Dear Devs, Please post more




a Hero Clix

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All I got out of your post was closure on the issue that Hero Clix will always sound plural and absurd.




Now, back to the design grind... anyone know a good way to pick a handcuff with a mechanical pencil, a Hero Clix, and a poker chip?

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Can you get a paper clip?




Now, back to the design grind... anyone know a good way to pick a handcuff with a mechanical pencil, a Hero Clix, and a poker chip?

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Sure. Ask MacGyver

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Dismantle the pencil. Thats your best bet. Messy, but it should work.

What? you didn't ask for the stealthy way..

Global: @Pandemonia

We're sorry. Due to the lack of adequate marketing, user patience has died 90+ days ago. Please try again sans "Soon."



Place paperclip into the key insert on your will make people think you know how to pick a lock. Place your hand in a colder area (your skin will contract, effectively shrinking your hand slightly). Take the heroclix figure and pit him against an eraser, you'll find the entertainment necessary as the time consuming effort involved in this is long and boring. Finally, once you have seen a significant shrinking of the skin, resultant from the cold air, use the poker chip the way you would use a shoehorn, to aid in slipping your hand out of the handcuff.

Next, please unchain BaB as he will tell us more about Dual Blades! Thanks!



You had me up to this point:

Don't drink. You will make bad decisions.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm doomed.

Now, back to the design grind... anyone know a good way to pick a handcuff with a mechanical pencil, a Hero Clix, and a poker chip?

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1) Snap the poker chip at the person holding the keys, much like you'd snap a bottle cap. Practice with pennies, then work your way up to quarters until you're sure you can nail your target in the forehead. Bonus points if you get a great buzzing noise when the chip zips away.

2) When the person comes over to give you a smackaround for hitting them, stab them in the eye with the pencil.

3) Unlock and scram, leaving the Hero Clix as a jaunty calling card.



You had me up to this point:

Don't drink. You will make bad decisions.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm doomed.

Now, back to the design grind... anyone know a good way to pick a handcuff with a mechanical pencil, a Hero Clix, and a poker chip?

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1) Snap the poker chip at the person holding the keys, much like you'd snap a bottle cap. Practice with pennies, then work your way up to quarters until you're sure you can nail your target in the forehead. Bonus points if you get a great buzzing noise when the chip zips away.

2) When the person comes over to give you a smackaround for hitting them, stab them in the eye with the pencil.

3) Unlock and scram, leaving the Hero Clix as a jaunty calling card.

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Doh!!! Reading comprehension FTW!! Why did I think he said paperclip!!!??!!! I bow to your superior escape method Sok.




Now, back to the design grind... anyone know a good way to pick a handcuff with a mechanical pencil, a Hero Clix, and a poker chip?

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Steal, from the person holding the keys, their favorite Hero Clix. Threaten to draw curly mustaches (this is where the pencil comes in), goatees, etc. on their Hero Clix unless they unlock you.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





[ I just couldn't see myself playing for long - it is fun and can be engaging, but for me there is something missing.. and I am not sure what that something is.

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Ahhh, the Vanguard-Syndrome(sm).




Now, back to the design grind... anyone know a good way to pick a handcuff with a mechanical pencil, a Hero Clix, and a poker chip?

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Which Clix is it?

Does the mechanical pencil have a plastic or metal clip?

Is it just a generic poker chip, or did it come from a casino?

Do you have any easily distracted co-workers nearby?

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Now, back to the design grind... anyone know a good way to pick a handcuff with a mechanical pencil, a Hero Clix, and a poker chip?

[/ QUOTE ]
1) Snap the poker chip at the person holding the keys, much like you'd snap a bottle cap. Practice with pennies, then work your way up to quarters until you're sure you can nail your target in the forehead. Bonus points if you get a great buzzing noise when the chip zips away.

2) When the person comes over to give you a smackaround for hitting them, stab them in the eye with the pencil.

3) Unlock and scram, leaving the Hero Clix as a jaunty calling card.

[/ QUOTE ]

SokMunki wins the thread. Give him his reward, Posi, by mentioning something in the works. Anything. Seriously. C'mon, man ... poppa needs his fix!

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



You had me up to this point:

Don't drink. You will make bad decisions.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm doomed.

Now, back to the design grind... anyone know a good way to pick a handcuff with a mechanical pencil, a Hero Clix, and a poker chip?

[/ QUOTE ]
1) Snap the poker chip at the person holding the keys, much like you'd snap a bottle cap. Practice with pennies, then work your way up to quarters until you're sure you can nail your target in the forehead. Bonus points if you get a great buzzing noise when the chip zips away.

2) When the person comes over to give you a smackaround for hitting them, stab them in the eye with the pencil.

3) Unlock and scram, leaving the Hero Clix as a jaunty calling card.

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I LOL'd, esp re: leaving the Clix as a calling card.



Ok, but I can't talk about Issue 11 or beyond... but that's pretty much what you guys WANT me to talk about so we are at an impass.

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You don't have to talk. You could express yourself through the medium of interpretative dance.





They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Do you have any idea how heavy a brass, steam-powered pencil would be?

Actually, you could probably just smash the handcuffs open if you had one of those ...

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Now, back to the design grind... anyone know a good way to pick a handcuff with a mechanical pencil, a Hero Clix, and a poker chip?

[/ QUOTE ]
1) Snap the poker chip at the person holding the keys, much like you'd snap a bottle cap. Practice with pennies, then work your way up to quarters until you're sure you can nail your target in the forehead. Bonus points if you get a great buzzing noise when the chip zips away.

2) When the person comes over to give you a smackaround for hitting them, stab them in the eye with the pencil.

3) Unlock and scram, leaving the Hero Clix as a jaunty calling card.

[/ QUOTE ]

SokMunki wins the thread. Give him his reward, Posi, by mentioning something in the works. Anything. Seriously. C'mon, man ... poppa needs his fix!

[/ QUOTE ]

Agreed...SokMunki has won the internets.


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Posi, I read somewhere you were a fan of Pai Gow poker. Any tips?

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Don't play the "bonus". They payouts are horrid vs. the actual odds of pulling one of those hands.

Build up a good rapport with the other players. If everyone is friendly (and you have a full table) you can ask who has the bug. If no one fesses up, it's pretty good odds that the dealer has it. If that's the case be prepared for the flush or straight in the high hand (which usually means a very weak low hand). Get your low hand as good as possible even if it means sacrificing your high hand to do it (like splitting up two low pairs).

Don't drink. You will make bad decisions.

If you are stumped how to play a hand, ask the dealer how the house would play it. The house will ALWAYS play a hand the mathematically best way to play it, since they want to keep their edge. The dealers will always tell you how the house would play that hand, as well.

If you have the bankroll and want some more excitement, bank a hand. You can win big, or lose big. Just be sure to bet the minimum on the hand before you bank (the house will match your previous bet to play against you).

If the dealer starts crushing you over and over with monster hands... get up and walk away. Don't keep raising your bet because you are "due" to get a winning hand eventually.

Don't go thinking that your casino rewards card is getting a lot of points playing hours and hours of Pai Gow. PG poker is, I believe, the least effective time/rewards of all casino games because there are so many pushes and the game takes forever to deal a hand.

Now, back to the design grind... anyone know a good way to pick a handcuff with a mechanical pencil, a Hero Clix, and a poker chip?

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In fact I do but why would I want you unhandcuffed from your desk?

Golden Avatar - 50 Invul/Mace Tanker (Infinity)
Police Drone GA - 50 Fire/FF Controller (Infinity)



Now, back to the design grind... anyone know a good way to pick a handcuff with a mechanical pencil, a Hero Clix, and a poker chip?

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Go find the person who designs the bondage gear for our costumes. I'm almost certain that he or she knows their way around a pair of handcuffs.



Do you have any idea how heavy a brass, steam-powered pencil would be?

Actually, you could probably just smash the handcuffs open if you had one of those ...

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Not only would it be heavy, noisy and most likely belching smoke, but when you were away, it would assemble an army of "Fake Nemesis Steam-powered Pencils" and upon your return, they would whisk you away to some salt mine in the Shadow Shard.




Now, back to the design grind... anyone know a good way to pick a handcuff with a mechanical pencil, a Hero Clix, and a poker chip?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure. DC or Marvel?


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



Ok, but I can't talk about Issue 11 or beyond... but that's pretty much what you guys WANT me to talk about so we are at an impass.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, I can only speak for myself, but I would like a much larger presence of the devs in the AT forums. Inter- and intra-AT balance is an important discussion that you, Cryptic, have basically ignored since I1 or I2. Castle pops in periodically but IMO, he has not been enough.

Where we are now is nearly as important as where we are going. Give more peeps the power to talk about current issues. Give the mission team a chance to talk about current mission bugs and design problems (and successes). Give the invention team a chance to talk about current invention successes and failures. Art, powers, all the systems have current issues that players want to have dialog with the devs about, and YOU ARE NOT DOING IT.

If SOE can require its devs to be active on their boards can you not free up a few more devs as like minded as Castle to keep us informed about the current game? Just a little?



Great, you just had to go muddle up this lovely dev dialogue by trying to talk about issues with the GAME. Sheesh.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Ok, but I can't talk about Issue 11 or beyond... but that's pretty much what you guys WANT me to talk about so we are at an impass.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, I can only speak for myself, but I would like a much larger presence of the devs in the AT forums. Inter- and intra-AT balance is an important discussion that you, Cryptic, have basically ignored since I1 or I2. Castle pops in periodically but IMO, he has not been enough.

Where we are now is nearly as important as where we are going. Give more peeps the power to talk about current issues. Give the mission team a chance to talk about current mission bugs and design problems (and successes). Give the invention team a chance to talk about current invention successes and failures. Art, powers, all the systems have current issues that players want to have dialog with the devs about, and YOU ARE NOT DOING IT.

If SOE can require its devs to be active on their boards can you not free up a few more devs as like minded as Castle to keep us informed about the current game? Just a little?

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This post is too serious. I recommend more pie in your diet




There was an attempt at having AT reps in CoV beta, but it didn't last for various reasons.

Overall, player-side, only good came of that.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)




Now, back to the design grind... anyone know a good way to pick a handcuff with a mechanical pencil, a Hero Clix, and a poker chip?

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Which Clix is it?

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Statesman of course. Those things are a dime a dozen.