivialities, but choose to show he doesn't give a damn about all the legitimate questions that people asked.

The only thing worse than devs making bad decisions is the hoard of fanboys and bootlickers that keep cheering them on.



Ok, but I can't talk about Issue 11 or beyond... but that's pretty much what you guys WANT me to talk about so we are at an impass.

[/ QUOTE ]

People have repeatedly asked for a clearer explanation on what the recent ignore_spammer command does. Why don't you talk about that?

People wanted a status update on Cathedral of Pain Trial and Base Raids. Why don't you talk about that?

People asked to be told whether numerous issues with bases, such as bugged Robo Surgery Units, bugged Energy Curtain, base plot costs, base item costs, influence to prestige conversion, clumsy editor and many other concerns, etc. etc. Why don't you talk about that?

If all those things are too complicated, how about simple stuff like when will the i8 badge graphics be fixed since they are missing for a year? Or the Force of Justice accolade? The missing Fabricator progress bar, or whether you still think Empath is a good idea. Why don't you talk about these?

Please don't pretend there is nothing to say, when there are many important issues other than i11.

[/ QUOTE ]
This post made me LOL

The kind of person who pulls out a PPT presentation full of graphs and charts during a company picnic
Now bugger off and go kick some kittens or something, Ebeneezer <grin>
The answer is 42, of course

You don't want answers... you want HOT POCKETS!!!


(Apologies for stealing Liquid X's gag)



People have repeatedly asked for a clearer explanation on what the recent ignore_spammer command does. Why don't you talk about that?

People wanted a status update on Cathedral of Pain Trial and Base Raids. Why don't you talk about that?

People asked to be told whether numerous issues with bases, such as bugged Robo Surgery Units, bugged Energy Curtain, base plot costs, base item costs, influence to prestige conversion, clumsy editor and many other concerns, etc. etc. Why don't you talk about that?

If all those things are too complicated, how about simple stuff like when will the i8 badge graphics be fixed since they are missing for a year? Or the Force of Justice accolade? The missing Fabricator progress bar, or whether you still think Empath is a good idea. Why don't you talk about these?

Please don't pretend there is nothing to say, when there are many important issues other than i11.

[/ QUOTE ]

*winces* Ouch, ease up a bit man. This thread is more about talking with the Dev's about things OTHER than CoX stuff from what I can gather. You ever been hanging out with co-workers and heard one of them grumble "Lets not talk shop"? I think that's the case here. These guys are no doubt putting in serious hours concerning I11 so taking a break to interact with the community in a laid back manner is cool with me.

I'm actually curious if any of the Dev's are college football fans.



Since the dev's are chained up working, I thought I would show you where we allow them to play on a short term basis each day.

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Photo 1: One of the three mini's cabinets. This one is filled with mostly Warmachine/Hordes (there is a lunch-time tournament going on right now)

Photo 2: The minis table. There are four 4'x4' playing areas set up currently for the WM/H games. (I play Cygnar, and not very well). Behind that is the company foosball table.

Photo 3: Archon Voss' awesome Mordheim table.

Photo 4: War Witch, Castle, our lead QA guy, our lead story guy (who has the nom de plume of Hero 1), and I are in the middle of a game of Descent. The arcade machine is Mace: The Dark Age, which the former Art Director worked on when he was at Atari (I think).

Follow me on Twitter



Now, back to the design grind... anyone know a good way to pick a handcuff with a mechanical pencil, a Hero Clix, and a poker chip?

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Most obscure hint about issue 11 ever...

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I thought it was a bit too obvious.

It's clear that i11 will include a TF in which Nemesis is turning to the good side, and in one of the missions Dominatrix throws him and the players into a dungeon that's already holding the Gamester and Shadowhunter.



Ok, but I can't talk about Issue 11 or beyond... but that's pretty much what you guys WANT me to talk about so we are at an impass.

[/ QUOTE ]
Okay, how 'bout this:

Is there a Praetorian version of Lord Recluse, and if so, what's his name?



Ok, but I can't talk about Issue 11 or beyond... but that's pretty much what you guys WANT me to talk about so we are at an impass.

[/ QUOTE ]
Actually Positron, all I want to know is why does Corruptor /Traps have the freaking Mastermind Endurance penalty applied to them!

I'm more than willing to be patient for the next issue, I'd rather know about it when I can test it and/or play it rather than just drool over it uselessly.

But.. letting bugged sets remain without any word of why they are that way, and never commenting on them let alone fixing them is ridiculous personally.

Damage Proc Mini-FAQ

Just noticed Damage Proc Mini-FAQ wasn't working with new forums, it's been updated.



Since the dev's are chained up working, I thought I would show you where we allow them to play on a short term basis each day.

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The arcade machine is Mace: The Dark Age, which the former Art Director worked on when he was at Atari (I think).

[/ QUOTE ]

*sigh* Poor vid-game.... Alone and in the corner. *sigh*



Ok, but I can't talk about Issue 11 or beyond... but that's pretty much what you guys WANT me to talk about so we are at an impass.

[/ QUOTE ]
Okay, how 'bout this:

Is there a Praetorian version of Lord Recluse, and if so, what's his name?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd bet his name is Captain Fancy-Pants, and he's the Praetorian World's most flamboyantly extroverted television talk-show host.



Ok, but I can't talk about Issue 11 or beyond... but that's pretty much what you guys WANT me to talk about so we are at an impass.

[/ QUOTE ]
Okay, how 'bout this:

Is there a Praetorian version of Lord Recluse, and if so, what's his name?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd bet his name is Captain Fancy-Pants, and he's the Praetorian World's most flamboyantly extroverted television talk-show host.

[/ QUOTE ]

Either that, or he's the Praetorian Serge!



looks like fun



It has been rather sparce of late. Maybe our topics aren't interesting enough to draw Dev attention.

[/ QUOTE ]

Quite is usually a sign the devs are working hard on something. In this case I suspect preparations for I11 beta.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

List of Invention Guides



Any 40k in all those pics?



Since the dev's are chained up working, I thought I would show you where we allow them to play on a short term basis each day.

[/ QUOTE ]

Photo 1: One of the three mini's cabinets. This one is filled with mostly Warmachine/Hordes (there is a lunch-time tournament going on right now)

Photo 2: The minis table. There are four 4'x4' playing areas set up currently for the WM/H games. (I play Cygnar, and not very well). Behind that is the company foosball table.

Photo 3: Archon Voss' awesome Mordheim table.

Photo 4: War Witch, Castle, our lead QA guy, our lead story guy (who has the nom de plume of Hero 1), and I are in the middle of a game of Descent. The arcade machine is Mace: The Dark Age, which the former Art Director worked on when he was at Atari (I think).

[/ QUOTE ]

I love Mordheim... I have a Skaven warband that is a blast to play. Rats FTW!!!

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Since the dev's are chained up working, I thought I would show you where we allow them to play on a short term basis each day.

[/ QUOTE ]

Photo 1: One of the three mini's cabinets. This one is filled with mostly Warmachine/Hordes (there is a lunch-time tournament going on right now)

Photo 2: The minis table. There are four 4'x4' playing areas set up currently for the WM/H games. (I play Cygnar, and not very well). Behind that is the company foosball table.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are those Geo-Hex?

Just curious - I once took a spring break job (Yeah, a whole week!) working on those, back in...oh god... a year I can't reveal now.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I love this thread. Seriously, more pics/inside stuff please.

Not looking for I11 stuff, just like getting an idea of office life.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Photo 1: One of the three mini's cabinets. This one is filled with mostly Warmachine/Hordes (there is a lunch-time tournament going on right now)

Photo 2: The minis table. There are four 4'x4' playing areas set up currently for the WM/H games. (I play Cygnar, and not very well). Behind that is the company foosball table.

[/ QUOTE ]

Posi playes Warmachine/Hordes?! Dude, get yourself over to the Longest running thread on the entire Privateer Press boards!

...Circle ftw.



*shakes fist at Candlestick*

Curse you and your speedy posting!!

Circle, bah. Blight is right.

Also, fwiw, Descent is a really cool game.

Positron, thanks for answering and giving us look into the fun things the dev's do there. Now, get back to, work.

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.



Just curious - I once took a spring break job (Yeah, a whole week!) working on those, back in...oh god... a year I can't reveal now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Spill it.



People have repeatedly asked for a clearer explanation on what the recent ignore_spammer command does. Why don't you talk about that?

[/ QUOTE ]

The explanation given isn't clear for some people? O.O *Boggles*

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Man. I knew the Devs were geeks and nerds through and through, but that rec room looks....

HEY!! Wait'a'minute!

The Devs get freetime!?!

That's just wrong. The Devs aren't ALLOWED freetime till the game is dead!

They're not allowed to go home either, and should just forget family and friends cause they're not allowed visits!

Though they can have never ending beer supplied via the kind of water bottles you attach to a small animal's cage. They are robots and require alcohol to fuel their power cells.

Of course, this will all be gotten rid of if The Jay (as I have said before, I can't call him Sexy Jay, for he has transcended Sexiness, he can only be described as Jay) were to give us bandages for our characters, ranging from small ones such as for the cheek and chin to full head and chest ones like one would see from a burn victim or broken ribs.

To right the countless wrongs of our day, we shine the light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise. What a wonderful world such would be....

I'm sorry what was that, I couldn't hear you over my TRAGIC PAST!!



*shakes fist at Candlestick*

Curse you and your speedy posting!!

Circle, bah. Blight is right.

Also, fwiw, Descent is a really cool game.

Positron, thanks for answering and giving us look into the fun things the dev's do there. Now, get back to, work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nurf Legion!

Damn seraphs and their shooting shootyness!

*Teleports a Woldwarden in ur fase!*




On the bright side, many of your models look like they'd be great in a bonfire.

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.