138 -
But if they attacked Galaxy instead would anybody care?
And it seems to be a feat of the gods to get anything other than knee-high boots. I mean, men can't even wear simple sneakers and shorts without having the stupid knee-high socks. Who wears socks that high?
I miss when the general discussion area was near the top of the page instead of all the way towards the bottom.
Sorry, I left WoW to play CoX exclusively, because WoW is a nightmare when it comes to grinding. You have to walk through fire to earn the ability to move 30% faster at level 30 (Nevermind epic mounts!),
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Whoa, I never did THAT quest! Wait, you played a Paladin didn't you?That explains everything...
I am probably mostly achiever...
'Cept my goals change on a daily, weekly, or even hourly basis.
I min/max, concept, create, collect, explore, achieve, team, solo, AE, even sometimes rp. The only thing I really don't do in this game is PvP. I don't like MMO pvp.
I generally call myself Casual Hardcore. I'd probably be totally awesome at something if I could manage to stick to one activity for more than a couple of days. -
How to nerf RP: station a GM in pocket D on virtue to hand out 24 hour bans to anyone acting in a manner innapropriate for a teen-rated game
And by the way - isn't your avatar NDTP?
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Neural Data Transfer Protocol? No, it's just a standard Geocities link...
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I thought it was Lum from Urusei Yatsura. -
Thank you for your review, Frozen_Northman.
The boss seems to be from a Custom Group called the Horsemen, and has a custom description reflective of one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. So that provides some foreshadowing of what I can expect to face in the future.
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Editing error, whoops. The arc was initially a lot more involved, with a custom Thorns subgroup and a bigger plot, but like you I ran up against the filesize limit. I rewrote and didn't catch all the retcons. I like to keep the custom bosses though, for character and to avoid level-locking. I'll remove the misleading text.
hough I'm not sure why his having a fauxhawk would be a sign that I'm too late to help him.
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Poor attempt at humor.
The professor has a magic compass that will point to a person if you feed him a bit of DNA, and the student's Mom keeps a full kit of forensic samples of her student as a safe kit? Sounds like Mom always worried that her son would turn to a life of crime, and wanted to be prepared to help the police finger her son as a suspect.
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This was an attempt to fill a plot hole. I figured the player would wonder "where the heck am I suppossed to get DNA from a missing person". Safe kits are actually an "in case of kidnapping" or worst-case-scenario type item and are real. It is a bit forced though, I'll have to rework it.
Another potential storytelling inconsistency - the mission contact says, in the briefing, that the compass is owned by his History teacher. He later says that said teacher is presently at the university, and that he thinks the teacher "teaches Latin or something." I recognize that professors can teach more than one class, but that just struck me as a little jarring.
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The contact is actually suppossed to be in High School. This is supossed to hint that the contact doesn't actually know what the history teacher DOES at the university. Then the player loads into the Midnighter Club map, and you're suppossed to figure out 'oh he's a Midnight Club member'. Thus, the Midnight squad is involved and... I'll have to think about this one.
I have the ambush in mission4 set to the same location as the boss, "back". The AE system just doesn't want to play nice with me.
The arc is called Threads because I honestly had no freaking clue what to call it and pulled something out of my posterior.
Well, time to put in an editing pass. -
Co3O4, Thanks for the review of "A Tooth For A Tooth." Since you rated it 4 stars, I'm curious as to what you would change or improve to make it better.
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Everything I run starts at a 3 star rating, and moves up and down based on various factors.
I'm curious as to just how important it is to players to have bosses spout dialogue in their fights.
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I expect at least an "Unaware" dialogue, primarily because the text popup gives the player a way to know "oh hey, there's the boss".
And yes, Custom mobs do tend to hit really hard and hurt really bad against lower-level characters. I'm still trying to figure out where the threshold is for making customs that are appropriate to certain level ranges.
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I wasn't really complaining about that, just giving commentary.
In the final mission, if there's another hero other than Infernal available that would make a better choice (and less annoying to fight), I'm open to suggestions. I don't have enough filesize left to make a custom hero, and I didn't exactly want to try using Valkyrie. (In part because of how annoying her fights have been at later levels.)
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The filesize limit is understandable. A custom hero would work better in my opinion, but you have to work with what you're given. I guess Faultline is overdone huh?
I think you're just limited too much by the filesize here. If I HAD to suggest something to cut, I would maybe say the custom group in mission2. They seem to be just something to fight, never show up again, and could be replaced with something like redcaps I suppose. Custom mob groups take up an insane amount of room, and this would allow you to add more text and details. -
Hello there. Mine's in my sig. Possible at any level, reccomended 20+ at least. Custom bosses, final is an EB, ally available. Explicitly heroic arc.
And the review!
Doing Tooth for a Tooth, with a level 25 corruptor, on heroic so the AVs downgrade. Liveblogging:
Interesting way to explain away the deleveling process.
Hrm no system text on the crates. Did I find something? Did I not find something? How do I knooooowww??
I had my Midnight Visage temp power still. It does still work! That made the mission a cakewalk.
Mission fairly uneventful.
A magic keg of mead? Are you serious? Well, ok then...but I better not be doing this guy's grocery shopping.
Not a lot of dialogue here... the boss doesn't even say anything.
Outdoor mission, time to totally ignore all the spawns and fly to the boss!
Custom mobs suck before 30. Ow.
Weyland down on round 2 thanks to the magic of purples.
Well the mead makes sense now. I guess.
Whoa, hello there [hero]. That seems a little random. I mean I understand the reasoning for having A hero there, but That Particular Hero? Hrm.
I would have had him on the first try, but I knocked him into adds. Haha. So on the rematch I waited for Hero to knock out the gardevord I'd accidentally aggrod. THEN he had the nerve to get stuck in the wall. I hate being Energy sometimes. Killed him though, after spending five minutes running around, insping through his fire blasts until he decided to unstick himself.
Second EB kill not so tough, until he managed to stun me and my purples ran out. Down on round two. No big.
Four stars, not bad. -
I remember when issue 1 released, and they added Icon and the boombox/dance emotes.
There were like a billion people outside Serge's shop partying and showing off.
Oh yeah, and (issue 2?) when my katana scrapper finally figured out how to use his weapon properly... -
Getting an SR to the 30s, where it starts to shine, is like an initiation. You get to earn your badassitude :P
Ran this with a 29 PB.
TLDR: 3 stars, would have been 4 but the plot got too weird for me... (I consider 3 stars 'average')
Live-reviewed! Commenting as I play!
Very ODD way of setting up an arc IMO, but we'll run with it for the sake of XP.
send-off: Typo, "craterd"
What a flowery description. Too bad there isn't a mission map in existance that can live up to it.
And it doesn't. The text describes a burnt and scarred building... buuuut you're in a pristine tech map. Actually, it's the portal tech map. ???
The aliens I am saving look like elves. I am just saying.
Spoiler: The thing you blow up that suppossedly turns all the good aliens into beings of energy or whatnot, was located at the front of the mission. Is this intentional? It just doesn't seem very logical, that you touch off the big boom but a) the aliens are still there and b) you still have to beat up the badguy. I would add some more ... explanation, reasoning. Something of that matter.
I am getting a theory of who the contact is. This mission was creepy. Effectively creepy. No real complaints. Except, am I suppossed to feel guilty? Cuz, I don't.
Still don't feel guilty. Oh well. We're not in the web cave again? Why not? The Soul Echos are a little hard for us to handle in groups (or ambushes...). No deaths though, because we are awesome. These aliens are so angry. That's what I get for trying to help somebody I met in a dream.
Railroading! Aaaaaah! Oh well. Oh no, outdoor mish. augh.
....Ok, Seriously. Rethink the mobs for the Aspects. Please. I just can't take you seriously when "Love" is a Hydra monster.
Well I was wrong about the contact. I thought it was Rularuu. Tough break for this guy.
I have to admit I am a little concerned at this point. And expecting an It Was Just a Dream ending. Or at least hoping for one. this is REALLY weird.
Summary. I ... don't know. This is very weird. And there is a lot of description that cannot possibly be matched up with what the player sees in front of them. Be careful with that. Not everybody is happy with "use your imagination"!
If you like that sort of thing.. sure. It just isn't my kind of thing is all. It started out OK, even interesting. But it jumped the shark in Mission 4. -
I already signed up... any publicity is good publicity. right? :P
How does making a team in just a few minutes from login prove it's "harder?"
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But that's DIFFERENT! Bill is a FORUM CARTEL member. And thus, everything happens in a snap because of his post count here!!
It couldn't POSSIBLY be because he looked for a team, quickly, not picky, around the right level range, decided what to do, ran and did it, and had fun.
Because only forum cartel people can do that.
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This is actually true. Whenever a Forum Cartel member logs on, all of the non-cartel people on the server recieve a tell:
[forumname] THE ALMIGHTY has logged on. Quiver, ye mortals!
And if we're unlucky enough to be in the same zone as them when they log on, we all recieve a 30 minute debuff called "In the Presence of Greatness". It's only cleared if we get a group invite from the Cartel member.
So you see, Forum Cartel members most definitely have an advantage when forming teams.
*sigh*, seven minutes left on my debuff... -
This is the Feedback Thread. Run and critique, even if you hated it please say why....
170506 "Threads"
This is a very heroic arc
Length: AE says long, but the maps are short. Should not take more than an hour and a half for the slowest characters.
Custom Bosses, possibly difficult for lower levels and/or toons without mez protection. One EB, ally available
The arc starts with the kind of emergency random mission some of us might like to see in the real game: a Civillian has a problem, sees you running by and asks for your help. In this case it's a teenager and his buddy has just been kidnapped. You go in for a rescue, then things get complicated.
Enjoy. Or not. Your call. -
Is there a global channel or an email list or something for this? I would like to bring my scrapper to some things.
Blue caves, no, but the Oranbegan tunnels/rooms, yes. And not just "more of those maps and plenty of them" I mean more an expansion brought on by, say, an alternate universe's version of them - we encounter at least one of those, by rescuing the group of mages who call our own tactics of beating up their captors 'barbaric'.My main's love interest is an Akarist from another universe similar to that one, actually. So... I'm all for more Oranbega.
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I for one would like to see what Oranbega looked like before it sunk underground. -
This is probably one of the greatest ideas ever.
Mine, if you would be so kind, is in my signature. 170506, "Threads" It is a heroic arc, so you may want to give it a go on the higher scrapper. But if you can suspend your villainous disbelief, then 34 brute would work. -
Put something in the Singular text input area. Make it the same for all three.
I would like to throw ArcID 170506, "Threads" to the lions here. Rip it apart for me.
Alignment Heroic
Soloable? Probably
Level Range any possible but SOs+ reccomended
Custom bosses, one EB -
If I may humbly sumbit my work for the shredder...
ArcID 170506
Title "Threads"
Alignment Heroic
Soloable? Probably
Level Range any possible but SOs+ reccomended
Starts with a rescue, Circle of Thorn plot, blah blah blah. One EB at the end, you have help with it. Custom bosses. -
Captain A, you do realize it's ok to have your own thoughts and opinions on things. You don't have to find a person to follow and think for you. Really, it is OK.
As for lack of closure...well it's really supposed to be one arc that's just been split into three parts. I really don't know what else to tell you here, but I just hope players will recognize that...
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Having run this arc I think I know what the problem is: the "closure" or "what happens" explanation appears in a clue after you defeat the boss. Lots of people miss those (and I noticed the last sentence in the clue is in dark purple, which is very hard to see against the game background). I would suggest repeating what happened in an end-of-mission popup, or in the contact's return text.