Questions on IO Common Recipes
Patience, young grasshoppa.
1) Check out the paragonwiki article about enhancements, and you should be able to find a good table there of the progression on Inventions.
2) The recipe used to create it, most likely
3) Theory is that you can only slot an invention if it's three or less levels above you. You could slot any inventions below your level.
However, all this could change depending on what's going on behind closed doors on the test server.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Actually Aett, common IO's dont have recipes. They are buildt into the workshop benchs. You MAY be able to make any level, or you may be only able to make any level you could actually slot, I dont know. HOwever, even if you can make a lvl 53 at lvl 20, you cant actually slot it.
1) IOs provide a bonus of 7.5% at level 10 through 40% at level 53. Is there a chart showing this progression by level? At what level would an IO out perform an SO?
2) What determines the level of an IO you invent? I was guessing player level, but if L53 IOs can exist that can't be it.
3) Since you don't out level your IOs (you can still get benefit from an IO 4+ levels beneath you) is there also no upward limit to IOs you can slot? If my L10 character had an L53 IO could they slot it?
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There are no level 53 Common Inventions. Commons only exist at 5 level increments starting at 10. Uncommons and Rares can go to 53 though.
It's based on the level of the enemy you defeated to get it.
You can still only slot Enhancements that are 3 levels higher than yourself, so your L10 character can't twink with an L53 IO.
Thanks for the hard info, Doc!
EDIT: First post after redname... w00000!
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

OMG! Doc Brainstorm wasn't killed by Blue Steel?!
Or maybe... Blue Steel rebuilt him with Inventions?
1) IOs provide a bonus of 7.5% at level 10 through 40% at level 53. Is there a chart showing this progression by level? At what level would an IO out perform an SO?
2) What determines the level of an IO you invent? I was guessing player level, but if L53 IOs can exist that can't be it.
3) Since you don't out level your IOs (you can still get benefit from an IO 4+ levels beneath you) is there also no upward limit to IOs you can slot? If my L10 character had an L53 IO could they slot it?
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There are no level 53 Common Inventions. Commons only exist at 5 level increments starting at 10. Uncommons and Rares can go to 53 though.
It's based on the level of the enemy you defeated to get it.
You can still only slot Enhancements that are 3 levels higher than yourself, so your L10 character can't twink with an L53 IO.
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Ok, now I'm confused. I thought with the lvl 30-50 IOs if you slotted them it would mean you wouldn't need to reslot those powers with new enhancements as you progressed because the IO would scale with you. Is this not the case?
1) IOs provide a bonus of 7.5% at level 10 through 40% at level 53. Is there a chart showing this progression by level? At what level would an IO out perform an SO?
2) What determines the level of an IO you invent? I was guessing player level, but if L53 IOs can exist that can't be it.
3) Since you don't out level your IOs (you can still get benefit from an IO 4+ levels beneath you) is there also no upward limit to IOs you can slot? If my L10 character had an L53 IO could they slot it?
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There are no level 53 Common Inventions. Commons only exist at 5 level increments starting at 10. Uncommons and Rares can go to 53 though.
It's based on the level of the enemy you defeated to get it.
You can still only slot Enhancements that are 3 levels higher than yourself, so your L10 character can't twink with an L53 IO.
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Ok, now I'm confused. I thought with the lvl 30-50 IOs if you slotted them it would mean you wouldn't need to reslot those powers with new enhancements as you progressed because the IO would scale with you. Is this not the case?
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You don't have to slot in new IO's but the higher lvl ones give a bigger bonus so you will more than likely want to slot them.
Ok, now I'm confused. I thought with the lvl 30-50 IOs if you slotted them it would mean you wouldn't need to reslot those powers with new enhancements as you progressed because the IO would scale with you. Is this not the case?
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That is the case. He said you couldn't slot ones higher than +3. He did not say you couldn't slot ones that were -3 and below. (Although that may ALSO be the case, but that would just mean that a L33 who slotted a L30 enh would keep USING it, but once they were L34 they could no longer PLACE it; it probably doesn't matter.)
1) IOs provide a bonus of 7.5% at level 10 through 40% at level 53. Is there a chart showing this progression by level? At what level would an IO out perform an SO?
2) What determines the level of an IO you invent? I was guessing player level, but if L53 IOs can exist that can't be it.
3) Since you don't out level your IOs (you can still get benefit from an IO 4+ levels beneath you) is there also no upward limit to IOs you can slot? If my L10 character had an L53 IO could they slot it?
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There are no level 53 Common Inventions. Commons only exist at 5 level increments starting at 10. Uncommons and Rares can go to 53 though.
It's based on the level of the enemy you defeated to get it.
You can still only slot Enhancements that are 3 levels higher than yourself, so your L10 character can't twink with an L53 IO.
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Ok, now I'm confused. I thought with the lvl 30-50 IOs if you slotted them it would mean you wouldn't need to reslot those powers with new enhancements as you progressed because the IO would scale with you. Is this not the case?
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You don't have to slot in new IO's but the higher lvl ones give a bigger bonus so you will more than likely want to slot them.
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Yeah, theres a chart on paragonwiki showing the %. So, a level 10 schedule B IO may give 5%, a level 40 would give 21.64%, and 50 would be a 23% boost. So, you COULD keep a level 10 IO all the way up, but it wouldnt be that good compared to what you could have. On the other hand, when you made level 14, it wouldnt suddenly drop off the end of the world and provide 0% enhancement.
Please correct me if Im wrong, but it seems to be correct in light of dev statements. Of course, Im sure the numbers can/will change during development, so a 23% could end up 33% or 15%.
OMG! Doc Brainstorm wasn't killed by Blue Steel?!
Or maybe... Blue Steel rebuilt him with Inventions?
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Nonsense! Blue Steel doesn't have to change his mind, because he's never wrong.
He just wanted us to think Brainstorm was dead...until now...for some reason.
To my understanding and knowledge, a lvl 50 could create, slot, and use any IO in the game, provided they had a legal spot to put it. So a lvl 50 could visit the university, create a lvl 10 IO and then use it if they wanted. This is of course all subject to change between now and I9's live date but I see little reason why it would.
It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.
Yeah, theres a chart on paragonwiki showing the %. So, a level 10 schedule B IO may give 5%, a level 40 would give 21.64%, and 50 would be a 23% boost. So, you COULD keep a level 10 IO all the way up, but it wouldnt be that good compared to what you could have. On the other hand, when you made level 14, it wouldnt suddenly drop off the end of the world and provide 0% enhancement.
Please correct me if Im wrong, but it seems to be correct in light of dev statements. Of course, Im sure the numbers can/will change during development, so a 23% could end up 33% or 15%.
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This chart was based upon Set-IO numbers (which have since changed) , but it does give the general idea.
Once I have hard data from test on the common IO's (ie after it goes public) I'll plot a chart for that.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
There are no level 53 Common Inventions. Commons only exist at 5 level increments starting at 10. Uncommons and Rares can go to 53 though.
It's based on the level of the enemy you defeated to get it.
You can still only slot Enhancements that are 3 levels higher than yourself, so your L10 character can't twink with an L53 IO.
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Ok, now I'm confused. I thought with the lvl 30-50 IOs if you slotted them it would mean you wouldn't need to reslot those powers with new enhancements as you progressed because the IO would scale with you. Is this not the case?
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You understand correctly. That's they way it works. Doc is saying that a level 10 can't slot a level 50 IO. But a level 50 can slot a level 10 IO (but the level 50 will only get getting a TO's worth of boost out of it. The same amount of boost that a level 10 character would get.
You understand correctly. That's they way it works. Doc is saying that a level 10 can't slot a level 50 IO. But a level 50 can slot a level 10 IO (but the level 50 will only get getting a TO's worth of boost out of it. The same amount of boost that a level 10 character would get.
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Really? So it really only makes sense to START looking for IOs AFTER you reach level 50 (so you dont have to go out and get the same IO's again) ?
Ok, now I'm confused. I thought with the lvl 30-50 IOs if you slotted them it would mean you wouldn't need to reslot those powers with new enhancements as you progressed because the IO would scale with you. Is this not the case?
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That is the case. He said you couldn't slot ones higher than +3. He did not say you couldn't slot ones that were -3 and below. (Although that may ALSO be the case, but that would just mean that a L33 who slotted a L30 enh would keep USING it, but once they were L34 they could no longer PLACE it; it probably doesn't matter.)
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here's hoping you can slot lower level inventions. Or else a respec could truly be horrifying to contemplate, especially if you picked up a 'very rare' recipe at a lower level...
Really? So it really only makes sense to START looking for IOs AFTER you reach level 50 (so you dont have to go out and get the same IO's again) ?
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If you think the game begins when you hit 50, then I suppose that approach makes sense. But if you think it's beneficial to have a decent boost to your powers before you're 50, then it probably makes sense to slot things as you get them.
For example: when you're 23, you get a recipe for a level 22 set IO that gives you +Recovery. The boost isn't as much as it would be if it were a level 50 recipe, but then you couldn't slot a level 50 recipe at 23 anyway. So do you invent it and slot it, or ignore it because it isn't good enough?
Incidentally, do you buy and slot DOs?
Thanks for the hard info, Doc!
EDIT: First post after redname... w00000!
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Really, why is this such a big deal? Does this afford you some sense of self-importance? Is it really something to "w00000!" or about?
Try following a red name and adding something useful to the conversation... and let someone else do the cheering for your words, not the time stamp on your message.
You understand correctly. That's they way it works. Doc is saying that a level 10 can't slot a level 50 IO. But a level 50 can slot a level 10 IO (but the level 50 will only get getting a TO's worth of boost out of it. The same amount of boost that a level 10 character would get.
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Really? So it really only makes sense to START looking for IOs AFTER you reach level 50 (so you dont have to go out and get the same IO's again) ?
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That would depend on the salvage drop rates, and how quickly and easily you can build wanted IOs. However I would say that it "pays" to slot any IO you can make once the bonus is greater than an SO. In other words, if it's not going to expire, and it's better than what you could buy, and it's easily made, then why the heck not?
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
Mind you I'm just guessing here. But if I were to guess I would say that the basic IOs that we will be able to complete by solving the university mission in Steel Canyon would be level 25. And I'm guessing that they would be level 25 even if you crafted them at level 40. And I'm guessing they would provide a 29.5% bonus once you slotted them and the bonus would remain 29.5 even at level 50. Like I said though I'm just guessing.
And no I'm not in closed testing. If I were I wouldn't be stupid enough to even guess at things like this. I'm just guessing that if for a limited time there had been a way to get to the university from underneath then somebody might have discovered exactly what the basic IO crafting did.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
To my understanding and knowledge, a lvl 50 could create, slot, and use any IO in the game, provided they had a legal spot to put it. So a lvl 50 could visit the university, create a lvl 10 IO and then use it if they wanted. This is of course all subject to change between now and I9's live date but I see little reason why it would.
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If you have 3 level 50 DMG SOs on your level 50 Hero or Villain, and You add 1 IO for DMG and something else ... You get a whole 1% difference.. for the DMG it got from like 95% to 96% ....
So I REALLY wouldnt suggest putting Lower than your level IOs in. Unless You have already got all the set pieces... so you can get those extra bonuses..
Mind you I'm just guessing here. But if I were to guess I would say that the basic IOs that we will be able to complete by solving the university mission in Steel Canyon would be level 25. And I'm guessing that they would be level 25 even if you crafted them at level 40. And I'm guessing they would provide a 29.5% bonus once you slotted them and the bonus would remain 29.5 even at level 50. Like I said though I'm just guessing.
And no I'm not in closed testing. If I were I wouldn't be stupid enough to even guess at things like this. I'm just guessing that if for a limited time there had been a way to get to the university from underneath then somebody might have discovered exactly what the basic IO crafting did.
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That's quite some specific guessing you got there
I personally don't see the point of crafting and slotting an IO until they start out-performing SO's. Before that the length of time they are gonna be superior to standard enhancements (TO's and DO's) is not long enough to justify the salvage. There is also the opportunity cost of the extra cash you could get for selling the recipe.
That's provided salvage and recipe drops at roughly the same rate as now so all guess work at this stage
Mind you I'm just guessing here. But if I were to guess I would say that the basic IOs that we will be able to complete by solving the university mission in Steel Canyon would be level 25. And I'm guessing that they would be level 25 even if you crafted them at level 40. And I'm guessing they would provide a 29.5% bonus once you slotted them and the bonus would remain 29.5 even at level 50. Like I said though I'm just guessing.
And no I'm not in closed testing. If I were I wouldn't be stupid enough to even guess at things like this. I'm just guessing that if for a limited time there had been a way to get to the university from underneath then somebody might have discovered exactly what the basic IO crafting did.
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That's quite some specific guessing you got there
I personally don't see the point of crafting and slotting an IO until they start out-performing SO's. Before that the length of time they are gonna be superior to standard enhancements (TO's and DO's) is not long enough to justify the salvage. There is also the opportunity cost of the extra cash you could get for selling the recipe.
That's provided salvage and recipe drops at roughly the same rate as now so all guess work at this stage
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For the common IOs creatable anytime at the Universities, you're probably right. Though if the final recipies in salvage and (especially) inf are cheap enough, it might be less of the case. Until this goes live, any costs are subject to change. For the set IOs though, I could see them being easily worth the effort depending on what they do and the set benefits you can get.
It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.
To my understanding and knowledge, a lvl 50 could create, slot, and use any IO in the game, provided they had a legal spot to put it. So a lvl 50 could visit the university, create a lvl 10 IO and then use it if they wanted. This is of course all subject to change between now and I9's live date but I see little reason why it would.
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If you have 3 level 50 DMG SOs on your level 50 Hero or Villain, and You add 1 IO for DMG and something else ... You get a whole 1% difference.. for the DMG it got from like 95% to 96% ....
So I REALLY wouldnt suggest putting Lower than your level IOs in. Unless You have already got all the set pieces... so you can get those extra bonuses..
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Or you could REPLACE one of your damage SOs instead. No idea why you would want to put lower level IOs in as a general rule.
The author of this post is speaking in generalities from his personal experience.
Your experience may vary.
The advantage of IOs isn't necessarily as prominent to a multi level 50 as it is to a character like mine. Sure at some point, IOs may replace SOs, but for level 50 or an alt of a 50, low levels IOs do basically sound like junk.
Low level IOs shine for newer players or poorer players as an alternative to other enhancements. I've played this game slowly but surely for about 18 months and just hit lv 38 last week. Over time, I've mainly stayed in SG mode (until about 2 months ago) with no real Inf aid to help me out. As a result I've overgrown my enhancements and have 80% of my slots empty or defunct and that % is growing. (Ok, so I could fix this up a bit, but I'm just saving for I9 at this point). Frankly for a character like me, all the way down to the brand new CoX player, an IO would be a blessing, giving a fixed bonus that NEVER goes away. And while it would be less than an SO .. at first ... eventually it would be VASTLY better than the 0% I'm getting on my powers now. And like I said, thats just the lower IOs, high level set IOs will rock for ALL CoX players. Don't know about ya'll, but I'm salivating over the previewed Numina set.
1) IOs provide a bonus of 7.5% at level 10 through 40% at level 53. Is there a chart showing this progression by level? At what level would an IO out perform an SO?
2) What determines the level of an IO you invent? I was guessing player level, but if L53 IOs can exist that can't be it.
3) Since you don't out level your IOs (you can still get benefit from an IO 4+ levels beneath you) is there also no upward limit to IOs you can slot? If my L10 character had an L53 IO could they slot it?