Dear Cryptic CEO (Re: Austin Meet n Greet)
Honestly, I just want to eat a bunch of Arby's when I get up there We don't have any down here in McAllen. We thrive off Tex-Mex and barbeque every day, so I'll pass >.<
I'll bring you guys a bunch of Taco Palenque if you want in exchange for directions to Arby's. It's great food, dunno if Austin has any up there yet though.
It's funny when people come to Texas and suggest having a barbeque and think it's going to happen the next day. You get some very odd looks. It's more like "uh, you mean a week from now, right? I mean, you just suggested it today, so we have to prep everything. You can't just 'have' one short notice."
I swear we will not try and convince him that if he wears the Arachnos cape after 5 rum and cokes, that he'll be able to fly if he stands up on the bar and jumps.
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I have personally challenged Poz to a round of DDR, so he has to show up.
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Pictures plz!
Aww, tell me the NC Soft CEO's name and I'll send him a letter requesting that they let the Cryptic guys come out ^_^ I reall wish they could all be out here with us.
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Back in my day, we had this thing called the Intarweb, where we could look up all kinds of useless and trivial info!
SexyJay gave us a real Texas Style Barbecue not too long ago. Good stuff...I could feel my arteries hardening!
As far as public appearances go, I swore off trade shows about a decade ago (or maybe, I was sworn off of them. Something about being forced to demo a product I thought was doomed and being honest about it when asked...not real sure.)
A "Meet & Greet" might be different, and there is at least a small chance I'd go to one locally. I hate travelling and dislike crowds -- not a great combination. Makes me a bit anti-social.
Besides, EvilGeko and Angry-Citizen would kidnap me, lock me in a room and do horrible things to me.
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LoL, I try to picture Jay cooking and I keep picturing him wearing a giant chef hat and dancing around to "Sexy Back" and using the spatula as a microphone.
And that whole trade show deal sounds...awkward I've only ever had to go to two trade shows and I thought they were pretty fun. It's a LOT of standing around. I wish I'd worn bed slippers or something by the end of the day.
It'd be awesome if Cryptic itself hosted a Meet n Greet there locally. I'd def try and find a way to get alllll the way back out there again. Rent a bus with a bunch of people from TX or something, heh.
And I can't comment on whether EvilGeko would or would not put that plan into motion. He's a bit off, that one. I mean look at him.
*everyone looks over at EG as he's there making a mousetrap car out of balsa wood and CDs*
I'd gladly throw my Ohioan barbeque up against Texan barbeque. Sorry, Texans, you don't have the market cornered on understanding flame and spice.
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O rly? Which of the major styles does Ohio favor? If it's some variant, it's certainly not publicized well enough to be seen on the regular BBQ TV shows. I understand that Ohio is the seat of the Five-Way Chili Heresy, though....
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I said MY barbeque. I'm from Ohio, hence it's MY Ohioan barbeque. I don't subscribe to schools of thought when it comes to barbeque, as that leads to stagnation. Take from here, borrow from that, adjust by using this method...
I grill. It's what I do.
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And that word is what makes all the difference. Grilling is not barbeque. It's good, sure. But it's not the same as meet slow-cooked at a lower temperature with wood instead of coal.
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I understand the difference, and the similarities of the two. Barbeque is about two things: heat and time.
"I see your words..." ~The most menacing thing a forumite could say
It's all about the sauce.
I said it.
Honestly, I just want to eat a bunch of Arby's when I get up there We don't have any down here in McAllen.
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The nearest Arby's to the Austin Dave & Busters is at 8648 Research Blvd at Ohlen Road. Arby's Jamocha shakes were the gateway drink that lead me to become the confirmed coffee drinker I am today.
It's all about the sauce.
I said it.
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The problem with troll meat is that you have to marinade it in battery acid for a couple of weeks before you can BBQ it properly. Really, it's better suited to the making of bouillon, wherein the troll meat is boiled until its meager virtue is completely leached away. No sauce, with the possible exception of Dave's Insanity Sauce, can hide the taste of troll BBQ.
Cooper BBQ in LLano is 64 miles outa Austin, but has some of the best BBQ I have ever eaten. Different specialties on different days, but all are excellent. Long drive, but beautiful scenery.
Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running
I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!
You are in a maze of twisty little passages
Cooper BBQ in LLano is 64 miles outa Austin, but has some of the best BBQ I have ever eaten. Different specialties on different days, but all are excellent. Long drive, but beautiful scenery.
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Oh yeah! I've eaten there on my way to San Angelo. It's worth the hour drive out!
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
Confirmed, CuppaJo will be there, as well as Cricket!
Note to OP, this is an NCsoft player Meet & Greet, so while it would be nice to have our Cryptic Developers out to Austin for this, we only unchain them from their desks at the end of each day.
We will try and pull something together for out here in the San Jose area where meeting the Cryptic Team will be more feasible.
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I'd be up for that.
"The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly."
(Jim Rohn)
If you guys/gals throw a good party I'll make the trip all the way from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Lil Miss Canada - 50 Mind/Rad Troller
SilverShade - 26 WS
Flame Retardant - 34 Fire/Mind Blaster
Robo-Commander - 50 Bots/Dark MM
Smells Like Chicken - 50 Elec/Fire Brute
Mental Phreak - 50 Mind/Psy Dom
Ultimate Betrayer - 39 Ice/Dark Corr
Confirmed, CuppaJo will be there, as well as Cricket!
Note to OP, this is an NCsoft player Meet & Greet, so while it would be nice to have our Cryptic Developers out to Austin for this, we only unchain them from their desks at the end of each day.
We will try and pull something together for out here in the San Jose area where meeting the Cryptic Team will be more feasible.
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I'd be up for that.
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Uh-oh! Someone accidentally unchained War Witch!
Confirmed, CuppaJo will be there, as well as Cricket!
Note to OP, this is an NCsoft player Meet & Greet, so while it would be nice to have our Cryptic Developers out to Austin for this, we only unchain them from their desks at the end of each day.
We will try and pull something together for out here in the San Jose area where meeting the Cryptic Team will be more feasible.
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I'd be up for that.
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I'm all over that. Tried to get a meet and greet for Justice players going but it all kind of fell through. Somehow I think that if it were an 'official' event with 'official' people, people might put forth a bit more effort to clear their calenders.
(myself included)
Formerly "Back Alley Brawler"
But try finding a food not found in California
[/ QUOTE ]Decent Mexican
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Having just got back from FREMONT , CA a week or two ago, I can attest to this statement. The Mexican food there was the blandest garbage I've ever tasted.
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Well there's your mistake Bill! People live in Fremont, they don't eat there! :P
Sorry I'm replying to a comment from so long ago but, I just saw the comment today & couldn't resist.
To be entirely honest, I don't know that you would have found Mexican food anywhere in California that would suit your taste. However, I do know that if there is any, I wouldn't start looking for it in Fremont.
Cooper BBQ in LLano is 64 miles outa Austin, but has some of the best BBQ I have ever eaten. Different specialties on different days, but all are excellent. Long drive, but beautiful scenery.
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Did you go that far just for the food?
I'd go as far as, umm, say, the Salt Lick (the old one, not the new fancy one on 360). Llano (to me anyway) seems bit of a ways off just for dinner...
But try finding a food not found in California
[/ QUOTE ]Decent Mexican
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Having just got back from FREMONT , CA a week or two ago, I can attest to this statement. The Mexican food there was the blandest garbage I've ever tasted.
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Well there's your mistake Bill! People live in Fremont, they don't eat there! :P
Sorry I'm replying to a comment from so long ago but, I just saw the comment today & couldn't resist.
To be entirely honest, I don't know that you would have found Mexican food anywhere in California that would suit your taste. However, I do know that if there is any, I wouldn't start looking for it in Fremont.
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Jalapenos in Santa Cruz. Best. Burrito. Evar.
I've driven hours out of my way to pitstop there when I'm around that area; a friend and I used to drive highway 17 like 2-3 times a week JUST to eat there, heading out of san jose.
Cooper BBQ in LLano is 64 miles outa Austin, but has some of the best BBQ I have ever eaten. Different specialties on different days, but all are excellent. Long drive, but beautiful scenery.
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Did you go that far just for the food?
I'd go as far as, umm, say, the Salt Lick (the old one, not the new fancy one on 360). Llano (to me anyway) seems bit of a ways off just for dinner...
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Bleh on Salt Lick. Rudy's ftw. When the BBQ place has a gas station, you know you're in for some good stuff I used to hate bbq, and Rudy's converted me. Their moist briscuit is awesome, as is the chopped beef... but the sauce (or sause, as I think they say?)... when I was still living there, relatives who had visited and tried it used to make me go buy it and ship it. It's that good.
Some of my personal favorites include Kerbey Lane
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If you have the M&G on a Friday at Kerbey, you might get your order by Saturday.
Bleh on Salt Lick. Rudy's ftw.
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My kid likes Rudy's. Sometimes it seems like we eat there > 4 times a week.
Salt Lick is not really for me taste-wise; it's almost... sweet? tasting. Just using it as an easy example of how far I'd drive for some chow.
Tip from a Kansas City native:
When you get ribs, be sure to eat the bread that they sit on. It builds strong arteries!
Some of my personal favorites include Kerbey Lane
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If you have the M&G on a Friday at Kerbey, you might get your order by Saturday.
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Haha, yeah, the food's good, but the service there isn't always the fastest. Then again, I get spoiled by how good the service is at Trudy's.
Been a while since I went out for barbecue, though. If there's a lunch meetup before the meet and greet, I wouldn't mind the excuse to do so.
Tech support IRL, CLR/DRU/MED/WHM/PRI/DEF. Hmm, I sense a pattern...
S 80% E 80% A 40% K 0%
A few of my alts
Friday then? Around noonish? I'll be at the Pok-E-Jo's on Great Hills Trail. I'll even wear a City of Shirt.
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
Cooper BBQ in LLano is 64 miles outa Austin, but has some of the best BBQ I have ever eaten. Different specialties on different days, but all are excellent. Long drive, but beautiful scenery.
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Did you go that far just for the food?
I'd go as far as, umm, say, the Salt Lick (the old one, not the new fancy one on 360). Llano (to me anyway) seems bit of a ways off just for dinner...
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I ate there on my way to San Angelo, but yes, It is worth doing it at least once. Makes an awesome road trip, the hill country is beautiful out that way. Too far to do often, but worth doing at least once.
Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running
I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!
You are in a maze of twisty little passages
Friday then? Around noonish? I'll be at the Pok-E-Jo's on Great Hills Trail. I'll even wear a City of Shirt.
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Crum! Teh Boyfriend and I fly in at 1:30pm.
I can wait until 1:30 but if I go much longer I'll be eating my desk... I'll try to be there then.
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
I'll be there! Anyone else can PM me for an address/directions to Pok-E-Jo's.
I also like The County Line for dinner. We have a lot of Tex-Mex places, but there are also some good interior Mexican places around.
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!