Remember when....




... Kings Row had.... well NOTHING in it? Only contacts. No stores, no helicopter, no market, no AE...

...there were no capes, because we didn't "have the tech working JUST right yet"?

...the Paragon Dance Party was hidden, and only certain people knew where to find it? Not surprisingly, it was almost always empty....

....there were no villains except the NPCs? could go into Peregrine Island and NOT see a ton of very short "texting" messages float across your screen from people that were doing the same thing over and over?

....learning "window hopping" to get to the only places where CoT would spawn... at night on King's Row rooftops?

....Hami-Os were the coolest, rarest, and most powerful things around, and you were awed every time you saw one?

...the only "stuff" that you got you either earned yourself, or you traded directly with another character for?

...Outbreak had a final police officer instead of Coyote, and there was no Flower Knight? large amounts of influence was a pain in the butt, but it wasn't too bad, because it didn't happen often?

...City of Blasters allowed us all to hover WAY out of the range of enemies and destroy them with no retaliation?

...Wolf herding and dumpster nuking?

...NPC bugs that made them keep running up and jumping off of that same Kings Row "basement door" over and over again?

What are your memories, of the "good old days" when things were simpler?



I remember all of those things, except no Coyote or Lotus flower in out break. I started in issue 5 right before Villains was released, and by then, Coyote was the guy at the end..

I never knew it had been any different.

Honestly, I remember a lot of stuff but I don't particularly miss it, I like where the game has come to.

Honestly though, I thought it would be interesting if the Devs could set up some additional "test " servers and run the old issues on them on a rotating basis. Like 1 week you may have issue 1, and then it switches to issue 2 etc. Might have to role new characters, or having things like IOs taken out if you transfer to the server, but it might be interesting to blast to the past.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



... */regen scrappers could go afk in full 8 man spawns with an AV and come back 10 minutes later still at full health.

... I thought Jack Emmert wasn't the anti-christ?

... it was actually possible to form up a Hamidon raid at midnight on a Tuesday on Freedom

... the devs stole my name and gave it to the HEAT's powersets

... once you reached level 30, influence had no meaning because the only thing to spend it on was SOs and you already earned more than enough money just from leveling to buy them again.

... FBZ actually got attention from the player base because it was new and visually stunning



When a /SR Scrapper could get by using only Focused Fighting and the passives?

When a tanker could herd an entire floor of an indoor map, and place the mobs in the perfect spot for the blaster to nuke?



....going into Prez Park and finding it full of people hunting and street sweeping

...going to Peregrine Island and finding mobs around every corner. and having to worry about the large number of snipers about.

...Hearing where are the lost in Kings Row all the time.

Triumph Heros

Tabby Cat :50 Claw/Regen
Isabella Ice :50 Ice/Ice/Ice
Ocicat :50 Claws/SR
Lady Torrent: 50 enrg/enrg
Mindfull:50 Ill/Kin
Mia Feldman: 50 DB/WP

Triumph Villains

Wonderland:50 Ice/Cold
Alice of Malice: 36 Enrg/Nin
Gangsta Gal:24 Thugs/Poison



i remember the orignal twilight grasp animation.

Your hands were like fists and bent arms went in the air, they shook and then you shot negative energy that bounced back and healed you.

Ugh took like 3-5 seconds for the heal hehe.

still awesome animation though.




...the Paragon Dance Party was hidden, and only certain people knew where to find it? Not surprisingly, it was almost always empty....

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember when there WAS no Paragon Dance Party. Also I remember when the entrance was right next to the train in South Steel Canyon, and it was more popular as a shortcut to Talos Island...

[ QUOTE ] could go into Peregrine Island and NOT see a ton of very short "texting" messages float across your screen from people that were doing the same thing over and over?

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember when there was no Peregrine Island. ^_^

....learning "window hopping" to get to the only places where CoT would spawn... at night on King's Row rooftops?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not to mention all the "where are the lost?" questions.

...Outbreak had a final police officer instead of Coyote, and there was no Flower Knight?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't remember when they put Coyote in, but I don't remember who was there before him. Then again, not sure why I would. ^_^

[ QUOTE ] large amounts of influence was a pain in the butt, but it wasn't too bad, because it didn't happen often?

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, it happened often enough, trust me

I remember when my first character had a costume glitch, and I couldn't do anything to fix it except delete the character and start over (which luckily I did not do).

I remember when you couldn't change your supergroup colors... ever. Ours were black and pink.

I remember when katana had the exact same animations as broadsword.

I remember when smoke grenade made you invincible, when regen made you invincible, when invincibility made you... well, REALLY and TRULY invincible...

I remember when there were no badges. I think. Right?

I remember when you needed a special key bind to make your chat balloon change colors. Everyone thought that was cool.

I remember when the Sewer Trial was the greatest thing in the world for people to run, and Sewer Trial farm spam dominated Founder's Falls.

I remember when high level ambushes in low level zones were quite common, and very scary.

I remember when "Kill Skuls", "I challenge you to a duel I won" and "Gone to the Americans" were brand new and actually funny. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I remember when your mission would grant the Plaguestopper badge only if Dr Vahz spawned inside of it.

Heck I remember when Badges were first added to the game.



*nod* I remember all this hehe <^_^>

I remember when there were no respecs; if you made a mistake, you were stuck! (Reroll noob!)

I remember when you couldn't change your costume/there was only one slot. I also still remember what the original options were. It still blows my mind looking at the costume list we have now, as opposed to pre-I1.

I remember when the first new costume pieces were added in I4 (other than capes of course) and they were "going to destroy the game cause they are too anime" (allow me to lol a moment at that one >.&gt

I remember when Katana was, animation-wise, identical to broadsword. It was so bad that I re-rolled as a Dark Melee scrapper <'x'>;

I remember when Storm Kick from Martial Arts involved kicking the opponent about 10-times before finally stopping; as opposed to the ultra-quick attack we have now.

I remember when Auras were added, and some of the hilariously weird choices people would come up with just because "ZOMG AURAS!" (I did it too, not blaming anyone!)

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



..... hitting the ground of any of the trenches in Terra Volta teleported you randomly in the zone (geometry glitch).

.....herding the entire room of Eden Trial... because you could!

.....the first Winter Lord PL debacle led to turbo L20 noobs.

.....there was no Hallows for people to whine about. It was KR and PP for 5-10 content.

.....Burn = I win. would have spend hours/days/months hoping to catch the Paladin Construction happening for the badge.

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



[ QUOTE ] would have spend hours/days/months hoping to catch the Paladin Construction happening for the badge.

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember that one... people have it SO easy now...



.....the first Winter Lord PL debacle led to turbo L20 noobs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Level 20? Heck I got to 28!

.....Burn = I win.

[/ QUOTE ]

And I did! A lot!

Remember when Faultline was an even more pointless zone than Boomtown? Many people went there exactly once because there was one mission that sent you there.

Remember when the only complaint about PvP was that there WAS no PvP?

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



.....the first Winter Lord PL debacle led to turbo L20 noobs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Level 20? Heck I got to 28!

.....Burn = I win.

[/ QUOTE ]

And I did! A lot!

Remember when Faultline was an even more pointless zone than Boomtown? Many people went there exactly once because there was one mission that sent you there.

Remember when the only complaint about PvP was that there WAS no PvP?

[/ QUOTE ]

This game has PVP?

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



.....the first Winter Lord PL debacle led to turbo L20 noobs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Level 20? Heck I got to 28!

.....Burn = I win.

[/ QUOTE ]

And I did! A lot!

Remember when Faultline was an even more pointless zone than Boomtown? Many people went there exactly once because there was one mission that sent you there.

Remember when the only complaint about PvP was that there WAS no PvP?

[/ QUOTE ]

This game has PVP?

[/ QUOTE ]inorite????




...the Paragon Dance Party was hidden, and only certain people knew where to find it? Not surprisingly, it was almost always empty....

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember when there WAS no Paragon Dance Party. Also I remember when the entrance was right next to the train in South Steel Canyon, and it was more popular as a shortcut to Talos Island...

[ QUOTE ] could go into Peregrine Island and NOT see a ton of very short "texting" messages float across your screen from people that were doing the same thing over and over?

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember when there was no Peregrine Island. ^_^

....learning "window hopping" to get to the only places where CoT would spawn... at night on King's Row rooftops?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not to mention all the "where are the lost?" questions.

...Outbreak had a final police officer instead of Coyote, and there was no Flower Knight?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't remember when they put Coyote in, but I don't remember who was there before him. Then again, not sure why I would. ^_^

[ QUOTE ] large amounts of influence was a pain in the butt, but it wasn't too bad, because it didn't happen often?

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, it happened often enough, trust me

I remember when my first character had a costume glitch, and I couldn't do anything to fix it except delete the character and start over (which luckily I did not do).

I remember when you couldn't change your supergroup colors... ever. Ours were black and pink.

I remember when katana had the exact same animations as broadsword.

I remember when smoke grenade made you invincible, when regen made you invincible, when invincibility made you... well, REALLY and TRULY invincible...

I remember when there were no badges. I think. Right?

I remember when you needed a special key bind to make your chat balloon change colors. Everyone thought that was cool.

I remember when the Sewer Trial was the greatest thing in the world for people to run, and Sewer Trial farm spam dominated Founder's Falls.

I remember when high level ambushes in low level zones were quite common, and very scary.

I remember when "Kill Skuls", "I challenge you to a duel I won" and "Gone to the Americans" were brand new and actually funny. ^_^

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember all



This game has PVP?

[/ QUOTE ]


I remember the purple patch, and so many people getting stomped because of it.

I remember the forum flames when they finally fixed smoke grenades stacking bug.

I remember going to the arena for the first time thinking :this might be great fun: (crickets).

I remember countless prisoner street sweeps, until they nerfed prisoner xp.

I remeber my irritation when they nerfed street sweeping out of existance with the 1/2 debt and mission xp bonus. And then solo street sweeping anyway.

I remember being grief ported into mobs. And rezzing at the hospital into grief ported bosses.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson



Coyote has alwas been there. Well, at least as long as I've been playing. <--- Though I seem to recall him being called Kyotee or something at one point, but can't swear to that part.

People still ask about the Lost in KR. Heard a Broadcast a couple of days ago.

I had a Fire/Stone Tanker, but I only got to play with non-fear-inducing Burn for 2 levels before it was smacked down hard. I can see why it was.

I had an AR/Devices "back then", rolled for concept purposes I promise. Smoke Grenade was corrected when she was a level away from it, so I couldn't tell you anything about it then. The other issues that combo had however, eventually killed my interest anyway. (She was later rerolled as Archery/Energy.)



i remember perez park hopping, it was quite the scene back then.

i also remember when there was no exemplaring, only sidekicking..that was a pain in the butt.

i remember when you had to be the right level to play a tf or you just didnt play that tf.

I remember the first time i got a so, it was off doc vahz. it was a big deal back then.



Coyote has alwas been there. Well, at least as long as I've been playing. <--- Though I seem to recall him being called Kyotee or something at one point, but can't swear to that part.

[/ QUOTE ]

He replaced Detective Wright.



I remeber my irritation when they nerfed street sweeping out of existance with the 1/2 debt and mission xp bonus. And then solo street sweeping anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

Buffing one aspect does not equal a nerf to another aspect.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I remember when you had to memorize where the specific Origin stores were in each zone because they wouldn't show on the mini map.

The only zone with the 2 different tram lines was Steel Canyon.



That's subjective.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson



Wow. Not one thing here that doesn't predate me.

I guess we DO have it easy nowadays.

Except the "Where are the Lost?" in KR continues, because we'll always have newbies.



Coyote has alwas been there. Well, at least as long as I've been playing. <--- Though I seem to recall him being called Kyotee or something at one point, but can't swear to that part.

[/ QUOTE ]

He replaced Detective Wright.

[/ QUOTE ]

And around Issue 1, as I recall.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.