#171031: The Fracturing of Time




Here is the promo poster for my arc!

The Fracturing of Time is a sci-fi story with custom factions, no defeat all, no EBs and no AVs. It has some surreal elements with an old school science fiction, twilight zone feel. This mission is designed to be solo friendly but since it has custom enemies certain ATs below level 20 may have difficulty. If you have too much trouble soloing it let me know where and why!

I'd appreciate any and all feedback, comments or questions; especially about the story, dialog, clues, and text. Please avoid spoilers!

I've had one person for whom an objective on Mission 3 (the last fracture) could not be found. Though I believe I've adjusted for it, I would appreciate it if this happens to you, let me know.

Thanks for reading and playing!

Arc Name: The Fracturing of Time
Arc ID: 171031
Faction: 3 Custom Factions
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Tahlana
Difficulty Level: 1-54 Medium (solo friendly 20+)
Synopsis: A mysterious entity has sought you out to help save a doomed world. When all goes awry, it is your task to repair the Fractures forming in Time but to do that you must first confront yourself.
Estimated Time to Play: 45-90 minutes (5 missions, medium maps)



Ran this with a 29 PB.
TLDR: 3 stars, would have been 4 but the plot got too weird for me... (I consider 3 stars 'average')

Live-reviewed! Commenting as I play!

Very ODD way of setting up an arc IMO, but we'll run with it for the sake of XP.
send-off: Typo, "craterd"
What a flowery description. Too bad there isn't a mission map in existance that can live up to it.
And it doesn't. The text describes a burnt and scarred building... buuuut you're in a pristine tech map. Actually, it's the portal tech map. ???

The aliens I am saving look like elves. I am just saying.

Spoiler: The thing you blow up that suppossedly turns all the good aliens into beings of energy or whatnot, was located at the front of the mission. Is this intentional? It just doesn't seem very logical, that you touch off the big boom but a) the aliens are still there and b) you still have to beat up the badguy. I would add some more ... explanation, reasoning. Something of that matter.

I am getting a theory of who the contact is. This mission was creepy. Effectively creepy. No real complaints. Except, am I suppossed to feel guilty? Cuz, I don't.

Still don't feel guilty. Oh well. We're not in the web cave again? Why not? The Soul Echos are a little hard for us to handle in groups (or ambushes...). No deaths though, because we are awesome. These aliens are so angry. That's what I get for trying to help somebody I met in a dream.

Railroading! Aaaaaah! Oh well. Oh no, outdoor mish. augh.
....Ok, Seriously. Rethink the mobs for the Aspects. Please. I just can't take you seriously when "Love" is a Hydra monster.

Well I was wrong about the contact. I thought it was Rularuu. Tough break for this guy.
I have to admit I am a little concerned at this point. And expecting an It Was Just a Dream ending. Or at least hoping for one. this is REALLY weird.

Summary. I ... don't know. This is very weird. And there is a lot of description that cannot possibly be matched up with what the player sees in front of them. Be careful with that. Not everybody is happy with "use your imagination"!

If you like that sort of thing.. sure. It just isn't my kind of thing is all. It started out OK, even interesting. But it jumped the shark in Mission 4.



I appreciate your comments and I will take them into consideration as I continually refine my arc. I have added some further detail to the description of the arc so as to more explicitly define the nature of the story. Thanks for the review and feedback!



First, thank you to everyone who's played and especially thanks to those who sent in typos, bugs, criticism and questions. You've helped me understand exactly how people perceive the story and that's helped me make it even stronger. Thank You!

I've done a bit of work on Fractures this week:
<ul type="square">[*]I reduced the glowies from 5 to 4 in mission 3 to avoid any bugged spawn points.[*]I've fixed some typos (it finally occurred to me how I could use Word to spellcheck without all the meta tags in the way ).[*]I changed the models in mission 4 to tie in with the story better.[*]Added some clarification to mission 1 in regards to the device and the defenders.[*]Ensured text matched map visuals better.[*]I also added a bit of text to mission 3 to clarify what was only implied before and make the emotional reaction clearer and stronger.[/list]I'd love to get some more feedback, comments and criticism on this! Thanks for playing!