Something for the ladies: beefcake calendar tryout
You should also post it on the Virtue boards, there were -lots- there that wanted to do one :P
You might wanna post a link to Bradons web page where his work quotes are or discuss with him what he might be inclined to do before making a casting call
Great idea (I'm fond of Calendars this year), but yeah - I'd ask 'm first (if you haven't already).
Well I know that - I'm just arranging who might be on it, eventually. I have money, I have absolutely no problem giving it to him I've got stuff from him before, and I love it. Just want to be prepared.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
I present Striking Speedster!
He likes swift runs along the beach and can bench 800lbs thanks to his enhanced musculature Id like to pose for september if it's not too much trouble
...Will I need to wear a swimsuit???
Ladies, wait till you get a look at the Big Blue Cheese himself: Mr. Awesome. With his Can-Do Attitude he Can Do anything for you. Growing up as an adopted alien in the Arizona desert at an Ostrich Farm there is nothing this Macho man enjoys more then a nice dip in the lake to beat that desert heat. I think he would best fit a Summer Month where he can turn his cape (that is actually a modified Arizona State Flag) into a Beach Towel.
@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...
If villains will be able to feature, I'd like to offer up Umbra for... March, maybe. The month wouldn't really matter to me.
There are some screenshots here but they were taken on my old video card and some time ago; I will try to provide some newer ones when I can.
...looking at those really makes me appreciate my new video card. >_O
Hero Names: Blue-Havok and Red-Havok
In Costume
Out of Costume (Winter Gala)
Month: June or July

-=Crey Threat Profile=- : : THE CHALLENGERS on Virtueverse
Shoot for miracles - the VALVe email campaign
October is the month for revolutionary zeal, so Comrade Hero would be willing to show all Americanski imperialist capitalists just what sort of body can be built by working for the people!
Dealus would be interested in representing the obligatory angsty-kid.
He's a 17 year old katana/regen with a grudge against the Circle of Thorns (who doesn't have one of those these days?). He can't help looking like a demon-posessed lord-darkity-dark, so he's decided to embrace the stereotype with a mentally unbalanced mix of surly pessimism and morbid humor. The voices in his head are real, and they're not too fond of anyone.
Maybe october or november.
(the form you have submitted is no longer valid - sigh - I'm not writing that background again, I'll just post the shots.)
The gals calander got a green gal so....
Da Sloth in red lighting and in a more yellowish light. And yes, he is quite naked. (Strange I hear more comments about my scantily dressed heroines than my flat out naked hero.)
Back shot and action shot
Forum Name: Personamorpher
Brad Masterson III
Maze Infinium
Embalmer of Sins
Acoustic Delusions may be able to make the enemy see things, but you're not. Thats our man AD under the hot July sun on a beach in Talos. Look all you want though ladies cause he's already taken.
((god, i feel like an idiot typing that up))
I submit Obedient.
If you want want to make him a gift for the ladies in december, there is his winter outfit.
This character was started as a lark for the ladies in the Sg he is part of, and now is my highest level tanker at 22. The ladies sure liked him.
Edit : I my computer, at least, the direct links are playing funny - either scroll down or reload if you don't get the guy in the leather hood.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Hey, if this goes down, I totally volunteer Kiyoshin for it, any month.
Wittiness Goes Here.
I have a couple of villains who rarely wear any clothing in any case, so I'll put them forward:
Grey Scribe (any autumn/winter month)
Grey Scribe (Xmas edition for December)
Techdragon (spring/summer)
Well, the pic in my sig has Enforcer Gnome wearing clotes, but hes been known to wear just his hat, his beard and some boxer shorts
Feel free to use him.
Sure! Mr. Majesty is willing to volunteer. As you can tell from the picture, Brandon and Mr. Majesty are old friends! Anyway, I have no preference concerning the month. So feel free to fit him in wherever you want!
Sure! Mr. Majesty is willing to volunteer. As you can tell from the picture, Brandon and Mr. Majesty are old friends! Anyway, I have no preference concerning the month. So feel free to fit him in wherever you want!
[/ QUOTE ]
The entries are great! I'll try keeping track of them in future posts as to who and what month suggestions.
I'm just trying to imagine half these guys in 1 room together lol!
Definitely a locker room. Flexing, showing off... towel snapping.. . heh
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
*peeks into thread*
*squeals with delight*
As mentioned in the other thread, Dark Ether is available for calendar work, as well as parties.
Here's one shot from the character loading screen:
Dark Ether
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

The entries are great! I'll try keeping track of them in future posts as to who and what month suggestions.
I'm just trying to imagine half these guys in 1 room together lol!
Definitely a locker room. Flexing, showing off... towel snapping.. . heh
[/ QUOTE ]
That sounds great! I think my wife would love to see Mr. Majesty in the buff!! LOL!!
Since the ladies calendar had a splash of green in it with Dragonberry, the mens should too.
I submit the very green iron jawed Troll, Kilotonnage for March (St. Patricks day)
That's right - with the great popularity of Rowrsie's wonderful calendar (with GORGEOUS art by Brandon McKinney) it's been brought up several times in that thread that there should be a companion piece for the ladies! A beefcake photoshoot - with our heroes as the stars!
Now, I am only getting the information together here, maybe with enough good heroic studs collected we might convince Brandon to produce another masterpiece? (hey Brandon! Remember me? One of the few who insisted you were the best COH comic artist?? lol! *here's your inf*... hee)
How about putting info in here as follows, to keep it clean:
(please specify if it's hero or villain! might even get 2 batches out of this because... mmm.)
Oh and I realized, sure, a bedroom scene isn't exactly ... wise, for male heroes. But a locker room? How about a locker room setting? (Or volleyball, which would be very funny for villains, I have to say... poor little volleyball being assassin-striked over the net.)
Your forum name, your hero (with image link if you've got one)/your villain, and the month you'd like them to try out for. I'm sure certain months might fill up more quickly but I bet we can sort it out!
So: mine!
Zekiran Immortal(_santa for the time being); Hero: Crazy Dr Sanger / Villain: Atrocity Sanger; Month: August/September
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!